System Change

Chapter 386: Heist

Chapter 386: Heist

The heat was everything Derek had come to expect from Silvis flames. In fact, with it being so concentrated and on a small area, and the fact that this was pretty much the closest hed ever been to the flames, it may have been even hotter than usual. A bead of sweat even appeared on his forehead and he had to wipe it away with the back of his hand. After that, he decided it best to take a step back.

Oh, wow! Tyler muttered from behind them.

Derek turned to look at the former prince. He had actually already activated some of his skills. His handsup to his elbowswere made of solid ice, and he had a small blizzard circling around him. However, just as each piece of snow appeared, it melted just as fast. The young mans face had even turned a shade redder because of the heat Silvi was giving off.

Whatever the entrance to the treasury room was made of, it was durable. Either that, or some of the runes did more than just lock the door. Silvi seemed to think so too, as another wave of heatan even stronger one that beforewashed over Derek.

Finally, with that second effort, Derek saw the stone surrounding the door begin to melt. Soon after the stone began turning to magma and dripping to the floor, the doorwhich was some type of metalfollowed after. Together with the metal and stone, the runes deactivated before disappearing as well.

Silvi continued to increase her fire output, and Tyler moved even further back from the flame. Derek also took another step back.

Soon enough, Silvis fire made a hole in the door and walls. Carefully, Silvi redirected her flames around the hole so they didnt go inside and ruin the treasures within. She wouldnt have that, not after the amount of possible rewards that shed already lost because of the flame.

Eventually, a large portion of the entrance was dotted with holes that led to them being able to see inside the room. Finally, Silvi stopped her skill, and the flames disappeared. Soon after, she moved back to Dereks shoulder, and the pot lid she had been standing on faded into nothingness.

That was hard. Silvis childlike voice rang through Dereks head. Too much focus.

I know, Derek replied. But you did a great job.

Of course, she replied, and Derek chuckled.

First things first, Derek said and moved forward to where all the melted stone and metal was. It was all still in liquid form and steaming heavily. He turned around and looked at Tyler. Hey, come cool this down.

The former prince broke out of his stunned daydream and rushed forward without a thought. Soon, he was standing over the pool of burning magma and releasing a stream of ice.

Combined with the former princes ice, Derek reached forward and touched the rapidly cooling material. With a thought, he willed the stuff inside one of his storage rings. Surprisingly, it worked for the most part. The material was a sludgy consistency, and hadnt completely melded to the floor yet, and Derek was able to store about two-thirds of it. That was a win in his books.

He didnt know how useful it would be, but it couldnt be too bad based on the fact that it had withstood Silvis flames for so long. If nothing else, it will give Brandi something new to work with, he thought. The rest of the material had, however, melded to the floor already, and he wouldnt be able to store it unless he either had Silvi melt it again or he broke the floor that it was stuck to up into chunks and stored it as well.

Thats good, Derek said, motioning for Tyler to stop with his ice. Now Derek looked at the now quite thin walls and door to the treasury to decide what to do. With a nod of his head, he held out his hand and Harbinger appeared. Checking the durability on his glaive, he smiled slightly. It barely lost any durability, but it did lose some. It should be more than enough to make a hole big enough for us to go through.

Woah Tyler let out another word of shock at seeing Dereks glaive. Now thats a weapon. I already thought your armor was amazing when I grabbed it but that weapon.

Derek was busy stopping the poison before, so he hadnt had a lot of time to examine the room, but now he could. In the center of the room, there were several glass casesalmost like the kind hed see at a jewelry store back on Earth. Each of those cases held a single storage ring. On the back wall were dozens of scrolls on shelvesalso covered by the glass.

Interesting, Derek said, and stepped forward to the first case. He went to open the case, expecting it to be locked or trapped, but to his surprise, it easily opened. I guess they didnt expect someone to make it this far he said as he reached in, grabbed the ring, and began examining the contents.

Here, take some of the stuff in here. Just leave at least half or more. It looks like alchemy or cooking ingredients, he said to Silvi as he tossed the ring on the ground in front of her. Well maybe take some more. You can share with Brandi.

