System In Pokemon World!

Chapter 12 - Clefairy and Sandshrew Coexistence! Part 1

I frowned while looking at the cave. Honestly making a plan that could defeat dozens of pokemons instantly wasn't easy. It wasn't that it was impossible but the conditions weren't there. The area was enclosed so Butterfree and Beedrill couldn't fight too tell inside.

I would first need to find an opening than lure them inside where I could actually do something. I sighed and said "Seymour, how well do you know these tunnels?" Seymour smiled as he said "I know almost all of them! I've been observing the Clefairy and they don't leave a single tunnel unsearched for their moonstones."

I nodded and said "That is good. Is there a tunnel that leads to a big opening?" Seymour began thinking for a few minutes and said "There is but it leads to where the Clefairy have been collecting the Moon Stones. I can't lead you there since it will anger them knowing that I led strangers towards it."

I waved my hand and said "Don't bother with that. Once I'm done the will be buddy buddy with each other. My Pidgey does need the experience points since it was strong enough from the start." Slowly a plan started formulating causing me to smile.

I laughed evilly and said "That will work. I just have to give them a good trashing for what they did." Misty felt shivers as she felt that the poor Clefairy and Sandshrew should have just made way for them to pass but it was too late.

Getting up I said "Seymour lead us towards that opening and hide behind a rock afterwards. They may be angry at us but that doesn't mean they should be angry at you."

Misty shouted "Hey! Don't involve me in your plan if you will just make them angry at me!" I chuckled and said "Fine, change of plans. I will make you the heroine. How about it?" Hearing about being the heroine of the trap she smiled and said "I'm in!"

I shook my head thinking that she changed her mind too fast. Honestly I wasn't sure but whatever. The plan was ready now I just needed to prepare it and taunt those fools. Getting up I began having Seymour guide me towards the place.

I would have just given the Sandshrew the Moon Stone and once it gets bored of it the Sandshrew would have returned it. The Clefairy were just obsessed in my opinion over a rock. Sure the rock had powers that helped them evolve but its only 1 piece!

It took us a good hour to arrive at the place. I looked around and said "This looks nice." Misty nodded and said "Yeah, how high are we Seymour." He smiled and said "We are halfway up the mountain. This opening here leads to the area where the Clefairy store their Moon Stones."

He pointed at a spot that looked walled off but without a roof. I nodded and said "Makes sense. They must have made that to keep it safe, secret and to be in the moonlight. That doesn't matter though. What does is teaching those pokemon a lesson. Misty and Seymour go hide somewhere. It is time for my revenge."

They nodded. The first thing I did was cautiously search the area with the meteorite and found that a single Clefairy was guarding it. They must not have had Clefable doing it since the leader of the Sandshrew is also looking over its young ones fighting. Summoning Butterfree I said "Butterfree, put the guard to sleep then tie him up."

Butterfree nodded and flew up and a minute later a tied Clefairy was dragged out. I chuckled and said "Easy win!" Picking up the sleeping Clefairy I had Beedrill use its own String Shot to bind it to a rock. Sure it was cruel to do such a thing but they were also cruel to me.

They attacked me! Plus, it ain't like I'm stealing their Meteorite and Moon Stones after all. It is no big deal. Walking out I looked at the place and the plan was coming to reality. Walking around I measured several parts and thought of the most efficient way to construct my trap.

Once that was done I ordered "Beedrill and Butterfree use Web Field in this area." They began shooting their string slowly creating a net. I smiled seeing its construction. It wasn't an elaborate trap where hundreds of things happen while the trap triggers.

It was quite primitive but I founded suitable for the job. Nodding with the construction done I said "Alright now I have to deal with the last issue." Taking out Pidgey pokeball I summoned it. It appeared and tried to attack me.

I expected as much and since it was willing to attack me I won't show mercy to it either. Just as it flew towards my face ready to use Peck I swung my arm punching it shouting "Who the hell do you think you are!?" Misty and Seymour were surprised by my action.

Pidgey glared at me shouting "Pidgey Pidgey!" I said "Shut it! I don't want to hear another Pidgey out of you! Here is the deal. You are now my pokemon and we both want the same thing so join me!" Pidgey stood up and shouted angrily "Pidgey!"

