Synthesis Wizard

Chapter 93 I won't let you trade anything today

In the workshop.

The magic crystal forging furnace that had just been closed was emitting hot air.

In front of the workbench, Sunan carefully put the last protective ring into the magic cube and then chose to synthesize.

The next second, the synthesis interface flashed, and a new ring of extreme protection came out.

Sunan took out the ring of extreme protection and put it on the little finger of his right hand.

Looking at the five rings of extreme protection on his right hand, Sunan smiled with satisfaction and felt a great sense of security.

"As long as there is no attack with instant damage exceeding 1000 defense, the five rings of extreme protection can be used in turn."

"5000 points of defense is enough to withstand more than fifty second-ring spells."

The weaker third-level wizard apprentices may not have enough mental strength to cast more than fifty second-ring spells in a row, which shows how strong the defense of the five rings of extreme protection is.

After calming down, Sunan looked at his left hand. Only the index finger and middle finger were wearing the Disaster Ring and the Space Ring respectively, and the remaining three fingers were still empty.

He planned to make three more Disaster Rings and use the remaining fingers.

"The materials have been used up, and I have to buy new materials."

Sunan's palm touched the ring, and the first ring spell [Disguise Aura] was cast, and the seven rings disappeared instantly.

In this way, it would not be exposed that he had many magic items.

It can also avoid being discovered by the enemy in the battle, so as to prepare in advance.

Sunan then opened the panel to look at it.

These days, [Magic Item Manufacturing] has unexpectedly broken through to level 3, and the proficiency has increased by more than 1,000 points.

Now it is nearly 5,000 points of proficiency away from level 4.

Sunan estimated that if he wanted to upgrade [Magic Item Manufacturing] to level 4, he would have to invest at least tens of thousands of gold coins worth of materials.

As expected, every wizard (apprentice) is built up with a huge amount of resources.

After leaving the workshop, Sunan went straight to the meditation room to do his daily routine.

Just two days ago, he had successfully constructed the tenth star ring.

And the proficiency required to upgrade the 11th-level star ring meditation method has also soared to 500,000.

According to the current progress, it will take about 11 months to upgrade and construct the eleventh star ring.

After meditation, Sunan continued to study spells and practice spellcasting as usual.

When he was done, it was already night.

Sunan returned to the meditation room and took out the key to the trading house.

He had checked this thing with a magic cube to make sure it had not been tampered with.

It's just that the key is still unusable, which means that the trading house has not been opened and the party has not started.

Sunan was not in a hurry, sitting quietly and waiting patiently.

In the past half month, he has thought about the jungle cabin in detail.

To trade for the resources that suit his heart from other wizard apprentices, he must first have something to show for himself.

Sunan has full confidence in this.

He believes that 99% of wizard apprentices in the world do not have such abundant resources as himself.

The first one is potion.

Other wizard apprentices do not have synthetic magic cubes, so it is not easy to collect materials that can be used to make potions.

Zero-level and first-level potions are easy to say, but the materials for second-level and third-level potions are hard to come by.

Moreover, without enough materials to practice, it is not certain whether their potion-making ability can reach the level of making second- and third-level potions.

The same is true for magic items.

Sunan has nothing else, but a lot of potions and magic items.

These two things are exactly what any wizard apprentice needs.

However, Sunan does not intend to exchange potions and magic items. He has more suitable items-magic stones!

Compared with potions and magic items with high costs, magic stones with a manufacturing cost of less than two gold coins are undoubtedly more suitable for trading.

While thinking, time has come to late at night, and the silver moon is high in the starry sky.

At this moment, Sunan suddenly felt that the key in his palm had changed.

He looked carefully and found that the key was already usable.

He took a deep breath, took out the mask and put it on, then injected mental power into the key to activate the item.

The next second, a sense of weightlessness swept over his body.

When he came to his senses, Sunan found that he was sitting in front of a long table. Looking around, it was a simple wooden house.

The walls and floors around were painted with dense runes.

There was no other furniture in the whole wooden house except a long table and more than ten chairs.

It was exactly the same as the internal structure of the trading house I saw before.

At this moment, there were four people sitting around the long table like Sunan.

All four of them wore masks and robes without exception, and their faces and figures could not be seen clearly.

Sitting at the top was a person wearing an owl mask, and the words "Night Owl" were engraved on the table in front of him.

The person on his right was wearing a red dragon mask, and the word "red heart" was engraved on the table in front of him.

To the right, two seats away, sat a person wearing a bone mask, exuding a gloomy aura.

Even though he was several meters away, Su Nan could feel the strong negative energy from the other person.

The word "dead body" was engraved on the table in front of that person.

Su Nan sat on the left of Night Owl, and the person three seats away from him wore a rose mask, and the word "rose" was engraved on the table in front of him.

The moonlight shone in from the window, covering the entire wooden house like a veil.

