System Evolution Of Soul
Chapter 9 - 6 Firearms
We finished eating, what can I say? Once again it was delicious, don't think anyone can get tired of this, without a doubt the food is what tops my list in the things that have improved with the change of worlds. I enjoyed every bite and from what I saw Kurisu too, she end up with everything I put on her plate with great momentum.
"As was?"
"... it's the best I've had in my whole life, can't believe that something became so delicious. Besides, it was a simple roast ... ah, it's not that I complained about it. Just want to say that for a cooking style so simple it is incredible that can create this flavor ... but with that I don't want to say that your kitchen is simple ... "
Ask for courtesy since I knew the answer beforehand, but I'm surprised how she can get so nervous about things like that.
"It's delicious right? Did you fill up or do you want me to cook more?"
"I'm satisfied ... I don't usually eat that much, it was just that couldn't stop my hands"
She replied blushing, most likely because of the avid way in which she practically swallowed everything. She shouldn't worry about that, not that it was unpleasant to see her eat. Besides, the happy atmosphere created was pleasant.
"Is that so?"
I said rhetorically smiling at her causing to turn her head the other way. Hahaha ... now she's ashamed. Should let her ressured alone. Well, then what will we do. I have not set a clear goal, besides being stronger. Do we continue killing goblins or leave the forest and look for a town?
[Mission / Optional "Destruction of monster settlement-I"
Extermine harmful pests for humans. It is always better to reduce the population of monsters to prevent them from getting out of control.
Objectives: Destroy Monster Settlement 0/1
Kill 100 monsters belonging to a settlement 3/100
Kill 10 elite monsters belonging to a settlement 0/10
Kill 1 Chief of a settlement 0/1
Failure: Death, Escape Chief of the settlement,> 71:59:59
Rewards: 1,000x Crystals
10,000x Gold
Skill [Tame]]
[Mission / Principal "Join the World Guild-J"
The largest Gaia organization, the place where people gather to become stronger and help each other for a better future in common.
Objectives: Register in the World Guild at any of its branches in Gaia.
Failure: Death
Rewards: 100x Crystals
1,000x Gold
Grimoire [Parchment]: The Traveler of the Worlds (Unique)]
Unlocked system function: List of missions (Missions Optional)]
Again, the system appears in a timely manner. I wonder how the system does to give me the missions? It seems that whenever I propose something, it shows me which ones I can do while following my goals. It is convenient that they appear when I need them but I don't think it's a coincidence.
[That is very close to how it is, the system judges your actions and if you meet the conditions to carry out the mission. These are divided into main and optional. The main ones are those that can only be done once in the world that you are, unless it indicates that it is repeatable and usually its rewards are better. And the optional ones are side missions that can be completed repeatedly by selecting them in the list of missions, but their rewards are minimal, only the first time they can grant you good things, by repeating them you will only win [C] and [G]]
I see, it is not surprising that the missions appeared in sync. But well, now I have two missions that can accomplish. The first, as its difficulty is seen, is greater, the rank [I] being the highest that I have received so far. If I have to deal with a settlement, the nearby goblin works as a goal, but kill 100 goblins? And I that had problems with only three ... well, it's not as if I have to face them together, if I separate them into manageable groups it would be possible to finished 100 of them.
The elite monsters will logically be a stronger version than the goblins that I kill. And the head of the settlement must be the one who directs the group and apparently I cannot allow him to escape, besides his power must be over others.
It is three days for the deadline to be completed… to do so in stages would be the most viable way.
The second mission is much simpler, assuming that the branch of the guild is close. The only problem would be to overcome the difficulties of the trip. Which one should I go first? ...
Aurora how long away is the branch of the nearest guild. You know?
[Based on the map, about a day and a half with your current speed at which you can move in a prolonged journey. You have to go to a town a day trip from the forest and when arrive there carry on half day for a small city]
If this is the case, the second mission will be postponed, only the trip back and forth without taking any rest and assuming that I will not have any setback would be 3 days, by the time get back to the forest only waiting for me the system notification that the time for the mission [Destruction of monster settlement] will be over.
"What's happen Alex?"
Kurisu took me out of my thoughts with her question. Did the abbreviation of my name return? ... I honestly have a bad memory about that way of addressing me. I hope the feeling fades in the future.
