System In Pokemon World!

Chapter 31 - A Buggy Contest!? - Part 3

Intro-kun: We are back and Zane is about to confront the kid with the Paras! What will he say!? What will he do!? What will happen after!? Find out now!

Recovering my senses and having Butterfree calmed down already, I said, "Thanks Surge!" Surge shook his head and said, "Don't speak kid. We can't let you off so easily after that stunt. I think Officer Jenny should at least decide a punishment for you guys." Officer Jenny smiled and said, "Thank you for the consideration. I have an idea in mind already, but we should end this competition first."

We heard the sob of a certain kid who shouted, "It's not fair! You cheated! You weren't supposed to drive it!" I looked at the kid and gently placed Butterfree on my head. The kid glared at me while Paras tried to calm him down.

The kid shouted, "I was supposed to win!" I walked towards him. Misty who noticed that I wasn't jolly tried to stop me but was stopped by Surge that said, "Calm down girl. Watch him. I have a good feeling about this."

Arriving in front of the kid that only reached a few inches below my neck. I stared him in the eyes. He shouted angrily, "What are you going to do huh!? I will tel-" I grabbed his collar and raised him saying, "Stop screwing around with me! You were the one who cheated! Do you even know all the trouble you caused!? This competition was supposed to be for fun! My Butterfree nearly got hurt! I don't give a Krabby if I break a bone here or there but what about you!? Don't you care about your Paras!? You clearly have issues! How do you think Paras will feel about winning a competition it cheated on! What little confidence it had left will be shattered! It will feel like a complete loser!"

The kid broke down into sobs causing me to gently put him down. Misty who was preparing her flaming fists froze as she saw me kneel down and pat the kid head saying, "We are pokemon trainers, not cheaters. We need to trust our pokemon as they trust in us. Your Paras is slow, but I noticed its spirit. It was working so hard for you and you alone. It wanted to show you that it could do it. What you did could break its trust and confidence. If you truly want Paras to be fast then train it. That is what so great about pokemon and trainers. The trainer can train their pokemon to become stronger and the trainer will grow with them."

Author note: Ah, the famous Talk no Jutsu.

The kid who was touched by my words broke down into tears and shouting, "I'm sorry Paras! I shouldn't have cheated! I knew it was wrong, but I wanted you to feel special just for today! Will you ever forgive me!?" Paras began crying too as it hugged its trainer and nodded saying, "Paras Paras."

I sighed in relief and said, "Kid, train it well. It has a lot of potential with that kind of fighting spirit. I'm sure both of you will become both a great Trainer and Pokemon." The kid rubbed his eyes and said, "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have cheated. Thank you, mister." I lip twitched as I said depressed, "Do I look that old? I'm only a few years older you know. Heck, I'm still not a teen."

Everyone laughed and after a while, the kid shook his head and said, "No, it's just that you looked strangely older when you were talking. That and I think that your appearance makes you look older but also cooler."

I grinned and said, "I feel better now." Surge patted my back and said, "Well kiddo, you actually won although you caused many more problems than expected. We will begin handing you rewards and announcing that you won after we finish here."

1 hour later

The ceremony was underway. I was standing on a 1st place podium with the kid on the 2nd place podium. There was also Trainer 1 with his Weedle standing on the 3rd place podium. The host of the event spoke, "Hello everyone, I know you all know my name, but let me introduce myself. I'm Harold Julius. I would like to congratulate the winner of the competition, Zane! Congratulations on winning the competition. This competition was by far the most interesting one our city hosted!"

Everyone in the crowd cheered in agreement. I can't deny them that it had its ups and downs for sure. The man turned around and said, "Now then, congratulations to the 2nd place winner, my son, Earl Julius, and the 3rd place winner Lucio Robs! Here are all your prizes."

I grinned as I was handed a cup with an honorary citizenship paper scroll and 200k poke dollar award certificate. I already had the money deposited.

-Ding! Bug competition Complete!

-Rewards: 5k Points, 25k Poke Dollars, Silver Powder.