Sunan turned his head and looked through the window. He could see the night sky outside.

But he knew it was just an illusion. He was now in another dimension and no longer in the material world.

"Only five people are attending the party today? It seems that everyone is very busy."

Night Owl looked around and teased in a relaxed tone.

"Let's not talk too much. I believe everyone knows that from today, our jungle cabin has welcomed a new member. Let us welcome him."

Night Owl paused and looked at Sunan.

"Player." Sunan said the code name he had already thought of.

As his voice fell, scratches appeared on the table in front of him, as if an invisible carving knife had carved the word "player" stroke by stroke.

Night Owl pondered for a few seconds, as if he was chewing on the meaning of this code name, but unfortunately he was destined to not understand it.

". Then let us welcome the new member, Mr. Player."

Night Owl led the applause.

Red Heart and Rose also raised their hands and clapped a few times.

Only the dead body did not move, as if he did not hear what the night owl said.

The night owl did not care, and said to Sunan: "Including you, there are currently eight people in the jungle cabin, but most of the time people are not all there, after all, everyone has their own things to do."

Sunan nodded in understanding.

He was also busy every day.

"Then let's not delay, start today's transaction."


The dead body suddenly interrupted the night owl.

The latter looked at him and asked in confusion: "What's wrong?"

The dead body glanced at Sunan and said: "According to the rules, newcomers who have just joined must show their strength and prove that they are qualified to participate in the party. After all, no one wants to waste time trading with a guy who doesn't have many resources."

The night owl shook his head and said: "No, I can guarantee for the player that the resources he has are definitely not less than ours."

It's a joke, others may not know, but he has personally investigated Sunan and knows the latter's strength very well.

The person who can create the Black Rock Cavalry Regiment and the Stone Golem Legion will lack resources for trading?

He is the first one who doesn't believe it!

Hearing what Night Owl said, Red Heart and Rose looked at Sunan in surprise, as if they were a little puzzled as to why this person could get such a firm guarantee from Night Owl.

In the Jungle Hut, everyone did not know each other's true identity.

Only Night Owl, the founder of the Jungle Hut, knew the identity information of each member.

All the members who joined the Jungle Hut were invited by him personally.

But the dead body did not buy it, and said coldly: "That can't break the rules."

The eyes under the mask of Night Owl narrowed slightly.

The atmosphere suddenly became a little stagnant.

"I'm sorry, Mr. Sunan, the dead body and Hebu have a good relationship. In order to persuade others to make an exception and let you join, I had to tell the truth about your killing Hebu. Maybe it was because of this that the dead body made things difficult for you."

The subtle voice of Night Owl came to Sunan's ears.

Seeing the indifferent look of others, it was obvious that only he could hear these words.

"Although Night Owl is the organizer, he has little control over the other members of the Jungle Cabin. He didn't lie. This is indeed a very loose organization."

Sunan thought silently.

This is good news for him.

Nodding to Night Owl calmly, Sunan then said: "Then let's follow the rules."

He stretched out his hand and brushed across the table, and ten gray crystals appeared on the table out of thin air.

"Is this enough to prove my strength?"

Wang Hai sneered and looked at it, but froze in place the next second.

At the same time, a low cry came from under the rose mask sitting next to him.

The female voice was somewhat magnetic, but it was a female wizard apprentice.

"Magic Stone!"

The ten gray crystals that Sunan took out were undoubtedly magic stones!

Night Owl subconsciously sat up straight, stared at the magic stone in front of Sunan and asked:

"Can I take a look?"

Sunan made a gesture of please.

The trading house is restricted by the oath contract law, and even the owner of the trading house cannot change it, so there is no need to worry that your things will be taken away by others.

Ye Xiao stretched out his hand and a magic stone suddenly floated up and fell into his palm.

Sunan raised his eyebrows when he saw this.

Spells silently cast?

Or the ability attached to magic items?

If it is the former, then Ye Xiao's strength is not low.

After looking at it for a while, Ye Xiao handed the magic stone back to Sunan and nodded slightly: "It is indeed a magic stone. Although it is only a low-level magic stone, the quality is very good."

Everyone present seemed to trust Ye Xiao's eyesight. Hearing him say this, Rose and Red Heart looked at the magic stone with a hint of burning eyes.

The dead body also fell into silence and stopped talking.

There is no natural magic stone mine in the Starlight Continent today. The existing magic stones are basically left over from thousands of years ago, and the number is very small.

And the use of magic stones is extremely wide. Whether it is setting up magic circles, making magic items, or refining puppets, it is also needed when making some special potions.

It can be said that without magic stones, many things cannot be implemented.

In today's Starlight Continent, magic stones are undoubtedly very valuable materials for any wizard apprentice.

These ten magic stones alone are more than enough to serve as trading items for a party.

Even if the dead body wants to find fault, he can't find an excuse.