"It's nothing, it's just that the system has given me 2 missions that I can complete and was analyzing them"
"This time they are missions? This becomes more and more like a game"
"Hahaha ... it's true, but it's good to have an immediate goal to aim for. Besides, I can get rewards for fulfilling them and these should be very helpful, don't you think?"
"If you say so. Then what will we have to do?"
"I was given two missions, but in reality we only have one option. One has a time limit of 3 days and if we pass we will fail. Therefore, we will first do that"
"So what is the mission?"
"We will have to eliminate a settlement of goblins that is near here"
"Eliminate a goblin settlement?"
Although it did not specifically say goblins, but they was the closest and did not want to go into the forest to look for another monster. In addition, surely the more deeper into the forest they must be more strong.
Then I told Kurisu the things she should know about the goblins and the mission requirements to fulfill it.
"H-how can I help? ... I-I'm not good at fighting, but you can be sure that will do my best to help ... or at least not get in the way."
"Do not worry, it is not like I will give you a knife and throw you to fight against them in a Spartan way. I know you have no experience in fighting and surely you do not have the talent to fight closely with the enemy, but do you think that can you handle a long-range weapon, something like the bow? "
"E-ehmmm don't know if I'm so skilled to hit the target ... and how much strength is needed to pull it, but I'll try my best"
"Well, then I will give you a weapon that you just need to hold and aim, that will be easier for you. What do you think of firearms? Do you think can handle them?"
"Eeh, are there guns in this world?"
""I don't know if certainly this world has,, but from what they have told me, there surely must be. Although they should not be the same as those of your original world. I honestly wish that the people here were not so developed in that sense, since they would be very problematic in a world practically without law "
[You don't have to worry so much about that Alexander. Yes, there are guns in this world, but they are not as profitable as in your world or Kurisu's. The norm in Gaia is the development of the individual, so in most "Areas" they do not have much focus on electrical or mechanical technological development.
So personally and without having machinery the process to make a firearm is not simple, requiring that work necessary for the creation of these as blacksmiths or alchemists have skills of a level 1 peak soul, of which their services they will not be cheap for others in the same level. And people who can do them or afford to pay the price usually aim to migrate to level 2 areas to continue developing, and in those "Areas" although they can be fatal to a level 2 soul they are much less so.
On the other hand, in the "Areas" that would count as exceptions and have a development similar to their worlds, weapons being the means by which they defend their kingdoms, dictatorsh.i.p.s, clans or any other group of people, establish very strict protocols or laws on the dissemination of these technologies.]
That is a relief. So let's focus on what kind of weapon should buy for Kurisu. But seeing me distracted by Aurora's explanation, she ask.
"The system again?"
"Not precisely, I think don't explain it well. The system is like a machine, it gives me missions or help with a map, a store and other functions that are unlocked with the fulfillment of the missions, but it does not have intelligence, it is only there to aid me
On the other hand, as an assistant to get more benefit and facilitate interaction with the system, this Aurora. She occasionally gives me information obtained from the system and advice when I have doubts. "
"Mmm… like an artificial intelligence?"
[You can think so, or rather, that I should have been. But your ability [Will of the Worlds] affected me. By not possessing a physical body, I am now rather an ethereal entity that dwells within you]
E-eeh, really? Does my ability [Will of the Worlds] affect you? ... I-is that good or bad? Besides, because you hadn't told me Aurora ...
[... I think it's good or at least that's how I feel it, if I put it in words ... you could say it used to exist only for a purpose, but now I live for a purpose]
E-emmmm ... I, like Kurisu, thought you were an artificial intelligence without emotions, and that you were only programmed to show the characteristics I chose at first, but listening to you ... should know that you were practically created to serve me. Does that sound good to you?
[Fufufu, you don't have to worry about that Alexander, my mentality or the way I was programmed if you want to say it like that, hasn't changed in that way. Yes, at first that was an instruction given to me, but now it is by my will to carry out that. In addition, want to know what the future holds for us ...]
"E-emm ..."
Damn, leave Kurisu aside. It is difficult to interact with someone in my head and at the same time with someone else in the world ... it would be nice to have Kurisu's ability [Parallel thinking] ... it would make things easier.
"I'm sorry Kurisu, Aurora says that more than an artificial intelligence is an ethereal entity"
"Aurora? Is that her name?"
