Synthesis Wizard

Chapter 86 Intruder

The base was quiet.

Atil walked lightly on the cobblestone path, and the corners of her lips couldn't help but rise.

Just now, she finally succeeded in performing the repair spell.

This was also the second zero-ring spell she mastered.

"After completing the next task of caring for the magic plants, the contribution points in my hand will be enough to exchange for another zero-ring spell model book."

"What should I learn for the third spell?"

As Atil thought, she walked towards the magic plant garden.

Before she reached the door, she heard cheerful and relaxed singing coming from inside, occasionally accompanied by silver bell-like sweet laughter.

Atil was involuntarily infected by the joy in the laughter, and her smile deepened.

Walking into the magic plant garden, she saw a group of little people sitting on the flowers and singing happily.

Each of them was less than ten centimeters tall, wearing clothes woven from leaves, with petal-like wings, and their skin color was similar to the colors of various flowers, ranging from gray to bright red or yellow. There was no hair on their heads, instead, there were various petals.

They look like fairies in fairy tales.

In fact, these little people are also super small fairies.

They are flower fairies.

They are strange creatures summoned by Lord Sunan from another world.

They are very good at taking care of plants and can promote the growth of magic plants.

The only bad thing is that they are a little naughty. She, Sheman and Cole were often teased by these little guys when they worked in the magic plant garden.

But Atil still likes these little guys.

After all, they are really cute.

Seeing Atil, the flower fairies immediately flew over with joy.

Atil smiled and played with the flower fairies for a while before saying goodbye to them and walking inside.

On the way, she met another humanoid creature who looked like a female elf, but whose skin was like bark and whose hair was like leaves.

"Good morning, Ms. Madeline."

Atil stopped and greeted him.

The person in front of him was also summoned by Lord Sunan from another world. It is said that he is the son of the forest and is responsible for guarding the magic plant garden.

Madeline nodded to Atil and continued patrolling.

Atil didn't care, she knew that Ms. Madeline was a bit taciturn.

In the two years at the base, Atil had become accustomed to discovering new alien creatures in the base every once in a while.

When she came to the silver moon flower planting area, Atil saw Sheman watering the plants at a glance.

"Sheman." The girl called out.

Sheman turned around and saw that it was Atil, with a smile on his face, he quickly put down the kettle and ran over.

"Atil, why are you here?"

Atil rolled his eyes helplessly and said, "Are you busy? Have you forgotten what the teacher told us?"

Sheman slapped his forehead, quickly recalled it, and smiled awkwardly.

"I remember, it's today, right?"

The grand wizard qualification test ended five days ago.

Unlike them at that time, the base is now complete, and newcomers who pass the test no longer need to study in the lord's mansion, and can move into the base directly.

It was just that the teacher was too busy to spare the time, so he asked the three of them to familiarize the newcomers with the base and explain the precautions.

Xie Man had been busy with tasks these days and almost forgot about it for a while.

"Where's Corey?"

"He has passed the base gate."

"Then let's go quickly."

The two walked out of the Magic Plant Garden side by side and talked about the test on the way.

"I wonder how many people can pass the test this time?"

"It must be more than our last time."

"That's true."

Compared with two years ago, the territory of Flash Territory has expanded by more than four or five times, and the population has also skyrocketed.

With a large population base, the number of children of the right age with qualifications will naturally increase.

And since it is the first test, the number of participants must be particularly large.

This year, the base may have more than a dozen apprentices.

Thinking that he will soon become a senior, Xie Man's mood is inexplicably upbeat.

The current base is too deserted. He hopes that there will be more people to liven it up, so that more people can exchange and learn from each other in the future.

He is not worried that the resources will be diluted if there are too many apprentices.

According to Ms. Glee, the resources in the warehouse are more than enough to supply dozens of apprentices.

"I heard that you started making potions recently? How do you feel?" Atil suddenly asked.

Sheman scratched his head and smiled bitterly: "It feels so difficult. Ten times of brute force potions failed. The materials I saved up this month were wasted."

In order to reduce the difficulty, Sheman deliberately chose brute force potions, which are relatively suitable for novices, instead of secondary active potions or secondary dragon blood potions. The result of the first attempt was still very bad.

"It doesn't matter. The teacher said that it will be difficult at the beginning, and it will be much better once you get the hang of it." Atil comforted.

