System Evolution Of Soul
Chapter 42 - 39 The Hospital (Part 1)
We walked through the streets of the city near the shopping center, Me and Saeko, like the time we were in school, we drove, well now there was a difference, we had Scythe even more advanced, making a way to the two of us, so we only took care of the leftovers she left in her path.
As we didn't want to entertain ourselves and make a lot of noise, only the 3 of us killed the zombies, the others ran after us along the road we cleared of enemies, I asked them to just shoot in case of emergency.
Being in constant motion stopping as little as possible, we avoid being surrounded by zombies, the only problem was Shisuka's resistance ... well, with those two big balls of meat that she had to carry, it was not easy for her to run.
It was a relief that as the police mentioned the hospital we were going to take the medications was not far away. In about 10 minutes after leaving, the installation could be seen.
It was a large 5-storey building, the windows reflected the orange sun of the sunset and inside the zombies could be seen wandering the halls with many wearing white blood-staineds outfits, surely the doctors and nurses that were in charge of attending to the patients.
"The sun does not take in setting, it is better that hurry to look for the things that we want ... we will only search for a while, if we find it good, if we will not, have to postpone it for other time"
"It's okay"
"Then let's hurry up and don't waste time"
To my words Saeko speaks in affirmation, while police lieutenant Matsushima worried about finding the medicines rushes us. The others nod and then in the same formation that when we came moved to the doors of the hospital.
Upon entering we quickly take care of some zombies that when they hear us stretch their hands to where we were. Looking around it was somewhat bleak, the white covered with red gave a bad feeling, I could not help remembering some video games with the same scenarios.
I enjoyed them, you could actually say that they were of my favorite genres, but living in my own flesh something similar was very different. Here I had to endure the smells of decaying bodies and blood scattered everywhere.
"We should look for the hospital map, usually it is in the information area or sometimes it is placed in the corridors ~"
Shisuka gives us a good suggestion, and as she says we search for a map that shows the hospital areas. Not long after we started Saeko finds a frame with the image of the information we were looking for.
On the map marks the Pharmacy to be on the 2nd floor, then we go to the stairs and go up. In the halls kill the zombies that we find, or rather Scythe runs to any zombie she see and rips off his head, with her claws takes the crystal in it and returns to where I was to deliver it to me.
This must have become a habit to she, because once time were there was not many zombies in the area I asked her to do that, when she finished always praised her and stroked her head. She seemed to remember that and now every moment that there weren't many enemies she repeated it. She is certainly a very smart girl, I look forward to seeing what she becomes in the future.
Walking around the aisles we arrived at the pharmacy, inside it was full of medication boxes with names that, for me, seemed more difficult than reading hieroglyphics.
"Well Shisuka, tell us what we should look for, what medics do you think are the most useful?"
"Mmmm ... all medications are useful, that why make them. But if we choose the most important ones then ..."
She starts giving us a long list of medicines names... shit, why can't they give it simpler names? Something like "diabetes medicine", "hypertension medicine" and things like that ... every time I hear a name like Paracetamol I feel that the people who put it on do it to make fun of others.
We looked for bags where to put the medicines and began the search for everything Shisuka told us, soon there were several bags full ... it was many things, I didn't think we had to carry so much.
"Saeko, there are many bags, I need you to distract others, I will keep them in my inventory"
"... won't it still be a problem to make them appear suddenly?"
"... that's a good point. Then we'll have to come up with another plan"
"You two who whisper so much?"
Looking for a solution to the problem of how to transport all the bags, Rei seeing us speak inlow voice between me and Saeko, asks. As I had previously asked her to keep the secret of my abilities for now, not knowing what to say, she worries a little. On the other hand, I perform the most appropriate action to deal with Rei.
"We are whispering words of love. Are you interested in that?"
At the end of my sentence I give Saeko a light kiss on the lips, she is surprised a bit but then a smile adorns her face.
[Affection Saeko + 10]
"W-what the hell is you doing in such a place? Your precocious child, you should stop kissing any woman in front of you!"
"Are you interested in that Miyamoto-san? Alex-kun's lips were very soft ~"
"I-I'm not!"
"Rei-san is right, Alex-san, it's not the time for this"
" Children, could you stop playing? I think there is a problem, we can't carryall this."
