System Change

Chapter 347: Void Travel

Chapter 347: Void Travel

One last thing? Avery asked.

One second, Derek said. Ill be right back.

From there, Derek jumped high in the sky with Silvi still sitting on his shoulder, then, his foot found a void ripple and he went even higher. Finally, well above the massive clearing where they decided to relocate the dragonkin, Derek got to work exploring.

The clearing was pretty much clear of any monsters other than the dragonkin. If the lesser dragonkin didnt make it so, then the roars from the wyverns had caused everything to run off. So, Derek took off in a random direction. He was soon over a small forest of trees, and still scanning his surroundings. After searching for a couple minutes, his eyes locked onto what he was looking for.

There you are, he said aloud. Im void shifting, Silvi, so you can either come with me or just go back and wait with the others. Derek heard a snort from his shoulder and smiled before using Active Void Shift and appearing directly next to a monster.

He wasnt looking for any specific beast, so he picked the first ones he saw. What he ended up finding was a flock of flightless birds that looked like giant turkeys, but with forest green colored talons and beards. Derek cast a quick Identify on the flock of beasts and found them to be level 145+ monsters called Avethorns. They will work just fine, he thought as he reached out with both hands and wrapped them around the creatures necks.

He only needed two, which was good because as soon as he made his move, the others scattered in all different directions. Of course, he wouldnt have had any problem catching them, but it would have been a bit of a hassle, nonetheless.

With the two turkeys in hand, Derek jumped back up into the sky and made his way back to the clearing with Void Steps, where he was met by a waiting Silvi and the rest. During the short distance between where he captured the beasts and the clearing, the two creatures tried their best to do damage to him and escape, but the vines and thorns they cast at him wasnt able to break his armor, much less his skin.

The last thing you needed to do was go catch some Avethorns? Avery asked, deadpanned. Are you planning on having Silvi make you a poultry dish before you go?

Derek rolled his eyes. The monsters dont matter. I just needed two of anything, he said. Then, Derek opened his Time Prison once again. This time, though, he kept the passageway at a regular human height. Once the passage was open and he opened to door leading to the lobby, he tossed one of the turkey-like creatures inside before closing the door and pulling the void back together. I needed them to run an experiment, Derek said.

If he was going to be using Void Travel, he wanted to see what kind of effect it had on both creatures or people stored inside his Time Prison and those who went into the void with him. This would allow him to find out exactly how safe it would be to take others inside. The two beasts that he captured werent exactly high stat creatures, especially in the endurance department, but they were better than nothing. Depending on the effect caused by the Void Travel, he would know what other types of experiments to try.

I see Avery said.

Okay, Silvi, its time to go, Derek said as he looked around at the present company and all the dragonkin in the distance. I think were going to go off a distance before I use the skill. I dont want it spooking everything and causing them to break out of Lyras effects. Shes already got a hard enough job as it is.

Derek kept his eyes closed and focused hard on meditating and recovering his mana. After some time, he opened his eyes, but kept with his active meditation. Finally, he remembered about the passenger he had brought with him. With Void Creation, Derek made a small ball of glowing purple and held it close to his other hand before looking down at the creature he was holding.

To his horror, the turkey-like creature had turned into an abomination. The bottom half of the creature had grown and grayedlike it had aged hundreds of years in the short time that hed been inside the void. Some of the top half, however, looked young and vibrant, like a chick that had only just recently hatched from its egg. On top of that, there were many small holes in the creatures body.

It was like something had just taken whole chunks of the Avethorn body out all at once. The disappearance of the flesh actually reminded Derek of when he used Harbingers Material Drain skill on something. Needless to say, the beast he was carrying was no longer moving. Derek didnt even know how long it had taken for it to die.

Dereks eyes shot open and in a panic, he reached over to his shoulder and turned his head. He sighed in relief when his own eyes met Silvis. She had her head tilted and was looking at Derek with a tinge of concern.

Never bringing ingredients in here again, Silvi sent to him after also taking a good look at the creature hed dropped. That could have made some good chicken

Yeah Derek laughed, happy that Silvi was with him to help ease the tension he was feeling. That was unfortunate,he said to her. It looks like its being affected by both the time and space elements at the same time. Some of it aged and some of it even grew younger, but the whole time, space was eating away at its body.

Looks that way, Silvi agreed.

With his makeshift light in his hand, the two continued to watch the Avethorns body change right before their eyes. After a couple of minutes, the space aspect of the void had eaten away the entire body of the beast. I wonder whats going on with the one I locked away inside my Time Prison.

Derek let the void ball in his hand die out and allowed his mana to finish recharging. He reached out once again into the distance. He just wanted to see. This time, he kept an eye on his mana. The further he reached with Void Sense, the quicker the mana went down. With that, it was confirmed. Finally, he made it to his old cabin once again, then he began looking for the only other person hed had a decent amount of contact with back on Earth.

He was pretty sure that the pink-purple flickering aura he had found belonged to Silvi Jaccobs. The only other aura he knewand knew better than Silvi Jaccobss aurawas Jaces. However, he couldnt find it anywhere near Silvis. Did he die? The thought actually saddened Derek a bit. He never really cared for the man, and even went as far as to call him a psychopath, but he had to admit that at a certain point, he looked forward to Jaces visitseven if they did end up with him getting his ass kicked and being on the verge of death.

Derek sighed and began to pull his senses back. He didnt want his aura to bottom out once again. However, as he was pulling back, he felt it. A very solid red colored aura way away from Silvis on Earth. Is that him? That doesnt make sense. The aura was so far away, there was no way that it was on Earth. But it had to be Jaces. Did he leave the planet?

Derek didnt have time to think much about it. But he did feel relieved at sensing the aura he was looking for. Maybe Ill be the one to visit him one day, and hell be the one to get his ass kicked. With a smile, Derek pulled his aura back completely, then reached out for the one he needed to find. It was so much easier to find Edgar, Blitz, and Alanahs auras after searching for the distant one.

There you are, he said. Now, I just need to hop to them. Derek rolled his eyes. Nah I think Ill walk.

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