Synthesis Wizard

Chapter 87: Secular family affection is meaningless

Although the three Xie Mans were very curious about the man's purpose, they did not dare to disobey the teacher's words. They responded in unison and turned around to walk into the base.

After the three figures disappeared from the entrance of the base, Su Nan looked at each other up and down and said calmly: "You are here, so don't hide your head and show your tail."

A strange chuckle came from under the man's robe.

Immediately afterwards, he took off his robe, revealing his skinny body wearing only a pair of tattered trousers.

His upper body was completely exposed, his skin was pale with no trace of blood, and his ribs were clearly visible, just like a patient who had been suffering from illness for many years.

But what is even more horrifying is that there is a clearly visible human face on the surface of his abdomen.

The eyes, nose and mouth all fit perfectly into the belly, just like they were originally there.

"First meeting, Your Excellency Sunan."

The face spoke slowly, and its facial features looked a little scary.

"My name is Herb Gilman. I'm sorry to meet you in this way, but as a wizard apprentice, I think you should be able to understand me. This is also a necessary caution, isn't it?"

Sunan refused to comment.

The moment he saw the man in front of him, he felt the strong aura of the undead on him.

It was obvious that this man was dead, and what was still standing here was just a physical puppet controlled by someone.

The wizard apprentice behind him was obviously well aware of the risks of running to another wizard apprentice's base camp alone, so he adopted this method of meeting.

Seeing that Sunan was unmoved, Heb didn't care either, with a faint smile on his face, but in this situation, the smile looked particularly weird and scary.

"I am here on behalf of Marquis Jinyan to discuss something with you."

"I hope you will stop interfering in the war between the Jinyan Alliance and the Shining Collar."

Sunan raised an eyebrow.

Sure enough, at this time, the only wizard apprentice who would come specifically to visit was the wizard apprentice behind Marquis Jinyan.

"You want me to let go of my father-killing enemy?" Su Nan narrowed his eyes slightly.

"The enemy who killed his father?"

A sneer seemed to flash across Herb's face.

"Your Excellency Sunan, the life level of people like us has long been far beyond ordinary people, even higher than knights."

"The normal lifespan of a third-level wizard apprentice is more than one hundred and fifty years. If you undergo physical transformation or take life-extending potions, you will have no problem living for more than two hundred years."

"As long as we live, worldly family ties have no meaning. I personally think you shouldn't get too entangled in this."

"Besides, I am here with sincerity. As long as you withdraw from this war, Marquis Jinyan is willing to pay a price that satisfies you to make up for his previous disrespect to you."

Faced with Heb's bewitching words, Sunan remained very calm from beginning to end.

"I'm more curious about why you want to help Marquis Jinyan to use his power to collect resources?"

"Yes, this practice is common among wizard apprentices, isn't it?"

Su Nan's eyes flashed slightly.

Herb's words undoubtedly revealed two pieces of information.

One is that he also knows more wizard apprentices.

One is that there are many wizard apprentices like him who cooperate with big nobles.

"You were also responsible for the lycanthropy infection in Ranshuang Province?"

Herb glanced at Sunan in surprise, as if he didn't expect that he knew about lycanthropy.

"That's right."

"You have a primitive lycanthrope on your hands?"

Herb frowned: "You have too many questions, Mr. Sunan, are you planning to get information from me?"

Su Nan smiled half-heartedly and said, "I'm just curious."

Herb snorted coldly and said: "No matter what, I have shown my sincerity. Now it is your time to show your sincerity."

"You just say you are sincere after saying a bunch of empty words. Your sincerity is too cheap."

Su Nan smiled.

"Go back and tell Marquis Jinyan to wash his neck and wait for me. I will settle the previous accounts with him one by one."

Herb's face turned completely gloomy, and he said in a cold tone: "So, you are planning to fight me to the end?"

"This sentence will be returned to you in its original form."

Sunan did not flinch, with a sneer on his face.

"This is a matter between me and Marquis Jinyan, you'd better not interfere."

Heb stared at Sunan coldly for a moment, then sneered: "If I guess correctly, you haven't been promoted to the third level wizard apprentice yet."

"You, a second-level wizard apprentice, are you sure you want to go against me, a third-level wizard apprentice?"

"As a wizard apprentice, you should know the difference between the second and third levels."

"I advise you to recognize the situation clearly and don't go all the way to the dark side!"

Su Nan smiled slightly and said, "You talk a lot of nonsense."

".You will regret it!"

Herb almost squeezed out this sentence through his teeth.