"Eeeeh, so she's a woman ... well, nice to meet you Aurora"
[My pleasure Kurisu]
"She says it's nice to meet you"
For a few seconds the place remained silent, beginning to form a strange atmosphere, so I remembered that Kurisu can't hear Aurora so had to intervene to prevent Kurisu from being embarrassed because her words remained in the air since she had little resistance to Get in awkward situations. Then I continue explaining.
"It seems that only I can hear her"
"...I see"
"Well, then continuing with what we were doing, for the moment I will buy you the necessary equipment to carry out the mission"
That Aurora changed should not be bad, from what I understand of what she says, is more an existential change than one of mentality. I don't have to worry about things changing and I think should be happy for her.
With that in mind browse the system looking for the equipment for she. The first will be a weapon since that will be her means of attack and the way to stay safer. I think the best would be an assault rifle , went to the option of weapons, firearms, long weapons, assault rifle and in a moment had a list: [Sturmgewe HR 44], [AK-47], [M16], [L85A2], [FA-MAS] ... some had heard them and others were unknown to me ... but they all had one thing in common aside than being assault rifles, they were expensive. The cheapest one had a cost of 600 crystals ... if I buy it can not get other things.
So without options had to lower my standards, select the next option after assault rifles, combat rifles. Appearing [FN-FAL], [M-14], [Heckler & Koch G3] ... in the end I chose the [M-14] for a price of 300 crystals.
[M-14 -I]
8-cartridge rifle with excellent range, 7.62mm caliber, 800m effective range. Predecessor of the M16 assault rifle.
It came with a box of 50 cartridges, so also bought a box of ammunition of 100 bullets per 1,000 [G]. Seriously, what about that price? 1 crystal per bullet… incidentally, also had the option to buy the gun for Gold, but the cost is 10 times higher.
As a secondary weapon for Kurisu I went to the option of short arms and then guns. From a great variety I took the [Beretta 92], when was going to pay it was given the option of choosing the coupon had obtained while avoiding its cost of 200 crystals. It was light, simple, effective and best of all it was free.
[Beretta 92-I]
Semi-automatic pistol, yield 15,000 shots without fail, caliber 9mm. With a capacity of 15 cartridges per magazine and an effective range of 50m.
Finally ending with the purchase of firearms, take for me the gun [Colt-M1911] for the price of 220 crystals. It was very similar to the previous one, just a little heavier and bigger.
Single-acting pistol, with a 9mm caliber and with a capacity of 7 cartridges per magazine. Its effective range is 50m.
Well, I didn't have the option of running out of one, right? As much as the system tells me not to depend on firearms, as a person raised on earth cannot avoid my common sense that a gun is better than a sword as a weapon ... with how easy they are to use and their Lethality could very well save my life.
In the end the whole arsenal consisted of a [M-14] with 150 bullets, [Beretta 92] with 100 bullets and two magazine that it had included the purchase of this one, and finally my [Colt-M1911] with 3 loaders and 100 bullets also attached. With 200 cartridges 9mm in total didn't see the need to buy more at the moment.
Kurisu had round eyes seeing all the weapons that came out of nowhere. At the beginning planned to consult with her about what type of weapon she preferred, but in the end I decided not to. Surely this out of her area of knowledge and experience, and seeing her shake a little when witnessing them I think it was the right thing to do.
"First we will practice with the guns and then go with the rifle"
Well, at least it has the courage to use them for what it seems, I took the colt and the beretta in my hands and proceeded to weigh them, they are not heavy in my opinion so Kurisu should not have a problem to carry it.
"Do you know how to load it and shoot?"
Kurisu shook his head sharply, the truth is that it is also the first time that I see a firearm and play it ... I seen how they are used in movies and animations, but will it be the same? I don't want to lose her confidence and make a fool of myself ...
[Buy the manual for the weapons you have, can take it from the inventory and take a look]
"I'm sorry"
While I was thinking and Aurora solving my problem Kurisu said with her head down. Ah, she must have thought I was disappointed or angry because she didn't know and I kept quiet.
"No, you don't have to apologize. The truth is also the first time I take a gun, and at this time Aurora was buying the necessary information to use the weapons correctly in the system. Don't worry."
