System Change

Chapter 362: Decision

Chapter 362: Decision

The king and everyone else on the opposite side of the table stared at Derek slack-jawed after he made such a declaration. What? he asked. Dont think I cant do it. I want all this bullshit over and done with so my people can go back to living their normal lives. This stupid fighting has delayed their growth long enough. I dont care about your petty feuds, but when they start affected me and mine, then we have a problem.

Hes right, Alanah said. And Ill be happy to fight alongside him. It is best you take this chance to keep your country alive. It is more than you should receive after your cowardly attacks on my people.

And dont think that we wont be able to do it, Derek said, then, with a quick telepathic message to both Alanah and Silvi, he asked them to fully release their auras. Soon, the entire chamber was filled with an aura so heavy that it felt almost physical.

Sabrina was too weak to even handle the aura of one of them, much less all three, and as soon as the aura fell over her, she fell unconscious. It was the same thing that happened with the young Torith noble, though. She was still stronger than Clay was. And, after waking Clay up, Derek knew that it would only take another shock to ones system to wake up others affected the same way by aura.

He actually didnt know if it was possible to straight up kill with an aura, but he did know that if someone was weak enough, it could prevent them from breathing, and it was possible for them to suffocate. Still, he focused most of his aura directly on the king, and the other two did the same.

I understand, the king said hesitantly. The two of no three of you are beyond our ability to defy. We have indeed kicked a hornets nest this time. Please retract your aura. Youve made your point.

At that, Derek and Alanah retracted their auras. Silvis aura lingered on the king for a few moments longer before receding as well. With all of their auras in check, Derek surveyed the roommaking sure to look over each individual.

Both the kings nephew and son were doing their best to stay calm, but it wasnt hard for Derek to see the shakiness in their hands. Olivar, the prince, was even clutching one hand tightly with the other to try to keep the shaking from showing. Both men had their heads down.

The kings wife was still just as calm as ever. She had only widened her eyes initially when they had released their auras. It was more of an expression than shed shown ever since they walked into the Throne Room uninvited.

Other than Sabrina, who was completely knocked out with her head on the table, the other elven man seemed to be having the hardest time. He was visibly shaking, and clearly almost passed out at the initial release of the aura. However, other than the king and his wife, the other womanthe one who had been silent the whole timeseemed to be taking it better than anyone.

Shes definitely a warrior, Derek thought. Then I would guess that the other weak guy has to be the adviser that Osian mentioned.

So, Edgar broke the silence once everyone calmed down enough to continue discussions. I take it you have made your decision?

Yes, Osian sighed. I we will sign your soul contracts and Indria will become a vassal kingdom to Cydaria.

Great! Edgar clapped his hands, then looked at Derek. Derek, if you dont mind, would you bring my brother and the duke here?

Your brother? The duke? the king asked, confused. They are here? Where?

Just a second, Derek said as he held his pointer finger up. I need to remove some weight first. With that, he stood from his seat and walked a good distance away from the table and everyone else before opening his Time Prison and tossing the three people theyd thrown in before out to the ground.

Derek still had the prison set where the time inside passed much slower than outside, so the two guards were still stunned from Alanahs initial command, and the third seemed to just be coming out of his daze. Huh, Derek thought. That guy might actually be stronger than I thought. The man, who Sabrina had called Jerum, quickly got his bearings and jumped to his feet.

Your Majesty! The man was quick to take in his surroundings. These people, they

Its okay, Jerum. You may stand down, Osian said and put his hand up in a halting motion. You may as well be here, too. Take a seat. The king more commanded than asked, then, he turned back to Alanah. Ms. Swan. If you would be so kind as to send my guards out.

That fight hadnt taken too long, so, a few hours after that, and he was in the palace discussing what to do with the pair of dukes. After that, hed waited a couple hours for Alanah to recover, and finally, theyd arrived in Indria late that evening. Now, it was the middle of the night, and he was moving back and forth between two palaces of warring kingdoms. Good thing Im strong, he thought. Otherwise, Id end up as a glorified taxi.

When he stepped out of the tunnel this time, the man who he was waiting for still wasnt there. Shrugging, he went and took the seat Alanah had been sitting in across the small from Natalie. Without saying a word, the petite woman poured Derek a cup of tea, which he didnt really enjoy, but appreciated the sentiment, and they sat in silence while waiting. Luckily, it was only a bit over ten minutes later that a frazzled-looking, middle-aged man arrived.

The man was skinny, not Bones skinny, but he definitely looked like he could use a meal or two. He had very messy light brown hairit looked like hed just gotten up and hadnt taken the time to brush or even pat it down. Over his eyes, he sported a pair of thick, round glasses, and he wore a black and gray robe. Derek couldnt tell if this was his sleeping attire or something he normally wore, but he didnt really care.

Your the man kneeled and began to speak, but yawned deeply after just one word. Your Majesty. You have need of me?

Yes, Callum. Thank you for coming on such short notice. There is a situation, and we are in need of a soul contractor multipleurgently. You neednt worry, as you will be compensated quite well for your time and inconvenience.

Yes, my king, the man said as he continued on one knee. But multiple soul contracts in a row that may be difficult.

I know of the strain a soul contract put on you, and I wouldnt ask you if it wasnt of utmost importance. Trust me when I say, I will owe you a great favor once this is all over and done. We are on the brink of ending this war that had dragged on far too long.

Derek noticed that Edwin made sure to say that hed owe the man, and not the kingdom. And since hed be giving up his seat as king very soon, having the former king owing you a favor wasnt as good as the current king. That sly old man, Derek thought.

You may stand, Edwin finally said, and after he stood, he continued. Do you accept this request?

To have a role in ending this war? he asked, wide-eyed, and Edwin nodded. Of course, I accept. I will do my best.

Good! Edwin chuckled. Now, Im sure you are wondering about that dreadful portal in the room.

I wasnt going to say anything, but

Well, Im sure youve heard of Derek Hunt, he is the man sitting with Natalie Savannah over there. Edwin pointed to their little table off to the side.

Nat Callum shot a look over and stuttered when he saw the two of them sitting there. He hadnt noticed them when he came in. He had been very fixated on the portal, then on the king.

Well, this portal was made by Mr. Hunt. He will take you through it, then, you need only follow the instructions of Edward, who is already on the other side.

But a portal

Dont worry, Derek Active Void Shifted and appeared next to the man instantly. It was a poor use of the skill, but it made for good theatrics. Its not that kind of portal. This is the kind that you die instantly when you go in if Im not with you. Its not one of the bad ones that summons Void Beasts.


Lets go. Derek grabbed the man by the back of his neck and steadied him with his other hand. Soon, a thick armor made of void appeared around him. Be careful not to move. We wouldnt want you disappearing on us. Finally, he lifted the now stiffened man and took a step inside.

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