Matsushima intervenes in our conversation by mentioning the problem I had noticed before, well, if I can't use the inventory, let's find a solution among all.
"Does anybody have an idea?"
"Why don't throw them out of a window, and when we're down, look for something to transport them?"
Everyone gets to thinking when I ask, giving them some time, Rei came with a answer, after we speak it seems to be the most feasible solution.
"Then we will go with Rei's idea"
"Unlike someone I don't like wasting time. Hump"
"... girl, if you continue like this, you will reach maturity and remain single as someone I know"
"It's not your problem!!"
"Alexander-kun !! There are some men down !!"
With Hirano's words I stop arguing with Rei, then we all approach the window he was in. This had a view of the main entrance of the hospital, underneath there were several men with weapons made personally as sticks in which knives were tied, shovels and other tools with sharp or edges.
"Who are they?"
"... isn't it obvious? Our new slaves"
To Matsushima's question, I answer. When the other policewoman ... I think Matsushima called her Asami, when she hears my words, she asks nervously.
Not that I want to take advantage of simple people, but when I used the ability of my eyes to see them, most had black tones in their aura. So I deduce that they did not come with good intentions, they should have seen us somewhere around and followed us with some purpose that would not be good for us.
"Listen, I'm sure they don't come in a friendly plan. You should consider them more dangerous than zombies, and like these, don't hesitate to kill them."
"No! You can't do that! They are people!"
Most doubt my words and encounter the wall of dealing with normal people. I can't blame them, it's not that they were soldiers, they're still partly trying to follow society's norms. Honestly it is something to praise them, since it is preferable that having to lead a group of insane people, is only in these moments when that becomes a bit problematic.
The ones which has more strong reaction are the police woman because, adding the previous fact, they also have the task of enforcing those norms.
If I waste my time trying to convince them with words, things can get bad when we face those men. With that in mind I charge towards Matsushima, who when sees me, get surprised, but having training to defend herself reacts quickly.
She stretches out the hand trying to hold me from the leather armor, I allow her to do it, but the moment she touches me, I takes her hand and folds it behind her.
"W-what? How is it possible that you are so strong?"
When she tries to break free and finds it impossible for her do it, then she asks surprised. It was obvious since at this moment I am two limits higher than her, even with our age and height difference, it is not difficult for me to submit her.
"Calm down, I'll just take your gun for a while. I don't want things to get worse when they come, I'll return it later."
"R-release Matsushima-senpai!"
"Graaaw !!"
"Kyaaa !!"
Trying to disarm Matsushima, Asami wants to intervene by unsheathing her weapon, but Scythe, feeling her intentions, roars in an offensive position, as a result she falls on her butt scared before can pull the gun.
I quickly take Matsushima's gun and follow up with Asami who was still watching Scythe with fear.
"Calm down Scythe, nothing happens."
With the weapons in my possession, I calm Scythe by stroking one of her pigtails. When she stop to stare at Asami loose a sigh of relief at not having the attention of her on itself. She had clearly seen what could make her claws to the zombies, it is not surprising that has some fear. Even if I had no control over Scythe, I would consider her a great threat.
"Help! Somebody, please!"
Turning my back to a wall, I pretend to keep the weapons behind me in my pants and send them to the inventory, at the same moment the scream of a man is heard ... are they going to act the old trick of posing as someone in trouble? If they want to, let's follow the game.
I leave the pharmacy and going to the hall, at the end of this I see two men, who when see me walk immediately to where we are while they repeating.
"Help !! We need help !!"
"I understand, what are the patient's symptoms?"
"E-eh? Well ..."
The men who approached when I interrogate them stop a few meters away from us with doubt expressing on their faces because of my sudden question, they look at each other as if trying to get an answer from their partner on how to continue, without giving them time to have ideas I press them even more.
"Quick! If you don't tell me your symptoms how do you want me to treat the patient? !!"
"You two won't have come to my hospital pretending to be sick with hidden reasons, right?"
"N-no ... m-my tooth hurts?"
When they hear that I think they want to deceive me, they quickly respond, although not even he seems sure of his answer. They are so focused on the work that they were order, that do not seem to realize that the person in front of them is impossible to be a doctor.
