System In Pokemon World!

Chapter 20 - Flying Pokemon Competition part 2

Intro-Kun: Zane is at the Pokemon Training Field and his training is about to start! Will this training b.a.r.e fruit for the pokemon or will it prove to be ineffective!? Find out now!

Summoning the other Pidgeotto it looked at me calmly. I smiled and said, "Hey there. You will be training with us for a week. I hope we all get stronger together." Pidgeotto nodded understanding the situation.

Beginning our training I set the giant fan at the lowest level which all the pokemon manage to beat easily. Increasing it to another level the wind started to become fiercer took slightly longer to beat and Misty's Pidgeotto showed difficulty to keep up with the pace of my own pokemon. Looking at my Pidgeotto I said, "Take care of the other one alright?" It nodded as it slowed down its speed to appear next to Misty's and began teaching it.

I smiled as I increased it again. Finally none of them could finish and Butterfree was blown away. Smiling I said, "Butterfree, train in the back for now. Your wings were not meant for this and Beedrill is only capable of holding once since it trained on speed more than anything else." Butterfree nodded and listened to my instructions.

Hopefully, Butterfree will become stronger and manage to beat this level within a week. My hopes lied on Pidgeotto and Beedrill. I left it at that level and decided to join into the training myself but of course in the back since I don't want ot be blown away.

Hours later we finished our training and were all exhausted. Misty came over and said, "I brought the food!" Turning around I said, "Great! We were starving!" Misty said, "Um- who are you?" I looked at her confused and said, "Zane. You know me." Misty was surprised as she said, "I could barely recognize you with your new hair."

I touched my hair and felt it become slick back like those business people. I was surprised and began laughing saying, "Wow! I never thought my hair would change so much! I will need a hat to keep it from becoming like this." Misty eyes shone as she said, "Hey! I can help you find a hat if you give me half your money if you do win!" I scoffed and said, "You already took 60k from me and want another 25k? I will find my own hat!"

Misty laughed and said, "I expected that. Well, buy me some clothes and I can help you." I pouted and said, "1k." Misty said, "5k." I went straight to the point, "2.5k, that is my limit!" Misty smiled as she cheered, "Alright! Let's go shopping!"

After feeding my pokemon and Misty's Pidgeotto we left to shop a bit then rest at the Pokemon Center. The next 5 days came and went in a similar manner. As for the hat, I got myself a Blue hat with a pokeball logo on the front. I did not want to be an imitation of Ash after all and blue was also a great color. I wanted black but I reconsidered it since I don't want to look like an emo.

I will have to switch clothes later too since I noticed that I was wearing too much black. I already changed my shirt for a white one. Overall, my clothes consisted of black pants, white shirt, black coat, black gloves and blue hat. I might make my shoes white or red later possibly green for a different look. Then again, it might not look too well so I decided to stick to just check and see.

For now, I am fine since it does not show too much emo like vibes in my opinion. I kept my black gloves though. They are too good to just give up on. The day came and after training a bit more we went to meet up with Norzu.

He smiled and said, "Here I was thinking that you might now show." I laughed and said, "Of course I will! After all, I am feeling pretty confident on wining and getting myself a bike!" Misty had a smug smile and said, "You should have saved more money then." I g.r.o.a.n.e.d and said, "Please don't make me regret giving you that promise."

Misty laughed happily as she said, "Honestly, I'm fine losing while he loses too." I g.r.o.a.n.e.d and said, "Isn't that too mean?" Misty shrugged and said, "Maybe." Norzu laughed as he said, "Well, we better get going. Are you two ready?" We nodded.

Taking us to his town that was quite busy with people trying to get I last minute training in I just strolled around for a bit before hitting the hay since I did not want to exhaust myself before the competition.

POV Change

James shouted in excitement, "We are finally making enough money to get us out of debt Jessie!" Jessie said, "I know! Soon I will be able to buy more jewelry!" Meowth said, "I hope you don't plan on going straight." James shook his head and said, "Of course not Meowth! We will use the money to capture more pokemon! That way we can pay the boss and he can pay us a bonus for the pokemon!"

Jessie shouted excitedly, "Yeah but even better if we use them to start our own business! The fastest mail delivering service! People all around the world will be asking for our services! We will charge them hefty prices and become rich! I can't wait!"

Jessie imagines herself being flattered by countless of young men asking her for favors to deliver items within a day's time. James imagined himself flying on a Pidgeot. Meowth imagined himself swimming in money.

Meowth said, "We better get ready! We will kidnap them near the end of the competition! They will be so exhausted that it will be even easier than taking candy from a baby!"

They cheered excitedly as they left to prepare the plan.

POV Change

Morning came and I had just finished preparing for the competition after doing morning warmth up with the rest of my pokemon. I grinned and said, "Are you guys ready!?" They all cheered excitedly. I laughed and said, "Good, give me a minute. I need to wake up Misty." Walking over to the previous room we stayed I knocked on the door and said, "Hey, we got to get going." Misty let out a groan from behind the door and said, "Coming! Give me 5 minutes!"

I walked out and said, "Alright guys. Five minutes to relax." Butterfree fluttered its wings and flew on top of my head and began sleeping. Beedrill though just began poking my rips causing me to laugh. Pidgeotto went to my side and leaned against me closing its eyes.

I rubbed Pidgeotto's back and patted Beedrill headed saying, "I may spoil you guys too much hehe. I love you guys." They all agreed happily. 5 minutes later Misty came out and said, "I'm ready." I smiled and said, "Good! You go on ahead. I will travel with my pokemon beside me." Misty nodded and said, "Alright, let's go."

