System In Pokemon World!

Chapter 25 - Pokemon Swimming Competition!

Pokemon Swimming Competition!

Intro-Kun: Our heroes finally arrived at the Vermillion City gym but something they did not expect happened.

I shouted angrily, "What do you mean his not here!? Last night there were at least half a dozen pokemon being treated at the pokemon center!" The man sighed in irritation, "I already told you! He suddenly said he had something to do! Argh! Just leave me alone! You been shouting at me for 3 hours and already beat me!"

At first he tried to drive me away by battling me but using my Pidgeotto and Butterfree I defeated him easily. He was quite pathetic with a Magnemite and Voltorb that defeated itself. Misty sighed and said, "Yeah Zane. Let us just come back tomorrow. I already tired of listening to you."

I g.r.o.a.n.e.d and glared at the man and said, "If he isn't here tomorrow then you can expect me to scream into your ear until he comes!" The man felt like crying but had not tears to cry. He began wondering if he should retire early.

Turning around I left. Misty walked over to me and asked, "Are you really planning on annoying him like that?" I shook my head and said, "Not a chance. I will let a tape recorder do it for me." Misty said, "That is pretty mean." I nodded and said, "Don't worry. I will only do it for an hour or two. Afterwards I will leave him alone since he isn't the one at fault."

Misty was happy at my response but also sighed and said, "If you know then why bother him?" I answered, "To give the gym leader a warning. If he wants to avoid suffering with me shouting in his ear night and day then he must just listen to me."

Misty felt pity for the gym leader and said, "That is awful." I shrugged and said, "Yeah but at least I'm not attacking him or trying to steal his pokemon like a certain trio." Misty nodded and said, "When you say it like that it does sound quite nice."

Misty stretched and said, "Hey, since you're not having a gym battle why not relax? We can take a swim in the sea for a while to relax." I was surprised and said, "Are you sure? We could use this time to train or something."

She said in an irritated voice, "Is training all you can think of?" I thought for a moment and nodded saying, "Pretty much. There are trainers far stronger than me. I don't want to be left behind just because I'm part of the new trainers. I want to beat those elites and more experienced trainers and all of that require me for me to train."

Misty shook her head and lectured, "Training is important but taking a few days off is also important. You can't simply rush into things just because you trained. Your pokemon will get tired and need to have fun too if not they might stop listening to you."

Misty eyes said otherwise. She was also my senior in training pokemon and the show did emphasize this aspect of pokemon too. I sighed and said, "Alright, I will give in. I will try to have a bit more fun."

Misty cheered as he pulled my arm shouting, "Let's go then! I already have a swimsuit prepared!" I froze causing us to stop. Confused she asked, "What's wrong?" I said, "I don't have one…" Misty said, "You are kidding right?"

My just stared at her. Misty smiled and said, "You really are inexperienced huh? I guess I will have to help you shop for some swim trunks but I will take a fee." I complaint, "That is not fair! I can just shop for whatever clothes and that will be more than enough!"

Misty said in a wise voice, "Not at all. Wearing proper swim wear is really important. It will help you enjoy your time better and also make you look good." Confused I asked, "And why would they help me enjoy my time and I don't really care how I look."

She lectured me, "It is important to look good! Imagine if your family was with you and they all wore great swim wear and you didn't! How embarrassing would it be for you! It is the same for your pokemon!"

I frowned not making sense of whatever she just said. Is this still the wise Misty that had a few proper points in her speech a while ago? In the end I was pulled into the shopping district and bought a pair of swim trunks and Misty a few different swimsuits.

It was safe to say that I felt bitter. The swim trunks cost me 250 Poke Dollars and Misty took advantage of the moment and got me to pay 780 for her own swim wear. I sighed as we arrived at the sea already wearing our swimsuits.

Misty laughed and said, "Isn't this great! We both look great and we can enjoy time for once!" I complaint, "But my money…" Misty shouted, "What! You have a problem with having fun!? So what if it costs a bit of money!"

I sighed bitterly thinking, 'Easy for you to say. You did not even pay a cent for that.' In the end we took out all our pokemon and began enjoying time. I still felt bitter for a few more moments since my money was always far from sufficient even though what we get is high quality but it is painful to see it go away each time.

