System Evolution Of Soul

Chapter 8 - 5 The first partner (Part 2)

"I don't want to know more about a life couldn't have"


It was the only thing that came out of my mouth to think about her situation. It is certainly not pleasant to be told how your life could have been, knowing that for you it will only be beautiful words and that your true destiny is to be buried several meters under the ground.

"It's not your fault, instead I should thank you for not letting me end up in a puddle of my own blood alone in that warehouse. Well, let's not talk more about unpleasant things and better tell me what that other world is like"

"Being honest with you, I just spent my first day there. But how little I've come to know ..."

Then proceeded to tell her everything I had seen and Aurora told me about Gaia . While doing so she listened in a serious way to everything I explained. By the time I finish manifesting confusion.

"I don't know why you called me, am not strong and based on what you tell me, would be more of a burden than being able to offer some help in such world"

"At these levels there shouldn't be much difference between you and a soldier looking at the general scheme of things. Nor is it as if we were going to stay the same way for a long time. We have to strengthen ourselves quickly if we don't want to go through too much trouble."

I answered Kurisu, who raised an eyebrow showing doubt on her face, besides what else could tell her? That I wanted a beautiful girl to accompany me, or that with my appearance was really afraid to summon another man to be alone in the forest, do you see it? I will only get strange looks if expose that. Then after looking at each other for a moment, Kurisu finally broke the silence.

"Well, I will be your partner. You know that, but I will introduce myself anyway. I am Kurisu Makise , am 18 years old, graduated from university and worked for a time in the USA as a researcher"

"I am Alexander Ilios Apeiro and I am twelve years old"

She was surprised by something when heard me, but before could say anything, a glow surrounded us and we were expelled from the place.

When I opened my eyes was alone again in the forest, as if everything that happened in the blank had been a dream. Everything looks as if time did not pass and remained the same, but as if to confirm that everything was real, a light began to shine in front of me and gradually took shape of a person until I could see Kurisu again.


[Kurisu Makise summon successful]

[Mission / Principal "The first companion"

Adventures are better accompanied. Being able to depend on someone in difficult times is always a comfort, and solving the problems that arise with everyone's support is certainly easier.

Requirements: Establish a relationship (Love, Friendship, Subordination) with an individual.

Reward: 100x Crystals

1,000x Gold

Expansion System Weapon Types: Firearms (Antipersonnel Weapons)]

[Mission completed Rating : S

Additional reward: 100x Crystals

1,000x Gold

1x Firearm Coupon: Short]

Firearms ... why wasn't it from the beginning? It would avoid many problems that I had to go through, isn't the system harassing me?

[The system is designed to support you and help you in the evolution of your soul, not to make you the strongest level 1 soul. A weapon is something that you should use only as support and not something to be dependent on because it would end up counterproductive, for that same reason you have to exchange Gold or Crystals and not simply take the objects of the system.]

When I spoke with Aurora, Kurisu watched the surroundings of the forest until she focused her attention on me. Then suddenly said something that almost made me fall face down.

"It seems that we are gathered in this other world. Please take care of me from now on, it's nice to have a female partner, I don't know what would happen if the one who summoned me was a bad man with bad intentions"

And she finish with a small nod of her head as a greeting, while on the other hand I was petrified processing what she spoke until I got out of the daze and immediately intervened.

"Kurisu I told you my name, right?"

"Yes, you are Alex"

"You can abbreviate it that way, but it's Alexander ... and that it's a male name, right?"

"I understand ... you must have your own problems or is for some situación¿ not ?"

"No, no, no. I have no problems and there is no situation that forces me to call myself that way. That's because I am a man, that simple."

"…I see"

" Fuuu ... fine"

"Then you are a man trapped in a woman's body. You are in a difficult age when you are building your identity, but don't worry, I will respect what you want to be since it is your decision. I have no problem with that."

"I am a man in mind, soul and body !!!"

It almost made me spit blood, when the words reached my ears caused it to explode and also what made it upset me even more was that I really worried about it. I was so out of me that on impulse was about to lower my pants and show her that she could not be more wrong, but in the end I managed to contain myself with only the inconvenience that had to shout to reaffirm what said.

"Eh ... Impossible, how can such a cute girl be a man?"