Seeing that the dead body was silent, the night owl chuckled, clapped his hands and said:

"Since everyone has no objections, let's start tonight's transaction."

"Which one wants to come first?"

As soon as Ye Xiao finished speaking, Qiangwei on the right side of the long table said, "I'll go first."

Under the gaze of everyone, Qiangwei touched her palms, and two exquisite wooden boxes the size of palms appeared out of thin air on the table.

She opened one of them, and inside it was densely packed with green seeds.

"These are the seeds of Datura grass. You should all know the characteristics of Datura grass. I won't go into details. There are a total of one hundred and twenty one Datura grass seeds. Does anyone want it?"

Datura is a magical plant with hallucinogenic effects and is a material used in many potions.

Back in the Evil Spirit Manor in Stone Bell City, Sunan had encountered many datura grasses, but those datura grasses had been eroded by negative energy and could not be used to make potions, so they had to be burned in the end.

"What do you want to trade?" Sunan said.

He was about to open a new magic plant garden, which could be used to plant some datura grass.

Qiangwei looked at the magic stone on the table in front of Sunan, hesitated for a moment, and said, "How about a magic stone?"

Sunan nodded: "Deal!"

"Thank you." Qiangwei breathed a sigh of relief.

The value of more than a hundred datura seeds is still a little worse than one magic stone. She got a little advantage in this transaction.

Su Nan put the datura grass into the Rubik's Cube, checked it, and made sure there was no problem, then threw the magic stone to Qiangwei.

After getting a magic stone, Qiangwei's mood seemed to be much happier, and there was a bit of lightness in her next voice.

She opened another wooden box, pointed at the potion inside and said:

"This is the flame heart potion, a first-level potion. After taking it, you can strengthen your physique and slightly enhance the fire element resistance."

Hearing the words first-order potion, the three people present except Sunan were a little moved.

Sunan saw this and nodded secretly.

As he guessed, first-level potions are quite precious to these wizard apprentices.

Night Owl and Hong Xin pondered slightly, seeming to be thinking about whether to trade Flame Heart Potion, but finally shook their heads and remained silent.

The corpse took out an irregular gray crystal and said solemnly: "A miniature soul crystal in exchange for your bottle of flame heart potion."

Qiangwei was immediately moved when she heard the words, and was about to agree when Su Nan's voice suddenly came to her ears.

"Three magic stones, in exchange for your flame heart potion."

Qiangwei perked up and agreed without saying a word.

"make a deal!"

Zugu's face turned dark and he glared at Sunan fiercely.

Su Nan didn't care and handed the magic stone to Qiangwei in exchange for the Flame Heart potion.

Both are first-level potions, and the cost of active potions is about one hundred and twenty gold coins.

——Of course, this was before the improved Silver Moon Flower was used. Today’s active potions cost less.

Other wizard apprentices do not have a Rubik's Cube, and the cost of making potions is higher.

The cost of a first-level potion is at least two hundred gold coins.

The value of the magic stone is about fifty or sixty gold coins. Taking into account the scarcity premium, it is reasonable to exchange three magic stones for a bottle of first-level potion.

However this only makes sense to others.

To Sunan, it was almost the same as having sex for free.

After all, the cost for him to synthesize one magic stone is less than two gold coins, and three magic stones is just five gold coins more.

In exchange for a bottle of first-level potion at this price, it is simply not a good deal!

"This bottle of potion can be used to strengthen your physique."

Su Nan raised the corner of his mouth slightly and put the flame heart potion into the space ring.

Seeing that Qiangwei did not continue to take out items for trade, Ye Xiao looked at the others.

"Who's next?"

"I'll do it." Hongxin said.

The voice was a bit low and vague, obviously disguised, and the gender could not be distinguished.

What he took out was a huge skeleton.

When unfolded, it is about ten meters long and five to six meters high. Judging from the appearance, it should have been a subdragon, a dragon lizard, or other similar creature in life.

"This is the skeleton of a Spinyback Pteranodon." Hongxin introduced.

As soon as he finished speaking, Su Gu couldn't wait to say: "I want this thing!"

He took out another soul crystal and placed it on the table.

"Although the Thornback Pteranodon is a legendary sub-dragon species, the value of its bones is relatively low, not as high as its blood and heart. It makes sense to exchange two miniature soul crystals for your bones."

Hong Xin nodded, confirming the dead skeleton's statement.

He was about to agree when he suddenly thought of something and turned to look at Sunan.

Sure enough, the latter smiled and said, "Want five magic stones?"

"Deal!" Hongxin said without thinking.

Although the soul crystal is precious, it is not as versatile as the magic stone, and she needs the latter more.

Seeing this scene, Su Gu was so angry that he almost broke his teeth. He stared at Su Nan, wishing he could throw a spell at his face.

Su Nan glanced at the corpse with a half-smile.

You boy, if you dare to pick a fight with me, I won’t let you trade anything today!

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