System Change

Chapter 366: Taxi

Chapter 366: Taxi

With all the nonsense about marriage settledWell, it wasnt nonsense until Derek had been included in the talks; before that, it had been funeveryone made quick plans about what was going to happen next. Derek would take everyone he needed to back to Cydaria, including Sabrina. Also, it seemed like nobody wanted the pleasure of being carried around in a pot. So, he would have the privilege of being a taxi after all.

No matter how much he wanted to stuff Sabrina in one so he wouldnt have to deal with her looks of resentment, embarrassment, and flurries of other emotions she apparent felt toward him. So, Derek was going to have to make multiple more trips than expected.

While the Cydarians were getting everything ready on their side, Indria would be doing the same. Their next mission would be a combined assault on Astrusleading up to the execution of the captured duke. Both Ryven and Osian would take part in the assault, and it would be one of the situations outlined in the soul contract where Osian would be able to use his full power. The whole thing with the soul contracts was rather interesting to Derek.

Unfortunately, Derek didnt have any way to bring anyone to Astrus, so they would have to travel the old-fashioned way on dragon. He thought about sending someone he knew over there, then locking on to them and using Void Travel, but he decided against it. Dragons were much more intimidatingespecially when they came with somewhat of an army.

Derek began taking everyone to Cydaria, one by one, until finally, there was only Sabrina left. Well, Sabrina and her maidservantwho she had managed to bring over while Derek was carefully taking people through the portal.

Right then and there, in front of King Osian and Sabrina, he made Sabrina remove any contracts and oaths that Jessica had with her. This, of course, caused the servant to pale and panic, but he had chosen to question the maidservant without any constraints. Both Jessical and Sabrina objected, but he was insistent.

After that, he took the dukes daughter through the void, careful to keep her at arms length and not create any unnecessary contact. She did her best to avoid looking him directly in the eyeshe didnt know if that was from their earlier interactions or because of Jessica, but he didnt mind. He didnt want any misunderstanding after what he just went through.

Then, he came back for her maidservant newly uncontracted maidservant. Hopefully, she would be able to shine just a bit more light on everything.Fôll0w current novÊls on n/o/(v)/3l/b((in).(co/m)

Hey. Derek snapped his fingers in front of the young womans face multiple times until she broke out of the daze shed been from not only being in the palace, but also being in a room with the king. Dont worry about him, Derek said. Its just you and me in here. Actually Derek looked at Osian and gestured toward an exit with his head. Give us five minutes.

Very well, Osian sighed and walked out through one of the side exits.

Y-you King Osian he listened to you? Jessica stuttered through her words.

Yeah, Derek said. I have that effect on people.

The girl looked toward where the king was just standing, then at Derek, then at the open portal, then back at Derek. She chose not to say anything.

There are a few questions I have that I would like for you to answer truthfully, Derek said. Can you do that?

I can, she said. Especially with the b-broken contract

Do you enjoy being Sabrinas maidservant? he asked right off the bat.

Enjoy? she asked.


I not all the time. But other times it can be nice.

How so? Derek asked.

The young woman paused, as if she was collecting her thoughts.

You dont have to worry about anything you say coming back on you, trust me. They wouldnt have the courage to do anything about it, he said with a reassuring smile.

Shes better when we are alone and she hasnt had a stressful day. She treats me almost as a friend especially after coming back from her trip, she answered.

And does she abuse you? Hurt you?

Oh, no! Sabrina quickly replied. That is against the terms of our contract. Her words can be hateful or hurtful sometime, but she has never physically abused me. She the woman paused as if there was something she wanted to say, but didnt dare to.

He expected Alanah was on her way to Savannah to see Avery. During all the contract signing, Derek had told her about everything, and she knew where he and Lyra were keeping the dragonkin. She actually seemed pretty excited to meet Lyra, but she didnt seem all too thrilled when he told her that theyd brought a wyvern out of the dungeon for her.

He wasnt sure why, but it seemed something strange was going on with her. Once she was fully recovered, when they talked, she seemed a bit anxious. He wondered if it had something to do with her transformation skill, or if the war and all the killing was weighing on her.

Youve both done a fantastic job, Derek heard Edwin praise his sons from atop the throne. You negotiated well with the soul contracts, and the marriage idea is not a bad one at all.

Thank you, father, Edward said. Edgar didnt look like he cared much about being praised by his father, but Edwards eyes shone with happiness.

Derek, Edwin called out.

Yeah? Derek asked.

I know we may have gotten off on the wrong foot, and I havent exactly lived up to my status as a king, but you still helped the kingdom when you were needed. For that, I am grateful. King Edwin actually stood from his throne and bowed. He then raised his head and said, Without your aid, not only would this war have dragged on for an unknown amount of time, but Edgar would still be inside the raid dungeon, and unable to provide his support.

In fact, while Im not certain, I do not believe Cydaria would have been able to weather such a storm in the long run. Even Alanah, for all her strength, would have eventually exhausted herself. Actually, Im not even sure if she would have fought at all, if not for you. So again, from the bottom of my heart, thank you.

Derek shrugged. I didnt do anything for you, he said. It was for my people.

Still, you have my gratitude, the king said. And are you sure you do not wish to become a duke? The kingdom will back you in whatever you choose to do. You could, perhaps, build a new, prosperous city. Im sure citizens would travel far and wide to become residents in a city controlled by Duke Hunt. The king smiled.

Yeah Im good. Derek shook his head. You dont know how many times Ive turned down the offer to start my own city. I dont think Im going to start accepting it now. He inwardly laughed. At least this time it isnt the system requesting me to build a city.

Very well, Edwin replied. I will not ask again.


Now, with one kingdom down, I assume you plan on helping with Astrus as well? the king asked.

Thats the plan, Derek said.

Then I would suggest you prepare yourself, Edwin said. Our journey begins as soon as Edward tames his dragon! The king was all smiles and Edgar rolled his eyes.

Oh? Youre coming, too? Derek asked.

Im old, Mr. Hunt, Edwin said. I dont believe I will have another opportunity to subdue a kingdom on a dragon. That is the thing of legends, and I wouldnt miss it for the world.

Derek laughed and shook his head. Come on Edward, he said. Taming a dragon aint easy, and you dont have a lot of time to waste. With that, Derek, with Silvi perched on his shoulder, pulled Edward into the void, and they headed off to tame another dragon.


Osian looked at the space where the portal just disappeared from and sighed. Well, brother, he said to Ryven, who had made his way back to the Throne Room. Our father would be disappointed.

We took a gamble on what should have been a sure thing, and it blew up in our faces. The fact that we are still alive at all would make father proud even with what we are going to have to endure under the rule of another kingdom, Ryven answered. I am sorry about Orion.

Osian clenched his fists and sighed again. That wasnt your fault. It was just the start of the house of cards falling. I will miss him, and unfortunately, he will never be avenged.

That man and his companion are anomalies. I doubt the Dawn Siren would even be able to hold her own against either of them. Everything was our fault, and Orion was the first to pay the price. Now its our turn, Ryven replied.

Osian nodded. Retake your command. Gather the soldiers and capture those remaining from Astrus. They no longer have a leader. The soldiers had scattered after Derek and his companion attacked, but both parts of the army was still in Indria.

If they took care of the soldiersby capturing, not killingthen all they would have left to deal with was the nobles. And Osian doubted that even the strongest of the nobles in Astrus would be able to contend with the combined force of Alanah and Derek. Plus, he would be there, too, and he was looking forward to letting some of his frustration out on Astruswhether they deserved it or not.

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