My body started shaking, doesn't it look even more surprised than when I told her that she would die in her original world?, or that she could go to another world? ... damn, I didn't want to be the only one being bothered. Showing a cold smile to Kurisu treating her almost as if she were my sworn enemy, of those who if meet, only one can live. I told her.

"If you don't believe it why you don't come and check it out?"

My voice came out in a low tone, Kurisu stared at me for a few seconds and as if she was totally convinced that I was a woman, approached me while my eyes were fixed on her. She had to take it as a challenge, believing that I was only pressing it to avoid the truth, she gave me a confident smile and without hesitation placed her hand on my crotch.


[Kurisu: Affection 75 (Friendly) - Loyalty 70 (Dependent)]

[Mission / optional "Conquest of the heart (Kurisu) -D"

To maintain confidence in a person must be based on some emotion, the stronger the greater security will be created.

Requirements: Affection 100 or Loyalty 100

Reward: 1x Coupon for a random object range [G]

1x Divination Parchment [D]

Skill [Parallel Thinking]

I heard the system beep, but I had too much to deal with now to pay attention to. Kurisu froze with a smile even adorning her face now and I didn't know what to do, wanted to take revenge by bothering her, that's why I said what I said, but didn't think she really did it.

When I felt her delicate fingers on my limb, didn't know how to react and apparently she didn't neither, we look at us as if competing to see who retired first.

Suddenly my eyes widened and Kurisu's hand trembled a little, the dragon that was asleep until now began to wake up raising his head to roar who woke him. As a result the blood began to rise to my face when Kurisu finally withdrew her hand and trying to frame her shame spoke.

"Ee- eeeh ... s-so you're really a m- man. I- I'm sorry for confusing you with a girl, I-it's clear to me that you're a completely b-boy"

As much as she wanted to cover her nervousness, the fact that with each word her blush increased, betrayal her and only managed to make it even more noticeable with every second that passed.

"As long as you are clear it is fine, because even my current appearance bothers me ... I am also sorry to have altered."

I turned to speak because of the tent that rose in my pants, the dragon wanted to leave his cave to devour the naive that bothered him.


[Kurisu: Affection 80 (Interest) - Loyalty 75 (Dependent)]

So I can also see emotion parameters ... and Kurisu's are quite high. It is good that she does not get angry about what happened, but that shows interest in a body like this ... or it may also be that it is directed to something else ...

I looked down at my still energetic partner, it is best to be distracted by something until he calms down. I turned my head towards Kurisu to speak to her

"For now we should have breakfast and then see what we will do today"


Someone else needs to calm down a bit too. I nodded to her answer and then headed to prepare things to prepare another part of the wild boar just like yesterday. Do not last long for the experience of the previous day, in about ten minutes the meat was cooking.

Kurisu was surprised when I took things out of the inventory, but she keep quiet and just sat next to me at a distance of one meter, by the way, the dragon fell asleep again so I was also sitting. And as I saw her interest in inventory I explained it to her, didn't see the need to lie to him or hide something like that.

"That was my interdimensional inventory skill . It allows me to store things in a space and when I need them can get them out of there."

"Can I learn it or have one?"

" Mmmm ..."

Can Aurora?

[If she learn space magic later, or if you want something fast there are objects in the system that can emulate it]

"It's possible, if you learn space magic or too-"

"Teach me"

I don't know if she's getting used to interrupting me ... although it's not that I care, but it would be good if she first heard everything I wanted to say.

"I'm sorry Kurisu, don't know magic, mine is a skill. Besides, we are in a level 1 area so you can't use magic."

"But there are also objects with spaces inside"

Continue quickly because she was a little discouraged to discover that could not teach herr magic. I started searching the system and discovered a variety. Kurisu's look hurts me a little, she looked like a madman when I started to handle the holographic window with my hand. Gave her a bitter smile and explained the reason for my actions.

"When sent me to this world gave me a type of system that works like my assistant and has a holographic projection. It's not that I lost my mind"

"Ah ... I'm sorry Alexander"

"Oh finally you call me by my name. Don't worry, it's not that I don't understand how we react when see someone acting strange"

Oh, it's really pretty when she blushes. She must have been ashamed when she noted the fact that addressed me by my name. Leaving that aside, I've been able to see several objects and I've reached a conclusion. They are expensive, in [G] they cost millions and in [C] tens of thousands.

" Fuuu ... I'm sorry Kurisu. I can't buy the items, they are very expensive for me now"

"Do you have to buy them? Can't you get them straight out of the system?"

