System Evolution Of Soul
Chapter 41 - 38 The Mall
"If there is someone on the other side please open"
"W-who are you?"
"Are you are Asami? It's me, Matsushima, I've brought help as promised."
When I speak to people whose silhouettes are distinguished from the other side of the door, a woman's voice responds to me, when the officer we rescued listens to her, she recognizes the voice and speaks to her. If I remember correctly it was we who picked she up… well I won't make her look bad with her friend, so I remain silent while she convinces the other part to open it.
After a few seconds that they speak, sounds are heard that move things on the other side of the door, probably removing what they put to block it, complaints are also heard, but still continue moving objects until the door opens.
"Matsushima senpai !!"
When they open another policewoman came out, then she throws herself into the arms of the Matsushima, happily to see her again.
"Will they be more than friends? ... is there a Yuri police academy?"
"Of course not! We study in a normal academy!"
"Y-yes! Our preferences are normal"
The two speak almost in unison denying my words, although it is not very convincing that they say it while hugging one to another... besides, I must stop saying what I think.
The police girl, who would be the subordinate and friend of the lieutenant, looks at us after they are taken from their yuri world, as if she finally realized us separates of the Matsushima something ashamed and asks.
"Senpai, who are they?"
"They are the people I found to help us, they can get us out of here."
Hearing her words, most seem happy, they must have been stressed while they were locked inside the establishment. Although a few express doubts while they examine us in detail.
"Well, please come in"
Having finished saying that the two policemen make a way for all of us who follow behind them, the last one to enter closes to block access to others. Once inside I see more curious people watching, when I pass my eyes through everyone can see about 30 people of both s.e.xes and of varying ages.
"Well, I will go straight to the point. We came to this place for provisions, if you want to come with us you are free to do so. You will only have to abide by some rules and if you join, then we will try to protect you as best we can.
Well 5 of you move and look for food stores and things that are useful for everyday for life, when you find them come to inform me, also someone who has weapons accompany they to avoid accidents. "
"Alex ... can't you have more tact in saying things? Haaa ..."
"W-want to take our stuff"
"What are those rules?"
Kurisu sighs by my way of saying things while those who were in the mall are divided into people with two different reactions, some take badly when I say that we comes by provisions, others are interested in joining us, then looking towards all them I answered the two groups.
"The things in the first place are not of anybody at the moment, besides if I say that they are mine then they are mine and this is the final of the discussion. As for the rules that must follow, for now only if you are 15-50 years old, you will help to load the trucks , if you do not enter that age range you can go up now and help accommodate the merchandise with the others in the cars "
"Please do not take his words wrong, we will only take what fits in the trucks we bring, surely there will be more than enough for those who want to stay here"
"Yes, in addition it is better that you come with us, we will go to an area a little out of the city. The amount of zombies there should be much less than here, you will certainly be safer than staying in this mall"
After my explanation, the Takagi couple intervenes trying to calm people who get angry at my words, well, they have much more experience to deal with people, so I pull away when Kurisu and Saeko take my hand, possibly think that could Say something that makes things worse.
"Alex-san, you shouldn't be so straightforward when you deal with people, you'll just get them misunderstand you..."
"... well, I'll try to do it. Although I can't promise anything"
I let the couple intervene to convince others while move away with the girls, although I had not received the approval of those who were here, the 5 men that I indicated walk around the mall looking for the stores.
With a few minutes of talking with them Soichiro and Yuriko-san comes to where I sat with the girls to wait, then they informs me that everyone agreed to go with us, when I asked them if the people of mall accepted the rules, they give me an affirmation, if not being the only ones who do it are not so difficult to convince them apparently.
With them agreeing to go with us, the search for the 5 men becomes useless because several of those who take refuge here are local workers, so they know well where the things we were looking for are.
With them as guides, all the other men move to the place of these, we also follow behind them, walking through the aisles we arrive at what looks like a large warehouse, it seemed to belong to a large supermarket company. Inside it was full of boxes of canned food, fruits that have not matured waiting to be displayed and many different items for daily use.
"The main thing will be foods that have long periods to be preserved in an edible state, so that they do not spoil quickly, then items of daily use and finally some boxes of fruits and vegetables. What do you think?"
