Synthesis Wizard

Chapter 73 Missions and Contribution Values

After leaving the puppet factory, Amy took the three of them to visit the Magic Plant Garden, and finally went straight to the warehouse.

The last stop of the base tour was the warehouse.

As soon as they walked near the warehouse, Sherman heard a melodious music from a distance.

"It's a violin." Atil closed his eyes and listened for a while, and said with certainty.

"Yeah." Cole nodded, "The performer's skills are excellent, better than the violin teacher who taught me before."

Sherman scratched his head. He couldn't tell the difference, but he just thought it was nice.

"It's little Glee playing meow, she likes playing the violin the most."

Amy said, leading the way to run towards the warehouse.

Sherman and the other two suppressed their doubts and hurriedly followed.

When they arrived at the warehouse, they found a small chair in front of the warehouse door, and a little person was sitting on it, playing the violin with a focused look.

The little person was only about 20 cm tall, with a slender and pretty appearance, looking like a girl who had shrunk countless times.

She has light green skin with a little scale, dark green hair with shells and pearls, and a shawl made of seaweeds. She looks strangely beautiful.

Atil's eyes lit up: "So cute!"

Sheman hesitated and said: "Is this... an elf?"

"Sheman is right, little Gilli is a Gilli, a helper that Sunan summoned from another world a few days ago." Amy said.

Summoned from another world? Gilli?

Sheman and the other two felt that it was impressive.

"Don't look at how young little Gilli is, but she has lived for many years. Gilli is a very rare immortal race."

The three apprentices suddenly widened their eyes in surprise.

Immortal race!

Isn't that immortality?

Is there such a race in the world?

At this time, the melodious violin sound slowly stopped, followed by a tender and pleasant voice.

"Amy, it's not a good habit to talk about a lady's age behind her back."

"Why meow, I'm telling the truth." Amy turned back and asked in confusion.

Grey, who came over, glanced at it helplessly, sighed and ignored the idiot, turned to look at Sheman and the other two, and smiled:

"Nice to meet you, my name is Grey, I'm the new warehouse manager."

Sheman and the other two came back to their senses from their astonishment and introduced themselves quickly.

"I know you, Lord Sunan told me."

Grey smiled slightly, motioned the three to follow her, and walked to a notice board.

"Take a look at this."

Sheman and the other two looked closely and found that the notice board was written with tasks.

Take care of magic plants, clean the laboratory, refine silver moon flowers, maintain clay golems, repair humanoid targets, make secondary active potions, make secondary dragon blood potions, make brute force potions, and refine black rock leopards

There are about 20 to 30 tasks in total.

Each task is marked with the location, time, acceptance conditions and contribution value after completion.

Among them, the lowest contribution value is obtained by taking care of magic plants, cleaning laboratories and maintaining clay golems, which is only in the single digit.

The second is to refine silver moon flowers and repair humanoid targets, with contribution values ​​of more than ten points.

However, the former requires certain knowledge of potion making.

The latter requires the mastery of zero-ring spell [Repair].

Neither of them can be accepted now.

As for the series of tasks of making potions and refining black rock leopards, let alone.

Looking at the tasks above, Atil thought about it and turned his head to ask: "Lord Gilli, can the contribution points obtained by completing the tasks be used to exchange for something?"

"Just call me Gilli."

Gilli nodded to confirm Atil's guess.

"You're right. Contribution points can be exchanged for resources from me."

"There is a rule among wizards, that is equal exchange."

"If you want to get something, you have to pay something of equal value, including knowledge."

"The previous meditation method, knowledge and potion are gifts given to you by Mr. Sunan as a teacher for free."

"But from today on, you must obtain resources through labor."

Glee led the three to another notice board, which listed various resources.

From basic materials such as clay, silver, black iron, silver moon flower and various books to super potions, sub-magic items, rune gems, which Sherman and the other two were jealous of - they had long known from Amy how precious these items were - everything was available.

Even the Iron Golem can be exchanged!

They were very excited.

However, after seeing the contribution points required to exchange the Iron Golem, the three people's hearts twitched and immediately shook off the unrealistic idea.

"You are very lucky, meow."

Amy said on the side.

"The current Starlight Continent is poor in resources. Many things here cannot be found outside. Only Sunan can get them."

"As long as you work hard enough, you will not have to worry about not having resources to quickly improve your strength."

Sheman, Corey and Atil were moved by Amy's words.

Over the past six months, through book learning and chatting with Amy, they have long understood the importance of resources to a wizard apprentice.

Without sufficient resources, wizard apprentices find it difficult to meditate and increase their spiritual power, let alone pursue the truth.

And now, their teacher has provided them with a platform.

A platform where you can get resources as long as you work hard.

As long as they work hard to get contribution points, they can continue to become stronger, until one day, they become as strong as their teacher!

"I will stay in the warehouse. If you want to accept tasks, check contribution points and exchange things, you can come to me at any time." Gree said.

After saying this, she raised the violin again.

Seeing this, Sherman and the other two said goodbye and left.

On the way to the residential area, Amy was still chattering: "Don't look at little Gree's small size. In fact, her archery is very powerful. She can also perform various charm spells, detection spells and invisibility spells. Even I am not her opponent."

Sherman and the other two responded in a casual manner, but their minds turned to other things. .

For the young apprentices, everything they saw just now seemed so novel.

Before today, they had read a lot of books and thought they had a certain understanding of the wizard world.

But after seeing the facilities in the base with their own eyes, they really felt like they had lifted the curtain and saw a corner of the wizard world.

The self-righteousness before this was just a frog in the well.

Sherman, in particular, was deeply touched.

Thinking of his previous dream of living in a castle, he couldn't help but want to laugh at himself. He was too shallow and ridiculous before. The world is much wider than he thought.

Compared with the vast and mysterious wizard world, the noble castle is like a grain of sand.

"I must become a wizard and see more scenery!"

At this moment, the young apprentice secretly made up his mind.

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