System In Pokemon World!

Chapter 13 - Clefairy and Sandshrew Coexistence! Part 2

At first Pidgey hated the idea of being captured but now it was excited about it? Her head felt like it was spinning as she said "This is too fast!" Seymour shook his head and said "Not at all. He has proven himself in that fight that he could do something that others couldn't. He showed his determination for victory and now he shows his d.e.s.i.r.e to befriend and take Pidgey to greater heights. Pokemon naturally want to get stronger so this change is quite normal and fascinating even."

Grinning I said "Good then! You guys start familiarizing yourselves with each other. Pidgey, cover the rest of the next with a thin layer of sand. Understood?" Pidgey nodded while Beedrill and Butterfree began welcoming it to the family. Entering the cave I held my stomach and said "That was a pretty strong attack there." A thin trace of blood rolled down the corner of my mouth.

It was painful but I knew I would be fine. I will just have to take it easier once I got out of here. I began searching the cave for the two groups and quickly found them. I sneaked closer while grabbing two rock. Smiling I thought 'I better get ready to use my secret technique.' Getting into a baseballer throwing position and shot the two rocks at the two pokemon that shouldn't be bothered.

Both Sandslash and Clefable had their heads hit by the small rocks. Looking over I stuck my tongue saying "Losers!" They became furious due to their own pride. How could a human disrespect them!? They were the evolved version of their kind! What was worse was it was done in front of their children that were now staring at them.

Together they shouted "Clefable!" "Sandslash!"

AN: I may not understand pokemon but I'm sure that this means "Kill him!"

I shouted "Secret Technique! Sprint like my life depends on it!" I ran madly leaving a cloud of dust behind while the pokemon chased after me. It took me a good 20 minutes of running to exit the cave while they were still furiously following.

I shouted "Butterfree! Now!" I had already discussed the plan with Butterfree that was patiently waiting above the cave entrance and began spraying loads of Stun Spore. The Clefairy and Sandshrew were completely ignoring the fact that they could be running into a trap.

Much less the leaders that were leading the pack. They all helplessly fell for the trap. Once they passed the entrance they began slowing down to a stop and falling to their knees. I then shouted "Pidgey Whirlwind! Butterfree Psychic! Wrap them up!"

Pidgey began flying in circles around the net which was created through the Web Field. It was using its Whirlwind to remove the sand and lift the corners which Butterfree used Psychic in order to lift into the sky and wrap it up. With that done I said "Pidgey do Wing Attack 10 times but don't break the net."

Pidgey attacked the defenseless pokemon at random. Finishing I said "Alright that is enough. We had our revenge now we need to solve this issue." Misty who is still hding decided to ignore my petty revenge and whispered "How are you going to solve it?"

I shrugged and said "I didn't think that far." The Clefable and Sandslash hatefully glared at me. I sighed and said "I got it." Walking forward I sat down in front of them. They began shouting "Clefable Clefable!" "Sandslash Sandslash!"

An anger vein appeared on my forehead as I shouted "Shut it you brats! You have no right to complain! You idiots attacked us! Aren't you ashamed of yourselves for attacking me a 10 year old!? I'm still a kid! You deserve the beating you got you idiots!"

The two flinched hearing that.

AN: The plot armor is strong with this one.

I let out humping sounds and said "You can attack full grown a.d.u.l.ts since the people don't really care about that. They knew what they were getting themselves into but if you attack a kid I swear to you both that the parents will come here and blow up the whole mountain! Is that what you idiots want?"

They shook their head meekly. I sighed and said "That's better. Now then lets solve the big problem shall we? Clefable I know you love your stone and meteorite but it does not only belong to you. The meteorite came from space and landed on the mountain. It belongs to the mountain.

Clefable began complaining and I just said "Say one more word and I will take the meteorite for myself leaving nothing for you." Clefable fell silent. I nodded and said "Good. Sandshrew had the right to keep it and not give it. After all, it found it. Would you like it if I took the meteorite which you like?"

It shook its head. Nodding I said "Yeah and you did that to the Sandshrew. Apologize to it." Clefable turned around and 5 minutes later it finished apologizing. Sighing I said "Now shake hands and promise to return that one moon stone to it and end this useless fighting." They did as told causing them all to be happy and cheer.

I sighed in relieve that the problem from ended. Suddenly an explosion was heard from behind startling everyone. I looked over to see a Meowth balloon beginning to float into the sky. I face palmed and said "These idiots again. Looking at Misty I shouted "Spray some water on these pokemon to remove their Stun Spore!"

Misty who was surprised recovered and said "I'm on it!" I look at the Sandshrew and Sandslash and said "Sorry about this but we need to take off that Stun Spore." Looking at my pokemon I said "Cut the robes holding the Meteorite and poke a whole into that balloon!"

Currently Team Rocket was celebrating how easy it was to find the meteorite thinking how rich they were going to be. Jessie shouted in joy "Finally I can get myself a Salon and a Mansion!" James shouted "And I can create a Pokemon Zoo!" Meowth cheered "And I will be waited upon all my life!"

It was ended when Meowth noticed flying towards it. Looking down it said "Hey it is that brat that dared insult me! Aaaah! Those pokemon look mean!" Jessie and James looked over saying "Let me see." Suddenly Beedrill attacked using Pin Missile causing them to dodge out of instinct shouting in fear. James screamed "Waaah! Their attacking us!" Jessie shouted "Stop it! Leave us alone!" Meowth cried "I didn't do anything I swear!"

Underneath Pidgey used Peck and cut the ropes holding the meteorite causing it to fall back down. Noticing James shouted "Wait! That is our meteorite!" Jessie shouted "We need to get it back!" Meowth said fearfully "I don't think we have a chance. Beedrill flew towards the side of the meowth balloon and stabbed it.

The air started bursting out causing them to spin around into the sky shouting "Team Rocket is blasting off again!"

I shook my head and said "Can't those guys give up? I admit it is impressive how much they can take but it is also really annoying." The Clefairy and Sandshrew that were liberated ran to collect the moon stones knowing how valuable it was to the Clefairy. Sandslash and Clefable walked over to me and began speaking "Clefable Clefable Clefable." "Sandslash Sandslahs."

I guessed "You guys are apologizing for attack us right?" They nodded. I sighed and waved my hand dismissively and said "Forget about it. Remember next time to share especially you Clefable. The Sandshrew have been helping you guys so much. At least give them a few Moon Stones to cherish if they want them."

Clefable nodded thanking me. Finishing the problem I asked an important question "Um… what happened to the bike we left though." Clefable gestured me to follow her and well… We found it. It was thrown off the mountain completely destroying it.

My balls began aching thinking of fighting 4 gyms to earn the money to get it. Misty smiled as she said "It appears you owe me a new bike." I sighed and said "I know… I will give it to you before the league starts. I swear. I don't break my promises anyway."

Misty nodded satisfied with my response and said "You better or I will follow you till the ends of the planet!" I g.r.o.a.n.e.d thinking of her actually doing it. She practically did it with Ash after all and that guy wasn't the brightest and she still did it.

In the end we left to Cerulean city speeding up more since now I needed to find time to get money to buy Misty her bike. Seymour was happy that the problem was solved and decided to still stay there.

AN: Been listening to Pika girl and now I want to add one. it is the switching vocals version too. Man! I'm tempted!

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