System Change

Chapter 413: Crunching Numbers and Monsters

Chapter 413: Crunching Numbers and Monsters

So, what did you think of Lyra after finally talking with her? Derek asked Stella as they walked toward the entrance to the Dragon kennel. Lyra had already turned her head and was back to resting, or whatever it was that she was doing.

She is an amazing beast. Stella said. Lyra is the perfect companion for Avery.

How do you mean?

Well shes a very intelligent being, Stella replied.

Which means? Derek asked with a chuckle, knowing where she was going.

Well Avery isnt dumb or anything, but when he fightsactually fightshe gets wrapped up in the combat and doesnt always think things through. Lyra seems to be the exact opposite of that. She can keep him from going overboard in a battle. Its like he somehow picked out a beast copy of Alanah as his companionits such an odd coincidence.

I dont really think it was that much of a coincidence, Derek said. When we were fighting, and he was looking for a companion, he noticed Lyra right away. She was the smallest amphithere out of all of themactually, she was the smallest dragonkin in that entire trial as far as I know. But she stayed back, commanding all the other dragonkin, which caught his eye. Once he noticed her, I think it was pretty much a done dealunlike Edgar and Blitz. I think Edgar saw fighting Blitz one on one as more of a challenge than anything else.

I see, Stella said. So, because of his time spent with and around Alanah, he was drawn to Lyra and decided to make her his companion. I guess that isnt such a coincidence after all. How many dragonkin were in the trial?

Hundreds, Derek said. Im sure there was probably more than a single dragonkin with psyonic or other mental-type abilities, so him choosing her is still a bit of good luck. It seems that you never really know what kind of personality a bonded beast is going to have until after the fact, he explained, thinking that he would have never been able to guess what Silvi was going to turn out like. Then again, most of the dragonkin were your basic earth, fire, wind, and water elements. Even Blitz was a fire wyvern before Edgar bonded with it.

I can understand that. You see those elements in classes much more often than you see others. It was lucky that Lyra was even among the others, Stella said as they grew closer to the kennel. Speaking of Lyra, what did the two of you talk about, anyway? she asked Derek.

Youre right that Lyra is smart We were talking about bonds and what would be best for the remaining dragonkin once all the ones that are already spoken for are taken. She seems to have a very good understanding of bonds based on what limited information she has, Derek answered. What about you? What did the two of you discuss?

We talked mostly about Avery, actually. We seem to have the same opinion on him, Stella replied with a half-chuckle. But I also asked her what she thought I should do regarding the dragonkinwhether I should bond with one or not, and when I should bond with one if I choose to do so.

And what did she say? Derek leaned in to asked, he was interested in Lyras take on the question. She had already told him that she thought Stella would make a good companion for one of her kin. So he wondered what she had told Stella. If she were to ask Derek, then he would most likely tell her to go for it. He hadnt regretted bonding with Silvi at all.

She told me not to rush into things, she replied.

What do you mean?

Well she said that it may be possible for me to tame one of the amphithere right now if I really wanted to and was willing to put in the effort. She also said that she would watch over me if I tried, so I wouldnt need to worry about things going badly. But she also thought that it would be best if I waited until I was stronger.

She told me about the class upgrade from epic to legendary that Avery received, even though he was already at max level. That was something I didnt know was possible. As I am right now, Im closing in on my final upgrade. I actually would have most likely hit it while partying with Rayna and the others, if not for the war. Im not sure if my epic class will get that upgrade at level 200 to legendary, but odds are that it wont, she explained.

Oh, I see, Derek said. So if you dont get the legendary class upgrade

Huh Derek ran his hand over the Shadowsteel and was surprised that, though it looked pretty rough, it actually felt like smooth glass. It makes sense, he said. Tyrons at the point where he only makes weapons for trades instead of money. And, he goes out and gathers a lot of his materials himself because of how powerful he is in combat, Derek continued. Its not hard to imagine him finding veins of amazing ores and other materials and just mining it. It will be even easier now that he has Rocky with him, he thought.

I guess Stella muttered as she, too, felt of the materials in front of her.

Plus, Derek started. Its not like hes not going to be getting all of this stuff back. These dragonkin arent going to be held here indefinitely or anything. In fact, there are only two beasts that arent already spoken for, and I dont think it will be hard to find someone to bond with one.

Thats true. Stella nodded her head, then moved around the stable to the front, where she could finally see the amphithere resting inside. Thats interesting, Stella said as she looked upon a winged serpent.

What is?

It seems relaxed, she said. Like its perfectly fine with being captured.

Lyra actually explained all that to me before, Derek said. He then went on to tell Stella about the dragonkin all basically being newborns and infants, and how they were all just living by their instincts at this point. So, the only thing they really want or need is food, and they are getting that in droves.

That is interesting, Stella said. That also makes dungeon breaks, and monsters that slip out just before a break, make more sense. With a dungeon break, the monsters just attack everything they seeno real thought involved. Its different from say a beast thats been living in a forest or something for multiple years.

Exactly, Derek agreed. Now, was there a dragonkin that you had on your mind that you may want to bond with? he asked. Avery thought you would want an amphithere, like Lyra, so thats what we captured for you, but there is also a drake that isnt taken. It also doesnt seem like Alanah has any plans to bond with the wyvern she tamed. I dont know how those contracts work, but I guess it would be possible for you to bond with that if Alanah really chooses not to.

Im not sure if I would be able to even bond with a wyvern without already having a legendary class, Stella said. At least, it would be much harder, maybe even impossible, for me to do.

Thats true, Derek said.

From there, Stella walked through all the stables with Derek following her. They caught the eye of Lindsay, but the Beast Tamer only nodded at him and didnt come over. Finally, after looking at the biggest beastthe wyvern that was captured for Brandithey stopped.

Theres only one wyrm? Stella asked.

Yeah, Derek said. We didnt get too many of those. Just RockyTyrons bondand a nature element, one that would be easy for Jacks to fight and contract with if he wants it. Which is why that was the only one you saw. Of course, you could talk with Jacks or Rayna, or even Brandi if you wantedyou all dont have to settle for the dragonkin that we picked out for you. You may find that the wyrm suits you and Jacks may like the amphithere, who knows?

They really are magnificent beasts, Stella said.

Yup, Derek replied. Just like Blitz.

But I truly dont know, Stella said. Ill have to talk with Alanah once she gets back. I am definitely leaning toward the amphithere, though.

I know what you mean, Derek said. Lyra really leaves an impression, doesnt she?

Yes, Stella said as she turned her head to where the massive winged serpent was resting outside. Yes, she does.

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