System Change

Chapter 412: The Problem with Bonds

Chapter 412: The Problem with Bonds

You want to go see them? Now? Stella asked with a frown on her face. How long will that take? she asked. Im not blessed with a lot of time these days.

Well, that should change soonwhen Alanah and Avery get backso I dont think you have to worry about slacking off for a day or two, Derek said. But to answer your question They are all just outside of the city. To make a long story short, we found a clearing, then Tyron Blacksteel made sort of a kennel for dragonkinwhich is now holding all the remaining ones.

And you just trust that nothing will happen? Stella asked.

Yes, Derek replied. Tyron didnt hold back with it all. There are power dampening runes among others keeping them inside. Plus, he recruited a Beast Tamer to take care of and watch over the place. Her name was Lindsay? I think?

Lindsay? Lindsay Barnes? Stella questioned.

No clue, Derek said. I didnt get a last name.

Well, it has to be, Stella said. Then, in a slightly lower voice, continued, I cant think of any other Beast Tamers named Lindsayespecially ones that would have the ability to even somewhat control some dragonkin.

So you know her? Derek asked.

Yes, Stella said. She is the daughter of the patriarch of House Barnes. They used to be a regular noble house.

Oh? Dereks brows furrowed. Were they caught up in the noble purge? He didnt know much about what all Edwin and Edward did with their investigations after hed entered the raid and before the war. Edgar had said that there would be some sort of purge, but Derek hadnt asked since hed gotten backhe didnt consider it to have much to do with him.

Oh gods no, Stella replied with a chuckle. Its the exact opposite, in fact. House Barness loyalty and character was proven to be above reproach, and Edwin chose to promote their houseamong a few othersas a reward for their steadfast allegiance and exemplary service.

And it doesnt hurt to show other houses what can happen if you are loyal to the crown and maintain a good character, Derek said. What happened with House Barnes would be the carrot, and what happened with House Torith would be the stick.

Exactly, Stella agreed.

What did happen with Gerald? I know that hes dead, but how was it done?

He was publicly executed by Edwin with absolutely no dignity left intact, Stella replied seriously. By the time Alanah was finished with him, his mind was brokenhe couldnt even speak. Honestly, I believe the execution at that point was a mercy.

Well, Derek said. Mercy or not, its good that hes gone.

I agree, Stella said.

She did seem to be quite the animal lover, Derek said. Perhaps she would make a good candidate for a companion to one of the extra dragonkin. What do you think? There were only two dragonkin that werent spoken forthree if Alanah chose to not take it any further with the wyvern that she tamedand he would rather them either be set free somewhere far away from people, or end up with a companion that would treat them well.

Currently, he was thinking about Bones and Ogre, but those two werent exactly the most trustworthy people yet. Even with the contracts and oaths, they were still former assassins and, though they had certain codes, they had gone around killing for a living. With those two, it would take time to see how well they performed. Bones was actually performing quite well, but he hadnt seen Ogre in a while.

So, with Lindsay Barnes being how she was, and with what hed just learned about her noble family, she didnt seem like a bad candidate if needed. Though he wasnt exactly in a rushnone of his people seemed even close to being able to tame their own. Jacks is probably the closest one to having enough power to do so. And I hate to say it, but Brandi may be secondit all depends on what kind of wild things she ends up building next. He could totally imagine the young smith falling out of the air in a full suit of armor rocking Black Sabbath or AC/DC.

Thomas, though Im definitely going to have to take him sparring to get an idea on how well hes been doing since I left. Hopefully, hes been working hard on his skills, Derek thought. And I dont think Jacks would like the idea of Rayna battling against a dragon while pregnant. I can only imagine the looks I would get from Malorie if I suggested that he shook his head, but was broken out of his thoughts when Lyra answered.

Yes, she said confidently. She would make a very good companion for one of my kin. I have observed her over the last few days, and I have learned some things. Though she is a Beast Tamer, as you say, she has not yet bonded with any beast. I do not know if she wants to avoid that because of the difficulties that come with it, or if she just has not found the proper beast for her. Either way, she would be a good companion.

I see, Derek said. Do you think she would even want to if the reason is because of the problems that come with forming a bond?

Bonding to a powerful dragonkin eliminates much of those difficulties, Lyra started. The biggest difficulty that I know of, based on my limited understanding and experience, is the problem that occurs when either the bond or the bonded dies.

Yeah, Derek said, thinking back to his conversation with Bronson when he accidentally bonded with the best and most fearful companion in the world a bunny. Something about a soul-sickness. Sounds pretty badnot something Id ever want to experience, he replied. Though the loss of the bond would be worse than any kind of stat loss or sickness that happens because of it, he thought, but didnt say.

Indeed, Lyra said. And the loss of the bonded to the bond is more than that. From what I understand with my conversations with Avery, the loss can drive the beast madand that is terrible on multiple fronts.

Especially if the beast is strong, Derek said.

Yes, Lyra replied. But both the beast and the person would eventually be able to get back to normal after the lossit will just take much time.

Derek couldnt help but think about his evolution caused by the other systemthe Origin System, as Dave had called it. It had been pretty adamant about severing the bond between Derek and Silvi, but he had refused. Thinking about it, would have it been such a terrible decision? The Origin System had told him that with its help in severing, no harm would have come to either of them, and her growth would no longer be based on his own.

Would that mean that she would be able to grow on her own now? Like a regular system user and not a beast? It had been such an unexpected prompt, and he had rejected it as soon as it appeared. Still, even if he had thought more about it, like he was doing now, there was no doubt in his mind that he would have come to the same conclusion and rejected it. If the only problem other than the obvious is that growth will be a little harder, then thats no problem, he thought.

Increasing his level was something hed not had a single problem with since he arrived in Cydaria. Hed even been able to increase his skill levels relatively quickly too, so why would he need even easier growth?

Derek clicked his tongue and shook his head before getting back to Lyra. Well, he sent to the amphithere. Its not something to decide now, but its certainly an option that should be considered.

Agreed, the dragonkin replied.

Thank you again for keeping Avery safe, Stella said out loud from beside Derek and bowed again before turning to him. Okay, she said. Lets go see them.

Good chat, he sent to Lyra. See ya later!

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