Zubat did not enjoy the light so it decided to just spend some time eating in the shade of a rented umbrella. Quite sad to see another 200 go away so fast for our needs but oh well. I guess I will have to use this place for a few days to beat as many trainers as possible and use this opportunity to train but I felt doubtful if I could do that.

This place was run by Surge who was a powerful gym leader and most people would probably not try to have fun battling thanks to him. I will have to research that later. Beedrill, Butterfree and Pidgeotto helped me surf around with ease.

Coming back I was getting ready to order ice cream when Misty shouted, "Zane! There is a swimming competition happening near here! Let's go! I want to compete in it! The best part is that you can use your pokemon to compete in it!"

I was surprised and asked, "Are you sure? Isn't that an unfair advantage?" She smiled and said, "It will be a blast! The pool is really large so it is fine and the audience loves to see it too! We need to hurry!" I nodded and calling back my pokemon we left.

Arriving there, Misty and I were greeted by the person in charge of the registration, "Hello there. Is this your first time visiting this event?" I nodded and said, "Yeah, this is the first time I ever heard of it too." Misty pushed me and said, "Can you explain us the event? I would like to compete." I repositioned myself beside her and said, "Same here."

The man who was doing the registration smiled and said, "Of course! The rules are simple. Stay within the line and don't exit the water. You will have to touch the sides before swimming back. There will be a total of 10 l.a.p.s. The pool is 100 meters long so it is really difficult for newcomers to finish it."

I paled and said, "No kidding! 100 meters! That is twice the size compared to normal human competitions!" The man smiled and said, "That is right! The reason is simple. Most people will use water pokemon in order to speed their way through the competition and thus it is larger than normal but it is not as simple as it looks. There are those who have weaker pokemon that win by technique. Other win solely by their pokemon."

I sighed weakly and said, "Is there a reward for the winner?" He laughed and said, "I am glad you asked! The winner gets a water stone and 10k Poke Dollars." My eyes shone as I asked, "Can you register us?" He nodded and said, "I will need your name and the pokemon you will be using to compete."

Misty spoke first, "I'm Misty and I will be using my Starmie to compete." I said, "My name is Zane and I will be using Dratini to compete." Misty laughed and said, "I hope you like losing! You don't stand a chance!"

Following his instructions we entered the building. In another location, Team Rocket who was enjoying a relaxing time at the beach overheard that there was a competition where the fastest water pokemon will gather. Meowth said, "Did you hear that!"

James nodded and said, "Yeah! They will be hosting a competition! I wanna go and watch it!" Jessie hit James and said, "Idiot! Why bother watching it when we can steal the show!" Meowth said, "After we give those pokemon to the boss we will receive a promotion and money! I can imagine it now!"

James asked, "And why would the Boss want such pokemon?" Meowth answered, "Simple! Imagine the boss waking up one morning and getting ready to exercise. He stretches and enters the pools and begins to swim l.a.p.s. That is when the pokemon come in! A Starmie, Seaking and Kingdra accompany him and cheer him on! The boss will exit the pool having done the best swim of his life and then he would say. I owe it to Meowth and his friends for getting me this pokemon! I will give them a big bonus for their hard work!"

Jessie shouted, "Meowth is right! Let's go! We have pokemon to steal!"

Returning back to our young heroes. Zane took our Dratini and asked, "Hey Dratini, can you help me win this competition? It is a swimming competition. We need to surpass everyone else and win the big prize! Think you are up for it?" Dratini roared happily and nodded it head.

Misty laughed as she took out her Starmie and said, "Starmie! We will show these rookies how to win a swimming competition!" Starmie let out a noise filled with agreement. We glared at each other before grinning.

I said, "Let the best trainer win!" Misty laughed and said, "Don't you mean swimmer?" I shrugged and said, "I won't give up just because you know how to swim better than me." She said with confidence, "I didn't expect you to!"

A speaker spoke, "Contestants, begin heading towards the pool." I smiled with confidence although I was actually lacking it. Dratini was only a 5 feet long meaning that it will be hard for it to win with me. I was 5 and some feet tall. It would be easy to beat a water pokemon with a dragon pokemon but I had a plan.