"I see ... that is certainly very serious. If it is not treated quickly, you can die, why did you waste time and not went to be treated immediately to a hospital? !!"
"I-it's just a toothache ..."
"It is because the people are not treated in time that die, do you want to die? !!"
"No! Please help me !!"
Everyone looked forward to the dialogue between us, could even see more men on the other side of the hall looking out their heads, which I can say, there were not many ways to entertain after the apocalypse, or rather the stress should have done something in their heads for swallowing all the nonsense I'm saying ...
"Well, you're in luck ... a new medication has just arrived that can make the people no longer feel any pain"
"Of course ... I swear by my medical degree, although I must warn you that it is unconventional process, are you sure you want to receive it?"
"Yes! I just don't want to feel this pain anymore!"
Hell, was it true that his tooth ached? I thought it was just an excuse, well, I'll have to keep my doctor's word now ...
"Well, then it is better that you close your eyes, that way you will not be afraid. You will feel a slight sting ... then the pain should go away"
Having his approval, I wait until he close the eyes, take my tool carefully, aim correctly so as not to cause more pain than normal and pull the trigger.
The only sound heard is that of the man who falls to the ground, everyone else is watching trying to process what just happened until I speak again addressing to his partner.
"Now he doesn't feel any pain ... this syringe that injects lead is certainly very effective, don't you think so?"
"... he-he's dead ..."
"... not all medications have side effects? He is cured of his pain now"
"N-no, that's not a syringe, it's a weapon !!"
"Tch, what is hurt you? I can also treat you"
"Hiiii… n-no, I'm fine. I'm completely healthy !!"
The death of the man was like breaking the spell that had everyone immersed watching what was happening, those who poked their heads down the side of the hallway backed away in fright. The companion that came along with the deceased was the most altered, fell on his butt urinating on it.
He turned and unable to stand up because his legs did not seem to respond, began to crawl to where he came from. To stop him I shoot again near him while I warn it.
"It is better that you return here, otherwise I will apply the same treatment to your partner"
Because of the fear of being shot, he stops and immediately turns to where I am, when he sees me aiming, he trembles, but he manages to move towards me.
His other companions stayed where they were leaving him to his fate, or perhaps it was also to much for them to face directly someone with a gun, I only saw them carrying rudimentary instruments after all.
With the new person in the group we return to the pharmacy, I do not forget to expand my domain as much as I can to continue monitoring them with this.
"Now tell me who you are and what you want? Think well what you say, because if I find out that you lie to me ... well, I think you understand what would happen, don't you?"
"Y-yes, please don't kill me!"
"You killed a man !! Are you crazy? He just wanted help."
"S-senpai wait!"
When I try to question the man that I just captured, Matsushima walks in my direction angry raising her voice, as a result Scythe reacts aggressively against her, Asami upon seeing that, quickly hugs her senpai to make she to stop.
"Be silent, someone watch them while I get the answers from this guy"
"Wh-why is there a zombie here ?! Someone should take care of him"
"You don't have to worry about it, she is my pet, just answer what I asked you"
The guy seeing Scythe gets even more scary, but after slapping him, he calms down a bit. Komuro, Rei and Hirano go with the policewoman and also try to calm them down.
"W-we are men under the leadership of the leader ... he was the one who asked us to come here"
"The leader? What is his name and who is he?"
"I don't know, I'm not one of the closest men to him ... I only belong to the group he calls workers. The only thing he told us is that would be the leader of us and forces us to do the things that he wants together with his minions, the one you killed was one of his men "
"What a self-centered guy ... if he treat you like that, why don't leave and try to survive yourself?"
Rei intervenes when she hears the man's response, I also agree with her words. He must be a man who when saw the opportunity to be over others quickly tried to subdue them, but it intrigued me a little how he maintained his position since they does not seem to follow him because of his charisma, it even seems that the person should be his leader, this man dislike him.
"W-we can't, he has a gun. Anyone who tries to disobey him or just doesn't like him, is murdered. Everyone is afraid of being the next one to who he aim with his weapon."
"That's a pretty crazy guy ... why do all of you look at me like that? I'm not shooting anyone who doesn't like me. Now tell us what your boss ordered you to do and what he wants from us."