Ignoring it I said "The case right? Alright! Then let us have a fight and if you win then you gain your freedom but if you lose you join me! Do you accept!?" Pidgey nodded with determination. I smiled and said "Alright! Beedrill, Butterfree! Watch from the side lines how I deal with this youngling!"

Butterfree knew how I recruited new pokemon while Beedrill was surprised. Butterfree just gestured to for it to come over and wait by it. Beedrill listened and began watching the interesting scene of a human challenging a pokemon to a fight.

Pidgey took into the air crying out in its d.e.s.i.r.e for victory after being punched by me. It swooped down towards me. I frowned and tried to dodge but my jacket was still hit getting cut by Wing Attack. I complained "Damn this guy!" Pidgey had a smirk on its face thinking that it may be an easy victory and will even enjoy its revenge.

I though was holding back. I wanted Pidgey to get over confident so I can beat it with one strike. Pidgey began trying to nail more wing attacks on me but I kept on dodging in an erratic manner to make it difficult for it to predict my next move. Pidgey was growing frustrated seeing it could nail an attack. Going down towards the ground it began flapping its wings hard causing a bunch of Sand to be created.

I frowned and said "Smart little devil using Sand attack to blind me." I was forced to cover my eyes while Pidgey took the opportunity to strike. Suddenly I felt a pain on my side. Looking down I saw that Pidgey had cut my side using Wing Attack. I began trying to move again with my eyes closed but Pidgey was able to quickly tell where I was moving to since it was no longer as erratic as before.

Beedrill and Butterfree were started to become agitated. They knew their master was cunning and could win a battle against pokemon if it comes down to it but watching this scene was worrying for them. Misty and Seymore were also becoming worried as blood began staining the ground from the constant dodges and attacks.

Misty shouted "Give up already! Just forget about the Pidgey!" I shouted "Never! It's mine!" Pidgey who became angry hearing that went and attacked by stomach sending me flying back. I gritted my teeth as I got up. The sand was finally dispersing itself allowing me to see again.

My body had several cuts all over but I held strong. Pidgey eyes that looked down on me from being so weak previously showed a glint of respect. It at least accepted the fact that I was a decent trainer in its eyes but not good enough. Deciding to end it in one more attack it let out a victory cry and flew towards me.

Clenching my fist I said "Let me give you all my pain Pidgey." All the muscles of my arm became strained as I swung it as hard as I could. A loud dun sound was emitted as Pidgey was blasted back. Pidgey fell onto the ground and fainted from the single strike. I sighed and fell to my knees. Fortunately I prepared first aid just in case.

Taking it out I began patching myself while Butterfree and Beedrill worried went towards me checking if I was okay. I just smiled and said "I'm fine guys! That Pidgey sure is something! I thought it would just use Wing Attack or Whirlwind to win but who would have guessed Sand Attack. Tricky little guy."

Butterfree began scolding me as if telling me I was acting too rashly while I just laughed it off. Misty sighed in relieve not knowing what to think. I was a bit too strange for her to decipher in her opinion.

AN: Alright… next one his going to get without a fight. I surprised even myself by writing this. Oh well!

After bandaging myself Pidgey has already woken up and become depressed. It could have tried to escape but it made a deal. It couldn't bring itself to abandon its pride and leave just like that. It knew it lost and it was in a single strike. This hurt its ego of being powerful.

I looked at Pidgey and grinned as I stood up. Pidgey looked up sad at its lost. Shaking my head I said "What you complaining about? Don't you want to become strong!? Don't you want to surpass all the other pokemon!? I have proven myself to you that even I the trainer of my pokemon can beat a pokemon even if I'm just human!"

Pidgey hearing this looked up paying closer attention. I continued "In this vast world you have been stuck in this small place! Too small I say! So come with me and let's climb up the stage of champions and masters! Prove the world that we are one of the strongest out there! Let us all be friends and family while doing so! Won't you join me Pidgey!?"

Pidgey eyes flared thinking of climbing up in the world and exploring it. It has indeed been stuck in that route for who knows how long. Hearing that an olive branch was extended to it to gain strength and a family it cried excitedly "Pidgey!!!"

I laughed and said "I like your spirit! From now on we are family! We will protect each other! Right Butterfree!? Beedrill!?" They nodded excitedly as they cried their own cheers "Freee~!" "Buuuuzzzz~!" The speech also had their blood boiling. Misty was shocked as to how fast the situation turned.

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