Reaching the edge of the pool and announcer began hyping the people, "It is finally time for the great Pokemon Swimming Competition! Today we have 50 trainers who are ready to dazzle us with high speed swimming! Is everyone ready to get soaked with water!?"

We all jumped into the water. A few minutes ago I shared my plan with Dratini so we quickly entered positioned and I said, "Do it!" Dratini eyes narrowed with determination as its tail began spinning rapidly. Our speed shot up enough for us to actually compete with all the other water pokemon in the competition.

I grinned as I shouted, "Here we go!" Misty who was beside me said, "I won't let you win so easily! Come on Starmie! Show them how its done!" Starmie let out a noise of confidence before increasing its speed.

I said, "Come on Dratini! You might not be water pokemon but you're a great powerful Dragon pokemon! Don't let them beat you so easily! We will teach them how it is done!" Dratini roared with pride as it further increased its speed.

We both began taking the lead with a few others. It appears my Dratini was actually pretty powerful. I should check both Zubat and Dratini status before going to the gym. With our high speed swimming it did not take long to reach the end of the pool. I shouted, "Now stop!"

Dratini stopped spinning its tail while Misty who was slightly ahead of me slowed down and said, "At least you have some common sense to not crash head on but it won't help you! Staryu use Rapid Spin to turn us around!"

Starmie spun around as Misty feet just touched the wall causing it to count as her win. I was holding on to my Dratini and doing a front flip in the water with a midway spin I kicked off the wall with all my strength causing us to shoot backwards enough to catch up to Misty.

I grinned as I shouted, "Go Dratini!" Dratini roared as it spun its tail letting us take a temporary lead. I laughed and said, "I might not look it but my training also helps strengthen my body! All those days of running are finally paying off!"

Misty clicked her tongue as she said, "Let's go Starmie! We can't let them stay ahead of us too long!" We ended up alternating between who was in the lead for the next 8 l.a.p.s. Finally we were in the final l.a.p and giving it our all.

Both our pokemon were tired and so was I. Kicking off with all my strength and swimming beside Dratini was exhausting. Fortunately, I was already in water so I had nothing to worry about getting soaked with my sweat.

I g.r.o.a.n.e.d and said, "Not now." It stuck what appeared to be a vacuum head into the water and began s.u.c.k.i.n.g all the water and pokemon. Someone shouted, "Who are you people! Why are you causing trouble!" The machine suddenly opened from the top and revealed Team Rocket.

Jessie "Prepare for Trouble!" James, "Make it double!" Jessie, "To protect the world from devastation!" James, "To unite all people within our nation!" Jessie, "To denounce the evils of truth and love!" Jessie, "Jessie!" James, "James!" Jessie, "Team Rocket, Blast off at the speed of light!" James, "Surrender now or prepare to fight!" Meowth, "Meowth! That's right!"

I shouted, "Get out of here you three idiots! We are in the middle of something important!" Misty shouted, "Yeah! Can't you just leave!" Jessie laughed smugly and said, "Only after he gives us our Dratini."

I was surprised as I said, "Forget that! I will never hand over my pokemon to anyone!" Jessie developed an anger mark on her forehead as she shouted, "Is that so! Then we will just take it! Meowth! Take that Dratini away from him!"

The vacuum head suddenly pointed at me as Meowth spoke, "With p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e!" The Vacuum cleaner began s.u.c.k.i.n.g all of us into the air. I gritted my teeth as I shouted, "I won't let you!" Holding onto Dratini I tried to get away but it was too late.

My body and Dratini were suddenly in the air. Misty was more fortunate as she went underwater to avoid it from happening to her. Smart girl. Holding onto Dratini I shouted, "Dratini! Use Thunder Wave and zap that machine to oblivion!" Someone shouted, "You can't! All our pokemon are in there!" I said, "Hold it!"

We were already approaching the hole that was going to suck us in. I never thought that the first time I was going to get s.u.c.k.e.d off was going to be like this. Aah, the shame! I might never be able to live this one down.