Suddenly an explosion sounded off. I turned to see that it was where the bug pokemon were supposed to be celebrating and relaxing after the competition. I left my Butterfree there too since it went through such a traumatic experience. I also forgot about team rocket by accident. They were less important than my Butterfree after all, but now that they did such a thing. I will make them pay!

Heading over to the building I quickly found Team Rocket using a net to catch them. I g.r.o.a.n.e.d as I shouted, "Hand back my Butterfree Team Rocket!" The laughter of the trio resounded from inside the building before they slowly came out from a large hole on the ceiling.

Jessie "Prepare for Trouble!"

James, "Make it double!"

Jessie, "To protect the world from devastation!"

James, "To unite all people within our nation!"

Jessie, "To denounce the evils of truth and love!"

Jessie, "Jessie!" James, "James!"

Jessie, "Team Rocket, Blast off at the speed of light!"

James, "Surrender now or prepare to fight!"

Meowth, "Meowth! That's right!"

Annoyed, I thought, 'Why did I bother asking? I better get this over with. I still need to deal with Officer Jenny's punishment for driving a truck without a license.' Throwing up two Pokeballs I shouted, "Come out Zubat! Pidgeotto!"

Zubat and Pidgeotto appeared in the sky. Jessie and James took out their own pokemon. "Come out Ekans!" "You too Koffing!" Together they shouted, "Smokescreen!" I shouted, "Zubat use supersonic! Go up and use gust on the smokescreen towards the sea!"

Ekans and Koffing began letting out a large amount of dark smoke causing it to be nearly impossible to see them anymore. Zubat supersonic quickly struck Team Rocket causing them to become confused. Meowth said, "Wow! Where am I! Ah! A Grimer! Get away from me!" James shouted, "Why is there a creepy cat here!? Stop pushing me! No! Don't scratch me! Aaah!" Jessie's voice resounded, "I knew I was deemed for greatness! My audience feast yourself in my beauty!" She was standing on the air balloon basket rim.

Honestly, I'm impressed by Team Rocket. How many people are confident to stand on the small rim of an air balloon basket? Heck! They are probably the only ones confident enough to do that! Sure, Jessie was in a confused state, but that did not take away from the impressiveness. Pidgeotto arriving in a good position to use gust began blowing the smoke away and caused the air balloon to shake with the net.

Many of the bug pokemon let out scared cries. I reacted quickly, "Everyone! Listen to me! Have all those capable of flight to move to the top! Those that can't move lower and don't move!" The pokemon did not listen as they were in chaos.

Ah, this is truly problematic. Maybe if my aura level was higher they might have listened. I grit my teeth as one part told me to do it and another told me to keep saving. Imagining the end result of the pokemon not capable of flying was terrifying. I knew my pokemon were strong and quite diverse in their abilities, but they could not save this many pokemon yet.

Opening the system, I upgraded the aura (10k) causing the panicking pokemon to freeze and turn to me. I shouted, "Quickly! Flying pokemon on top! Those that can't on the bottom, don't move!" They began quickly moving even though their actions were still messy and shaking the net a bit. It was better compared to their previous state.

Time did not stop though as Team Rocket finally snapped out of their confusion. Jessie shouted angrily, "You will pay for that!" James shouted in agreement, "Yeah! No one confuses us!" Meowth wondered, "Where is the Grimer? Why is James all scratched up?" I nearly burst out laughing hearing Meowth.

Holding it in, I shouted, "Pidgeotto use Aerial Ace and cut the pokemon free!" James shouted, "I don't think so! Koffing using Rapid Spin and send that birdy flying!" I shouted, "Zubat use Agility and Wing Attack! Knock Koffing and Ekans into the basket!" Zubat gaining sudden speed flew towards Koffing and Ekans before they could move. Jessie's eyes widened as she said, "Ekans use Poison Stink!" Ekans opened its jaw and shot poisonous needles at Zubat. Zubat glided right through and struck both Koffing and Ekans onto the team rocket trio.

Tossing another Pokeball into the air I shouted, "Beedrill help slow down the fall of those pokemon!" Pidgeotto cut right through the net holding the captured pokemon. I shouted, "Flying pokemon start flying and slow your fall! Butterfree use psychic and help out! Pidgeotto you too! Zubat! Use Wing Attack again and sent them flying!"