"I think that's fine, I will also have someone checked the trucks in the parking lots to see if can make them work. The more food we can carry the better."
"I'll take care of keeping track of everything others carry to the trucks ... Saya, Kurisu-san can you help me?"
After my recommendations that everyone accepts, Soichiro also speaks giving a good idea to try to repair the large trucks in charge of transporting things to the mall that were parked outside. Yuriko-san wants to take control of the things we store, as it is a somewhat arduous job, she asking for the help to Saya and Kurisu, the latter looks at me as seeking my approval, so I nod to her do whatever she wants.
With all that said, everyone starts moving to their respective jobs, having nothing left to do, I decide to walk out to monitor the safety of those who transport things, near my walk Scythe, Saeko, Shisuka and the rest of my group that equally were left doing nothing.
When we are outside we observe the surroundings, only some zombies walked to the parking lot, it is about to get dark and they have been very active during the day, I do not know if the increase in radiation affects them, but I am a little worried because in the stories that I know, in the night is when they are most active.
While I was in my thoughts, Shisuka approaches me, when I was preparing to be embraced by that super soft entity, Saeko comes forward and takes me in her arms.
"Ah! It's not fair Busujima-san ..."
"Shisuka-san you and Kurisu-san are the ones who have had the most opportunities to hug him so far ... it's my turn"
It seems that when she talk remembered what happened in the small park, because she blushes a little and answers Shisuka, but not to lose her chance and because of shame she remains silent about that event.
With the words of Saeko, Shisuka gives up, when the first one looks for a place to sit and put me on her thighs the second sits next to her looking with envious eyes, Scythe seems not to know what to do, if be placed herself on the other side from Saeko or in front of us, after what seems like a deep debate in her head she puts herself in his characteristic position in ahead.
She seems to want me to stroke her hair as I always do, but being supported by Saeko is a bit awkward to do. Seeing her she gives Scythe a smile as she tells.
"Scythe-chan, you'll have to wait another time for Alex-san to caress you, now it's my turn to pet him"
"Graaw ... Ma-ss-ter ~"
Scythe seems a bit discouraged by Saeko's words, for my part, although she is not as soft as Shisuka, her toned thighs and b.r.e.a.s.ts have the characteristic softness of a woman yet, so it is still pleasant to lie on her.
"Perverted child ..."
When I close my eyes enjoying the sensation of Saeko's fingers caressing my hair, I hear the voice of Rei that was watching us, she does not look upset like the previous times but is somewhat disturbed to see us.
"If you're jealous ask Komuro to hug you"
"W-why should I ask him? !! Besides, I don't need to be hugged, I'm not as spoiled as a certain perverted person"
"Come on Rei, he wasn't bothering anyone"
"Shut up! You better not think about his words as if I want you to hug me. Hmnp"
It seems that their relationship has not advanced as much as I thought ... or may she be a Tsundere ?, or is Komuro useless? Maybe both have to do. At least after that Rei remains silent, she only gives occasional glances to Komuro who is discouraged by her words, one of them is too passive and the other is a Tsundere ... they will have many problems in their relationship.
"Shisuka how is Alice's dad?"
"Hmn? Much better, I helped him apply the medicine that you have given me and he are quickly recover, at this rate I think in a couple of days more, he will be as if nothing had happened"
When I direct my eyes to the car see Alice with her dog in a window of the 8-wheeled vehicle, that makes me remember her father, so I ask to know his health. Listening to her, it seems that him wound did not have any complications, it is good that thelittle girl continues to have a father.
I wave my hand towards her who greets me in the same way while with the other hand she holds the puppy ... I hope they are taking it out to do its needs, otherwise the car will have a fatal aroma.
While we were spending time people loading things begin to come out of the mall, Kurisu, Saya and Yuriko-san get at the end of each of the trucks and in some papers they start writing while reviewing the articles.
Watching them work the two police women together with Hirano approach, this guy unlike the other works fast ... now that I remember that policewoman and Hirano had a love story in the anime. If the guy is lucky in love, maybe he didn't need my help at first ...
"Damn Raju ... Die"
"Alexander-san ... you should see your situation, that's something I should say"
"Fufufu, are you jealous Alex-san?"
"That's not good Alex-kun, you already have me , Busujima-san and Kurisu-san!"
