System Change

Chapter 385: Treasury

Chapter 385: Treasury

Derek watched for a while as Edward, Osian, and Tevara made their rounds between all the nobles. Everyone was trying to be as cordial as possible to what was essentially the new leaders of the kingdom, so it didnt seem like he needed to worry about an attack coming out of nowhere against Edward. As for Osian, he could take care of himself.

Hed only gotten a few glances at Osian fighting, but from what he saw, the man was holding back quite a bit in order to mirror his brothers outputhis brother, who was considered to be quite strong. From what hed heard, Ryven had managed to only be slightly disadvantaged against Alanah in their initial fight well, until she transformed and mopped the floor with him. And even though shed said that he was a good counter to some of her abilities, it was still quite an accomplishment.

Even if some of the nobles did choose to attack, with Osian staying withing steps from Edward, Derek doubted the future king would have any problems. Besides, Edgar was watching over his brother like a hawkseemingly worried about the same things. With his speed and the short distance, Derek had no doubt that the young prince would be able to get between any attacks on his brother.

On top of all that, Alanah, Avery, and Marrick were still around. That was a trio that even he wouldnt want to mess with. Unless it was in a spar, then that could be pretty fun, Derek thought as he slowly and quietly backed away further inside the palace. When hed told Edgar that he wouldnt mind raiding whatever Astrus had in their storage, he wasnt completely jesting.

Of course, Derek wasnt a monster. He wouldnt take everything, but he would definitely choose some good things that Astrus no longer neededor that he decided that Astrus no longer needed. So, he wasnt going to rob them blind just a little blurry.

After a few more slow steps away from everyone, Derek turned on his heel and began looking around. Ugh this place is going to be a maze. With a shrug, he chose a hall to the right and began walking. He only made it twenty or so feet down the hall before he heard the pattering of footsteps running behind him. Damn caught in the act. Who saw me?

Other that him, everyone else was focused on what was going on outside. Hed thought he had made a clean breakeven Alanah and Avery were off to the side discussing things as they kept an eye out. Derek closed his eyes and sighedhe really didnt want to share with anyone here other than Silvi, who was still perched lazily on his shoulder.

Slowly turning to see who was behind him, Derek was surprised when he saw the still moderately angry prince moving toward him. Oh? Tyler Sinclair this could be good. He definitely knows where the treasury is.

Where are you going? the man asked with some hostility in his voice as he approached.

Tyler Sinclair, Derek said. Just the person I was looking for. I need your help.

What? the younger man stopped in his tracks, stunned. Why would I help you?

Isnt it obvious? Derek said. Youre soon to be an adviser of the Kingdom of Indariaas soon as the change is announcedso I need you to advise me.

This conversation obviously wasnt what the former prince was expecting when he began chase. You youre part of the group that killed my grandfather, father, mother, uncle, and brother. And youre not going to be the king. Theres no reason why I should help.

I actually only killed your uncle, Derek clarified. He seemed like a bit of an asshole, too. He tried to kill one of my friends while she wasnt lookingor at least take her hostage. Im not sure. I didnt let it get that far. So, do me a favor and help me out, will you? Besides, if you watched any of the meeting, then you already know that even Osian and Edward are deferent to me. Its basically the same thing as advising the new rulers.

That Tyler lowered his head, took a deep breath in, and clenched his fists until they were shaking. Under his breath, he muttered, I promised Tevara I promised Tevara Finally, he loosened his hands and raised his head back up. What is it you need? he asked.

Good, good Derek said, and patted the young man on his shoulder. Take me to the treasury room. You know, where your father kept all the good stuff. I need to take inventory.

The young mans eyes narrowed his eyes in suspicion. Youre going to steal from it, arent you?Fôll0w current novÊls on n/o/(v)/3l/b((in).(co/m)

What stood out about the doorand the surrounding wallwere the runes that were etched on and around it. They were all glowing different colors. Some were green, some were brown, but the majority were the blue color of pure mana.

Derek looked over at Tyler. Well? he asked.

Oh, Tyler said. I cant open it. It was set to my grandfather, father, and brothers mana. They were the only ones who could naturally get through all the runes. Of course, there is also a key.

A key? Derek asked. Where is that?

My father carried it in his storage ring. So, if you know where that is, you can open it.

Derek closed his eyes and breathed deeply. Of course, he knew exactly where Tevarians storage ring and all the contents inside were. They had been turned into ashes and mixed with a puddle of Tevarian after Silvi was finished with them.

What are the runes? Derek asked. He could identify maybe a handful of runes is all, and those mostly had to do with hot water, cold water, and draining. Are there any runes on there that will cause the destruction of everything inside?

Tyler looked hard at the runes and shook his head. The green ones are poison runes. They will activate together with the brown ones if an intruder breaks through. The brown ones will seal the entrance again, and the green ones will fill the room with poison. The same ones are inside that you see out here just in case someone slips by them. The blue ones are all different types of locks. Of course, there are some runes that alert that there has been a breach. But those alert my father, grandfather, and General Whitaker.

Hmm Derek rubbed his chin. I definitely dont need to worry about any of those three getting an alert. Ones a puddle, ones just dead, and the other had his head separated from his body by Alanah. I think I can handle that. He nodded his head. Silvi, melt the runes and door. Start small and only use what you need to. Try your best not to cause a commotion.

Kay! With a single word of acceptance, a very small lid made from void appeared in front of Derek and Tyler and Silvi hopped on it.

Thats new, Derek sent. It seemed Silvi had finally come up with good ways to stay in the air. Your cooking Void Creation combined with telekinesis? he asked.

Yup, she replied happily. Could use Chop on people with a created cleaver. Why not fly on lid?

Very smart, Derek praised.

I know, Silvi replied.

Finally, from her perch atop the floating lid, Silvi took in a deep breath.

Move back, Derek told Tyler. Were about to break in and you dont want to get caught in the attack.

Not needing another warning, the former prince moved quickly back dozens of feet. After that, Silvi released her flame.

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