Misty's voice sounded, "Staryu! Use Water Gun and out too!" With all the pokemon working together the falling net slowed down to a crawl. Glowing blue from Butterfree's Psychic, Pidgeotto pulling upward with its talons, Beedrill trying to help with the side of its stingers, Staryu blasting water from below and the flying type in the net flying upward."

The finishing touch to this incredible scene was Zubat defeating Team Rocket as its Wing Attack struck the Meowth Air Balloon causing it to explode for some reason. They blasted of shouting, "We're blasting off again!"

I let out a tired sigh thinking, 'They never give up.' Finally, the pokemon landed safely on the ground even though most of them were wet they were all happy. Trainers ran in hugging their pokemon and stating their worries.

I sat down on the sand and said tiredly, "Man, I sometimes wish I was stronger." I did not like the fact that I had to use 10k points to save those pokemon, but it was necessary. Sure, I had plans to use 25k on a good pokemon recipe or even 50k if I held on that long, but the situation demanded me to use my points right away.

Fortunately, the effect of a Decent level Friendly Aura was incredible. Man, Ash must have had this. He befriends pokemon so fast and heck! Even large groups of pokemon like Ash after getting to know him a little. Misty smiled and said, "You better keep training then. I'm glad you didn't do anything reckless this time compared to just about every other time."

I g.r.o.a.n.e.d and said, "Don't remind me." Someone clearing their voice caught our attention. I turned to see Officer Jenny standing behind me. I smiled brightly and said, "Ah! Officer Jenny! I was wondering if you would let me off the hook just this once. I mean, I did help out this time right? Isn't that worth something?"

Officer Jenny smiled and said, "It is worth something, but you still have to pay for what you did. I decided you will train other trainers for 3 days." I shouted in horror, "Three days!? Isn't that too long!?" Officer Jenny said calmly, "I was thinking about a week but since you helped I reduced it to three days."

Making a bitter smile I said, "Fine, but I don't guarantee improvement." Officer Jenny turned serious and said, "I will have someone watching. If it appears you aren't putting in the effort then you will be held for 3 more days." I sighed and said, "I got it. I got it. I gotta train people for 3 days. Fine."

Officer Jenny nodded and said, "Meet me in front of the Pokemon Training Field tomorrow early in the morning." I sighed thinking, 'How bad can it be? She can't get too many people in such a short period of time right?'

Officer Jenny walked away and my pokemon rushed towards me knocking me on the sand. I cheerfully patted them and said, "Alright guys, I'm tired. Let's just get something to eat and go to the pokemon center. The next 3 days sure will be busy."

Misty sighed and said, "Oh well, I might as well do some shopping during that time. See ya, Zane." I waved at Misty and said calmly, "Yeah, you have fun with that while I suffer." Misty giggled as she left to do her shopping and whatever else she does.

After messing around with my pokemon a bit more I went to a restaurant to eat. Finally, the pokemon center to sleep.

Author Note: Hello guys! Thank you for reading after my… um… kidnapping… (College is annoying). I honestly been worrying whether I could continue writing since I was blanking out while staring at this for quite a while. Fortunately, I can still write! Also! Zane used the system again! How great is that!?

Anyway, I am keeping to my word. He will use it only when he needs it not just because he can use it. I'm also having a headache since I'm entering the last 5 weeks of the semester. This means more homework, more projects, and more exams. Of course, I will try to at least upload 2 chapters a week. I was thinking 3, but my weekend is booked with homework and the week is full of classes which depress me.

Also, for those curious of what comes after the small chapter of training others. I'm planning on keeping the SS Anne arc. I just love it! It is filled with opportunity, danger, and character development! I'm planning on developing Misty and the pokemon more there. Zane will have to take the back seat. (I don't mean that episode in particular. I mean the episode after where they face giant robotic pokemon. The first time pokemon can be understood in the show!)

I haven't planned what comes after that, but I will try to make it interesting or have a purpose. Thank you for reading and I hope you enjoyed it!

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