System Change

Chapter 361: Meeting

Chapter 361: Meeting

Derek counted six elves sitting around a long table that had been placed in the center of the Throne Room. There were four men and two women. Three of the male elves looked somewhat similar with their long, flowing silver hair and emerald green eyes. If he had to guess, Derek would say that one was the king, and the other two were his sons. Hmm how many sons does this king have? He thought to himself. It looks like theyre having a late meeting. I bet I can guess the subject.

Sister, one of the male elves jumped to his feet. What is the meaning of this? Why are you here?

Oh, so at least one of them is Sabrinas brother older, I guess? Its hard to tell. Even though the man had called out to her multiple times, Sabrina didnt answerno, she couldnt answer. After all, Alanah hadnt allowed her to.

Sabrina! her brother yelled once again. Answer me!

Settle down, Laeryn, another young looking elfthe one sitting at the head of the tablespoke in a light tone. It isnt that she will not speak, its that she cannot speak. Likely, your sister has not been in control of her actions for some time now. Isnt that right? The man stood and gave a light bow to Dereks group. Ms. Swan.

Swan? another one of the men asked, then hushed murmurs fell around the table. Father You cant mean

It seems my reputation proceeds me, Alanah said as she walked forward, stopping a good ten feet away from the table full of what seemed to be Indrian royalty. Derek and Edgar followed closely behind. Unsurprisingly, everyone at the table seemed to be unaffected, or at least affected very little, by Alanahs casual speaking. Osian, I believe that this is the first time weve had the pleasure of meeting in person.

Around the table, everyone except for one woman jumped to their feet and drew their weapons. However, the man who Alanah was speaking to, apparently the King of Indria, held up his hand and motioned for them to stop.

Im afraid its too late for that. Put your weapons away and sit down, King Osian commanded with a sigh, and everyone but him fell to their seatsthough not without some hesitation. If Ms. Swan is here, then by that white-silver hair and blue eyes, I assume I am also in the presence of a Cydarian royalI would guess Edgar Cydaria. Which means that the remaining man must be Mr. Derek Hunt and his companion, Silvi.

You assume correctly, Alanah said. And I assume you already know why we are here.

I have an idea. Though I had imagined we would have a bit more time before you arrived, and I didnt believe your arrival would be so sudden. I guess I can just add that into the growing list of miscalculations made by myself and my brothers part, the king sighed.

Miscalculations indeed, Edgar stepped forward and spoke. Now, I believe its time to discuss the terms of your surrender.

Surrender!? King Osians son jumped out of his seat once more. With the three of you, you expect us

Silence! Olivar! Osian shot his son a glare before turning his head back to Derek and the others. Come, have a seat.

The table where the royal family was sitting had multiple empty seats on one end. Edgar gave both Derek and Alanah a look, and they both shrugged. Fine, he said before walking forward and sitting at the opposite end of the table from Osians position. He was the Cydarian royal in their current situation, and thus, would be speaking for the whole of Cydaria.

Once Edgar was seated, Derek and Alanah took their own seats to his right and left. Sabrinasince she hadnt been commanded by Alanahcontinued to stay back, not moving.

Seeing his niece still standing there, King Osian looked at Alanah and said, May I be so rude to ask you to release my niece from your control?

Alanah looked back at Sabrina, then at the king, and shrugged. Thats not something I can control. Shell break out of it when she breaks out of it. Finally, looking back at the girl one last time, Alanah said, Sabrina, go sit with your family.

The elven woman mechanically walked over to the empty seat next to her brother and sat. She didnt say a wordonly staring directly ahead.

It shouldnt be too long now, Alanah said. I half expected her to break out of it on our way over here. She must not have a lot of points invested in wisdomeither that, or she has horrendous willpower. Thats something shell really need to work on.

And will she get to? Osian took that chance to jump in and ask a question that had to have been on his mind for some time now. Will she have the chance to work on her willpower?

Thats not up to me, Alanah said with a shrug. Itd be better if you asked Edgar.

Everyone in the room, aside from Sabrina, Derek, and Silvi, turned their heads to see what Edgar had to say. Derek, on the other hand, was busy trying to guess the age of the elves at the other end of the table. I didnt think that the youngest looking guy in here would be the king. Damn he thought. Then he turned his head slightly to look at his companion. Silvi well, Derek didnt want to guess at what Silvi was thinkingbeing in a room full of elves and all.

Stupid ice enemies. Leaving no ingredients, Silvi sent to him.

Exactly, Derek replied. Silvi was sulking from accidentally destroying the kings storage ring with her dragon fire. She was also still salty about the Frost Wargs she had fought in the raid, not leaving her anything but buckets of water.

A puddle? Osian asked hesitantly.

He turned into pure ice and was a pain in the ass to fight without killing. So he died, Derek explained. The general guy is dead, too, but the two dukes, your brother included, are currently alive.

The king looked from Derek to Edgar, and Edgar nodded. Its as he said.

The king slumped back in his seat and sighed. It seems that it really is our defeat.

Like I said. Edgar leaned forward. Were here to talk about the conditions of your surrender.

The room went quiet for what seemed like an eternity, but was really only a few minutes. Finally, Osian nodded to himself and spoke once more.

I beg of you to release my brother. Allow my remaining children and family to live, and you may take my life. I will admit to my folly as a king to my people and urge them to foster no hatred. I will take all the blame, for it is mine, and mine alone.

Father! Olivar struggled to come up with words. N no! You cant do that.

It must be done! Osian raised his voice and glared at his son. It is the price for failure.

Actually Edgar began, getting everyones attention once more. Your son is right. You cant do that. Your life is both too much and not enough.

Too much and not enough? Osian looked on, confused. What do you mean?

I mean that weve already made our plans. The death of a king will not be enough to satisfy our kingdom. Our losses have been too great, and our citizens have lived in fear of your army for too long. That, and we all know what would have happened to Cydaria had you and Astrus accomplished the task you set out for.

Then what will happen?

You will not die, Edgar said bluntly. Ryven will not die. None of your royal family will die.


No, you will not die, but your kingdom must change, Edgar said. You and your family will continue to rule Indria. However, Indria will become a vassal of Cydaria. Unlike what would have happened had you won this war you started, however, Cydaria wont mass execute or enslave your people. They will be able to go on living their almost normal lives.

A vassal kingdom Osian looked down. My grandfather would be ashamed.

Were not done, Edgar said, and Osian looked back up. Your royal family will form soul contracts with Cydaria. The details will be discussed later. But, obviously, your rules and laws, especially how you treat others of different race, will have to change. But you and your family will live.

Osian was quiet and didnt speak for some time.

Impatiently, Derek decided to speak up. You do have another option. There is also option two, he said.

Osian looked up with hope.

Oh, I dont think you will like option two, Derek said with a menacing grin. Its the option where I lead the counterattack on Indria and Astrus, along with a dozen dragons and dragon riders. Youve heard of Edgars dragon, right? Well, I brought more. Derek stared intently at the man. Option two is also the option where none of you make it out of this room alive today, and Indria will be nothing but a footnote in the history books. Derek took a note out of Tevarians book. But go on take your time. Im sure its a very difficult decision.

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