The next second, the man's body suddenly expanded rapidly and exploded like an inflated balloon. Countless flesh and blood flew everywhere, and rain of blood fell on the surrounding stone golems.


Smoke suddenly rose from the place where the stone golem was covered in flesh and blood, and pits were quickly corroded.

The flesh and blood splashing towards Sunan was blocked by an invisible force field.

He let go of his mental power and sensed it, and found that there was no more aura fluctuation around him.

"That's it?"

Sunan was slightly confused.

This wizard apprentice named Herb Gilman came here today just to meet him?

There is no backup plan after the negotiation fails?


Sunan looked in the direction of the Flashing City, thought about it, and took out the communication crystal.

This thing is an alchemical magic item made in imitation of the zero-ring spell [Communication], which can be used for remote communication within a straight-line distance of no more than 100 kilometers.

And this thing can be activated without mental power, which is very convenient to use.

Sunan specially made several, in addition to Sheman and the other two, he also gave one to Key, so that he could contact him in case of emergency.

After activating the communication crystal, Key's voice soon came from it.


"Did anything happen over there?"

Key was stunned for a moment, seemed a little confused, and then said: "No, you ask this"

He seemed to be interrupted by something in the middle of his words, and the voice came back after a long time.

"Someone invaded!"

Sure enough!

Sunan's eyes turned cold, and he said in a deep voice: "I'll go over now, you be careful."

As soon as the voice fell, he jumped up, and when he fell, the hidden dragon appeared out of thin air below, just in time to catch him.

Sunan cast a feather fall spell on Yinlong to reduce the latter's weight, and then the man and the beast flew towards the Flashing City.

"Lurking near the Lord's Mansion, once the negotiations fail, they will immediately launch an attack, and by the way, they can also lure me out of the base. What a good calculation."

Sunan sneered, his eyes filled with coldness.

Lord's Mansion.

The mansion that used to be quiet has now become a mess.

The shouts and shouts of killing are endless.

At the door of the meeting hall, under the heavy guard of more than a dozen knights, Key looked at the fight in the courtyard with a serious expression.

The enemy is three half-human and half-beast men, or it is more appropriate to say beastmen.

The three beastmen have the combat power of the peak great knight level, and they are fearless. Facing the siege of hundreds of black rock leopards and stone golems, they can still not lose the upper hand.

But what makes Key more afraid is not these three beastmen, but the gray-robed man standing not far away.

The opponent didn't look strong, but he killed three knights who were close to him and wanted to attack him. The key method he used was exactly the same as Sunan's, which was to control lightning and fire.

It was undoubtedly a wizard apprentice!

"Is this man the wizard apprentice behind Marquis Jinyan?"

Ke Yi's face was heavy.

Except for the wizard apprentice behind Marquis Jinyan, no one would come to assassinate him at this time.

No, it should be said that the wizard apprentice's target was not him.

Because apart from killing three knights, the opponent never made a move from beginning to end, but stood there leisurely, as if waiting for someone.

The opponent obviously disdained to attack him, and the real target was undoubtedly Sunan.

At this moment, Ke Yi saw the gray-robed man's expression move, and then looked at the gate of the courtyard.

The figure flashed, and Sunan had appeared in the courtyard.

He glanced and instantly took in the situation in the courtyard, and finally looked at the gray-robed man.

Herb Gilman!

Seeing Sunan, Hebu's eyes flashed with a trace of pride of success, and then a cold murderous intent appeared on his face.

"I said, you will regret it!"

"Today, I will let you taste the taste of death!"

As soon as the voice fell, Hebu opened his five fingers and grabbed the air. With a crackling sound, countless electric snakes appeared out of thin air, and in the blink of an eye, they condensed into a blue-green spear in his palm.

The next second, the spear shot out, piercing through the void like a lightning and shooting towards Sunan!


The lightning spear hit the invisible shield in front of Sunan, and both were annihilated!

Energy rune!

Sunan's pupils shrank slightly.

This is the power of the third-level wizard apprentice.

The third-level wizard apprentice who has already mastered energy particles can have the powerful power of rune gems with a casual strike!

As strong as a great knight, for a third-level wizard apprentice, it is just a backhand to destroy.

Although the shield spell is a first-level spell, it can only barely block the opponent's attack.

Just after throwing the lightning spear, Hebu quickly uttered a spell and pointed his finger at Sunan.


A dazzling red light appeared from the tip of his finger and shot out at a high speed like an arrow!