New Chapter, I hope you liked.
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See you all in the next Chapeter.
As we didn't want to entertain ourselves and make a lot of noise, only the 3 of us killed the zombies, the others ran after us along the road we cleared of enemies, I asked them to just shoot in case of emergency.
Being in constant motion stopping as little as possible, we avoid being surrounded by zombies, the only problem was Shisuka's resistance ... well, with those two big balls of meat that she had to carry, it was not easy for her to run.
It was a relief that as the police mentioned the hospital we were going to take the medications was not far away. In about 10 minutes after leaving, the installation could be seen.
It was a large 5-storey building, the windows reflected the orange sun of the sunset and inside the zombies could be seen wandering the halls with many wearing white blood-staineds outfits, surely the doctors and nurses that were in charge of attending to the patients.
"The sun does not take in setting, it is better that hurry to look for the things that we want ... we will only search for a while, if we find it good, if we will not, have to postpone it for other time"
"It's okay"
"Then let's hurry up and don't waste time"
To my words Saeko speaks in affirmation, while police lieutenant Matsushima worried about finding the medicines rushes us. The others nod and then in the same formation that when we came moved to the doors of the hospital.
Upon entering we quickly take care of some zombies that when they hear us stretch their hands to where we were. Looking around it was somewhat bleak, the white covered with red gave a bad feeling, I could not help remembering some video games with the same scenarios.
I enjoyed them, you could actually say that they were of my favorite genres, but living in my own flesh something similar was very different. Here I had to endure the smells of decaying bodies and blood scattered everywhere.
"We should look for the hospital map, usually it is in the information area or sometimes it is placed in the corridors ~"
Shisuka gives us a good suggestion, and as she says we search for a map that shows the hospital areas. Not long after we started Saeko finds a frame with the image of the information we were looking for.
On the map marks the Pharmacy to be on the 2nd floor, then we go to the stairs and go up. In the halls kill the zombies that we find, or rather Scythe runs to any zombie she see and rips off his head, with her claws takes the crystal in it and returns to where I was to deliver it to me.
This must have become a habit to she, because once time were there was not many zombies in the area I asked her to do that, when she finished always praised her and stroked her head. She seemed to remember that and now every moment that there weren't many enemies she repeated it. She is certainly a very smart girl, I look forward to seeing what she becomes in the future.
Walking around the aisles we arrived at the pharmacy, inside it was full of medication boxes with names that, for me, seemed more difficult than reading hieroglyphics.
"Well Shisuka, tell us what we should look for, what medics do you think are the most useful?"
"Mmmm ... all medications are useful, that why make them. But if we choose the most important ones then ..."
She starts giving us a long list of medicines names... shit, why can't they give it simpler names? Something like "diabetes medicine", "hypertension medicine" and things like that ... every time I hear a name like Paracetamol I feel that the people who put it on do it to make fun of others.
We looked for bags where to put the medicines and began the search for everything Shisuka told us, soon there were several bags full ... it was many things, I didn't think we had to carry so much.
"Saeko, there are many bags, I need you to distract others, I will keep them in my inventory"
"... won't it still be a problem to make them appear suddenly?"
"... that's a good point. Then we'll have to come up with another plan"
"You two who whisper so much?"
Looking for a solution to the problem of how to transport all the bags, Rei seeing us speak inlow voice between me and Saeko, asks. As I had previously asked her to keep the secret of my abilities for now, not knowing what to say, she worries a little. On the other hand, I perform the most appropriate action to deal with Rei.
"We are whispering words of love. Are you interested in that?"
At the end of my sentence I give Saeko a light kiss on the lips, she is surprised a bit but then a smile adorns her face.
[Affection Saeko + 10]
"W-what the hell is you doing in such a place? Your precocious child, you should stop kissing any woman in front of you!"
"Are you interested in that Miyamoto-san? Alex-kun's lips were very soft ~"
"I-I'm not!"
"Rei-san is right, Alex-san, it's not the time for this"
" Children, could you stop playing? I think there is a problem, we can't carryall this."
Matsushima intervenes in our conversation by mentioning the problem I had noticed before, well, if I can't use the inventory, let's find a solution among all.
"Does anybody have an idea?"
