System Change

Chapter 270: Shared Experience

Chapter 270: Shared Experience

Derek didnt have too much time to view all the notification he received, so he only glanced at the kill notification before dismissing it.

You have assisted in killing level 250 Adult Wind Wyvern

11,100,000,000 Experience Gained

Level Up

Level Up


Whew Derek rubbed the sweat off his brow. Just the one kill, split four ways between himself, Edgar, Jasper, and Tara, had given him just over two levels. There goes my trying not to level He also felt that the wyvern he killed gave more experience points to him than a regular beast at level 250, but that was the first one he had slain, so he wasnt sure. He would, however, find out soon enough.

Derek glanced indecisively at the corpse of the wyvern underneath himself. He wanted so much to dismantle the beast and store it in his storage devices. It was too big to store as a whole, and he wasnt even sure he would be able to drag it into his Void Storage even if he wanted to without dismantling it first.

Unfortunately, he didnt have enough time to do any of that. Edgars wyvern was already upon them, and when it saw its brethren lying dead on the ground, it let out a resounding shriek, which caused all the other surrounding beasts to do the same.

He checked his time. They had just over 40 minutes left to finish the fight if everything was the same as before.

Ill get the attention of the lesser beasts, so you can take care of your wyvern, Derek sent to Edgar, who still floated above, preparing for the incoming wyvern.T/his chapter is updated by nov(ê(l)

Sounds good! the prince sent back.

With that, Derek entered Void Shift once again. This time, he didnt need to bother about the adult wyvern. He could focus on all the other beasts.

He suddenly appeared before a group of 5 drakes flying behind the wyvern. To draw their attention, he didnt need to do much, so he called upon an old skill he rarely used: Chain Lightning. The lightning surged from his fingertips and hit the leading drake before bouncing to the other drakes behind.

The skill didnt do much, but it was enough for him to receive a deadly glare from each beast. Derek smiled and entered Void Shift again.

Edgar had already intercepted the fire wyvern and begun his struggle to tame the beast while Derek collected all the additional monsters in the surrounding. Once he was sure he had the ire of each beast, he turned and fled, leaving Edgar alone with his wyvern.

Good luck! he sent to Edgar. If you need help, let me know.

Will do, Edgar replied.

Now, Derek had a plan for the couple dozen monsters he had in tow. It was a plan that Avery probably wouldnt be too fond of. The man was already dealing with dozens of beasts, including a wyvern, on his own, so a couple dozen more shouldnt hurt, right?

After his success with the previous wyvern, he was more confident in dealing with the death attuned one. He was sure he wouldnt have the ability to kill it by himself, but hopefully Avery would have an attack good enough to pierce its heart, just as Edgar had done.

Derek decided against using Void Shift to make his way to Avery. He didnt want to chance one of the beasts breaking off from him and heading back to Edgars fight. It was, however, a long way to where Avery was. The man had chosen to lead his opponents far away from Dereks own fight, which Derek appreciated.

His next instinct was to use his legs and feet to knee or kick the wyvern, but his position on the wyvern didnt allow for that. The best he could do was wait for his good fist to become ready again, and keep attack over and over with his left hand. He thought about channeling his inner Silvi and head-butting the beast, but decided against it because he hadnt practiced transferring the void to his forehead like he had to his fists.

Derek hit the beast in the temple, then quickly turned and threw up Absolute Nullify over his head, stopping any magical attacks from the lesser dragonkin from hitting him. He turned, then hit the wyvern again before tearing a space behind him with his Void Storage for extra protection. He hit the wyvern again, then tore another space open on the side of himself, covering himself even further with an unopened Time Prison.

Boxed in, he summoned a mana potion from his storage, but failed to grip it with his right hand. He barely caught it before it crashed onto the wyvern. Then, he gulped it down, restoring much of the mana he had used to on the three skills, especially Absolute Nullify, as it was a constant drain.

Just then, from the one side he hadnt covered, the side showing the body of the beast; he saw a giant drill-like attack hit the body of the wyvern, aimed directly at where its heart should be. The attack stopped as it hit the softer scales covering the wyverns underbelly, but it continued spinning rapidly.

Derek punched the wyvern again. This time, he could see the light and focus beginning to reappear in its eyes. His combination attack was finally wearing off.

The drill-like attack actually broke through the dragons underbelly, surprising Derek. Unfortunately, the attack lost its steam and began to slow. Then, much to his delight, another of the same attacks followed in behind the first, creating an even bigger wound. After a few seconds, blood began gushing out of the injury.

Derek summoned the halberd and caught it with his left hand before channeling the void into the blade and using Sweeping Slash. The blade connected, the skill went off, then; the blade shattered. Derek felt his heart drop from his chest as pieces of the halberd began to fall like dust all around him. He didnt have another heavy weapon that could withstand his channeling. The extra damage from Sweeping Slash would be rendered basically useless.

He looked over to the attack from Avery, and saw the man in the distance with his bow drawn and aimed at the wyvern, another drill forming from it. He moved side to side, avoiding a wyrm that erupted from the ground beside him.

Avery seemed to see what happened with Dereks weapon, and their eyes met. Avery gave Derek a toothy grin and ran his tongue over his top teeth. Then, his bow disappeared from his hands, losing the built up energy in the process.

The next thing Derek knew, Avery disappeared from his sight. Derek stared at the spot where Avery had just been standing, but he was gone. Derek had no way of tracing his movement when he used his max speed.

Multi-Strike was still half a minute from cooldown, and Derek didnt have anything he could do other than keep the beast stunned for a short amount of time longer.

But, because Avery was gone, there was nobody to distract the other beasts around, and multiple attacks flew at Derek from the side he hadnt covered. Luckily, Absolute Nullify had a magnetic property that pulled most of the attacks toward it, causing them to miss Derek. Still, he was peppered by multiple flames.

Finally, the wyvern awakened with a roar, his single-handed attacks no longer able to keep it stunned. Derek kicked off of its head and moved in the direction of his Void Storage. The wyvern flung its head in his direction, and Derek moved.

By some form of luck, and the wyverns rage at being stun locked, his backup plan, if one could call it that, worked. The creatures head disappeared into his storage, and Derek quickly pulled it shut like curtains.

It didnt have the effect he wanted, though. He hoped beyond all hope that it would cut the beasts head off, but it hadnt. At most, it had caused the beast to become stuck.

Derek entered Void Shift and disappeared into the air high above to get away from the multitude of lesser dragonkin that were closing in on him. Then, he canceled Absolute Nullify and watched the wyvern in awe.

It jerked and kicked and flapped its wings, trying to get unstuck, but it couldnt. For a split second, Derek thought it would be trapped there, and after the hour was up, if all the monsters left, it would be a sitting duck. Those thoughts were soon destroyed as Derek saw something all too familiar to him.

The space around the Void Storage began to splinter. Then, cracks spread out like cobwebs. The wyvern was breaking through the void just like a void beast.

Derek took a deep breath and looked at his arm, which was looking slightly better. He tried to close his fist, and it did, though slowly. It would take some time, but it would heal.

The wyvern jerked its body one last time, and the cracks spread even further and began to fall. Derek prepared to enter Void Shift, but then the wyvern rag dolled and fell to the ground, lifeless.

The next moment, a dagger appeared from the wyverns belly and cut. Soon, Derek realized where Avery had gone. The man stood dripping, covered in viscera, next to the beast. He looked up at Derek, then started laughing. Derek couldnt help but smile. That man was crazy.

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