Synthesis Wizard

Chapter 78 Outstanding Treatment

Astral calendar year 1251, the month of Flowing Fire.

The Marquis of Jinyan started a rebellion and issued a declaration of independence.

Immediately afterwards, 12 powerful lords including Count Storm, Count Winterfrost, Viscount Blackze, and Viscount Feathered Serpent responded and formed the Jinyan Coalition.

The next day, the Jinyan Coalition sent troops to attack the noble lords in Jinyan Province who opposed the declaration of independence.

Including three barons and one viscount.

The war was about to break out.

Shining City, the meeting hall.

Keyi, Sunan, the three lords and a group of knights gathered in the hall to discuss how to fight against the Jinyan Coalition.

"According to intelligence, Marquis Jinyan has led his army to Mengguang City, which is located near the intersection of the borders of Soman Province, Zizhu Province and Jinyan Province. I guess Marquis Jinyan wants to take charge in person to prevent a surprise attack from Soman Province and Zizhu Province."

A long table was arranged in the center of the hall, and a military map of the Principality of Stars was spread out on the table.

Brad was explaining the action intentions of the Jinyan coalition to everyone present.

Every time he said a sentence, he would point out the corresponding location on the map.

"Except for Marquis Jinyan, the rest of the nobles of the coalition will be divided into four groups."

"Viscount Hei Ze will lead one group of troops to attack Chijiao Territory."

"Viscount Quetzalcoatl will lead one group of troops to attack Mingxin Territory."

"Viscount Fanglang will lead one group of troops to attack Panshan Territory."

"Earl Storm and Earl Winter Frost will join forces to attack our Flash Territory."

After the last sentence, everyone present twitched their mouths at the same time and looked at Su Nan at the same time.

The other three attacked territories were led by a viscount.

But the Flash Territory was attacked by two earls!

The key is that the Flash Territory is just a baron territory, and this treatment is simply too outstanding!

Everyone present knew that the reason why the Flash Territory received such obvious biased treatment from the Jinyan Coalition was entirely because of Sunan's existence.

Perhaps in the eyes of Marquis Jinyan, Sunan alone is more difficult than the entire Viscount Territory!

Facing the gazes of the crowd, Sunan was calm and his face was calm.

Key coughed lightly and asked, "How many people are there in the army of Earl Storm and Earl Winter Frost?"

"The preliminary estimate is at least 30,000 people." Brad said solemnly.

As soon as this number came out, the other generals frowned.

Although the Flash Territory has been expanding its armaments during this period, and has two trump cards, dragon blood fruit and secondary dragon blood potion, its military strength has grown rapidly, but as of now, if the militia is not counted, the army that can really fight is only about 8,000 people.

This level of military power is already superior to most viscounts, but it is still a bit difficult to deal with the two earls.

"Where are they now?" Key asked again.

Brad looked at the map and replied: "In ten days at most, they will enter the Flash Territory."

"From the marching route, the destination of the Count of Storm should be Firefly City, and the destination of the Count of Winter Frost is Qilin City. They should want to stretch the front line and disperse our troops."

Key frowned and thought for a while, and suddenly shouted: "Joton, Starley."

"Yes, sir."

The two lords stood up immediately.

"I will allocate 3,000 troops to you. You go to defend Qilin City and at least delay the Count of Winter Frost for two months!"

"Yes, sir!" Joton and Starley agreed without saying a word.

Qilin City is surrounded by mountains on three sides, and the terrain is steep. Only the plain terrain in front is relatively easy to deploy troops, and the defensive pressure is small, which can be said to be easy to defend and difficult to attack.

With 3,000 troops, they are still confident that they can hold Qilin City for two months.

"I will personally lead the army to Yinghuo City." Key said in a deep voice.

Brad immediately understood what Key meant and hesitated, "Do you want to defeat the army of Count Storm within two months? Is the time too tight?"

Key shook his head.

He knew this truth.

But it was already very good for Joden and Starley to hold off Count Winterfrost for two months with 3,000 troops.

If they cannot defeat Count Storm during this period, once Count Winterfrost breaks through Qilin City first, it will be even worse to be attacked from both sides.

Although the gap between 5,000 and more than 10,000 troops is very large, Key is not without a trump card.

First of all, the Black Rock Cavalry Regiment is one.

Thanks to the dragon blood fruit, the Black Rock Cavalry Regiment has now expanded to 500 people.

Although the knights account for only about two-thirds, the combat power is also very amazing.

After searching the Jinyan Province for several times, there is no other elite army like the Black Rock Cavalry Regiment.

With the Black Rock Cavalry Regiment, Key has the confidence to fight against the army of the Count of Storm.

The second one is naturally Sunan.

Key turned his head to look at Sunan, and said solemnly: "Sunan, what do you propose?"

Sunan said calmly; "I want a batch of gems, and a lot of granite."

Everyone was stunned when they heard it, and they all showed confused expressions.

Key immediately reacted, his eyes lit up and said: "You want to refine stone golems?"

He has seen the stone golems in Sunan's base, each of which has the combat power of a formal knight.

Although they are only junior knights, their fearless and fearless characteristics can make them a weapon of war that can defeat one hundred on the battlefield.

Apart from anything else, with a hundred stone golems and the Black Rock Cavalry Regiment, Key is fully confident of defeating the army of the Count of Storm.

Sunan nodded gently, confirming Key's guess.

Due to the recent accelerated expansion of the Black Rock Cavalry, Black Rock Iron is in short supply.

For this reason, Sunan had to suspend the plan to refine the castrated version of the Iron Golem, and naturally there were no extra Iron Golems to be put into the war.

It is worth mentioning that Sunan tried to synthesize with gem soul cores, but unfortunately the final product could not replace the soul crystal.

After all, the core of the soul crystal is the soul energy contained inside.

The soul core made of gems does not contain soul energy itself, and no matter how it is synthesized, it cannot produce soul energy.

However, the castrated version of the Iron Golem cannot work, but the stone golem can.

The materials of the stone golem, including gems, granite and silver, are easy to gather in a large number in a short time.

As for money, although the current finances of the territory are very tight, there are solutions.

At most, the profits from the sale of potions can be advanced to the Firefox Chamber of Commerce.

I believe Mu Zhuo will definitely agree to their request.

Unless he is willing to see the defeat of the Flash Territory and the trade route of selling potions is interrupted.

"Very good!" Key looked excited, "With the stone golem, we will definitely win this battle!"

The other knights also understood the fighting power of the stone golem under Jodon's explanation, and they all showed excitement.

As expected of Lord Sunan, his powerful methods are indeed one after another, emerging in an endless stream!

With Lord Sunan here, they are not afraid even when facing the coalition forces of the two earls.

"Let's transport all the materials to Firefly City. I will also bring the magic crystal forging furnace over there and refine the golem directly there."

Sunan smiled and said:

"We have to give a little surprise to the 'guests' who have come from afar."

Thanks to the book friend 20240725212327343 for the reward, thank you!

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