Sheman nodded, but sighed in his heart.

It's not that easy.

He is not like Corey and Atil. His family is rich. Even if he doesn't use contribution points, he can get money from his family to buy materials.

He gave all the gold coins in his hand to Old Roger, and the materials he used on weekdays were exchanged with contribution points.

The failure in making the potion this time made him feel so heartbroken that the materials wasted made him bleed.

"By the way, what has Corey been doing recently?" Sherman asked.

He hadn't seen Corey for a long time.

Although the three of them all lived in the base, they didn't have much time to meet each other because they were busy meditating and studying.

Atil said, "Corey has been learning to refine the Black Rock Leopard recently, but the progress doesn't seem to be going well."

"It's really hard to refine a puppet." Sheman nodded in agreement.

He had also tried to refine the Black Rock Leopard, but unfortunately he failed without exception.

His talent in puppets is not as good as potion making.

Thinking of refining puppets, Sheman felt a little emotional.

The Black Rock Leopard is a knight-level puppet.

Two years ago, the knight was a high-ranking figure to him, and he never thought that one day he would refine a puppet equivalent to a knight.

The changes that have taken place in him in the past two years are really huge.

And all of this was given by the teacher.

Thinking of the teacher, Sheman couldn't help but feel grateful in his heart.

During the conversation, the two had already arrived at the gate of the base, and they saw Corey waiting there from a distance.

Compared to two years ago, the 15-year-old Corey has grown a lot taller, with a slender figure and handsome appearance. He is the type of noble young man that girls like very much.

As if he noticed someone coming, Corey turned his head and looked over. When he swept over Atil, his eyes lit up slightly, and when he saw Sheman, he quickly returned to his expressionless state.

Sheman couldn't help but roll his eyes secretly.

Corey really regarded him as a competitor.

Since he fell behind him in the introduction of the Star Ring Meditation Method and the construction of the first Star Ring, Corey's self-esteem seemed to be stimulated. He worked harder and harder, and pretended to be determined to surpass him.

Although Sheman didn't like to compete with others, he had to say that Corey's actions brought him a lot of pressure, and he also worked harder, and his progress in meditation and learning was rapid.

Not long ago, the teacher praised him and Corey.

Perhaps this is the benefit of having a competitor.

The three of them had just chatted for a few words at the gate when a group of figures appeared in the distance. .

Twelve boys and girls rode on Black Rock Leopards, escorted by a team of Black Rock Cavalry, and walked towards the base.

The leader was still Lord Brad.

"I heard that Lord Brad has been promoted to Grand Knight, and is the second Grand Knight in the Flash Territory besides the Lord." Atil whispered.

"With the dragon blood fruit, there will be more and more Grand Knights in the territory in the future."

Sheman responded in a low voice, but his eyes were looking at the twelve boys and girls.

Judging from their clothes, these people include children of nobles and children from middle-class families.

But there is no child like him who comes from a poor or farmer family.

After all, literacy is a huge limitation, which blocks the channel for poor farmers to become wizard apprentices.

Sheman actually had the idea of ​​changing this, but universal education involves all aspects, and even if the Lord wants to change it, it is difficult to do it, let alone him.

"Good morning, my three Excellencies."

Coming closer, Brad jumped off the Black Rock Leopard and saluted Sheman and the other two.

Although he was old enough to be the father of the three people, and he was a great knight and lord, he still maintained enough respect for Sunan's three students.

"Lord Brad, long time no see."

Sheman and the other two hurriedly returned the greeting.

"Now that I have sent the people, my mission is completed. I will trouble you three next."

Brad left the people behind, and then left with the soldiers in a hurry.

After watching Brad go away, Sheman and the other two looked at the twelve newcomers.

"Hello, seniors."

The twelve newcomers hurriedly saluted and greeted, and there was visible tension and restraint in their behavior.

After two years of meditation and study, Sheman, Corey and Atil all have a mysterious and profound temperament. In the eyes of ordinary people, they feel inexplicably unfathomable.

Even Sheman, who was born in a poor family, has now been reborn, and his every move is capable and decisive.

Anyone who sees him for the first time will never think that he was still an inferior and cowardly child two years ago.

Standing in front of these three people, even the young men and women of noble birth felt an inexplicable pressure.

