Synthesis Wizard

Chapter 79 Golem Legion

As Key's order was issued, the entire Flash Territory quickly started to operate.

A large number of troops were divided into two groups, rushing to Firefly City and Qilin City respectively.

Sunan also rushed to Firefly City with a magic crystal forging furnace, and set aside a piece of land in the city to temporarily build a puppet factory.

Sheman, Corey and Atil were also brought over by him to help with some auxiliary work.

After the skill of [Puppet Refining] broke through to level 3, it was no longer difficult for Sunan to refine stone golems, and the success rate was almost 100%.

In fact, the success rate of puppet refining would not be too low, much higher than that of making potions.

The real problem with puppets is the refining cost and the subsequent maintenance cost.

However, this batch of stone golems are consumables to be put on the battlefield, so there is no need to consider the subsequent maintenance cost. The only thing that really needs to be concerned about is the refining cost.

The cost of a stone golem is about 43 gold coins, which is almost three times that of a clay golem.

The main cost premium is on gems.

Because it is necessary to use more advanced gems as the soul core.

To be honest, if the gems needed for refining puppets and making rune gems must be naturally generated - naturally generated gems have natural spirituality - Sunan would have wanted to develop artificial gems.

So far, he has spent at least tens of thousands of gold coins on buying gems!

If there is a way to solve the problem of the source of gems, he can save a lot of money and spend the gold coins on other things.

After the temporary puppet factory was built, it immediately entered full capacity operation.

Sunan temporarily put aside cultivation and other work, and took three students to concentrate on refining stone golems.

After more than half a year of study, Sheman and the other two have mastered the first zero-ring spell - the magician's hand!

In addition, under the guidance of Sunan's inclination, the three began to get involved in the field of puppet refining and potion making, and mastered certain skills and knowledge.

Therefore, the three of them acted as temporary assistants, which was quite organized.

It took half a month, and Sunan finally refined 100 stone golems.

"It's a pity that time is too tight and money is not enough. Otherwise, we can refine more stone golems and synthesize more powerful stone golems. The effect on the battlefield will definitely be better."

Sunan felt a little regretful.

Although the Fox Chamber of Commerce finally agreed to their conditions and prepaid the profits from the sale of potions in advance, it was only 5,000 gold coins.

It is enough to refine 100 stone golems, and it will be beyond our ability to refine more.

"But 100 stone golems are almost enough."

Sunan looked at the densely packed tall golems in front of him and smiled.

Behind him, Sheman, Corey and Atil were also excited.

They also contributed partly to the golem army in front of them.

When they thought that these stone golems would be invincible on the battlefield, they couldn't help but feel excited.

"Okay, you have worked hard during this period."

Sunan turned around and smiled at the three people:

"When we return to the base, I will give you corresponding contribution points according to your efforts during this period."

"Thank you, teacher."

Sheman and the other two smiled at the same time.

With extra contribution points, they can exchange for more secondary active potions.

Let the three go down to rest, and Sunan went straight to the south gate.

As early as five days ago, the army of Earl Storm had arrived near Firefly City and launched an attack.

These days, Firefly City and the Storm Army have fought several offensive and defensive battles, and the battles are extremely fierce.

Fortunately, there are black rock leopards to help defend the city, and clay golems are repairing the city walls day and night, so Firefly City is temporarily not in danger of being breached.

Along the way, there are few people on the street.

Under the shadow of war, the city has become much quieter these days.

The residents are hiding at home and rarely go out.

Occasionally, groups of soldiers pass by, and they are all in a hurry.

Sunan sensed that the hidden dragon was basking in the sun in the square more than 500 meters away.

As for Amy, I don’t know where she ran to play again.

Originally, Sunan didn’t plan to bring Amy out this time, but the little guy couldn’t stay idle and kept making a fuss to follow, so Sunan let it go.

Anyway, with the ability of the little guy, nothing will happen even on the battlefield.

The Iron Golem was left in the base by Sunan.

After all, the base is his foundation, and it cannot be lost. He must keep the power to guard it.

On the wall, Key was arranging matters for defending the city. Seeing Sunan appear, he was surprised and asked, "Why are you here?"

"The Stone Golem Corps has been refined and can be deployed at any time."

Hearing this, Key was immediately refreshed.

"Great, those guys on the opposite side have been very arrogant recently. I was thinking about how to teach them a lesson. Since the Golem Corps is ready, I will lead the army out of the city tomorrow and defeat them head-on!"

Sunan glanced at the densely packed military camps in the distance, his eyes flashed and said, "No need to wait until tomorrow, take action tonight."

"Tonight? Do you want to attack the camp?" Key hesitated.

Although attacking the camp at night can have the effect of catching the enemy by surprise, it is not only the enemy, but also our own soldiers who find it difficult to see the surrounding environment at night. If we are not careful, we may not be able to attack the camp, but instead lose our own troops.

Moreover, Key does not believe that the Earl of Storm has not prepared for this.

At this moment, the enemy must have sent people to keep a close eye on the gates of Firefly City. If they make any unusual movements, they will be immediately noticed by the enemy.

Seeing Key's worry, Sunan smiled and said, "Stone golems are constructed creatures with natural dark vision characteristics. Fighting at night will not have any effect on them."

"Stone golems have this ability?" Key was surprised and happy.

If this is true, then fighting at night will be a great advantage for them.

"But even so, night operations cannot play the role of a surprise attack. The stone golems' attack makes a lot of noise. As soon as we open the city gate, the enemy will know immediately."

"What if we transport the golem army to the enemy's camp quietly?" Sunan smiled.

"How can that be done?"

Key was about to refute subconsciously, and then he suddenly reacted and looked at Sunan with wide eyes.

"Do you have a way?"

Sunan smiled and nodded.

Stone golems are not creatures with real independent consciousness, and they can be put into the storage space.

Of course, the space ring has a volume of 5 cubic meters, and at most three or four stone golems can be put in, so this plan cannot be implemented at all.

But Sunan still has the magic cube!

100 stone golems, even just 2 grids are enough, more than enough!

"Good, great!"

Keyi rubbed his hands excitedly.

No wonder he lost his composure. If it was really like what Sunan said, 100 stone golems were quietly transported into the enemy camp, and then suddenly exploded, it would definitely cause chaos to the enemy.

At that time, they would calmly open the city gates and send troops, and they would be able to easily defeat the enemy!

The battle situation can be determined overnight!

This plan is simply too good!

The key is actually the person who implements the plan.

If someone else said that he could transport 100 stone golems into the enemy camp, Keyi would not believe it.

But Sunan is different.

Even if Sunan did not say what he would do from beginning to end, he still believed that Sunan must have his own way.

Without delay, the plan was finalized and the two immediately started to act.

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