System Change

Chapter 365: Marriage?

Chapter 365: Marriage?

What was that? What did you say? Osian leaned forward and looked at his niece.

I I said that we could h-have a m-marriage between our two kingdoms. The longer she spoke, the more confident Sabrina seemed to become. Yes, a marriage. Wouldnt that solve all of our problems. It would tie our family to Cydaria. Its the perfect solutions. What better way to c-consumma Sabrinas face instantly turned crimson once again before she continued. What better way to solidify our agreement than through a marriage?

Huh Osian leaned back in his seat and ran his thumb and forefinger over his chin, thoughtful.

Brother, Ryven said. Youre not taking her words seriously, are you? They are just the idle fantasies of a young womanone who has been talking about marriage for decades, mind you.

That may be so, brother, Osian replied. But you must admit, it is not a bad idea.

Derek leaned back in his seat as well, though he wasnt thinking about it. Instead, he was just enjoying the show. Specifically, he was enjoying the frantic look in Edgars eyes as he thought about the implications of what the young elven woman had said.

Derek couldnt be entirely sure, but there were only three royals from Cydaria ready for marriageEdward, Edgar, and Elouise. And, since Edward was about to be crowned king, that would put Edgar in the hot seat. Elouise, from what Edgar had told Derek about her, seemed to be cunning enough to get out of any proposal thrown her way. She was a bit of a daddys girl, and Edwin wouldnt dare force her into a marriage if she didnt want it.

Though Derek hadnt asked or heard of anyone mentioning any dukes in Cydaria, it was still possible that the king had a brother or sister who had unmarried children. Edgar had also never talked about his mother, but she could have also had brothers or sisters. There was no reason that a marriage had to be between princes and princesses. Any two people with high statuses in their respective kingdom would work.

But Edgar hadnt seemed to work all that out yet. Considering he looked to still be in shock, it seemed he was still frozen on the fact that his bachelor days could be coming to an end. Derek swore he could see steam flowing from his head as his brain began to malfunction. for new novels

Edward, however, didnt have the same panicked look on his face as his brother. Instead, he was lost in thought, just as Osian had been. It seems the future king is weighing the pros and cons. It really isnt a bad idea, especially if the two parties agree to it.

Dereks eyes met Alanahs, and he could see a sparkle in them. Before, she had been just as bored as Derek was, but now, things had gotten interesting. Who doesnt like a good royal wedding? Back home, they account for a large number of romance movies.

The main thing, other than the union between two kingdoms, that a wedding between Cydaria and Indria would show would be the Indrian Royal Familys new stance on races other than elves. Any children from the union would be half-elves, and they wouldnt be born out of wedlock or be bastards, they would be fully recognized children of the upper echelon of both kingdoms.

If nothing else, it would make the new changes to the way other races have to be treated easier to swallow. In fact, now that Derek thought about it, a marriage would solve many of the problems they were facing. Is she actually that smart, or He looked over at Sabrina, who seemed to find an empty spot on the table in front of her extremely interesting. No Ryven is right. She just has marriage on the brain.

Edward, Osian finally spoke, breaking everyone out of their thoughts. This idea of a marriage. What do you think? Its a good idea, no?

That Edward sighed. I can find no flaw in it. A marriage between a high ranked human and elf. It would certainly solve many of our current issues. The only question is, who would be wed?

Indeed, Osian said. I imagine that we could rule out both you and my son Olivar. The two of you will become kings in the future, and because of our racial differences, we wouldnt want my son out living his queen by decades or centuries or your queen outliving you.

Very true. Edward agreed. It may be best to exclude all immediate members of each royal family.

With those words, Derek immediately saw Edgars eyes brighten. The man leaned forward and began to fiercely nod along with his brothers statement.

Well that was fun while it lasted, Derek thought. Picking on Edgar had become a bit of a fun pastime for Derek over the last few days.