"I get it"
She responded relieved. Then I took out the beretta manual keeping all other weapons in inventory. Seeing that it had safety mechanism on, remove the magazine and pull the slide to verify that the chamber of the barrel was empty as indicated in the manual. And with everything in order I proceeded to explain to Kurisu how to use the weapon as read and then delivered the weapon.
"As was?"
"... it's the best I've had in my whole life, can't believe that something became so delicious. Besides, it was a simple roast ... ah, it's not that I complained about it. Just want to say that for a cooking style so simple it is incredible that can create this flavor ... but with that I don't want to say that your kitchen is simple ... "
Ask for courtesy since I knew the answer beforehand, but I'm surprised how she can get so nervous about things like that.
"It's delicious right? Did you fill up or do you want me to cook more?"
"I'm satisfied ... I don't usually eat that much, it was just that couldn't stop my hands"
She replied blushing, most likely because of the avid way in which she practically swallowed everything. She shouldn't worry about that, not that it was unpleasant to see her eat. Besides, the happy atmosphere created was pleasant.
"Is that so?"
I said rhetorically smiling at her causing to turn her head the other way. Hahaha ... now she's ashamed. Should let her ressured alone. Well, then what will we do. I have not set a clear goal, besides being stronger. Do we continue killing goblins or leave the forest and look for a town?
[Mission / Optional "Destruction of monster settlement-I"
Extermine harmful pests for humans. It is always better to reduce the population of monsters to prevent them from getting out of control.
Objectives: Destroy Monster Settlement 0/1
Kill 100 monsters belonging to a settlement 3/100
Kill 10 elite monsters belonging to a settlement 0/10
Kill 1 Chief of a settlement 0/1
Failure: Death, Escape Chief of the settlement,> 71:59:59
Rewards: 1,000x Crystals
10,000x Gold
Skill [Tame]]
[Mission / Principal "Join the World Guild-J"
The largest Gaia organization, the place where people gather to become stronger and help each other for a better future in common.
Objectives: Register in the World Guild at any of its branches in Gaia.
Failure: Death
Rewards: 100x Crystals
1,000x Gold
Grimoire [Parchment]: The Traveler of the Worlds (Unique)]
Unlocked system function: List of missions (Missions Optional)]
Again, the system appears in a timely manner. I wonder how the system does to give me the missions? It seems that whenever I propose something, it shows me which ones I can do while following my goals. It is convenient that they appear when I need them but I don't think it's a coincidence.
[That is very close to how it is, the system judges your actions and if you meet the conditions to carry out the mission. These are divided into main and optional. The main ones are those that can only be done once in the world that you are, unless it indicates that it is repeatable and usually its rewards are better. And the optional ones are side missions that can be completed repeatedly by selecting them in the list of missions, but their rewards are minimal, only the first time they can grant you good things, by repeating them you will only win [C] and [G]]
I see, it is not surprising that the missions appeared in sync. But well, now I have two missions that can accomplish. The first, as its difficulty is seen, is greater, the rank [I] being the highest that I have received so far. If I have to deal with a settlement, the nearby goblin works as a goal, but kill 100 goblins? And I that had problems with only three ... well, it's not as if I have to face them together, if I separate them into manageable groups it would be possible to finished 100 of them.
The elite monsters will logically be a stronger version than the goblins that I kill. And the head of the settlement must be the one who directs the group and apparently I cannot allow him to escape, besides his power must be over others.
It is three days for the deadline to be completed… to do so in stages would be the most viable way.
The second mission is much simpler, assuming that the branch of the guild is close. The only problem would be to overcome the difficulties of the trip. Which one should I go first? ...
Aurora how long away is the branch of the nearest guild. You know?
[Based on the map, about a day and a half with your current speed at which you can move in a prolonged journey. You have to go to a town a day trip from the forest and when arrive there carry on half day for a small city]
If this is the case, the second mission will be postponed, only the trip back and forth without taking any rest and assuming that I will not have any setback would be 3 days, by the time get back to the forest only waiting for me the system notification that the time for the mission [Destruction of monster settlement] will be over.
"What's happen Alex?"
Kurisu took me out of my thoughts with her question. Did the abbreviation of my name return? ... I honestly have a bad memory about that way of addressing me. I hope the feeling fades in the future.
"It's nothing, it's just that the system has given me 2 missions that I can complete and was analyzing them"
"This time they are missions? This becomes more and more like a game"
"Hahaha ... it's true, but it's good to have an immediate goal to aim for. Besides, I can get rewards for fulfilling them and these should be very helpful, don't you think?"
