Synthesis Wizard

Chapter 94 The water behind is really deep

Although he is not 100% sure, Sunan guessed that the code names taken by the people in the jungle cabin should be more or less related to their own abilities.

For example, when Night Owl came to see Sunan last time, the stand he controlled was an owl.

The items that Qiangwei took out for trading were either magic plant seeds or potions. He should be very good at cultivating magic plants and making potions.

As for the skeleton of the dead, his ability is likely to be related to the undead system.

His eagerness for the skeleton of the pterosaur also confirmed this from the side.

For this guy who deliberately picked trouble with him from the beginning of the party, Sunan must give him a taste of his own medicine.

With him around, the dead will not be able to trade anything at this party.

Sunan is confident that he has this confidence.

In terms of rich resources, he believes that none of the people present can compare with him.

Of course, his trading of the skeleton of the pterosaur was not entirely out of impulse.

The pterosaur belongs to the sub-dragon species. Its skeleton is beneficial to the hidden dragon. After being refined, it can be used to strengthen the bone strength of the hidden dragon and promote the increase of blood concentration.

After putting away the skeleton, Su Nan suddenly asked Hong Xin: "Do you have dragon blood? Or sub-dragon blood?"

Hong Xin was stunned and nodded: "Yes, I do."

He turned his wrist, and a transparent glass bottle appeared in his palm, which was full of red blood.

"This is the blood of the pterosaur."

Su Nan's eyes lit up.

The current blood concentration of the hidden dragon is close to 90%. If this bottle of sub-dragon blood can be obtained, it can be refined together with the skeleton of the pterosaur and fused with the hidden dragon, and its blood may be advanced to the sub-dragon blood in one fell swoop.

This thing must be obtained!

Su Nan asked in a deep voice: "What do you want to trade?"

Unexpectedly, Hong Xin shook his head and said:

"I don't plan to trade with this bottle of blood."

Hong Xin spread out his other palm, and there was a yellow-brown eyeball in his palm.

"This is something I got accidentally. It seems to be a magical item. It contains rich energy particles, but no matter how I try, I can't activate the energy inside."

"As long as anyone can help me identify this thing, I will give him this bottle of dragon blood."

Hearing Hong Xin say this, everyone present immediately showed curious eyes.

Ye Xiao said: "Can you show it to me?"

Hong Xin directly sent the thing to Ye Xiao.

Ye Xiao picked up the eyeball and looked at it back and forth for a long time, and tried to inject mental power, but the eyeball still had no reaction.

After a while, he sighed, shook his head and handed the thing back.


Seeing that even the knowledgeable Ye Xiao didn't recognize the eyeball, Qiangwei and Wang Hai immediately gave up the idea of ​​trying.

At this time, Sunan said, "Let me try."

Hongxin glanced at him and handed the thing over.

Wanghai sneered, "Even Night Owl can't do anything, why are you pretending?"

Sunan ignored him and concentrated on looking at the thing in his hand.

Although Night Owl, Hongxin and Qiangwei didn't say anything, they didn't think Sunan could see it.

But to everyone's surprise, Sunan quickly put the thing down and smiled, "Unfortunately, I just happen to recognize this thing."

Everyone was stunned.

Hongxin quickly reacted and said happily, "Really?"

Sunan returned the thing to him and said slowly, "This thing is called the Rainbow Eye, which is the eye of the Rainbow Monster. It can release light similar to the rainbow aura. If you say it is a magic item, it is not wrong. This thing is a natural magic item to some extent."

Everyone was stunned.

Neither the Rainbow Eye nor the Rainbow Monster, they have never heard of it.

Ringlight is a second-level spell that can make the target illuminated by the light fall into an illusion.

Although everyone present didn't master it, they had seen it in books.

"Who knows whether what you said is true or false?" Wang Hai sneered.

Sunan glanced at Wang Hai, and his eyes were like looking at a jumping clown, which made Wang Hai particularly annoyed.

Before he could speak, Sunan had already looked at Hong Xin and said lightly: "You can try to soak the rainbow eye with a mixture of dream flowers and animal blood. Five minutes will be enough."

Night Owl said at the right time: "I have owl blood."

Rose then took out a lavender flower: "I also have a dream flower."

