Synthesis Wizard

Chapter 88 Advanced Rune Gem

If Hebu had a sense of superiority over a level 2 wizard apprentice when facing Sunan before, he had completely suppressed his contempt now.

He vaguely realized that Sunan was not an ordinary level 2 wizard apprentice.

The opponent's strength was much stronger than he expected.

Restraining his greed, Hebu began to concentrate on dealing with Sunan. Accompanied by a strange chant, he cast two-ring spells one after another.

The dazzling magic light filled the entire courtyard in an instant.

Although Hebu had not yet mastered silent spells and instant spells, he had already mastered spellcasting in segments.

This is a spellcasting technique similar to using magic items, which can release pre-prepared spells in a short and fast way. Only a fragment of the spell needs to be recited.

It is equivalent to a castrated version of silent spells.

It is also a prerequisite skill for mastering silent spells.

Sentence casting is very demanding on mental strength, and basically only level 3 wizard apprentices can master it.

The wizard apprentice who has mastered the spellcasting of broken sentences can cast spells two to three times faster than before.

Sunan now has the illusion of facing a spell storm.

If it weren't for the powerful defense of the Ring of Extreme Protection, he would have been beaten into a honeycomb by now.

"A second-level spell knocked down nearly 100 points of defense of the Ring of Extreme Protection. 1,000 points of defense can only withstand eleven second-level spells at most. We have to fight quickly."

"Sure enough, we can only rely on that."

Sunan took a deep breath, turned his wrist, and a sparkling rune gem appeared between his index finger and middle finger.

The next second, he threw the rune gem.

Heb saw it, but didn't take it to heart.

Sunan had thrown out several rune gems before, and the power was about the same as that of energy runes. He didn't even need to activate the protective magic items, and he could resist it with energy runes alone.

Seeing Sunan using the same trick again, Heb didn't care. He took a look and continued to cast spells.

But the next moment, he was shocked to see that the gem suddenly exploded in mid-air, turning into a thunder as thick as a bucket and striking down!

The terrifying might instantly enveloped Heb's whole body, and a chill ran up his spine.

In fear, Heb had to interrupt the spell, endure the severe pain brought by the mental backlash, and immediately release the energy rune.


In the blinding lightning, the necklace around Heb's neck and the ring on his left index finger suddenly lit up, and then quickly dimmed.

The protection of the two magic items was almost torn apart in an instant!

Then there were three layers of earth energy runes, which only lasted for a blink of an eye before being torn apart!

The lightning then swept over the whole body, running around Heb like an electric snake, and the intense pain made the latter scream miserably!

Fortunately, he was a third-level wizard apprentice after all, and his spirit was extremely tough. Heb endured the pain and mobilized energy particles, dispelling the lightning on his body in an instant.

Then the green light lit up and spread all over the body. Plant energy particles rushed in frantically, healing the wounds on the body quickly.

While treating, Heb stared at Sunan in horror.

What on earth was that gem just now?

Why is it so powerful?

At this time, Sunan had taken out the second rune gem and threw it out.

When he learned that there was a wizard apprentice behind Marquis Jinyan, he had the idea of ​​synthesizing rune gems as a trump card.

And these high-level rune gems are the result of his action.

Each one is synthesized from eighteen rune gems, and the power is twenty to thirty times that of ordinary rune gems!

It's not that Sunan doesn't want to use more rune gems for synthesis, but eighteen is already the limit.

If there are more, the synthesized high-level rune gems will not be controlled by him, and he will accidentally hurt himself when using them.

It's like a three-year-old child shooting a pistol, and he can't bear the recoil of the gun at all.


The rune gem turned into a blazing flame wave in mid-air, crushing Heb like a tidal wave.

Heb's face changed, and he retreated repeatedly, mobilizing energy particles to block while casting spells.

[Elemental Protection]!

A layer of light emerged from his palm and spread to his whole body in the next second.

As soon as he finished casting the spell, Heb was submerged by the surging flame wave.

As the name suggests, [Elemental Protection] can reduce the various elemental damages suffered by the caster.

But even so, Heb, who rushed out of the flame wave, was still seriously injured, and there were many more charred wounds on his body. The whole person looked extremely embarrassed, and he had completely lost his previous calm demeanor.

"Damn it!"

Heb was so angry that his face was distorted.

He was a third-level wizard apprentice, but he was beaten into such a miserable state by a second-level wizard apprentice. If it spread, he would be laughed at to death.