"If you say so. Then what will we have to do?"
"I was given two missions, but in reality we only have one option. One has a time limit of 3 days and if we pass we will fail. Therefore, we will first do that"
"So what is the mission?"
"We will have to eliminate a settlement of goblins that is near here"
"Eliminate a goblin settlement?"
Although it did not specifically say goblins, but they was the closest and did not want to go into the forest to look for another monster. In addition, surely the more deeper into the forest they must be more strong.
Then I told Kurisu the things she should know about the goblins and the mission requirements to fulfill it.
"H-how can I help? ... I-I'm not good at fighting, but you can be sure that will do my best to help ... or at least not get in the way."
"Do not worry, it is not like I will give you a knife and throw you to fight against them in a Spartan way. I know you have no experience in fighting and surely you do not have the talent to fight closely with the enemy, but do you think that can you handle a long-range weapon, something like the bow? "
"E-ehmmm don't know if I'm so skilled to hit the target ... and how much strength is needed to pull it, but I'll try my best"
"Well, then I will give you a weapon that you just need to hold and aim, that will be easier for you. What do you think of firearms? Do you think can handle them?"
"Eeh, are there guns in this world?"
""I don't know if certainly this world has,, but from what they have told me, there surely must be. Although they should not be the same as those of your original world. I honestly wish that the people here were not so developed in that sense, since they would be very problematic in a world practically without law "
[You don't have to worry so much about that Alexander. Yes, there are guns in this world, but they are not as profitable as in your world or Kurisu's. The norm in Gaia is the development of the individual, so in most "Areas" they do not have much focus on electrical or mechanical technological development.
So personally and without having machinery the process to make a firearm is not simple, requiring that work necessary for the creation of these as blacksmiths or alchemists have skills of a level 1 peak soul, of which their services they will not be cheap for others in the same level. And people who can do them or afford to pay the price usually aim to migrate to level 2 areas to continue developing, and in those "Areas" although they can be fatal to a level 2 soul they are much less so.
On the other hand, in the "Areas" that would count as exceptions and have a development similar to their worlds, weapons being the means by which they defend their kingdoms, dictatorsh.i.p.s, clans or any other group of people, establish very strict protocols or laws on the dissemination of these technologies.]
That is a relief. So let's focus on what kind of weapon should buy for Kurisu. But seeing me distracted by Aurora's explanation, she ask.
"The system again?"
"Not precisely, I think don't explain it well. The system is like a machine, it gives me missions or help with a map, a store and other functions that are unlocked with the fulfillment of the missions, but it does not have intelligence, it is only there to aid me
On the other hand, as an assistant to get more benefit and facilitate interaction with the system, this Aurora. She occasionally gives me information obtained from the system and advice when I have doubts. "
"Mmm… like an artificial intelligence?"
[You can think so, or rather, that I should have been. But your ability [Will of the Worlds] affected me. By not possessing a physical body, I am now rather an ethereal entity that dwells within you]
E-eeh, really? Does my ability [Will of the Worlds] affect you? ... I-is that good or bad? Besides, because you hadn't told me Aurora ...
[... I think it's good or at least that's how I feel it, if I put it in words ... you could say it used to exist only for a purpose, but now I live for a purpose]
E-emmmm ... I, like Kurisu, thought you were an artificial intelligence without emotions, and that you were only programmed to show the characteristics I chose at first, but listening to you ... should know that you were practically created to serve me. Does that sound good to you?
[Fufufu, you don't have to worry about that Alexander, my mentality or the way I was programmed if you want to say it like that, hasn't changed in that way. Yes, at first that was an instruction given to me, but now it is by my will to carry out that. In addition, want to know what the future holds for us ...]
"E-emm ..."
Damn, leave Kurisu aside. It is difficult to interact with someone in my head and at the same time with someone else in the world ... it would be nice to have Kurisu's ability [Parallel thinking] ... it would make things easier.
"I'm sorry Kurisu, Aurora says that more than an artificial intelligence is an ethereal entity"
"Aurora? Is that her name?"
"Eeeeh, so she's a woman ... well, nice to meet you Aurora"
[My pleasure Kurisu]
"She says it's nice to meet you"
For a few seconds the place remained silent, beginning to form a strange atmosphere, so I remembered that Kurisu can't hear Aurora so had to intervene to prevent Kurisu from being embarrassed because her words remained in the air since she had little resistance to Get in awkward situations. Then I continue explaining.