My thoughts escape again, so Komuro speaks sadly as he sees me sitting on Saeko's legs with Shisuka on the side and Scythe in the front ... he may be right, but it is not my fault that he is useless.
Sakeo smiles at my words and continuing to stroke my hair, Shisuka on the other hand is blatantly included as one of the girls with whom I have a closer relationship, well she is right so I do not deny her words.
"Alexander-kun, it seems that one of the people in the group who were in the mall has a problem"
"Hirano-kun is right, someone needs insulin to inject otherwise it will be bad for the patient"
It seems that my peaceful moment came to an end, sighing I get up from Saeko's legs that immediately rises behind me, then I ask for a more detailed explanation to Hirano, he tells me that it is necessary to go to a hospital which is a few streets from here and let's look for the medicine, without another option I organize a small group to move towards the place.
After telling the Takagi couple, Kurisu and the others, we walked on our own feet, as it was not far perhaps the engine of a car that attracts a lot of attention from the zombies is more problematic than helps. Go the 2 women police officers, Saeko, Hirano, Komuro, Rei, Scythe and I on the expedition to the hospital. When considering it for a while, I also take Shisuka to take out more medications useful that can help us in case someone gets sick.
The others who stay will continue loading the trucks and watching the surroundings for any zombie that approaches cars.
(POV 3rd Person)
"Boss !!, something is happening in the group that just arrived at the mall, they are separating"
In the group that was in a building overlooking the mall, the voice of a henchman is played. The Boss to whom he spoke was along with others from the same group thinking of a way to put their hands on the possessions and women they saw.
Every time he looked out the window and saw those goddesses, his member became erect and began to drool having illusions of being able to take any of them making satisfy him in all his desires. For that reason when he saw any man in that group approach one woman, release his fury by hitting any nearby object, so he could calm the envy that arose in him.
When he hear the words of the man who was watching in the window, he was full of courage thinking that the opportunity they were looking for had emerged. Quickly with the others, walk next to the guy looking out.
What he saw was, as the previous guy said, a small group that was heading out of the mall. When she saw the big-b.r.e.a.s.ted blonde join that group, his spirits increased even more , of all the women he saw, she was the one who unleashed the deepest desires inside him, yearned to put his hands on those gigantic b.r.e.a.s.ts and squeeze them to as he pleased, put the head between them to immediately suck them in his mouth.
"B-boss, I want the blue-haired girl with the long skirt… always the ones that seem the most chaste are the craziest in bed"
"I-I want the little redhead in front of they ... I'll raise her to fulfill all the things I ask for, hehehe"
"Then the one with brown hair is mine !!"
"Tch, you all took the bests ... we have to settle for the female police?"
"Yes, boss, it's not fair that only one takes them, we should enjoy them among all of us."
Seeing the group that was leaving, all the men who saw the women walk outside the parking lot began to choose each of the girls as if they chose fruits from the supermarket. As everyone had seen how his boss looked at the blonde, none one was foolish enough to sue for her, those who did not have women with large b.r.e.a.s.ts among their preferences were not difficult do it, but for the others they had to bear remembered the weapon that He had in his hands.
Some had slightly different thoughts ... if they could put their hands on the weapons of that group, why couldn't they be supplanting their leader? Then all the women would be for them, it wasn't like they respected that man, just followed him because they were afraid of the weapon he carried.
"Silence !! We will not get anything just talking, someone will tell our workers will have to move. We will follow they and then have everything, then we 'll talk ... if we're lucky, we threaten those who stay in the mall with them"
Sometimes seeing a major problem, the previous problems they had seem insignificant. The same thing happened with the leader, although previously he feared the police women, comparing them with all the weapons that the new group possessed did not stop to think about that again, his thought now was that as long as he can put his hands on that small group of women, could condition the others in the mall with them.
In addition, seeing all the trophies that awaited him had even more motivation, the women who accompanied that blonde were still great beauties ... he would be crazy if shared them with his stinky subordinates.
With the words of the leader, everyone begins to move, but each of those men devised their own plans inside their head, it was not a united group in which all moved to fulfill the same goal.
Another Chapter!!
I have to thank you for your support to SES, now 6 patreons follows the novel, really thank all of you.
Remember to visit my ******* and support it to can continue with SES.
