System In Pokemon World!

Chapter 19 - Flying Pokemon Competition Part 1

Intro: Our young Zane is leisurely passing the time after spending so much time training. Even our hero needs a rest now and then but the wind is turbulent and his rest might just be cut short!

Three days passed and I was lounging on a grassy plains relaxing. Misty complained, "Weren't you in a hurry?" I smiled and said, "Well, I was but now that I saw such a lush field of grass after my initial journey I decided to stop and enjoy it." Misty sighed and said, "You are too relaxed to be a real trainer."

I complained back, "What is so bad about relaxing? Every trainer needs to relax once in a while after all I have been rushing here for more than 2 weeks." She was surprised and asked, "Really? Sure, I noticed you were in a hurry before entering mount moon but I never expected for you to be rushing 2 weeks."

I smiled and said, "Well, not really rushing all the time since I did stop to train in the forest or elsewhere. Other than that, I only stopped my training to rest for my next day of training." Misty's eye twitched as she said, "So you were rushing for 2 weeks huh?"

I laughed and said, "Maybe, but I enjoyed my time. Hey Beedrill! Share some of that fruit with me." Beedrill flew over saying, "Buzz." I laughed and said, "Come on buddy! I'm also hungry but I don't want to climb those trees. You can just fly up. Oh, Misty, why are you so far away?"

Misty said, "Please don't come any closer or at least keep your pokemon away from yourself when I'm near you." I nodded and said, "Scared?" She nodded with a pale face. Shrugging I said, "Alright, I will keep that in mind." Internally I thought, 'oh, I forgot she was scared of bug pokemon. I should have paid closer attention to her state when we were traveling.'

Smiling I said, "Hey Beedrill. Make sure to keep at least a good 5-10 feet distance from Misty alright?" Beedrill tilted its head confused. I patted its head and said, "Don't worry buddy. Misty is just a bit scared of bugs but she loves you. Right Misty!?"

Misty nodded nervously and said, "Sure, whatever you say." Beedrill nodded and gave me a piece of its fruit before flying away. Misty calmed down and closed in from the distance and said, "Thanks. Well, we better get going. We have been resting for a couple of hours already." I g.r.o.a.n.e.d tiredly and said, "I guess it can't be helped. We better get going."

Grabbing the bag of supplies that was given to me by Misty's sisters I got ready to leave but suddenly 2 gusts of wind brushed against my hair. Turning around I noticed that there was a Pidgey and Spearow. For a moment I thought that they might start fighting but several more gusts of wind came causing me to slightly lose my balance and fall.

Misty was no better as she said, "What is going on!?" I said, "Who knows! Why are there so many flying pokemon!?" There were several pokemon flying overhead flapping their wings desperately. Pidgey, Spearows, Fearow, Pidgeottos, Butterfrees and even Beedrills. Misty screamed as she hugged me like her life depended on it. I ignored her and wondered, "Why are there so many of them?"

A few moments later I heard shouts, "Hey! Are you alright!?" I turned to see a jeep heading our way. I was surprised and said, "Yeah! Who might you all be?" The jeep parked next to us and a young man got off. He had purple spiky hair and green sports clothes on.

He smiled and said, "Hello there. Well, you should introduce yourself first but my name is Norzu." I smiled and said, "Hello there Norzu. My name is Zane and this is Misty. What was going on just a moment ago?"

Norzu said surprised, "You guys don't know?" I shook my head. He smiled and began explaining, "Today is the biannual flying pokemon race! Actually, I am helping host this event. The competition will begin tomorrow and nearby is a town where it will begin. The race will start here and end at the next down that is approximately 50 kilometers away."

-Join the Competition and win! 2k Points/ 20k Poke Dollars/Flying Gem

-Flying Gem: A gem with an ordinary essence. When held, it strengthens the power of a Flying-type move one time.

Misty said, "I did not know there was such an event. I usually focused on more water type pokemon events than anything else. There should be an event in one of the cities that we will go through to arrive at Vermillion city."

I was surprised and asked, "Really? What is it?" She smiled and said, "Secret." I shrugged and said, "Anyway, can we tag along? I got 3 flying pokemon with me. Are there any rules for participation?" Norzu laughed and said, "We are more than happy to accept more participants. Get on, I will explain you more about it as we keep track of the practice."

Misty and I nodded and got onto the jeep. Norzu began chasing the flying pokemon and quickly caught up to them. He began giving his lengthy explanation.

"This event has been going on for a long period of time. This event has been going on for hundreds of years. It was said that two strange pokemon appeared in the town before. They spent time with the people living there. They helped them travel around and get to places they needed to get to. That was until a person from the other town came with his own pokemon. A Pidgeot that could rival the flying of the other two pokemon. He ended up taking a large part of the business from our town as he traveled around trading everything from other towns except for ours. We challenged him to a competition but no one could compete with him. That was until the two pokemon stepped in and won without question. It was said that it traveled faster than the speed of sound."

"He was forced to accept trading with our town and the two mysterious pokemon left after that day. Now we celebrate that race every 2 years in honor of the help that those two mysterious pokemon provided. The competition allows any flying pokemon to compete in it. The winner gets 50k Poke dollars and becomes an honorary citizen of our town. Nowadays only pidgeot win but we hope to change that this year since most of the Pidgeot from the nearby towns competed there is a chance for another pokemon to win."

