Synthesis Wizard

Chapter 77 Rebellion

After more than a year of construction and improvement, the base is now basically on the right track.

Sunan doesn't have to deal with most of the chores, as the clay golem and three apprentices are responsible for it.

In addition to occasionally caring about the status of the magic plant garden, he puts more energy into meditation, making magic weapons and making potions.

His mental strength and skill proficiency are steadily increasing.

It was thought that this situation would continue until he was promoted to a third-level wizard apprentice, but what happened next broke Sunan's stable life.

In the 1251st year of the Starlight Calendar, the month of Liuhuo.

The principality reinforcements stationed in Ranshuang Province were besieged by the infected who suddenly appeared in multiple directions during the process of destroying Yinling City. They suffered heavy losses and only one in ten survived.

The disaster in Ranshuang Province was completely eroded, and the infected army immediately spread to neighboring provinces.

The borders of Hongye Province, Baita Province and Hulan Province were successively attacked by the infected army and were in danger.

The three marquises quickly mobilized heavy troops to station at the border to resist the invasion of the infected.

For a time, the southwest of the entire principality was filled with the smoke of war.

Council room.

After reading the war report in his hand, Sunan frowned slightly.

"The disaster spread too quickly, and the army's several attempts to suppress it failed too unusually."

"You really think so too." Key handed over a letter, "This is a letter from President Mu Zhuo, take a look."

Sunan took the envelope, opened it, and narrowed his eyes slightly.

The content of the letter was very concise. The gist was that Mu Zhuo sent his guard, the beastman Ota, to Ranshuang Province to investigate the outbreak of beast disease.

As a result, when he arrived there, Ota found that the place where his fellow tribesmen lived had long been deserted, and all the tribesmen had disappeared.

He followed the traces to investigate, but accidentally discovered that a group of mysterious people were controlling the beast disease infected people behind the scenes.

Just as he wanted to continue to approach the investigation, he was discovered by the other party. After a fierce battle, he successfully escaped at the cost of serious injuries.

After that, Ota didn't dare to stay in Ranshuang Province any longer, and fled back to Jinghua Principality overnight.

After learning about the incident from Ota, Mu Zhuo immediately realized how deep the water behind this matter was, and decisively terminated the investigation.

Out of a show of goodwill to the Flash Territory, he then wrote this letter and informed Keyi and Sunan of the information.

"In other words, this outbreak of beast disease was indeed pushed by someone behind the scenes."

Sunan put down the envelope, revealing a thoughtful look.

"But what is the purpose of the mastermind behind this?"

"Could it be other countries who did it?" Keyi said.

The Starlight Continent is not peaceful, and wars break out every year between countries because of territorial resources.

For example, the Cangjin Empire, which borders the Fanxing Principality, has always been eyeing the Fanxing Principality.

If it weren't for the fact that the Cangjin Empire had just ended the war and needed to recuperate, it might have launched a large-scale attack on the Fanxing Principality.

Sunan thought for a moment and shook his head, saying, "It's unlikely."

"To be able to lead a disaster that affects several provinces, the mastermind behind the scenes must have deep-rooted power in the principality. Other countries don't have this power."

Key thought the same.

If other countries have this power, there are better ways to conquer the Principality of Stars. There is no need to use such a method with huge sequelae.

Even if they succeed in taking over the Principality of Stars, they will end up with a mess.

"But if it's not the case, who is behind it?" Key asked in confusion.

Sunan said calmly, "No matter who it is, the mastermind behind the scenes must have a huge plan and will make a lot of noise. Now that the disaster has spread to this extent, the other party should jump out."

As if to confirm Sunan's words, Key's secretary suddenly walked into the meeting room in a hurry.

"Lord, there is new information from Jinyan City."

Hearing that it was about Jinyan City, Key's expression suddenly became more serious. He quickly took the parchment from the secretary and opened it to read it carefully.

After reading the above content, Keyi's face had become extremely solemn.

He looked up at Sunan and said in a solemn tone: "Marquis Jinyan has rebelled!"

Sunan was slightly startled.

"Just this morning, Marquis Jinyan announced that Jinyan Province had separated from the Principality of Stars!"

"Earl Storm, Earl Winter Frost, Viscount Black Ze and Viscount Feathered Serpent have responded one after another. Now they have raised the banner of rebellion and formed a coalition!"

Sunan's expression moved, and he understood: "So that's it. It seems that the mastermind behind this beast disease incident is most likely Marquis Jinyan."

Keyi had figured it out at this time.

Marquis Jinyan started a rebellion and used the power of one province to fight against the other six provinces of the Principality. It seemed very unwise.

But the time he chose was just right.

At present, Ranshuang Province is almost rotten, and the army has been crippled, so there is no need to worry.

The Red Leaf Province, White Tower Province, and Lake Orchid Province are facing an invasion by the infected army, and they are too busy to deal with Marquis Jinyan.

The remaining Soman Province and Zizhu Province are safe for the time being.

However, the comprehensive strength of these two provinces is ranked last in the entire principality, and they are not as strong as the Jinyan Province.

Even if they don't deal with Marquis Jinyan, Marquis Jinyan will probably attack them.

In other words, his initial target is most likely these two provinces.

While the disaster is spreading, swallow Soman Province and Zizhu Province to strengthen its strength, and then plot against other provinces.

Of course, it is possible that Marquis Jinyan just happened to encounter the disaster and was not the mastermind behind it.

Just thinking about the fact that Marquis Jinyan had been planning to control the power of the entire Jinyan Province many years ago, it is unlikely that he had no idea of ​​the current situation.

"We should prepare early." Keyi said in a deep voice.

Sunan also nodded solemnly.

Before Marquis Jinyan launched a war, the first thing he had to do was to purge the troublemakers in the province.

After years of secret development, there are now very few noble lords in Jinyan Province who do not obey Marquis Jinyan.

Coincidentally, Flash Territory is one of them, and it is the one that jumps the most.

It can be predicted that Marquis Jinyan will definitely be the first to send troops to attack Flash Territory.

Considering the worst development, Flash Territory is likely to face the noble coalition of most of Jinyan Province.

The situation is serious!

However, neither Keyi nor Sunan looked panicked.

The two knew long ago that the Shining Territory would have to confront Marquis Jinyan sooner or later.

The reason why they tried so hard to accumulate strength was to prepare for this moment.

Therefore, when it really happened, the two felt a strange sense of relief.

"Winter is still more than three months away. Marquis Jinyan must want to end the war before the snow blocks the road. I guess he will send a large army to attack us soon."

"We must prepare for war immediately."

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