System Change

Chapter 271: How to Tame Your Dragon

Chapter 271: How to Tame Your Dragon

After a couple of looks back and forth, Derek telepathically sent to Avery, What now?

Avery looked around the area, blood still dripping from his body. Theres still some time left with these buffs, he sent back. Lets take care of some of these little guys. Then he pointed to a certain beast hovering in the air above. Dont touch that one, though. Its mine.

Derek looked up at the creature in the air, surprised that it was the one Avery had chosen, but he didnt say anything. The man had been fighting with and distracting all the beasts for such a long time that he had to have his reasons. Alright, Derek replied as he dodged an incoming attack from one of the drakes. I dont have much offense without my weapon right now, though.

You just need to stun them. Ill do the rest, Avery sent back while dismissing his daggers and pulling his bow back out from his storage ring.

After that, the two men got to work. The other beasts werent as hard to deal with as the wyverns were. Sure, they were still deadly, and could probably deal massive damage to even Derek if he was caught off guard, but with the combined might of both himself and Avery, they didnt stand a chance.

It was almost mechanical. Derek would appear from the void above a dragonkin that was focused on Avery, then smash down with a void covered left fist. It didnt do much in the way of damage, but it briefly stunned the monster long enough for Avery to ground the beast. From there, it was only a matter of time before one of Averys arrows finished it off.

After another ten minutes of fighting the lesser dragonkin, Dereks right arm was back to good enough shape to fight with again. It wasnt 100 percent, but it was usable. Once that was the case, he could stun lock the drakes, wyrms, and other beasts once again.

Their killing speed picked up greatly from that. Derek was even able to get a couple killshots himself when Multi-Strike was off cooldown.

Just over 45 minutes after the wyverns had once again appeared, Avery began his next move.

The buffs are gone, Derek heard from Avery. Can you draw the ones that are left away? he asked Derek.

No problem. Derek agreed. With that, Derek changed his attack patterns and began drawing the ire of all the surrounding beasts. All but the one Avery was focusing on.

While Derek was attracting the anger from all the other beasts, Avery turned his attention to his soon to be companion. In the air, above all the other drakes and dragonkin, was a winged serpent that was a size or two smaller than all the other creatures.

Avery had watched the dragonkin for some time now. It always hung around in the back, and never attacked on its own. However, it wasnt cowardly. In fact, the few times where Avery was caught off guard, it had been in no small part due to that beast. Its intelligence was higher than the other beasts around.

In fact, against almost anyone other than himself or Derek, the amphithere above him would have caused massive damage to any team, possibly even ending up causing a party of adventurers to wipe. Unfortunately for the beast, it had to run into a man that spent almost all his time around Alanah.

Avery noticed early on that the dragonkin above was using a rare psychic type controlling element. More than once, he felt the same prodding sensation he used to feel on his mind when Alanah would talk. Fortunately for him, he had so much practice withstanding controlling aspects of Alanahs voice that when the amphithere actively tried to control him; it failed.

However, it also gave Avery the perfect target for a companion. The beautiful, winged serpent had a long body and bird-like feathered wings and crown on its head, with a tail that came to an arrow-like point. The scales and feathers were white on the bottom before transitioning into a light pink on top.

You have initiated a contract and requested that the Level 249 Immature Psychic Amphithere become your contracted beast. Please wait while it makes a decision.

The dragonkins eyes glazed over for a moment when he initiated the contract before regaining focus. It hissed at Avery again, but the contract scroll hadnt failed yet. It was thinking.

Not only will I contract with you, but you will also become my bonded companion. You will grow with my own strength. I promise you will live a much better life than you are currently fated to. He pushed the contract closer to the beast as he spoke. Become my companion!

Again, the beast hesitated, but didnt reject the contract. Avery waited. Finally, after what seemed like forever, the amphithere let out what seemed to be a sigh and lowered its head before stretching out and touching the contract with its head that was the size of Averys entire body.

Finally, the scroll split in two, one half flowing into him and the other going inside the amphithere. A notification of his success soon followed.

Congratulations! You have successfully made a contract with Level 249 Immature Psychic Amphithere. As part of the contract, you are required to name the beast.

Avery smiled happily and rubbed his hand along the side of the dragonkins head. After contracting the beast, he learned that it was female, so he would need a great name for it. He had half a mind to name her Lana, but felt that Alanah wouldnt find that funny.

What do you think about Lily? he asked the dragonkin, who shook her head. Okay not Lily. Chloe? he asked, but the beast seemed even more against that.

I know, he finally said. How about Lyra?

The beast seemed to think about it before she nodded. It had accepted the name.

Level 249 Immature Psychic Amphithere has been named Lyra.

Next, Avery looked around to make sure they were alone, and initiated the bond that one could only do once.

Bond initiated. Please share your blood with the contracted beast.

With a dagger in his right hand, he cut into his left, through his massive endurance. He held his palm out, and Lyra licked.

Without moving her wings, Lyras massive body floated off the ground into the air as a massive gray sphere began to form around her. The sphere grew bigger and bigger until it was at least the size of one of the wyverns they had faced.

Finally, it stopped and Avery got comfortable. He didnt know how long it would take, but his part in the raid was finished. Derek wouldnt have any problem handling the other lesser beasts or supporting Edgar if he wasnt able to tame the red wyvern. No, Avery would not leave his new companion. He would stay here and make sure nothing happened to Lyra.

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