Special thanks to musti48 for the review.
"W-who are you?"
"Are you are Asami? It's me, Matsushima, I've brought help as promised."
When I speak to people whose silhouettes are distinguished from the other side of the door, a woman's voice responds to me, when the officer we rescued listens to her, she recognizes the voice and speaks to her. If I remember correctly it was we who picked she up… well I won't make her look bad with her friend, so I remain silent while she convinces the other part to open it.
After a few seconds that they speak, sounds are heard that move things on the other side of the door, probably removing what they put to block it, complaints are also heard, but still continue moving objects until the door opens.
"Matsushima senpai !!"
When they open another policewoman came out, then she throws herself into the arms of the Matsushima, happily to see her again.
"Will they be more than friends? ... is there a Yuri police academy?"
"Of course not! We study in a normal academy!"
"Y-yes! Our preferences are normal"
The two speak almost in unison denying my words, although it is not very convincing that they say it while hugging one to another... besides, I must stop saying what I think.
The police girl, who would be the subordinate and friend of the lieutenant, looks at us after they are taken from their yuri world, as if she finally realized us separates of the Matsushima something ashamed and asks.
"Senpai, who are they?"
"They are the people I found to help us, they can get us out of here."
Hearing her words, most seem happy, they must have been stressed while they were locked inside the establishment. Although a few express doubts while they examine us in detail.
"Well, please come in"
Having finished saying that the two policemen make a way for all of us who follow behind them, the last one to enter closes to block access to others. Once inside I see more curious people watching, when I pass my eyes through everyone can see about 30 people of both s.e.xes and of varying ages.
"Well, I will go straight to the point. We came to this place for provisions, if you want to come with us you are free to do so. You will only have to abide by some rules and if you join, then we will try to protect you as best we can.
Well 5 of you move and look for food stores and things that are useful for everyday for life, when you find them come to inform me, also someone who has weapons accompany they to avoid accidents. "
"Alex ... can't you have more tact in saying things? Haaa ..."
"W-want to take our stuff"
"What are those rules?"
Kurisu sighs by my way of saying things while those who were in the mall are divided into people with two different reactions, some take badly when I say that we comes by provisions, others are interested in joining us, then looking towards all them I answered the two groups.
"The things in the first place are not of anybody at the moment, besides if I say that they are mine then they are mine and this is the final of the discussion. As for the rules that must follow, for now only if you are 15-50 years old, you will help to load the trucks , if you do not enter that age range you can go up now and help accommodate the merchandise with the others in the cars "
"Please do not take his words wrong, we will only take what fits in the trucks we bring, surely there will be more than enough for those who want to stay here"
"Yes, in addition it is better that you come with us, we will go to an area a little out of the city. The amount of zombies there should be much less than here, you will certainly be safer than staying in this mall"
After my explanation, the Takagi couple intervenes trying to calm people who get angry at my words, well, they have much more experience to deal with people, so I pull away when Kurisu and Saeko take my hand, possibly think that could Say something that makes things worse.
"Alex-san, you shouldn't be so straightforward when you deal with people, you'll just get them misunderstand you..."
"... well, I'll try to do it. Although I can't promise anything"
I let the couple intervene to convince others while move away with the girls, although I had not received the approval of those who were here, the 5 men that I indicated walk around the mall looking for the stores.
With a few minutes of talking with them Soichiro and Yuriko-san comes to where I sat with the girls to wait, then they informs me that everyone agreed to go with us, when I asked them if the people of mall accepted the rules, they give me an affirmation, if not being the only ones who do it are not so difficult to convince them apparently.
With them agreeing to go with us, the search for the 5 men becomes useless because several of those who take refuge here are local workers, so they know well where the things we were looking for are.
With them as guides, all the other men move to the place of these, we also follow behind them, walking through the aisles we arrive at what looks like a large warehouse, it seemed to belong to a large supermarket company. Inside it was full of boxes of canned food, fruits that have not matured waiting to be displayed and many different items for daily use.
"The main thing will be foods that have long periods to be preserved in an edible state, so that they do not spoil quickly, then items of daily use and finally some boxes of fruits and vegetables. What do you think?"
"I think that's fine, I will also have someone checked the trucks in the parking lots to see if can make them work. The more food we can carry the better."