"No, I have to buy them in Gold or Crystals"

I took out the two objects to show her what I was referring to,she take them in her hands and analyze carefully for a few moments and then returned them to me.

[I think it's better that you buy books about space magic for her since she has a great aptitude for this]

Hee? How do you know that Aurora? Is there anything I to overlook? I don't see anything distinct from a normal person… apart from being more beautiful than average I don't see any difference.

[Because of she status, being a person who has summoned be you the system has had to examine her]

I see. And if Aurora can see it, it means that I should be able to do it too. I don't know what skills she will have, I'm a little curious.

"What's wrong? Why do you stare at me suddenly?"

"Sorry, I wanted to see your status to check your skills"

"Status, like in video games?"


"Can I see it too?"

[No, for now only you can see the system. All you can do is tell her, yourself]

"No, I'm sorry. But wait a little, I'll write it down for you now, so you can see it."

Buy in the system a pencil and sheets for an insignificant amount of [G] to write the state of Kurisu. Then I started looking for where could visualize her status, discovered a new tab with the name of partner and there was the name of Kurisu and selecting it opened her status.


Name: Kurisu Makise

Race: Human

Age: 18 years old

Level: 6

Soul Level: 1

Hp: 100/100 Energy: (-)

Strength: J

Resistance: J

Dexterity: J

Intelligence: G

Agility: J

Magic: (-)



[Erudite-A] [Prodigy-S] [Apostle of Wisdom-SSS] (Sealed)


[Analysis-E] [Calculation-A] [Parallel Thought-C]




Current world: Gaia ( Upper World ) Area : Inimp


Passive: Increased large intelligence.

Active: Double the understanding to whom knowledge is imparted.


Passive: The bearer of this ability has an optimum aptitude for the understanding of the phenomena of the world.

Active: Increased concentration when performing any action.


Passive: Greater perception to unravel things


Passive: Excellent judgment obtained from the information for a better and quick solution.

[Parallel thinking]

Passive: Enables the person to maintain two different lines of thoughts simultaneously


Passive: Small increase in understanding

Haa ... its development has focused completely on the mental part, well, had expected something like that from what I know of she from the anime. Also, as Aurora says, the ability [Prodigy] will make it easier for her to become a magician. That is a big surprise. After having passed what saw in the system window on paper I handed it over.

"Here you go Kurisu"

[Certainly, magic is fundamentally the understanding and observation of natural, physical and chemical phenomena and try to emulate them with the person's energy. Unfortunately in Kurisu's current state it would be impossible for her to perform magic, even if she has perfect knowledge it would be useless since all its channels in which the magical energy must circulate are all dry. By living in a level 1 world as that energy does not exist or is in insignificant amounts, besides she never did any physical training, those channels have atrophied. That is, it is impossible for her soul level to advance to a level 2 or higher]

W-what ... because you haven't told me before Aurora, I practically brought her to a fantasy world to tell her to live in a normal way ... also haven't you told me to buy magic books for Kurisu to learn? Isn't it too cruel to have her study them and finally tell she that can't use magic? Do you have anything against her? Wait ... doesn't that mean I'm in the same situation as her?

[Calm down Alexander, that she has her dry canals has many possible solutions. There are herbs that are processed as a medicine to cure this, although they are not common not are so difficult to obtain. There is also the option of obtaining the help of a level 2 soul, by having him force its energy through the dry canals as a treatment for a while until they are restored. And although it is the most scarce and extreme way that someone can deal with this problem, a new body can be created and the soul transplanted into it. And answering your question, although you may have already noticed, you enter the last method Alexander]

... please don't give me those scares Aurora, you've made me worry about anything. You should have started for that, haaaa ...

[ Fufufu , I'm sorry about that Alexander]

Having this discussion with Aurora, Kurisu had been concentrating checking her status on paper. She nodded from time to time to approve what read. I do n't know whether to call her and tell the things or wait for she finish. Well, this is something important fr her.

"It seems you have talent for magic Kurisu"

"Eh ... Really?"

"Yes, but in addition to studying the knowledge you must also correct something in your body. But do not worry that we will solve it later"

"... My body? Do I have something wrong?"

I nodded and proceeded to repeat the information Aurora told me. It was not necessary to do it immediately, but it was good to keep it in mind

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