Holding onto Dratini I stretched my body wide open in a last ditch effort to stop from being s.u.c.k.e.d into the machine. Just as we were about to be s.u.c.k.e.d in I held on tightly to the sides of opening to avoid being s.u.c.k.e.d in but the strength required was massive.

I could barely hold on while shouting, "This sucks! Literally!" Jessie noticing shouted, "Meowth! Increase the power! I want that Dratini!" Meowth said, "Aye aye! Full power!" The power suddenly increased but I held onto Dratini and the sides barely holding on.

Dratini was surprised as it stared at me intently. Initially, it was only listening to me since it was having fun and I was its trainer. It did not have much respect or affection towards me but now that it sees that I was fighting against a giant Vacuum cleaner it felt touched.

It shook its head in refusal. It did not want to abandon its trainer now. I shouted angrily, "You don't have a choice!" Swinging my arm hold Dratini I tossed it into the pool but this destroyed my grip causing me to be s.u.c.k.e.d in. I shouted, "Damn it!"

I did not have any other pokemon on my body since I was only on my swim trunks. My other pokemon were inside my coat at the locker room. Misty shouted anxiously, "Zane!" Jessie who saw that Dratini escaped said in an irritated manner, "Meowth! What are you doing! I want Dratini not a twerp!"

Meowth felt wronged as it said, "It isn't my fault. That twerp has a pretty powerful grip strength to last that long when it's on full power but hey! Now that his out of the way let's get us a Dratini!" James laughed and said, "There is no escaping now!"

Misty shouted, "Oh no you don't! Go Starmie! Use Water Gun!" Starmie shot out a blast of water from its gem but it was all s.u.c.k.e.d into the Vacuum causing Team Rocket to laugh mockingly. Jessie said, "It is futile! We prepared this machine to be immune to all water attacks! It is perfectly capable of defeating your Starmie! Meowth! Why don't you show them what a Hydro Pump looks like!"

Meowth laughed as he said, "On it!" Cl.i.c.k.i.n.g a few buttons and a switch the head turned and instead of suctioning it shot out a giant blast of water slamming Misty's Starmie onto the wall. Starmie slid down and its gem blinked weakly.

Misty shouted, "Oh no! Starmie return!" Team Rocket laughed in delight at how easily they defeated Starmie. Suddenly a cute but angry roar sounded. Jessie who heard it focused her eyes on Dratini who was at the edge of the pool staring angrily at them.

It knew that Misty and Starmie were its friends and after losing its trainer it was now furious. Jessie who did not care for this laughed and said, "Excellent! My cute little Dratini wants to quickly unite with me! Come on Meowth! Hurry and catch it already!" Meowth said, "On it!"

The head turned towards Dratini and began trying to suck it in. Misty was worried that Dratini might be stolen shouted, "Dratini! Get away!" Dratini though glared at Team Rocket angrily as it roared drawing out a large amount of energy into its mouth causing a bluish purple orb of energy to appear.

Meowth seeing that felt worried as it said, "I can't be. Is that Dratini going to attack us." James said, "It looks like it!" Jessie said, "Who cares! Ah! Dratini! I can't wait to have you in my arms!" Dratini who was glaring at Team Rocket released a Dragon Rage that split the water in the pool in half and shot towards Team Rocket.

Frightened they all hugged each other screaming right before the Dragon Rage landed and blew the machine in oblivion. Team Rocket shot into the air shouting, "Team Rocket is blasting off again!"

I who was inside the machine was dropped into the pool out of pure luck. Swimming back up I asked, "What is going on? Who beat them?" Dratini who saw me cried happily as it jumped into the water and swam towards me rubbings its head against my cheek.

I laughed and said, "Was it you Dratini? Thank you! I owe you one buddy!" Dratini cried happily again as it was relieved that I was alright. Misty smiled as she said, "Are you done having fun? Maybe we can continue our race."

I smiled as I said, "I was born ready! Dratini! Let's do this!" Dratini roared in agreement as it stared at Misty determined to win. Misty laughed as she said, "Alright then! Let's go Staryu!" I was confused as I asked, "What happened to Starmie?" Misty sighed as she said, "Team Rocket blast Starmie with the Machine using the water from the pool but I don't need Starmie to beat you!"