Getting up I walked behind Misty and eventually arrived at the starting point of the competition. Norzu greeted us, "Hey there Misty! Zane! I'm glad to see you guys arrive in time. The competition will start in 10 minutes. It should begin over in the west side of this place and then you will race to the next city." I laughed and said, "Great! I won't lose so easily! Let us go have a light snack before it starts! We can't win on an empty stomach!"

I gathered near them and said, "It looks pretty serious but my pokemon can beat them!" Everyone turned around giving me an angry look. Misty laughed nervously and said, "I don't know him!" She distanced herself further from me causing me to laugh and say, "Bring it on! I will be ready for you guys!" They shook their heads and focused on their own pokemon.

I smiled and turned to my pokemon and whispered, "Alright guys, this competition always have tricks or troublesome parts. If you get attacked make sure to dodge by controlling your speed alright?" They nodded. I smiled and whispered a final piece of advice, "If you are being attacked try to get sandwiched so when they do attack they will hit each other! It is a great method to get ahead!"

They nodded with an intelligent glint in their eyes. Smiling I said, "Good!" Norzu voice sounded as he spoke in a mic, "This is the 183 biannual flying pokemon competitions! The rules are as follows! Flying Pokemon will compete purely on speed and those that attack others will be disqualified! Moves may only be used to increase the speed of a pokemon and nothing more! Now, everyone! Please line up at the starting line!"

All the hundred plus pokemon lined up getting ready to fly off. Norzu smiled and shouted, "On your marks! Get set! Fly!" The pokemon took off and so did many vehicles that were parked nearby. Norzu ran shouting, "Zane! Misty! Come with me!" We quickly followed him and got onto his Jeep and began driving. It should take around 5 minutes to catch up to them.

POV Change

Butterfree was feeling nervous thinking of how its kind was not meant to race. Beedrill beside said, "Calm down Butterfree. I'm sure you will do great!" Butterfree sighed and said, "I know but what if he thinks that I'm no longer as good. Beedrill, you always been training to move around but I have been training my powder and psychic attacks more often with Zane."

Pidgeotto said, "Butterfree, I may not know Zane too long but think about it. Do you think he will do that? He spent a lot of time training us and taking care of us." Beedrill nodded in agreement and said, "His right Butterfree. You are his first pokemon and he understands the situation. He may not expect you to win the race but he will be very happy if you give it your all."

Butterfree felt better as it said, "Thanks Beedrill. Pidgeotto. Let us give our all and show the world the fruits of our training!" Pidgeotto shouted, "That is the spirit! All you have to do is go head on against everything and you will win!" Beedrill said, "Just try to surpass the other Butterfrees. You need to be careful especially after what Zane did. He stirred up a real beehive of trainers and pokemon."

All around them were pokemon glaring at them after Zane spouted nonsense trying to display his confidence in his pokemon. Butterfree laughed and said, "Your right. He may be reckless and always get us in trouble but we need to give it our all and reach his expectations!"

A nearby Beedrill said, "Quiet! We will teach you why you should get too ahead of yourself! We have been doing this for years! We can't let an upstart beat us!" Beedrill flew towards Butterfree surprising the 3 pokemon. Butterfree tried to fly faster but it was already at its limit which was higher compared to the other Butterfree around.

The other trainers Butterfree have already fallen to the very back. In a way, it demonstrated Butterfree excellent improvement and growth in speed. Sadly, this improvement could not compare to other pokemon that specialized more in speed.

The other trainer Beedrill used Fury Attack but just before landing it was shot down by countless of needles. Beedrill said, "Tough luck! I prefer to battle then to race!" The Beedrill that fell onto the ground glared at Zane's Beedrill and shouted, "You won't get away so easily!"

Soon a battle began happening while the pokemon continued racing. Butterfree mainly dodged and used Psychic or other not so noticeable attacks. Although Butterfree lacked confidence to win it knew that it had to fight smart after spending so much time hearing about strategies from Zane. Pidgeotto though was not as lenient as it used whirlwind and wing attack to knock the other pokemon away.

They also listened to the advice Zane gave and let the other pokemon knock each other out. Butterfree who was beginning to tire after flying at its top speed for so long looked behind and shouted, "Guys! Careful! We need to avoid attacking! Remember the rules! We don't want to be disqualified!" Pidgeotto clicked its tongue but listened to Butterfree as well as Beedrill who said, "Careful Butterfree! They may try something!"

Butterfree who said tiredly, "Forget about that! I need to save up our energy!" They nodded and focused on flying more efficiently. Sadly the other Pokemon were not so friendly as a nearby Fearow flew over and shouted, "We may not be able to use attacks but we can bump onto you!" Pidgeotto dodged the Fearow by slowing down slightly.

Fearow laughed mockingly and said, "Scared!" Pidgeotto felt annoyed and really tempted to bump against it as well but it was larger than itself and knew it would likely lose. That though did not stop it from wanting to do so.

Butterfree shouted, "Pidgeotto! Keep your calm! Zane is counting on you two!" Pidgeotto shouted, "I know but he is asking for it!" Beedrill said, "Focus on dodging! Remember what Zane said! Use that against them!"

Pidgeotto showed a playful smile and said, "I got it! Come and hit me ugly!" Fearow became furious and shouted, "Don't regret it!" Beedrill flew over trying to knock down Pidgeotto but Pidgeotto slowed down causing Fearow to pass in front of it and slam against another become. Stunned, they both fell on the ground. Pidgeotto laughed and said, "Don't say you regret it!" Fearow shouted, "Come back here and fight me!"

Butterfree finally began to fall behind but it felt determined to finish.

Cliff-Kun: That was a real change! Will Butterfree manage to finish the race!? Will Beedrill and Pidgeotto win the competition!? Find out on the next chapter of System in Pokemon World!

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