The key point is that he had just threatened to let Su Nan taste the taste of death, but now he was beaten to a pulp, which was too ironic.

"I must kill you!"

With a sharp shout, Heb's skinny body swelled up rapidly as if it was inflated.

In just a blink of an eye, Heb's height swelled to more than three meters, and thick black hair grew all over his body. His limbs became extremely strong and sturdy, and his exaggerated muscles were full of explosive power, which made people feel a little weak at a glance.

In addition to retaining human-like facial features and being able to walk upright, Heb now looks like a huge bear.


"No, that's not right. Transfiguration is a fourth-ring spell. A third-level wizard apprentice can't master it."

"It should be a physical transformation. This guy has integrated the blood of the beastman into his body!"

Su Nan narrowed his eyes slightly.

It seems that Heb has done a lot of research on the blood of the beastman.

At this time, Heb's eyeballs have turned into a strange dark red, and his bloody mouth exudes a fishy smell.

He roared, took heavy steps, and rushed towards Su Nan like a tank charge.


The rune gem turned into thunder and fell in the air.

This time Heb did not dodge, but chose to resist the thunder bombardment.

With the strengthening of the beastman blood, his physical fitness has reached a very amazing level. Even if the electric snakes are running around on his body, he can still maintain the momentum of sprinting, and in a blink of an eye he is within five meters in front of Su Nan.

Looking at Su Nan's "thin" body, Heb showed a ferocious smile on his face.

At this distance, even a faint-light-level protective magic item can't stop him!

This kid is dead!

Heb's murderous intent surged in his heart, and a strong excitement filled his entire chest.

But when he got closer, he was surprised to find that there was no panic on Sunan's face, but a smile that seemed to be a smile.

Inexplicably, a trace of uneasiness surged deep in Heb's heart.

The next second, a bone-chilling cold suddenly broke out from Sunan's body, sweeping in all directions like a storm!

Crack! Crack!

A large number of ice crystals quickly condensed in the air, and a thick layer of ice spread rapidly along the ground.

Heb didn't even have time to react, and a thick layer of frost condensed on his body in an instant.

The huge body seemed to have pressed the slow-motion button, and the movement was visibly delayed.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, Sunan had already quickly retreated to distance himself, and at the same time, the ring on the middle finger of his right hand flashed.

In an instant, countless black mists emerged from the void, quickly condensing into a huge claw, which attacked fiercely with a strong breath of death.

Claw of Disaster!

Facing the fierce claw, Heb, who was covered with frost and sluggish in his movements, had no way to dodge, and could only watch the claw hit his body fiercely.


As if the sound of cloth was torn, Heb's body was instantly covered with several bloody wounds.

The strong breath of death penetrated into the wounds, constantly corroding his flesh, and blood flowed down like a spring.


Heb let out a shrill howl.

Although it cannot be seen from the outside, the strong negative energy attached to the claw of disaster has already violently invaded his internal organs, flesh and bones.

The intense pain made Heb's eyes become more and more red, and the whole person seemed to fall into a state of frenzy. Both eyes turned a faint blood red, as if the pupils had melted inside the eyeballs, and the eyes emitted a faint blood red light.

Chi Chi Chi!

A large amount of blood mist suddenly escaped from Heb's skin and evaporated.

The extreme high temperature made the frost on his body melt quickly.

"Similar to the ability of beast transformation and rage?"

Sunan curled his lips.

This state can greatly improve combat effectiveness, but rationality will inevitably be affected.

For a wizard, it is most important to keep a clear mind at all times.

Sure enough, after regaining mobility, Heb immediately roared and rushed towards Sunan, and the whole body had turned into a ferocious beast.

Sunan looked calm, and when he turned his palm, three rune gems appeared between his fingers.

The next moment, three rune gems flew out of his hand, turned into lightning in mid-air, and fell on Heb's head!


The deafening sound of thunder resounded over the courtyard.

The dazzling lightning was like a giant ball, completely submerging Heb!

The dense arcs spread in all directions, almost sweeping the entire courtyard. The beastmen, giant bears, and hidden dragons who were fighting were swept by the arcs, and their bodies were all paralyzed and stiffened for a moment.

Only the steel golem was immune to the paralysis effect, and took the opportunity to punch a beastman into a meat paste.

When the lightning dissipated, there was a huge pit four or five meters deep in the center of the courtyard.