"Why don't throw them out of a window, and when we're down, look for something to transport them?"
Everyone gets to thinking when I ask, giving them some time, Rei came with a answer, after we speak it seems to be the most feasible solution.
"Then we will go with Rei's idea"
"Unlike someone I don't like wasting time. Hump"
"... girl, if you continue like this, you will reach maturity and remain single as someone I know"
"It's not your problem!!"
"Alexander-kun !! There are some men down !!"
With Hirano's words I stop arguing with Rei, then we all approach the window he was in. This had a view of the main entrance of the hospital, underneath there were several men with weapons made personally as sticks in which knives were tied, shovels and other tools with sharp or edges.
"Who are they?"
"... isn't it obvious? Our new slaves"
To Matsushima's question, I answer. When the other policewoman ... I think Matsushima called her Asami, when she hears my words, she asks nervously.
Not that I want to take advantage of simple people, but when I used the ability of my eyes to see them, most had black tones in their aura. So I deduce that they did not come with good intentions, they should have seen us somewhere around and followed us with some purpose that would not be good for us.
"Listen, I'm sure they don't come in a friendly plan. You should consider them more dangerous than zombies, and like these, don't hesitate to kill them."
"No! You can't do that! They are people!"
Most doubt my words and encounter the wall of dealing with normal people. I can't blame them, it's not that they were soldiers, they're still partly trying to follow society's norms. Honestly it is something to praise them, since it is preferable that having to lead a group of insane people, is only in these moments when that becomes a bit problematic.
The ones which has more strong reaction are the police woman because, adding the previous fact, they also have the task of enforcing those norms.
If I waste my time trying to convince them with words, things can get bad when we face those men. With that in mind I charge towards Matsushima, who when sees me, get surprised, but having training to defend herself reacts quickly.
She stretches out the hand trying to hold me from the leather armor, I allow her to do it, but the moment she touches me, I takes her hand and folds it behind her.
"W-what? How is it possible that you are so strong?"
When she tries to break free and finds it impossible for her do it, then she asks surprised. It was obvious since at this moment I am two limits higher than her, even with our age and height difference, it is not difficult for me to submit her.
"Calm down, I'll just take your gun for a while. I don't want things to get worse when they come, I'll return it later."
"R-release Matsushima-senpai!"
"Graaaw !!"
"Kyaaa !!"
Trying to disarm Matsushima, Asami wants to intervene by unsheathing her weapon, but Scythe, feeling her intentions, roars in an offensive position, as a result she falls on her butt scared before can pull the gun.
I quickly take Matsushima's gun and follow up with Asami who was still watching Scythe with fear.
"Calm down Scythe, nothing happens."
With the weapons in my possession, I calm Scythe by stroking one of her pigtails. When she stop to stare at Asami loose a sigh of relief at not having the attention of her on itself. She had clearly seen what could make her claws to the zombies, it is not surprising that has some fear. Even if I had no control over Scythe, I would consider her a great threat.
"Help! Somebody, please!"
Turning my back to a wall, I pretend to keep the weapons behind me in my pants and send them to the inventory, at the same moment the scream of a man is heard ... are they going to act the old trick of posing as someone in trouble? If they want to, let's follow the game.
I leave the pharmacy and going to the hall, at the end of this I see two men, who when see me walk immediately to where we are while they repeating.
"Help !! We need help !!"
"I understand, what are the patient's symptoms?"
"E-eh? Well ..."
The men who approached when I interrogate them stop a few meters away from us with doubt expressing on their faces because of my sudden question, they look at each other as if trying to get an answer from their partner on how to continue, without giving them time to have ideas I press them even more.
"Quick! If you don't tell me your symptoms how do you want me to treat the patient? !!"
"You two won't have come to my hospital pretending to be sick with hidden reasons, right?"
"N-no ... m-my tooth hurts?"
When they hear that I think they want to deceive me, they quickly respond, although not even he seems sure of his answer. They are so focused on the work that they were order, that do not seem to realize that the person in front of them is impossible to be a doctor.
"I see ... that is certainly very serious. If it is not treated quickly, you can die, why did you waste time and not went to be treated immediately to a hospital? !!"
"I-it's just a toothache ..."
