Synthesis Wizard

Chapter 74 Synthetic Low-light Level

The magic stone lamp emits a warm light, illuminating the entire workshop as if it were daytime.

After successfully synthesizing the magic stone, Sunan immediately replaced all the lighting fixtures in the base with magic stone lamps.

Compared with torches and oil lamps, the light of the magic stone lamp is more stable and brighter.

The energy consumption is not high, and one magic stone can support the use of the magic stone lamp for more than half a year.

Similarly, the alcohol lamp used to make potions has also been replaced with a more precise burning lamp that uses magic stone as energy.

Thanks to this, Sunan's success rate in making potions has increased by several percentage points.

Under the bright light, Sunan looked at the ring in his palm with a focused look, with a happy smile on his face.

After the materials commissioned by the Firefox Chamber of Commerce were delivered, he immediately started to make magic items.

The first one was naturally a space magic item.

According to the plan set before, Sunan made seven alchemical-level space rings in one go, and then put them all into the magic cube, successfully synthesizing a faint-light-level space ring.

[Space ring (twilight level/low magic item), contains 5 cubic meters of storage space, objects placed in it are not affected by the passage of time, and living objects cannot be placed in it. ]

The alchemical-level space ring is only 0.5 cubic meters in size, and it does not have the preservation effect of pausing the passage of time.

However, after synthesizing the twilight-level space ring, the space has increased to ten times the original, and it also has the preservation effect of pausing the passage of time, which is much stronger than the alchemical-level space ring.

"In the future, I don't have to take things out of the magic cube all the time."

Su Nan put the space ring on his hand and nodded with satisfaction.

"The next step is to make offensive and defensive twilight-level magic items."

Protective magic items are easy to choose. The "Low-level Magic Items Encyclopedia" has the method of making protective rings. Su Nan makes some according to it, and then synthesizes them.

As for offensive magic items, Su Nan thought about it again and again, and finally chose an alchemical-level magic item called Ice Explosion Necklace.

Its effect is to explode an extremely cold shock wave with the user as the center, causing cold damage to the area within a radius of ten meters, and adding a frost delay effect.

It can be said that it can both damage and control the field!

Kill two birds with one stone!

However, unlike the space ring, which is enough, the more powerful the offensive and defensive magic items are, the better.

So Sunan plans to make more and synthesize more powerful glimmer-level magic items as much as possible.

As long as it is stuck at the critical point of breaking through to become a magic weapon, it will be fine.

After all, magic weapons require the mental power of a formal wizard to control and use.

"In this way, the number of synthesized items required must be quite a lot."

Sunan took a deep breath and continued to concentrate on making magic items.

Starlight calendar 1251.

Just a few days after the New Year celebration, the first batch of dragon blood fruit matured.

Sunan immediately found a group of guards and asked them to take dragon blood fruit to test the specific effect.

The result made him quite satisfied.

The physical strengthening effect of dragon blood fruit is about one-third of the inferior secondary dragon blood potion.

This range is already very good.

After all, the monthly production of secondary dragon blood potion in Flash City is less than 20 bottles, and thousands of dragon blood fruits can be harvested in three months, which is equivalent to more than 100 bottles of secondary dragon blood potion per month.

The production has increased by more than five times!

This production is enough to supply the current army of Flash City.

Even if Flash City expands its army in the future, it doesn’t matter. Anyway, the production of dragon blood fruit can continue to grow, as long as the planting scale is increased.

However, the premise is that there are enough apprentices to take care of and cultivate.

This will take time to solve.

[Level 1 Summoning Monster Technique] Although it can increase the number of helpers, the uncertainty is too high.

Sunan tried seven or eight hundred times and finally summoned a suitable one like Ge Li.

It will also take a long time to find enough helpers by this method.

"The key is to attract the other party to stay."

Ge Li is an immortal race. Her long life gives her enough time and interest to experience everything that makes her feel new.

Therefore, after being summoned by Sunan, she immediately showed great interest when she heard that she was to be the warehouse manager of the base, and agreed without much hesitation.

The required remuneration was not high, three magic stones per month.

According to Glee, it was quite interesting to witness the growth of a group of young wizard apprentices.

Sunan guessed that the ‘young wizard apprentices’ included not only Sherman and the other two, but probably even him.

In addition to dragon blood fruit, the planting of silver moon flowers was also very gratifying.

Because it was planted early, silver moon flowers had already been harvested twice.

The essence extracted from the improved silver moon flowers has greatly improved the effect compared with the past, greatly reducing the cost of synthesizing super-powered potions.

It is precisely because of this that Sunan has extra secondary active potions to provide to the three students.

After the three little guys took over the tasks of taking care of the magic plants and extracting the essence of silver moon flowers, he was relieved for a while and had more energy to focus on other tasks.

It is worth mentioning that not long ago, the three little guys successfully built the first star ring.

The fastest one was Sherman, who took just over seven months.

This was largely due to the secondary active potion.

You should know that when Sunan first started practicing the Star Ring Meditation, he only used the essence of the Silver Moon Flower, which was much worse than the secondary active potion.

In comparison, the three little guys are undoubtedly luckier. They had potions to assist meditation when they first started practicing.

However, in that case, it only took Sunan six months to build the first star ring.

From this point of view, the three little guys are not as qualified as him.

The second one to build a star ring was Cole, who took nearly eight months, seven or eight days slower than Sherman.

The last one was Atil, who took about nine months.

After successfully building the first star ring, the three little guys have now begun to learn zero-ring spells.

However, Sunan estimates that it may take them more than half a year to master the first spell.

This is still with the benefit of the secondary active potion.

After all, they don’t have a cheat code like a panel to quickly master spells.

Thinking of the panel, Sunan opened it and took a look.

The Star Ring Meditation Method has now been upgraded to level 9, and eight star rings have been built, with only the last one missing.

As he guessed, the proficiency required to upgrade the 9th-level Star Ring Meditation Method soared to 200,000.

According to his estimation, it will take at least six months to break through and upgrade.

The current mental power is 23.88.

After the ninth star ring is built, it will increase to about 25.

"The later it is, the harder it is to increase mental power."

"If you want to advance to the third-level wizard apprentice as soon as possible, you still have to rely on the evil hallucination potion."

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