"I'll take care of keeping track of everything others carry to the trucks ... Saya, Kurisu-san can you help me?"
After my recommendations that everyone accepts, Soichiro also speaks giving a good idea to try to repair the large trucks in charge of transporting things to the mall that were parked outside. Yuriko-san wants to take control of the things we store, as it is a somewhat arduous job, she asking for the help to Saya and Kurisu, the latter looks at me as seeking my approval, so I nod to her do whatever she wants.
With all that said, everyone starts moving to their respective jobs, having nothing left to do, I decide to walk out to monitor the safety of those who transport things, near my walk Scythe, Saeko, Shisuka and the rest of my group that equally were left doing nothing.
When we are outside we observe the surroundings, only some zombies walked to the parking lot, it is about to get dark and they have been very active during the day, I do not know if the increase in radiation affects them, but I am a little worried because in the stories that I know, in the night is when they are most active.
While I was in my thoughts, Shisuka approaches me, when I was preparing to be embraced by that super soft entity, Saeko comes forward and takes me in her arms.
"Ah! It's not fair Busujima-san ..."
"Shisuka-san you and Kurisu-san are the ones who have had the most opportunities to hug him so far ... it's my turn"
It seems that when she talk remembered what happened in the small park, because she blushes a little and answers Shisuka, but not to lose her chance and because of shame she remains silent about that event.
With the words of Saeko, Shisuka gives up, when the first one looks for a place to sit and put me on her thighs the second sits next to her looking with envious eyes, Scythe seems not to know what to do, if be placed herself on the other side from Saeko or in front of us, after what seems like a deep debate in her head she puts herself in his characteristic position in ahead.
She seems to want me to stroke her hair as I always do, but being supported by Saeko is a bit awkward to do. Seeing her she gives Scythe a smile as she tells.
"Scythe-chan, you'll have to wait another time for Alex-san to caress you, now it's my turn to pet him"
"Graaw ... Ma-ss-ter ~"
Scythe seems a bit discouraged by Saeko's words, for my part, although she is not as soft as Shisuka, her toned thighs and b.r.e.a.s.ts have the characteristic softness of a woman yet, so it is still pleasant to lie on her.
"Perverted child ..."
When I close my eyes enjoying the sensation of Saeko's fingers caressing my hair, I hear the voice of Rei that was watching us, she does not look upset like the previous times but is somewhat disturbed to see us.
"If you're jealous ask Komuro to hug you"
"W-why should I ask him? !! Besides, I don't need to be hugged, I'm not as spoiled as a certain perverted person"
"Come on Rei, he wasn't bothering anyone"
"Shut up! You better not think about his words as if I want you to hug me. Hmnp"
It seems that their relationship has not advanced as much as I thought ... or may she be a Tsundere ?, or is Komuro useless? Maybe both have to do. At least after that Rei remains silent, she only gives occasional glances to Komuro who is discouraged by her words, one of them is too passive and the other is a Tsundere ... they will have many problems in their relationship.
"Shisuka how is Alice's dad?"
"Hmn? Much better, I helped him apply the medicine that you have given me and he are quickly recover, at this rate I think in a couple of days more, he will be as if nothing had happened"
When I direct my eyes to the car see Alice with her dog in a window of the 8-wheeled vehicle, that makes me remember her father, so I ask to know his health. Listening to her, it seems that him wound did not have any complications, it is good that thelittle girl continues to have a father.
I wave my hand towards her who greets me in the same way while with the other hand she holds the puppy ... I hope they are taking it out to do its needs, otherwise the car will have a fatal aroma.
While we were spending time people loading things begin to come out of the mall, Kurisu, Saya and Yuriko-san get at the end of each of the trucks and in some papers they start writing while reviewing the articles.
Watching them work the two police women together with Hirano approach, this guy unlike the other works fast ... now that I remember that policewoman and Hirano had a love story in the anime. If the guy is lucky in love, maybe he didn't need my help at first ...
"Damn Raju ... Die"
"Alexander-san ... you should see your situation, that's something I should say"
"Fufufu, are you jealous Alex-san?"
"That's not good Alex-kun, you already have me , Busujima-san and Kurisu-san!"