"It is because the people are not treated in time that die, do you want to die? !!"
"No! Please help me !!"
Everyone looked forward to the dialogue between us, could even see more men on the other side of the hall looking out their heads, which I can say, there were not many ways to entertain after the apocalypse, or rather the stress should have done something in their heads for swallowing all the nonsense I'm saying ...
"Well, you're in luck ... a new medication has just arrived that can make the people no longer feel any pain"
"Of course ... I swear by my medical degree, although I must warn you that it is unconventional process, are you sure you want to receive it?"
"Yes! I just don't want to feel this pain anymore!"
Hell, was it true that his tooth ached? I thought it was just an excuse, well, I'll have to keep my doctor's word now ...
"Well, then it is better that you close your eyes, that way you will not be afraid. You will feel a slight sting ... then the pain should go away"
Having his approval, I wait until he close the eyes, take my tool carefully, aim correctly so as not to cause more pain than normal and pull the trigger.
The only sound heard is that of the man who falls to the ground, everyone else is watching trying to process what just happened until I speak again addressing to his partner.
"Now he doesn't feel any pain ... this syringe that injects lead is certainly very effective, don't you think so?"
"... he-he's dead ..."
"... not all medications have side effects? He is cured of his pain now"
"N-no, that's not a syringe, it's a weapon !!"
"Tch, what is hurt you? I can also treat you"
"Hiiii… n-no, I'm fine. I'm completely healthy !!"
The death of the man was like breaking the spell that had everyone immersed watching what was happening, those who poked their heads down the side of the hallway backed away in fright. The companion that came along with the deceased was the most altered, fell on his butt urinating on it.
He turned and unable to stand up because his legs did not seem to respond, began to crawl to where he came from. To stop him I shoot again near him while I warn it.
"It is better that you return here, otherwise I will apply the same treatment to your partner"
Because of the fear of being shot, he stops and immediately turns to where I am, when he sees me aiming, he trembles, but he manages to move towards me.
His other companions stayed where they were leaving him to his fate, or perhaps it was also to much for them to face directly someone with a gun, I only saw them carrying rudimentary instruments after all.
With the new person in the group we return to the pharmacy, I do not forget to expand my domain as much as I can to continue monitoring them with this.
"Now tell me who you are and what you want? Think well what you say, because if I find out that you lie to me ... well, I think you understand what would happen, don't you?"
"Y-yes, please don't kill me!"
"You killed a man !! Are you crazy? He just wanted help."
"S-senpai wait!"
When I try to question the man that I just captured, Matsushima walks in my direction angry raising her voice, as a result Scythe reacts aggressively against her, Asami upon seeing that, quickly hugs her senpai to make she to stop.
"Be silent, someone watch them while I get the answers from this guy"
"Wh-why is there a zombie here ?! Someone should take care of him"
"You don't have to worry about it, she is my pet, just answer what I asked you"
The guy seeing Scythe gets even more scary, but after slapping him, he calms down a bit. Komuro, Rei and Hirano go with the policewoman and also try to calm them down.
"W-we are men under the leadership of the leader ... he was the one who asked us to come here"
"The leader? What is his name and who is he?"
"I don't know, I'm not one of the closest men to him ... I only belong to the group he calls workers. The only thing he told us is that would be the leader of us and forces us to do the things that he wants together with his minions, the one you killed was one of his men "
"What a self-centered guy ... if he treat you like that, why don't leave and try to survive yourself?"
Rei intervenes when she hears the man's response, I also agree with her words. He must be a man who when saw the opportunity to be over others quickly tried to subdue them, but it intrigued me a little how he maintained his position since they does not seem to follow him because of his charisma, it even seems that the person should be his leader, this man dislike him.
"W-we can't, he has a gun. Anyone who tries to disobey him or just doesn't like him, is murdered. Everyone is afraid of being the next one to who he aim with his weapon."
"That's a pretty crazy guy ... why do all of you look at me like that? I'm not shooting anyone who doesn't like me. Now tell us what your boss ordered you to do and what he wants from us."
New Chapter, I hope you liked.
If you like the novel, share it in your social circle with the same tastes, please.
Thank you for everyone's support, don't forget to follow me in *******.
See you all in the next Chapeter.
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