System In Pokemon World!

Chapter 24 - Catching Pokemon!

Intro-Kun: Today, our young heroes are weary from continuing their travels but an exciting adventure is in front of them! In a nearby place there is a special pokemon! Who is this pokemon and will Zane be able to catch it!? Find out now!" (Not my best. Sorry)

I g.r.o.a.n.e.d and said, "We been walking for a day but we haven't reached Vermillion city!" Misty said, "What are you complaining about? You have been running for who knows how long and look ready to collapse."

I sighed as I fell on the ground and said, "I might have a lot of stamina but that doesn't mean I can run forever. Time for a nap." Misty shook her head and said, "Well, we should take a break and have lunch but let us go over there. I hear a river and quite a bit of noise."

I nodded and weakly got up saying, "On it…" Walking to the river we encountered a surprising scene. There were dozens of people splashing about in the water desperately. I decided to not approached and asked, "Are they drowning?"

Misty shook her head worriedly and said, "It doesn't look like it. We should ask." I nodded and said, "We should." Neither of us moved. Misty said, "Well, the man of the group should go and ask right?" I shook my head and said, "Ladies first. I might not be the gentleman type but I will make an exception this once."

Neither of us moved as someone walked over to us and said, "So, you guys are here for the Dratini." Misty eyes shone as she shouted excitedly, "Dratini!? There is a Dratini around here!?" I too got excited and shouted, "Where is it!?"

The man laughed and said, "So, you guys didn't know?" I shook my head and said, "Nope but now that we do can you tell us about it!?" He nodded and said, "Sure thing. Recently there has been a sighting of a Dratini in this river so the people began rushing over to catch it but they have been having trouble finding it since it hides the moment someone spots it."

I grinned and said, "I will definitely catch myself a Dratini today!" Misty pushed me and said, "No I will!" We glared at each other and I said, "I will! It is a dragon type so stick to water types!" She shouted, "Oh yeah! I already decided to catch it and there is nothing you can do about it!"

I shouted, "Fine! Whoever finds it first keeps it!" She shouted, "Fine!" The young man laughed and said, "Well, good luck but no one has been able to catch it yet so it will be quite difficult for you newcomers as well."

I nodded and said, "Good point. It will be difficult to catch it within this crowd. The moment it appears there definitely will be a battle of a lifetime." Misty sighed and said, "Yeah, we don't even stand a chance against this many trainers."

POV Change

In a nearby bush, James said, "Did you hear that? There is a Dratini in that river!" Meowth shouted, "And Team Rocket will be the one to catch it! We also need to get revenge on these twerps! They already sent us flying a couple of times! Now it is payback!"

Jessie said, "Who cares about the twerps! I'm willing to get sent flying a dozen more times if it means I can get that Dratini! Ah, imagine Dratini in my arms! It will be the perfect pokemon for me to match my unrivaled beauty!"

James said, "Shouldn't we give it to the boss though?" Meowth nodded and said, "Yeah! Dratini is a really rare pokemon and we can score big this time if we handed to the boss!" Jessie hmph and said, "No way! Beautiful things should stay with beautiful people! That Dratini is mine and if either of you have a problem with it then let see who wins!"

James and Meowth sighed as they both knew they would lose. In the end they agreed to it. Meowth said, "Let us go!" Jessie said, "Hold up! Let us wait until someone finds it then we steal it!" James shouted, "What a great idea!"

POV Change

We began searching the river with the others but a few minutes later I exploded silently and cursed, 'Damn it all! There are too many people! I can't find that Dratini! Stupid Ash with his plot armor! I can't let him be better than me! For starters I forgot to use my head. Searching around with all these people that been doing it for who knows how long is pointless. I need a change of strategy!'

Getting up I looked around and wondered where I should go. Asking the person beside me for the direction of the city he answered that it was downstream. I decided to head upstream then. Misty who noticed my movement began following me.

I focused on my surroundings not noticing that Misty and a certain trio of troublemakers were following me. Arriving at a waterfall I frowned and said, "I was sure there would be something here. Maybe it climbed the waterfall but that is hard to believe. It must have been a pretty strong Dratini if it did.

Growling I took out my 3 pokemon and shouted, "Oh yeah! I will just fly up there!" Misty took out her pokemon and said, "I will just swim up then!" I had to began looking through my bag for rope while Misty already swam up holding onto her Starmie.

I clicked my tongue and finding the rope I tied myself to my pokemon and shouted, "Fly up!" They all flapped their wings and managed to lift me up with slight difficulty. Fortunately, their training for the competition was not wasted.

Flying up I looked down to notice something I didn't before. There appeared to be a curve heading into the wall as if there was a cave somewhere in between the waterfall and the ground. Seeing that I said, "Guys fly me down." They were confused but listened to me.