I grinned and said, "I will be the winner!" Misty laughed and said, "Not a chance! I admit, you may have beaten me but I doubt you can win this competition." I pouted and said, "Well you can't even compete. At least I have a chance."

Misty shouted angrily, "Say that again!" I looked away pretending to admire nature and asked, "Say what again?" Misty's face became red as she complained, "If I had a flying pokemon then I would be the winner."

Norzu said, "Actually, we still have a week to compete and we can lend you one. Do you want to compete?" Misty looked nervous as she said, "But I have no experience training flying pokemon. I'm not sure if I can compete well in it." I taunted, "I see, so you are saying if we compete in this then you will lose no matter what. I knew I was the best hehe!"

Misty bit the bait as she shouted, "Oh yeah!? Norzu! I will take you on that offer only to beat this brat!" I complained, "Who you calling a brat! I am almost 11 years old!" Misty smirked and said, "Is that so? Sorry Zane but girls m.a.t.u.r.e more quickly than boys." She puffed her c.h.e.s.t showing off her non-impressive and practically flat c.h.e.s.t."

Beedrill, Butterfree and Pidgeotto were currently flying desperately behind us. I did train them to become faster making them able to keep up with the jeep but sadly they did not train their endurance as much. I said, "Alright, come on over here. Take a rest on the Jeep." They flew over and hid inside the Jeep but Misty screamed shouting, "Please returned them into their pokeball!"

She grabbed onto Norzu causing the Jeep to shake. Norzu gave a difficult smile and said, "Zane, can you please return them to their pokeball?" I nodded and said, "Alright, guys come back." I took out their pokeball and returned them.

Misty let go of Norzu letting the jeep drive safely. Norzu said, "Hey, we are about to reach the town. Take a good look at it!" In the distance we saw another area where trainers were already waiting excitedly for their pokemon. Curious I asked, "Hey, how far were we from your town when met you?" He smiled and said, "Around 15 minutes so we were at the halfway point."

I pouted and said, "My pokemon need to double their endurance if they want to win." Misty said, "You can't be serious Zane. Doubling a pokemon endurance within a week is impossible." I nodded and said, "True but I can only try! Let us go and train! Also, does that place have a gym?" He nodded and said, "Of course! It is the Zurulian Gym. It is said that they have some of the strongest air type pokemon."

I smiled and said, "Well, I'm not interested in fighting it but if there is a gym then there must be a pokemon training field!" Misty said surprised, "You know that?" I said, "Yeah, who wouldn't?" Misty thought back and remembered no one that went there since her sisters and she took over. She shook her head and said, "Most people…"

I shrugged and said, "Whatever! I need to get some basic training in!" Arriving at the place I looked at the competition. There were quite a lot of Pidgeotto but there were a few variations such as Beedrill and Butterfree. Pidgey, Spearow and Fearow. Finally there was an odd scyther that was dashing back and forth at frightening speeds.

I frowned and said, "This won't be that easy. Hey Norzu, does your town have a gym?" He shook his head and said, "Sorry Zane but my town does not have a gym for you." I sighed and said, "When will be the last day you will come here and at what time?" Norzu asked, "Are you planning on staying here to train?" I nodded and said, "That is the plan."

Norzu looked up saying, "Well, the training will continue for the next 5 days but the last day I will come here will be the day before but that is only to make sure everything is prepared for the competition."

I nodded and said, "I will be there! Anyway, I better get going. I want to get my pokemon check up at the pokemon center before heading to out to train." Norzu smiled and said, "Then I won't hold you back. Good luck with your training."

Norzu laughed and said, "Well, give it your all!" He hand a pokeball to her causing her to smile and say, "Thank you! Come on Zane! Let's go!" We finally left to the pokemon center where we had our pokemon checked and this Nurse Joy was slightly impressed with my pokemon.

Afterwards, we arrived at the Pokemon Training field where we were greeted by Lena. She was hiding behind the entrance wall. "Hello there." I nodded and said, "Hi there Lena. What type are you?"

She looked confused and said, "I- I don't have a type." Misty punched my arm and shouted, "Don't just ask a girl for their type!" I rubbed my arm and complaint, "What are you talking about? I just asked her what is her personality since each one appears to have a different one."

Lena said,"Oh, I thought you were talking pokemon type. Sorry, I am the shy one of my older sisters and cousins." Misty said, "Oh." I smiled and said, "Don't worry about it guys. It is normal to misunderstand but getting back to the matters at hand. I will be training here. Can you prepare the fan?" She nodded and said, "Of course!" Getting the fan we got onto a grassy field where I was getting ready to train with my pokemon.

Misty suddenly approached me and handed me her pokeball and said, "Train it well." I was confused and said, "What are you talking about? Aren't you going to train it?" She smiled and said, "I would like to but I only specialize in training water pokeball. How about this! If you train my Pidgeotto to beat yours then I will train one of your water pokemon in the future."

I thought about it and answered, "Sure thing but I won't make any promises of your Pidgeotto beating mine." She shrugged and said, "I'm fine as long as it doesn't lose too bad."

I nodded and said, "Very well." Taking her pokeball I said, "Well, then, try to keep yourself busy or watch if you like."

She nodded and said, "I will be back." Finally, the training begins!

Cliff-Kun: Honestly, I had something but the author forgot it. Sorry guys. Let me try at least. Will Zane win or lose!? That is all I got...

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