System Change

Chapter 411: Just to Say

Chapter 411: Just to Say

Derek first made his way to the Crown Restaurant, but left when the manager there informed him that Stella was at the hotel. I should have guessed, he thought as he walked into the hotel. From there, all it took was the lady at the front desk pulling out a communication crystal. Then he was soon led up to one of the rooms that Stella used as her office.

After entering the room, Derek was left waiting for several minutes until Stella arrived. When she walked in, he noticed that she was dressed in a more adventurer-like style than normal. However, even though she was wearing what looked like a full set of leather armor, it looked almost formal. It like she has to go to a business meeting, but she may need to kill some wolves on the way, he thought as he chuckled.

Whats so funny? Stella asked as she walked past Derek and sat behind her desk.

I was just admiring your armor? It is armor, right? Its quite elegant, he asked.

Oh, this? she motioned to the green fitted leather tunic on her upper body. While adventuring with Rayna and the others, I got used to wearing my leathers, and I havent felt the need to go back to dresses or skirts.

And that is your armor?

This? No, Stella said. It is a business attire I had fashioned from the hide of a Woodland Serpenta level 210 creature that can be found in a couple dungeons in the kingdom. It has the feel and some of the protection offered by such a material, but with a more refined business look, she explained. Why? Do you like it?

Sure, Derek said. He had a feeling that the reason she chose the creature that she did was because the emerald green color of the hide really accentuated her crimson red hair and matched her green eyes quite well. Im all about whatever feels more comfortableas you can see. He was, of course, wearing his ever familiar blue jeans and black shirt. This, he motioned to his shirt. Was made out of some level 100 bat thing from that undying dungeon I cleared and crafted by a beginner crafter that had no business using materials of such a high level.

Thats nice, Stella said. Anyway, what brought you here today? More items to sell? Business propositions? Void Beasts? Or have you done something outrageous again and what to see the look on my face when you show me?

What? Cant I just come to say hi after being gone for so long? Derek asked.

You can, but did you? she asked with raised eyebrows.

Actually, Derek said. I did, he said. I had to go deliver some things to Roman, then I stopped by the Adventurers Guild. After that, I figured itd be nice to drop in and see what youve been up to. Its only been a month and a half or so since the last time we met for me, but that like, what? Over a year and a half for you?

Something like that, Stella replied. So I was third on your list?

Didnt really make a list, Derek said. I just knew I was going to deliver some materials to Roman today that was it. I didnt have plans for the rest of the day. Thought I would probably spend most of it relaxing in my shop. Its nice to be lazy for a change.

Im sure it is, Stella scoffed. I miss the times when I took over as manager in Torith. I didnt have to do anything there. It was nice, she said, reminiscing. You know If not for you, I would still be there.

No, you wouldnt, Derek said.

I wouldnt?

Nope, he replied. Alanah would have dropped everything and went and picked you up if you were still there when the war started, and you know it. So, you would still be here. Well, maybe not exactly here, but you wouldnt be there. Actually, with the way you work, you probably would have come back for the auction, and if not that, then you would have come back when Avery signed up for the raid. You wouldnt have left Alanah short handed.

Maybe, Stella said. But would the auction have happened or would Avery had joined the raid if not for you walking into the restaurant that day?

Dont let the merchants hear you say that, Stella said while shaking her head. Though, speaking of skills, it is unfortunate that she had missed out on some class specific ones that would have been available early on. And since she doesnt have a management class currently, she wont be able to get to that class upgrade without fighting to earn the experience.

Well, Derek began. Thats not a problem. I can just take her somewhere and let her poke some things with her staff before I finish them off. Im pretty good at hand-feeding people experience points. Also, you dont have a management centered class, do you?

That is true, and you are correct, Stella said. She held out both hands and a pair of shiny cleavers appeared before she spun them around, then stored them once again. I am working with skills given to me, or ones that I searched out through skill scrolls. I am quite good at my role here, but I am a fighter at heart. And, if you ask Alanah, Im sure that she will agree that my fighting talent is as good, if not better than my management talent even if my management skills have grown more than my combat skill over the years.

What about Avery? Derek asked. Ive never talked with him about it, but he also manages things with Alanah, right?

Avery isnt that great at that sort of thing? He gets half the amount of work done in double the time than it takes me when it comes to managing the Crown Restaurant and Hotel, and hell tire himself out completely to not fall behind, Stella said. Hes whats the best way to put it she tapped her bottom lip with her finger. Averys pledged his life to Alanah, no matter how against it she is. She saved him long ago, and his loyalty to her is unquestionable. I like to think that mine is, too, but Averys is on an entirely different level.

Ive noticed, Derek said. He has a lot of faith in her.

He does, Stella said. She is a good personeven after everything shes been through. Stella sighed. Avery is already one of the strongest people in the world at least, I believe. But if he were to focus more on himself, I can only imagine how powerful he would become. I was so happy when she finally convinced him to go on the raid with all of you.

Even when everything is going smoothly, it is hard for Alanah to convince him to take a break from her side. She even had him recruit Zachary and Lucas so he would at least have something more to do. She hoped that training them would light that fire and allow him to be a little selfish for onceshe also wanted us to recruit some people to take the load off of our shoulders too, she continued. But it seems that what really did the job for Avery was when he joined that battle against Gerald and his grunts. Im happy that he has that fire again.

Dont worry, Derek said. Your secrets safe with me.

Good. Stella nodded.

Anyway, Derek started. Avery said that you met Lyra.

Thats right.

What did you think of her?

I think that it was surprising that he tamed a beast that ended up being so like Alanah, Stella replied. Their skills may be completely different in how they work, but they have similar results. Though I didnt speak with the winged serpent, I could feel the tug on my mind just from being close and looking at her.

I talked with her not long ago, Derek said. She is very strong. I think theres a good reason that Edgars Blitz goes running any time her name is mentioned.

You mean Blitz the Magnificent? Stella asked with a laugh.

Yes Blitz the Magnificent, Derek replied with a smile. Blitz had a really good personality. Anyway, you know that we brought you a dragonkin, too, right?

Avery did mention that in the short time he visited before joining everyone else, Stella said.

Well Derek began. Would you like to go see them?

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