Withdrawing them into their pokeball and putting the rope away I walked towards the waterfall and began to climb it against the current. It was difficult but I managed to hold out and enter the cave hidden behind the waterfall.

Ignoring my wet clothes I pulled out a flashlight and thanked the sisters, "Thankfully, those sisters prepared everything for us if not I would have trouble seeing deeper inside." Walking deeper inside I looked around to see that it was pretty neat.

I smiled as I ventured deeper. It was fun just exploring an unknown cave and maybe I can find a pretty powerful pokemon inside. Just as those thoughts flashed through my head I heard screeching sounds. Surprised I was suddenly attacked by Zubats. Running away I summoned Butterfree and turned around with a sliding stop.

I shouted," Butterfree use String Shot and create a web to stop them!" Butterfree shot out several String Shots and overlapped them making a spider web. Sadly, that did not stop all of them as a few got through and attack Butterfree.

Zubat tackled it causing Butterfree to get pushed back. I shouted, "Don't take that! Use Psybeam and teach them a lesson!" Butterfree shouted with enthusiasm, "Free!" Shooting out a Psybeam it hit them all finally ending with my victory.

Looking around I wondered which one I should catch and decided to catch the smallest one. I always like small pokemon since they were cute and just because they were small it did not mean they were weak. Throwing my pokeball it shook 3 times and clicked. I grinned and picking up I shouted, "I caught a Zubat! Sadly, not a Dratini. Oh well, Zubat will be my reserves. Every pokemon counts anyway."

There was a pond at the center which drew my attention. Walking forward I looked down to see a hole at the bottom leading to who knows where. I frowned and wondered, "Another hole but why underwater? There is a pretty could chance it is a dead end I can die if I fail to get out in time."

I wondered what to do and made a decision. I grabbed my bag and opened it. Taking out a plastic bag I inflated it with air and hoped this works. Taking back Butterfree I jumped into the small pond and swam downwards.

I swam for 3 minutes before coming out to a smaller opening. Surprised by this finding I was even more surprised to find Dratini sleeping peacefully with a few fruits beside it.

I smiled and said, "I finally found you! It was hard but I did it!" I would have to figure out what to do with the Zubat now but for now I will just keep it around until I get my chosen 6 pokemon. Dratini woke up lazily and yawned.

I smiled and said, "I challenge you to a fight Drati-" I was suddenly pushed aside by someone who shouted, "My dear beloved Dratini! You are finally mine! Go Ekans! Use Bind att-" I threw my pokeball against her head and shouted, "Butterfree use Sleep Powder on that shameless woman!"

She shouted angrily, "How dare you! You wi- I suddenly feel sleepy. I guess nap wouldn't hurt." I suddenly noticed a big miscalculation. The sleeping Powder was in a completely isolated space thus everyone inside would fall asleep!" Running away with my bag and Butterfree I returned Butterfree to its pokeball.

I shouted, "Damn it! I need clean air!" Looking at the plastic bag I was holding I realized I had a chance. Covering my nose and mouth I stopped and tested it. Fortunately, it worked. I sighed in relieve as I moved the flashlight around to see the situation. Jessie and Dratini fell victim to the Sleep Powder. They weren't the only victims as further back there were two more.

I sighed and said, "What is wrong with these people? I haven't caught any interesting pokemon for them to begin chasing me. Oh well, lets just get rid of them after the sleep powder settles down. It took a full five minutes for the powder to settle down. I was also running out of air so I had to hold still and limit my breathing and body movement to the minimum.

Getting up I felt bad for taking advantage of Dratini so I decided to first get rid of the trio. Taking out Pidgeotto, Beedrill and Butterfree before shouting, "Butterfree use Psychic! Beedrill use Pin Missile! Pidgeotto use Air Slash and send them away!"

I shook my head and said, "They should at least make a robot so it could be more interesting. Turning around I saw Dratini woke up from the explosion. I grinned as I said, "I challenge you to a fight Dratini!" Dratini roared cutely as it prepared itself for battle.

I smiled and said, "Pidgeotto you will handle this." Pidgeotto took its position and Dratini began the battle with a Leer attack. I said, "Pidgeotto use Sand Attack and block it!" Pidgeotto flew down and shot sand at Dratini who was forced to stop its Leer.

I shouted, "Now use Quick Attack!" Pidgeotto flew towards Dratini but it dodged and used Thunder Wave surprising me. Pidgeotto failed to dodge it causing it to chirp in pain. I shouted, "Come on Pidgeotto! Break free from it!" Pidgeotto spread open its wings disrupting the current.