My thoughts escape again, so Komuro speaks sadly as he sees me sitting on Saeko's legs with Shisuka on the side and Scythe in the front ... he may be right, but it is not my fault that he is useless.
Sakeo smiles at my words and continuing to stroke my hair, Shisuka on the other hand is blatantly included as one of the girls with whom I have a closer relationship, well she is right so I do not deny her words.
"Alexander-kun, it seems that one of the people in the group who were in the mall has a problem"
"Hirano-kun is right, someone needs insulin to inject otherwise it will be bad for the patient"
It seems that my peaceful moment came to an end, sighing I get up from Saeko's legs that immediately rises behind me, then I ask for a more detailed explanation to Hirano, he tells me that it is necessary to go to a hospital which is a few streets from here and let's look for the medicine, without another option I organize a small group to move towards the place.
After telling the Takagi couple, Kurisu and the others, we walked on our own feet, as it was not far perhaps the engine of a car that attracts a lot of attention from the zombies is more problematic than helps. Go the 2 women police officers, Saeko, Hirano, Komuro, Rei, Scythe and I on the expedition to the hospital. When considering it for a while, I also take Shisuka to take out more medications useful that can help us in case someone gets sick.
The others who stay will continue loading the trucks and watching the surroundings for any zombie that approaches cars.
(POV 3rd Person)
"Boss !!, something is happening in the group that just arrived at the mall, they are separating"
In the group that was in a building overlooking the mall, the voice of a henchman is played. The Boss to whom he spoke was along with others from the same group thinking of a way to put their hands on the possessions and women they saw.
Every time he looked out the window and saw those goddesses, his member became erect and began to drool having illusions of being able to take any of them making satisfy him in all his desires. For that reason when he saw any man in that group approach one woman, release his fury by hitting any nearby object, so he could calm the envy that arose in him.
When he hear the words of the man who was watching in the window, he was full of courage thinking that the opportunity they were looking for had emerged. Quickly with the others, walk next to the guy looking out.
What he saw was, as the previous guy said, a small group that was heading out of the mall. When she saw the big-b.r.e.a.s.ted blonde join that group, his spirits increased even more , of all the women he saw, she was the one who unleashed the deepest desires inside him, yearned to put his hands on those gigantic b.r.e.a.s.ts and squeeze them to as he pleased, put the head between them to immediately suck them in his mouth.
"B-boss, I want the blue-haired girl with the long skirt… always the ones that seem the most chaste are the craziest in bed"
"I-I want the little redhead in front of they ... I'll raise her to fulfill all the things I ask for, hehehe"
"Then the one with brown hair is mine !!"
"Tch, you all took the bests ... we have to settle for the female police?"
"Yes, boss, it's not fair that only one takes them, we should enjoy them among all of us."
Seeing the group that was leaving, all the men who saw the women walk outside the parking lot began to choose each of the girls as if they chose fruits from the supermarket. As everyone had seen how his boss looked at the blonde, none one was foolish enough to sue for her, those who did not have women with large b.r.e.a.s.ts among their preferences were not difficult do it, but for the others they had to bear remembered the weapon that He had in his hands.
Some had slightly different thoughts ... if they could put their hands on the weapons of that group, why couldn't they be supplanting their leader? Then all the women would be for them, it wasn't like they respected that man, just followed him because they were afraid of the weapon he carried.
"Silence !! We will not get anything just talking, someone will tell our workers will have to move. We will follow they and then have everything, then we 'll talk ... if we're lucky, we threaten those who stay in the mall with them"
Sometimes seeing a major problem, the previous problems they had seem insignificant. The same thing happened with the leader, although previously he feared the police women, comparing them with all the weapons that the new group possessed did not stop to think about that again, his thought now was that as long as he can put his hands on that small group of women, could condition the others in the mall with them.
In addition, seeing all the trophies that awaited him had even more motivation, the women who accompanied that blonde were still great beauties ... he would be crazy if shared them with his stinky subordinates.
With the words of the leader, everyone begins to move, but each of those men devised their own plans inside their head, it was not a united group in which all moved to fulfill the same goal.
Another Chapter!!
I have to thank you for your support to SES, now 6 patreons follows the novel, really thank all of you.
Remember to visit my ******* and support it to can continue with SES.
Special thanks to musti48 for the review.
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