"It seems that only I can hear her"
"...I see"
"Well, then continuing with what we were doing, for the moment I will buy you the necessary equipment to carry out the mission"
That Aurora changed should not be bad, from what I understand of what she says, is more an existential change than one of mentality. I don't have to worry about things changing and I think should be happy for her.
With that in mind browse the system looking for the equipment for she. The first will be a weapon since that will be her means of attack and the way to stay safer. I think the best would be an assault rifle , went to the option of weapons, firearms, long weapons, assault rifle and in a moment had a list: [Sturmgewe HR 44], [AK-47], [M16], [L85A2], [FA-MAS] ... some had heard them and others were unknown to me ... but they all had one thing in common aside than being assault rifles, they were expensive. The cheapest one had a cost of 600 crystals ... if I buy it can not get other things.
So without options had to lower my standards, select the next option after assault rifles, combat rifles. Appearing [FN-FAL], [M-14], [Heckler & Koch G3] ... in the end I chose the [M-14] for a price of 300 crystals.
[M-14 -I]
8-cartridge rifle with excellent range, 7.62mm caliber, 800m effective range. Predecessor of the M16 assault rifle.
It came with a box of 50 cartridges, so also bought a box of ammunition of 100 bullets per 1,000 [G]. Seriously, what about that price? 1 crystal per bullet… incidentally, also had the option to buy the gun for Gold, but the cost is 10 times higher.
As a secondary weapon for Kurisu I went to the option of short arms and then guns. From a great variety I took the [Beretta 92], when was going to pay it was given the option of choosing the coupon had obtained while avoiding its cost of 200 crystals. It was light, simple, effective and best of all it was free.
[Beretta 92-I]
Semi-automatic pistol, yield 15,000 shots without fail, caliber 9mm. With a capacity of 15 cartridges per magazine and an effective range of 50m.
Finally ending with the purchase of firearms, take for me the gun [Colt-M1911] for the price of 220 crystals. It was very similar to the previous one, just a little heavier and bigger.
Single-acting pistol, with a 9mm caliber and with a capacity of 7 cartridges per magazine. Its effective range is 50m.
Well, I didn't have the option of running out of one, right? As much as the system tells me not to depend on firearms, as a person raised on earth cannot avoid my common sense that a gun is better than a sword as a weapon ... with how easy they are to use and their Lethality could very well save my life.
In the end the whole arsenal consisted of a [M-14] with 150 bullets, [Beretta 92] with 100 bullets and two magazine that it had included the purchase of this one, and finally my [Colt-M1911] with 3 loaders and 100 bullets also attached. With 200 cartridges 9mm in total didn't see the need to buy more at the moment.
Kurisu had round eyes seeing all the weapons that came out of nowhere. At the beginning planned to consult with her about what type of weapon she preferred, but in the end I decided not to. Surely this out of her area of knowledge and experience, and seeing her shake a little when witnessing them I think it was the right thing to do.
"First we will practice with the guns and then go with the rifle"
Well, at least it has the courage to use them for what it seems, I took the colt and the beretta in my hands and proceeded to weigh them, they are not heavy in my opinion so Kurisu should not have a problem to carry it.
"Do you know how to load it and shoot?"
Kurisu shook his head sharply, the truth is that it is also the first time that I see a firearm and play it ... I seen how they are used in movies and animations, but will it be the same? I don't want to lose her confidence and make a fool of myself ...
[Buy the manual for the weapons you have, can take it from the inventory and take a look]
"I'm sorry"
While I was thinking and Aurora solving my problem Kurisu said with her head down. Ah, she must have thought I was disappointed or angry because she didn't know and I kept quiet.
"No, you don't have to apologize. The truth is also the first time I take a gun, and at this time Aurora was buying the necessary information to use the weapons correctly in the system. Don't worry."
"I get it"
She responded relieved. Then I took out the beretta manual keeping all other weapons in inventory. Seeing that it had safety mechanism on, remove the magazine and pull the slide to verify that the chamber of the barrel was empty as indicated in the manual. And with everything in order I proceeded to explain to Kurisu how to use the weapon as read and then delivered the weapon.
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