System Change

Chapter 346: Traps

Chapter 346: Traps

Lyra wants us to move away from her and the smaller dragonkin before we bring out the wyvern, Avery said after Derek brought out the last couple of drakes from his Time Prison. Shes got them under control for now without having to use too much mana, but shes afraid that seeing one of the wyverns will influence them and set them off. Right now, she only has to use suggestions, and they think they are in their territory.

Okay, Derek said. Well do that. How far away do we need to go?

Not far, Avery replied. The other side of the clearing should work. And if we act fast, we should be able to keep them contained before they are able to do anything to draw much attention over there.

Sounds good, Derek said. Lets go.

Derek, Avery, Tyron, and Rocky moved to the opposite side of the clearing, leaving Lyra alone with the other beasts. Avery made sure to leave Lyra with plenty of Mana Potions on the off chance that something was to go wrong. Finally, Derek opened his Time Prison once again, except this time, he made sure to make it even bigger than beforethe wyverns were massive.

Which one do you want to deal with first? Derek asked.

Avery looked over at Tyron and Rocky and rubbed his chin. I think the earth element one should be the easier one to deal with. Rocky and Tyrons own elements should be able to overpower that wyvern pretty easily. What do you think? Avery asked Tyron.

Shouldnt be a problem, the big smith answered. Give us a couple minutes to prepare and we should be able to trap it.

Derek nodded and watched as the ground on the outside of his Time Prison began to change. The earth slowly moved away and was soon replaced by a bubbling, dark metallic liquid. Oh hes going to trap the earth wyvern inside a metal casing. If he can do it enough to limit all its movement, that should work great.

Do you think one of them will be able to survive inside this? Tyron asked. It didnt hurt that last monster in the raid that much.

That thing was abnormalextremely abnormal, Avery replied. As I am now, I could take out one of the wyverns by myself. But I think this should work just fineespecially if you are able to trap it all the way up to its neck.

Derek couldnt help but agree. Also, the fact that Tyron had ample time to prepare his trap, and didnt have to preserve his mana for a drawn out fight, instead of just casting it on the fly like he had before should make it much more efficient to use against one of the wyverns. Depending on how it holds, it could work on both of them, actually, Derek thought.

A few minutes and a couple of potions later, and Tyron was finished creating his trap. The two of you just need to get it to fall into the pool instead of flying on its way out. Can you do that?

Shouldnt be a problem, Derek replied, then looked over at Avery. Are you ready?

Lets do it, the archer said and moved into position above the giant pool of liquid metal to keep the wyvern from flying on its way out. Hopefully, the roars dont interfere with the lesser dragonkin too much.

With a nod, Derek headed inside his Time Prisonmaking sure to avoid the trap by using Void Steps. Soon, he found himself at the very back of the prison, looking at the last two doorthe two massive closed cell doors. Okay now which one was the earth one and which one was the pure magic one? Derek placed his hand on the one to the left, then adjusted the sentence speed and backed away.

Whew Tyron sighed. That should hold for a bit. It wont last a long time, but it will give me enough time to create something that will, he said. Though Ill probably have to use some of the wyvern materials to create such a thing.

Ill make sure to compensate you well when I get back, Derek said. Well get you some more materials and maybe a Void Beast meal or two.

Tyron nodded at that. Okay, I need some time to rest and recover, then we can do the same with the other wyvern.

How well will it work on the other? Its pure magic based, Derek asked.

It should be easier, Tyron said. This one is earth based, so it has a very small amount of control over the metal, which made it harder for me to manipulate things. Luckily, it was only earth based, though, and was countered pretty easily by Rocky. With one of a different element, it shouldnt be a problem, and Rocky wont need to provide support like he is right now.

Gotcha, Derek said. Just say when, and well move to prepare another trap.

Okay, Tyron nodded, then sat down in meditation after drinking another couple of potions.

Soon, they had another trap prepared, and Derek moved the entrance to his Time Prison over the new trap. The second wyvern fell into the trap even easier than the first, and everything went even more smooth than before. They had played a dangerous game, trapping and corralling all the dragonkin, which is why they chose the position they did and did it all one by one.

If anything had gone wrong, Derek, Avery, Silvi, or Lyra would have been able to control the situation. But everything seemed to work even better than Derek expected. Its nice for things to go as planned for a change, he thought.

Hows Lyra doing? Derek asked Avery.

Shes fine. A little tired, but recovering. The wyverns roars from inside your space made it out into the open and riled the rest of the dragonkin up, so she had to expend some more resources to get them back under control, but now that the wyverns are trapped and silent, their back to grazing like normal. She should be able to keep herself in good enough shape to control any problems that may arise, Avery explained.

Thats great, Derek said. Thanks for all the help. And thank Lyra for me, too.

No problem.

Derek looked at the ground below himthe massive metal ground. Im definitely having Tyron create the foundation for any other buildings I need to make. Well after Bones and Ogres bunkhouse is created. Tyrons going to be busy here when Mal goes to commission that building. Derek looked over at Tyron, who was already creating himself a mobile smithing area so he could create some proper equipment for trapping the wyverns.

If any problems come up, Derek started. Dont hesitate to call in a reinforcement or two. We have a couple dragonkin to spare if we really need to.

I will, Avery said. Now, dont you need to get to Alanah? The sooner the better.

I was thinking the same thing, Derek smiled. But first, theres one last thing I need to do.

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