Heb was lying in the center of the pit, and his huge body had returned to its original appearance. His whole body was charred, and there was almost no intact skin and flesh.

There were five long bloody wounds on his chest and abdomen, and the skin and flesh were rolled outward, which was shocking.

After leaving the beast state, he seemed to regain consciousness, with horror in his eyes. He struggled to raise his head, and made a strange hoarse sound, as if he wanted to say something.

But Sunan, who knew the danger of wizard apprentices, did not intend to give him this opportunity. He shot lightning directly through his eyebrows, throat and heart to ensure that this guy died.

With eyes full of reluctance and despair, Hebu died.

Sensing that Hebu's soul breath gradually dissipated, Sunan breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he was almost not injured after a battle, he had actually played all his cards. If he still couldn't kill Hebu, he would have to consider escaping next.

"The high-level rune gems are all used up." Sunan felt a little painful.

The cost of a high-level rune gem is as high as more than 300 gold coins.

During this period, he used up all the gold coins on hand and only synthesized six.

The three just now were the last high-level rune gems in his hand.

Fortunately, the last blow finally solved Heb.

At the same time, as Herb died, his giant bear demon pet also whined, and its body disintegrated piece by piece, turning into fly ash and dispersing in the air.

Without their controller, the two lycanthropes fell into chaos and were killed by the Hidden Dragon and the Steel Golem not long after.

Seeing that the enemies had been dealt with, Sunan felt relieved and walked to Heb's body and squatted down.

"A battle cost almost two thousand gold coins. I hope you have something that can make up for my loss."

Su Nan stretched out his hand and began to touch the body.

Due to the thunder bombardment, most of the things on Heb's body had been damaged, including two suspected offensive alchemy-level magic items.

Only protective and space-type magic items with relatively stable properties have been preserved and have not been damaged.

The two protective magic items were of alchemy level and were of little use to Sunan, so he put them away and prepared them for the students to redeem.

But the last space ring has a lot of things stored in it.

Gold coins, gems, books, various materials and sundries.

There were more than a hundred gems alone, which was more than enough to make up for Sunan's consumption in this battle, making him feel better all of a sudden.

But this is not the place to count the loot. Sunan put the things away and prepared to go back to the base and slowly count them.

Standing up, Sunan caught a glimpse of several guards poking their heads at the courtyard door from the corner of his eye.

But people outside heard the noise in the courtyard disappear, so they sent people over to inquire about the noise.

Seeing Su Nan standing in the center of the courtyard, all at ease, several guards showed joy on their faces. They turned around and shouted excitedly: "Your Excellency Su Nan has won!"

Not long after, a group of people rushed into the courtyard.

Key, the leader, walked a few steps quickly and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw that Sunan was unharmed.

Then he glanced at the courtyard, which was full of messy potholes and pits, as if it had been swept by a storm, and he couldn't help but secretly sighed.

The battle between the wizard's apprentices was indeed terrifying. Dozens of great knights fighting together wouldn't be so destructive.

"Where is the wizard apprentice?" Key asked after coming back to his senses.

"It's been solved." Sunan pointed to the charred corpse lying in the pit.

Key's expression suddenly became happy when he saw this.

During this time, he was worried about the existence of hostile wizard apprentices.

But I didn't expect that the other party would take the initiative to kill me. Now I have no worries at all.

"In the war after spring, we suddenly lost one of our biggest threats." Key grinned.

Sunan smiled and said nothing.

Under normal circumstances, Herb's approach was correct.

Generally speaking, for his dignified third-level wizard apprentice to deal with a second-level wizard apprentice, it was completely easy, and there wouldn't be any surprises at all.

It's a pity that he happened to bump into someone like himself, and was smashed to death by equipment and props that were one level higher than him.

I can only say that I was unlucky.

Shaking his head secretly, Sunan did not explain to Keyi, but just asked him to burn Heb's body as soon as possible.

After all, looking at Heb's appearance, he was probably fused with the blood of the original lycanthrope. Who knows if his corpse was contagious? If it wasn't handled properly, someone might be infected with lycanthropy.

Key soon figured out the connection, immediately agreed, and turned around to arrange for people to dispose of the body.

Sunan put away the steel golem and left the lord's mansion.

He couldn't wait to see what was in Herb's space ring.

The fifth update of 20,000 words is completed, please beg for monthly votes!

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