Wherever the ray passed, the air shrank back as if it was burned, forming a visible distortion, which shows how amazing the heat it contains.

After releasing the spell, Hebu showed a smug smile on his face.

The power of [Scorching Ray] ranks among the top among many second-level spells, and the shield spell is simply impossible to resist.

But what happened next made Hebu's smile stagnate.

I saw that the red ray was less than ten centimeters away from Sunan, as if it hit something invisible, and it suddenly disappeared like a mud cow entering the sea.

How is it possible? !

A trace of surprise flashed in Hebu's eyes, but he reacted quickly.

Protective magic item?

And it's a glimmer-level magic item!

Alchemical-level magic items can't block a second-level spell silently!

"This guy actually has a glimmer-level magic item!"

Herb's eyes lit up, and greed appeared on his face.

It is difficult to find intact glimmer-level magic items in the Starlight Continent nowadays. Most of them are damaged items left over from hundreds or thousands of years ago. Even if they can be repaired, their power will be weakened to the alchemical level.

As for making it yourself, it is even more impossible.

Not to mention whether there is the technology, even if there is, you have to find the materials.

Therefore, he, a third-level wizard apprentice, still does not have a glimmer-level magic item.

"If I kill you, this thing will be mine!"

The killing intent in Hebu's eyes became stronger and stronger.

Sunan saw it, his face unchanged, and released the prepared spell missile, but it was blocked by the invisible protection on Hebu's body.

Seeing this, Sunan was not panicked. He had long known that a ring of spells would have little effect on a third-level wizard apprentice.

Throwing out a few rune gems to curb Hebu's offensive, Sunan then shouted: "You retreat, leave the courtyard!"

The battle between wizard apprentices is not something that knights and great knights can intervene in.

Key obviously understood this and gave an order without hesitation.

"Everyone evacuate the courtyard!"

The guards responded loudly, and escorted the lord out of the courtyard.

The black rock leopard and the stone golem also left the enemy and evacuated without hesitation.

The three beastmen were about to chase, when a huge monster suddenly appeared in front of them.

The huge body made of metal shone with a cold luster in the sunlight, which was extremely oppressive.

As early as when he noticed the intruders in the base, Sunan put the Iron Golem into the magic cube just in case, and it was just in time to use it.

"Iron Golem!"

Heb was surprised. He didn't expect that Sunan had such a puppet in his hand.

He didn't know whether it was made by himself or obtained from a wizard's inheritance?

Facing the legendary knight-level Iron Golem, the three beastmen were no longer as majestic and fierce as before. In a blink of an eye, they were beaten and fled, and were suppressed to the point that they couldn't raise their heads at all.

Heb's face darkened when he saw this scene. He snorted coldly and took out a scroll and tore it on the spot.

In the flash of light, a giant bear more than five meters tall appeared out of thin air.

This beast has long limbs, sharp claws, and skin that looks like a mixture of strong and bulky muscles and metal armor.


As soon as it appeared, the giant bear immediately pounced on Sunan.

"Magic pet?"

Sunan recognized the scroll that Hebu had torn off. It was a magic pet scroll, a disposable consumable specially used to place magic pets.

You can put the magic pet into the scroll and carry it with you, and then release it in battle.

It can only be used to carry magic pets.

Looking at the appearance of the giant bear magic pet in front of him, it has obviously undergone physical transformation. Judging from its momentum, it has at least the combat power level of a high-level knight.

However, when it comes to magic pets, Sunan is not afraid at all.

Without his order, the hidden dragon has already launched an attack.

The giant bear magic pet that was running wildly was like hitting something invisible head-on. It flew backwards with a bang and smashed a wall to pieces.

The roars of wild beasts came one after another in the rolling smoke and dust, and the two giant beasts fought fiercely inside.

Hebu was shocked and doubtful.

He had learned from Marquis Jinyan's intelligence channel that Sunan had a pet that could turn invisible.

But he didn't take it seriously at that time.

The ability to turn invisible may be rare for ordinary people and difficult to deal with.

But it has almost no effect on wizard apprentices, and there are too many ways to crack it.

However, when he really saw Sunan's pet, Heb was shocked to find that it was not ordinary invisibility at all!

There is no invisibility ability that can eliminate sound and smell, and it seems that even the body has been erased, and it is almost impossible to detect when moving.

Even as a third-level wizard apprentice, he can only barely capture the movement trajectory of the pet.

"Glimmer-level magic items, steel golems, and weird pets. This kid is really weird. How many tricks does he have?"

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