I grinned as I said, "You are on!" Misty who got on the pool beside me began swimming. It was only 50 meters since we were already midway through before the accident. The announcer who recovered from the accident shouted, "The race is still on! The two trainers are competing fiercely! Misty is taking an early lead! It appears that the race may very well be over!"

I grinned as I said, "Dratini! When we are about to reach it stop spinning your tail and use it to launch me forward to the wall!" Dratini nodded as we approached the finish line. Misty shouted, "I win!" Right away Dratini stopped spinning its tail and curled it around my leg and pushed me forward.

Just as Misty was about to touch the wall my hands touched it. The announcer shouted, "It's unbelievable! Zane used Dratini as an extension to give himself a final boost! We have a winner! Zane won the Pokemon Swimming Competition!"

I laughed happily as I shouted, "We did it Dratini!" Dratini roared joyfully as it was happy about our victory. Misty sighed weakly as she smiled and said, "He really doesn't like losing huh. Using Dratini as an extension was dangerous could have hurt himself if he failed to stop in time but I have to admit. It was an incredible race."

The audience cheered happy to be part of all the fun that happened. Not only did they get to see a grand race but also be part of the action of a group of villains being sent flying off. There was one voice that said, "Even though I was outside the splash zone I still got splashed."

The poor fellow who spoke was a pitiful man who never appeared to get a break. Exiting the pool I got my rewards and left. Arriving at the pokemon center we got a room to rest. Lying on my bed Misty said on the other side of the room in her bed, "Today was a blast." I nodded and said, "Yeah! No kidding. We should do this more often."

Misty complaint, "We wouldn't if you weren't so hanged over training all the time." I laughed weakly and said, "I just want to become stronger." Misty sighed and said, "You will but you also need to learn how to balance yourself. Through the whole journey here you been running and training with your pokemon doing all sorts of things such as levitating a border with your Butterfree Psychic and having Beedrill move around the trees like a ninja and Pidgeotto fly as high as possible before coming down with a Spearow chasing after it."

I laughed and said, "Yeah! That was fun too!" Misty glared at me before sighing in defeat and said, "Focus on having fun with your pokemon more. They also need their rest." Misty turned around showing her back to me. She said, "Just go to sleep already." I nodded and looked at the bed over my head. We were in bunk beds but we slept in different ones.

I knew that my method of training was effective but now that Misty spoke so much I felt doubtful. I should try to have more fun instead of training. Sure, I want to become powerful but not at the expense of my friends. Turning around I whispered to no one in particular, "Thank you."

Misty who was awake smiled as she thought, 'Idiot. Can't even have fun alone properly. At least he listens.'

-Butterfree: lvl 30 / Medium Potential / Moves: String Shot, Tackle, Harden, Confusion, Sleep or Poison Powder, Stun spore, Psybeam, Psychic, Supersonic, Quiver Dance, Whirlwind, Air Slash

-Beedrill: lvl 28 / Medium Potential / Moves: String shot, Poison Sting, Bug Bite, Harden, Peck, Twineedle, Rage, Fury Attack, Agility, Pin Missile, Focus Energy, Poison Jab, Double Team

-Pidgeotto: lvl 25 / High Potential / Moves: Tackle, Sand Attack, Gust, Mirror Move, Quick Attack, Wing Attack, Whirlwind, Air Slash, Roost

-Dratini: lvl 13 / High Potential / Moves: Leer, Wrap, Thunder Wave, Dragon Rage

-Zubat: lvl 12 / Low Potential / Moves: Absorb, Supersonic, Wing Attack, Bite, Swift

(There is a good portion of the moves that I did not add at their level. I guess I forgot to check and make sure they were right. Oopsy. Anyway, I won't give it to them because it would feel like a hole in the story and just stick with what they have. Instead, they will have to learn the moves if they ever want to gain them like Poison Spikes for Beedrill and Twister for Dratini.)

Cliff-kun: Zane having had fun for once in a while has reflected deeply on his actions! But now! The Gym battle that is ahead in the next chapter will soon begin! Will Zane manage to defeat Surge or will he be the one to be defeated!? Find out next time! (No joke here)

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