Seeing this, Hong Xin no longer hesitated and tried it immediately.

Anyway, he couldn't use this thing now, so he might as well try it according to what Sunan said.

The owl blood mixed with dream flowers quickly submerged the eyeballs. Everyone waited patiently for five minutes. When Hong Xin took the eyeballs out of the blood, the eyeballs had changed greatly.

The original yellow-brown color had disappeared, replaced by a rainbow-like colorful light.

Looking at the beautiful colorful light, several wizard apprentices present were in a trance for a moment, and then they quickly came to their senses and looked at Su Nan with astonishment.

It was true!

It was exactly the same as he said!

The dead body was also dumbfounded at this time. He didn't expect that the player really knew this thing, and even knew how to activate it.

It's weird!

Is this guy more knowledgeable than Night Owl?

Red Heart looked at the Rainbow Eye in his hand with joy, and immediately handed the blood of the Pteranodon to Su Nan after coming to his senses.

"Thank you, according to the agreement, this bottle of sub-dragon blood is yours."

Su Nan happily accepted it.

"Your Excellency the player is really knowledgeable." Qiangwei smiled.

Ye Xiao nodded in agreement.

When he saw Sunan recognize the trading house at a glance, he thought that Sunan had just seen it in a book by chance, but now it seems that Sunan is clearly knowledgeable.

It is hard to imagine that a person who has just become a wizard apprentice for a short time can know so many things.

Considering the many resources that Sunan has, Ye Xiao even began to wonder if there are other wizard apprentice organizations behind Sunan.

Wang Hai sat in silence without saying a word.

A powerful wizard may not be knowledgeable, but a knowledgeable wizard is usually not weak.

Knowledge is power, this sentence is not a joke.

Originally thought that the player was just a newly promoted third-level wizard apprentice, even if he had the record of killing Heb, Wang Hai actually didn't take the other party seriously.

But now he found that he couldn't see through the player.

After identifying the Rainbow Eye, Red Heart indicated that his transaction was over.

Night Owl glanced at the dead body, and seeing that he was silent, he smiled and said, "Then let me do it next."

What surprised Sunan was that Night Owl took out a batch of fist-sized eggs.

"These are red-eyed crow eggs."

"Red-eyed crows are swift, have super endurance, and have super long-distance and super-wide vision, which is very suitable for patrolling and guarding."

"I have a total of 45 red-eyed crow eggs here, and also come with a red-eyed crow breeding manual I wrote myself. Does anyone want it?"

Red-eyed crow!

Sunan's expression moved.

He knew that this kind of magical creature was indeed very suitable for patrolling and guarding the base.

Although there are stone golems in his base now, the number is too small after all, and the movement is a bit clumsy, so it is difficult to take care of the entire base.

If there is a group of red-eyed crows and stone golems to cooperate, the security of the base will be more perfect.

Thinking quickly, Sunan said immediately: "I want it, what do you want to trade?"

"Magic Stones." Night Owl said without thinking, "Forty-five red-eyed crow eggs plus a cultivation manual, in exchange for ten magic stones."

Sunan shook his head: "Six."

It's just eggs, not adult red-eyed crows. He has to hatch and cultivate them himself when he takes them back. These dozens of eggs are not worth ten magic stones.



Night Owl hesitated, and finally nodded and said: "Deal."

Another deal was reached.

Now only Sunan and the dead body have not taken out the exchange items.

Seeing everyone's eyes on him, the dead body pulled the corner of his mouth, pointed to the two micro soul crystals on the table and said: "This is what I want to trade."

Night Owl, Red Heart and Rose looked at each other in silence.

The things they brought had already been traded with Sunan, and the value of what they could still take out was not as good as these two micro soul crystals.

Seeing that the three Night Owls did not move, the face of the dead body turned black, and he glanced at Su Nan, who seemed to be smiling, and took back the two miniature soul crystals with hatred.

Night Owl coughed lightly and said to Su Nan: "Player, do you have anything to trade?"

"Of course."

Su Nan smiled, stretched out his hand and brushed it, and more than ten magic stones appeared on the table in an instant.

This scene made the Night Owls and others secretly shocked.

More than ten had been exchanged just now, and now more than ten were taken out.

How many magic stones did the player have?