"Don't be nervous, we are classmates from today." Atil said gently.

The kind and gentle smile made the newcomers relax a little.

"Let's go, it's getting late." Corey said lightly, "Hurry up and finish the work, I'm in a hurry to go back to refine the puppet."

The somewhat impatient tone made the atmosphere that had finally relaxed become restrained again.

Atil glared at Corey slightly and led the newcomers into the base.

"The base is very large and divided into many areas, but they are all easy to identify."

"Most areas are open to the public, but apprentices are prohibited from entering places like the prison area and the energy center room. Magic alarms have been set up, so be careful not to touch them."

"Ah, those are clay golems, which are responsible for doing some odd jobs. In addition, there are stone golems, which are mainly responsible for guarding and patrolling the base."

"In addition to us apprentices, there are also Ms. Glee who is responsible for guarding the warehouse, Ms. Madeline who is responsible for guarding the magic plant garden, and flower spirits who cultivate magic plants. They are all helpers summoned by the teacher from another world."

Along the way, Atil enthusiastically introduced the base to the newcomers and explained some precautions.

Sheman occasionally interrupted to add a sentence or two.

Corey looked indifferent and said nothing throughout the whole process.

Fortunately, the newcomers didn't care. Everyone looked at the scenery along the way with shining eyes, and felt that everything was so new.

Looking at the appearance of the newcomers, Sherman couldn't help but feel deeply touched, as if he saw himself two years ago.

His performance when he first visited the base at that time was probably similar to that of the newcomers now.

"There are also Yinlong and Lady Amy."

"Yinlong is the teacher's magic pet, a powerful dragon lizard that can be invisible."

"Lady Amy is the teacher's friend, and his origin is very mysterious, but it is not in the base today, otherwise it would probably come to see you."

After visiting most areas, Atil led people to the warehouse.

Glee was sitting in front of the warehouse door playing the violin, and the melodious sound of the violin made people feel calm and peaceful.

Atil signaled the newcomers to stop, patiently waited for Gree to finish a song, and after putting down the violin, he walked up and said: "Ms. Gree, I brought the newcomers here."

"There are quite a lot of newcomers this year."

Glee smiled and looked at the newcomers, pointing to the books on the table beside them.

"This is what Lord Sunan asked me to give to the newcomers, including the Star Ring Meditation Method and some basic books. You can take it."

Atir thanked him and took the things and distributed them to the newcomers.

"By the way, there is a guy who is not easy to get along with in the prison area recently. Lord Sunan asked me to tell you to try to stay away from the prison area in the future." Ge Li reminded again.

A guy who is not easy to get along with?

Sheman, Atir and Cole looked at each other.

Obviously, the guy who is not easy to get along with in Ge Li's mouth is another helper summoned by the teacher from another world.

I just don't know what the other party is like, which makes the kind-hearted Ge Li say that he is not easy to get along with.

Curious, the three of them always listen to the teacher's words, and they quickly agreed to it after hearing it.

After leaving the warehouse, the group turned to the residential area and let the newcomers choose a room.

Woo woo woo!

At this moment, a shrill alarm suddenly sounded in everyone's ears.

Sheman, Atir and Cole's faces changed at the same time.

"Someone has triggered the magic alarm!"

"It came from the direction of the gate, go and take a look!"

"You stay here, don't walk around."

After instructing the newcomers, Sherman and the other two hurried towards the base gate.

From a distance, they saw a group of stone golems surrounding the base gate.

When they got closer, they found that the stone golems had surrounded the intruders.

Unexpectedly, there was only one person on the other side.

The man was wrapped in a tight robe, revealing only a pale, stiff-featured male face. He looked about 30 years old and exuded a gloomy aura.

Looking at that face, Sherman and the other two got goose bumps for some reason and felt a chill on their backs.

The man glanced at Sherman and the other two.

"Three young first-level wizard apprentices."

"Interesting, there are not many people who will accept students these days."

The man's voice was hoarse and unpleasant, like frosting.

But what surprised Xie Man and the other two was that the sound came from under the man's robe, and his mouth did not move from beginning to end.

A breeze blew past.

Xie Man and the other two felt something in their hearts, turned their heads and found that Su Nan had come to their side without knowing when.


The three young apprentices saluted quickly.

Su Nan waved his hand and said, "You go back, leave this to me."

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