After that, he went from case to case and picked out some things. He knew that Silvi wouldnt want anything but the ingredients he found in the first ring, so he didnt bother with anything else for her. There were a couple of rings with what looked like crafting materials inside, so he took a portion of each of those for Brandi. He also ran into storage rings holding some very well crafted weapons and armors.

These will do great until Brandi can make something better, he thought. He picked out a nice spear for Thomas, and swords for everyone else. He also made sure to grab a few spare swords, too, just in case. Unfortunately, it seemed that Astrus had the same thoughts about knuckle weapons as Cydaria did, and he couldnt find anything for Clare. All the weapons were much better than any of the weapons hed brought with him from Earth. It looks like its about time to get rid of all of those.

After going through the weapons, he looked through the armors. He wasnt an expert on armor at all, so he just through in some leather and steel armor that looked pretty good. He doubted they would fit and everything would need to be readjusted.

Finally, he came to one of the last storage rings and was happy that he finally found something that he was interested in for himself. Inside the ring, along with other potions, were two dozen of the potions that increased skill experience, and another dozen of the ones that increased class experience. He didnt bother leaving any of those, and stored them in his bracelet instantly. He also took most of the Resurrection Potions as well.

Here, Derek said and tossed one of the skill increase potions to Tyler. For your troubles.

Finally, he moved to the back wall and began examining the skill scrolls. He was looking for something he could uselike an active movement skill he could level so he wouldnt have to rely on Silvis Active Void Shift so much. But he was also keeping an eye out for anything any of his people could use.

Instantly, he yoked up all the passive resistance scrolls he came across. It wasnt many, a few Magic, Physical, and Toxic Resistance scrolls, and a single Mental Resistance one. He thought of how Brandi was probably constantly exploding things and losing her eyebrows, so he did pick up a Fire Resistance scroll this time then he grabbed another one then another. I might need this if Silvis flames get any hotter she may need one, too.

Then, he came across a ton of ice related skills and scoffed. In actuality, most of the wall of skill scrolls was littered with ice related skills. He did take a couplehoping that Clare would be able to use them. Though she would be using water-based attacks, so he doubted she would want ice ones. But this Ice Weapons skill could pair really well with her weapon of choice.

Finally, he did find a water-based skill scroll. It was actually a scroll that gave the Resurrection skillthe one that cost so much when he was going through Cydarias list of skill scrolls. There was no way he wasnt taking itit was free, after all.

In the end, Silvi got a bunch of ingredients and a skill scroll for Physical, Magic, Mental, and Fire Resistance. The rest of his people would all be getting a little something, and Derek walked away with dozens of potions to help him build his skills, and three new skills.

One was Powerstride. It channeled his mana into his feet and legs and would allow him to move a great distance. It reminded him of a skill called Flash Step from one of his favorite shows back on Earth, though it did also require good strength and dexterity to work really well. Fire Resistance was another of the skills he found for himself, but that was just a preventative measure.

And finally, he found a basic, but perfect attack skill. Hed used Sweeping Slash so much that it was part of his favorite combo, so when he found Whirlwind Slash, he had to have it. It didnt seem to be as powerful as Sweeping Slash, but where the former only arced out in front of him, Whirlwind Slash covered 360 degrees.

All in all, he was happy with his heist. He would learn his new skills soon and then use his potions to help with the leveling. He was especially excited to see how Whirlwind Slash paired with his void energy, and how Powerstride would work with Void Step. Hed be able to cover a vast amount of distance without opting for Void Travel.

Derek let out a breath and smiled as he walked past the former prince, who was staring at him. With a pat of his hand on the young mans shoulder, Derek said, Its probably best if you dont take too much. Oh, and you should also get someone to fix the entrancecant have just any Tom, Dick and Harry running in robbing the kingdom blind, now can we? Then, he walked out of the treasury with the young man behind him muttering something about who Tom, Dick, and Harry were.

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