If it was not impossible, they would have thought that the player had a magic stone mine.

"I need wizard books, gems, and various rare metals. If you have them, you can take them out and trade with me."

Night Owl, Red Heart and Rose were refreshed.

If Su Nan wanted something else, they might not have it yet, but wizard books and gems, as long as they were wizard apprentices, they had them.

The key is that wizard books can be copied multiple times, and gems can be bought with gold coins.

Neither of these two things is particularly rare, so it's a great deal to exchange them for magic stones!

So the three of them took out various wizard books and gems.

Sunan carefully selected them, eliminating those wizard books he already had, and took all the rest.

As for gems, he accepted all of them.

What surprised Sunan was that Rose actually took out more than 300 gems at one time.

Although they were all low- and medium-grade gems, she was very rich.

You know, there were only more than 100 gems on Heb.

"This guy is either from a noble family or has cooperated with the royal family of a certain country." Sunan looked at Rose deeply.

In addition, Red Heart and Night Owl also took out nearly 100 gems respectively.

What made Sunan happy was that Red Heart happened to have three rare metals that were the materials for the magic pattern core, which he lacked, so he took them all without saying a word.

In the end, Sunan got more than 300 wizard books, more than 500 gems and three rare metals at once.

And he paid only less than 200 magic stones.

The three Night Owls thought it was a good deal to exchange wizard books and gems for precious magic stones.

Sunan thought it was also a good deal to exchange low-cost magic stones for wizard books and gems.

Both sides thought the deal was worth it.

It was a win-win situation!

The only one who was unhappy was the dead body sitting alone in the corner.

From the beginning of the party to now, he didn't trade anything, all of them were intercepted by Sunan.

He couldn't bring himself to go to Sunan to apologize.

He seemed to be an outsider in the whole party.

Looking at the magic stones in the hands of the three Night Owls, the Dead Skeleton felt a little regretful. If he had known, he would not have provoked the players.

After the transaction, Red Heart and Rose were obviously much more enthusiastic towards Sunan.

After all, Sunan had proved how strong he was.

Even the scepter with the deepest foundation in the Jungle Hut could not take out more than 200 magic stones in a party.

They were naturally very happy that the Jungle Hut had such a deep foundation.

This meant that they could trade more resources in the future.

The transaction was over, and the party was over.

Before leaving, Sunan made a list of rare metals, indicating that as long as he could take out the rare metals on the list, no matter how much, he would take them all at the next party.

Red Heart and Rose agreed, and began to think about how to collect more rare metals after returning.

In a blink of an eye, only Night Owl and Dead Skeleton were left in the wooden house.

Looking at the gloomy corpse, Night Owl sighed and said, "Heb's death is his own fault, not the player's. You shouldn't make things difficult for the player."

"You saw it just now. The player's background is much deeper than we expected. It's good for the jungle cabin to have him join."

"I advise you that if you want to trade more resources, you should try to get along well with the player in the future."

The corpse was silent for a while, and said in a deep voice: "Don't you want to know where the player's magic stone comes from? How many hundreds of magic stones can an ordinary wizard apprentice get?"

"What if you know? Do you still want to take it from the player?"

Night Owl said meaningfully.

"Don't forget that when the player was a second-level wizard apprentice, he could already kill Heb. Now that he has been promoted to a third-level wizard apprentice, his strength will only be stronger. Do you think you are sure to beat the player?"

The corpse's words stagnated and he couldn't refute.

"Let's take a step back. Even if you can kill the player, how can you guarantee that you can get those magic stones? Who knows whether those resources belong to the player or he traded them from others?"

"If it's the latter, we will cut off a channel to trade magic stones."

"Since we can trade magic stones from players safely, why do we have to take risks and do something thankless?"

Wang Hai fell silent again.

After a long time, he stood up and said, "I know, I didn't mention this matter."

As soon as the voice fell, Wang Hai disappeared instantly.

Ye Xiao shook his head and looked at the place where Su Nan had sat before, with a thoughtful look in his eyes.

After the previous investigation, he thought he had enough understanding of Su Nan, but after two contacts, Su Nan's image became more mysterious and confusing.

Now even he can't figure out the depth of Su Nan.

"A 20-year-old third-level wizard apprentice, the water behind him is really deep."

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