Agreed, Osian said. In that case, does anyone have anybody in mind?

Me! Sabrinas voice squeaked out and everyones gaze fell onto her.

Actually Edward cut in and Derek felt a sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach. Derek is well knownat least among the remaining noble houses in Cydaria. And it is within my power to make him a duke of the kingdom. In fact, my father was just talking about rewarding Derek with a title and his own fiefdom.

Dereks face went stone cold, and he stared at the side of Edwards face. Unknowingly, Edward shivered, and he turned his head from Osian, eventually looking Derek in his eyes. Im going to kill you, he sent to Edward telepathically. Im going to open a portal, cover everything except a single foot in my void armor, and let the energy eat away at you, finger by finger, toe by toe. Then, when nothings left but your head and torso, Im going to give it to Silvi and have her cook it up nice and good and force feed it to your father.

Silvi, Derek sent to his companion.


Look at Edward and lick you lips, like youre about to eat a tasty elf burger, he commanded. He didnt need to ask his gluttonous bunny twice. In fact, she even added in a little drool for extra effect. Good, thats enough.

Edwards entire face was pouring sweat, and he looked like hed seen a ghost. He clutched his remaining hand tightlytrying to keep everyone from seeing his obvious shaking.

Fix it! Derek commanded.

A-actually Edward swallowed hard. D-Derek has already refused any titles or land. I had hoped he would reconsider, but he isnt one for politics. I doubt even marriage to such a wonderful lady such as yourself could sway him.

He doesnt have the time, either. For the first time in the discussion, Alanah spoke up. Mr. Hunt and I have made plans for after this war is settled, and I do not plan on putting them off.

Plans? Derek asked. He wasnt sure if she was just helping him out, or if she was serious.

Of course. You promised me that we would go dungeon diving when you got back. Do you not remember? Also, I would like to catch a few Void Beasts if you dont mind, she replied.

Oh, that. Of course. I cant wait. Actually, Im supposed to take Avery to hunt a few Void Beasts, as well, he said. Thanks for the backup. I dont think Ive ever been in that much danger.

Alanah smiled at him. You know, you could have just refused, right?

Derek looked at Alanah, dumbfounded. That didnt even cross his mind. He was so taken off guard that hed been dealt a critical blow and didnt know how to respond. Poor Edward oh well, at least he wont try anything with me again. I guess its better this way. Are excuses better than flat out refusal? He wasnt sure. Derek silently chuckled and shook his head as Edward continued.

Ah yes, Edward said. We wouldnt want to keep Mr. Hunt and Ms. Swan from their plans, now would we?

No, no we would not, Osian agreed. Is there anyone else? Sabrina, would you agree to wed someone other than Derek, or was he your only choice?

Sabrinas eyes broke away from Derek, and she pouted. However, she soon got a hold of herself and raised her head. I will have to meet some suitors, then I will decide.

Well, that was a quick turnaround, Derek thought. That was almost painful, seeing her flip that switch like that. Of course, there was no way he would ever marry, or even date, someone like Sabrina. Well, I cant say never, he thought. People can change especially with the system. Not to mention, everyone has a past. She may have just been unlucky in the fact that I met her in her villain arc. Derek laughed to himself.

Finally, his fate was back in his own hands. Derek sat back and listened to Edward go through a list of high-ranking eligible bachelors in the Cydarian Kingdom. As it turned out, he did, in fact, have a couple of cousins. They just stayed away from court and lived more simple lives. They were put at the top of the list of candidates, along with a few other nobles from the remaining high-ranking noble houses.

Uh, you can remove Tristan from that list, Derek said as he noticed Tristan Allisters name had been mentioned. Im pretty sure hes taken. The healer had completed the raid with him, so they were technically comrades. It was only right that he protect the man from all this nonsense.

The discussion continued until everything was settled. Sabrina would soon be taken back to Cydaria to meet the list of her potential suiters. Hopefully, everything would work out.

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