Pidgeotto was hurt considering that it was flapping with some effort. I guess electric moves are still powerful against flying even if they come from a weaker opponent. Deciding to end the match quickly I said, 'Pidgeotto use Whirlwind!"

Dratini used Thunder Wave again but the collision of both attacks caused an explosion. Smiling I shouted, "Now Pidgeotto use Air Slash!" Pidgeotto shot several blades of air towards Dratini who avoided them skillfully with its small skinny body.

I shouted, "Sweep down towards it!" Pidgeotto swept towards it but it used the same attack. I shouted, "Use Whirlwind on the floor!" It did so and it allowed it to dodge the attack by flying up. Dratini was surprised but I kept fighting, "Now end it with Wing Attack!" Pidgeotto swooped down and hit Dratini causing it to flip and fall unconscious.

Taking out my pokeball I threw it. 3 shakes and a click later I cheered as I shouted, "We did it! We caught a Dratini!"

Pidgeotto cheered with me, "Pidgeotto!" Storing the pokeball and my pokemon away I left the cave. Arriving outside I saw that the sky was beginning to darken. I was surprised as I said, "Man, I must have been there for an hour or two but I really did get a big harvest this time!

That means 5 out of my 6 pokemon slots are taken. I wonder what other encounters I will have. Misty shouted, "Watch out below!" I turned around to see Misty falling down towards me. I got ready to catch her but just at that moment someone shouted, "Hey! Did you see Dratini!?" That moment destroyed my concentration causing me to fail to catch her properly.

I said, "I found it." The man shouted, "Really!?" This drew the attention of many but I ignored it. Misty glared at me causing me to raise my arms in surrender and said, "I only discovered it by chance. I always keep a keen eye on my surroundings for clues. If I did not know of a Dratini possibly roaming around I would have not paid enough attention to find it."

Misty asked angrily, "Where did you find it?" I pointed at the waterfall and said, "Inside a hidden cave that was behind the waterfall and a hidden cave inside that hidden cave." The young man's eye twitched as he said, "Is that so?" I nodded and said, "Yeah. Anyway, thanks for telling me about it."

He smiled and said, "Sure thing but can you do me a favor? I would love to see your Dratini after all it is rare to even see one in our lives." Many people began gathering around causing me to feel nervous. They all began asking me to show them the Dratini.

I was getting ready to use Butterfree or use my secret technique. Fortunately Misty shouted, "Back off all of you! It was he who found it and stop pestering him!" They shouted back to prove it but Misty roared, "Don't believe it if you want but if you like it or not he already caught it! It is his decision to take it out or not!"

The crowd fell silent and dispersed with silent complaints. I sighed in relieve and said, "I owe you one Misty. I thought I would have to fight or run my way out of here." She smiled and said, "You need to learn how to control a crowd or they will control you."

I nodded and said, "I guess your hot temper is good for something." She shouted angrily, "What did you say!?" I 'corrected' myself, "I said that your words were so fluent and beautiful that it influences everyone." She laughed and said, "That is what I thought."

The young man smiled and said, "Sorry for causing you trouble. I should leave now that there is no Dratini around." I laughed and said, "Don't worry about it. It was my fault too since I tried to ignore something I shouldn't have. I just wanted to let others know that they can leave too instead of continuing their search when there is not Dratini."

Misty said, "Wait, you considered that all of this was going to happen?" I nodded and said, "I did but I did not think it was going to be this intense of a reaction. My mistake." Misty face palmed and said, "Here I was thinking that you were actually smart."

I shouted, "I am smart I am just not type of smart!" Misty looked away and said, "It is all the same to me." Sighing I said, "Well, it is time to head out. Maybe next time we meet I can show it to you if it hasn't evolved." He laughed and said, "Sure thing. Anyway, my name is Taro." I nodded and said, "Alright man. Bye!"

I laughed and made introductions, "Hello there Dratini. My name is Zane and this is Misty. From now on I am your trainer." Dratini nodded its head before getting hugged by Misty. She said happily, "I love it! Hey want to trade once I catch a pokemon for you?"

I said decisively, "Not a chance!" She stuck out her tongue and said, "Meanie!" I let her carry Dratini since it was fine. Dratini also did not appear to mind. We walked and talked for an hour and just as we thought of setting camp we saw light.

It was the city lights. I grinned as I shouted, "I finally reached Vermillion City! Let's go Misty! Let's get there before its dark!" I began rushing off as Misty pedaled her way towards town using only 1 hand to maneuver herself.

Cliff-kun: Our heroes have finally reached Vermillion City! Will Zane win his 3rd gym battle or will he suffer a crushing defeat!? Find out next time in System in Pokemon World!

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