System In Pokemon World!

Chapter 32 - Training others!? Part 1

Intro-Kun: We are back with our young Zane who is in a tight spot! Yet, comfortable nonetheless! This comfort will be short-lived as his teaching will soon be required at the Pokemon Training Field! How will the teaching go!? How will his new students react!? Find out now in Super Mar- I mean, System in Pokemon World!

Walking up to a Butterfree in my face, a Dratini on my waist, Zubat, Beedrill, and Pidgeotto on my sides. Well, it's not like I was not happy with them joining my bed. After all, most people sleep in the same bed with their pokemon to draw comfort from their presence.

I chuckled at the amusing situation I found myself in. I guess Friendly Aura (Decent) was having its effect. Hopefully, it also helps deal with more aggressive pokemon. I had my fingers crossed that I could hopefully avoid any clash with territorial pokemon or angry ones.

Sadly, I doubt that my Friendly Aura was powerful enough for that. Smiling at this useless thought, I scratched Butterfree's head causing it to wake up. I grinned and whispered, "Time to get up. We have a long day ahead of us."

Butterfree nodded its head and with the flap of its wings, it gently lifted off my head and headed towards its own bed. I began waking up the others and admiring their cute reaction. Rubbing Dratini head it yawned, "Dra~". Slithering off my waist, I woke up Zubat. Gently scratching its wing, it made a low screech sound, "Bat~". It lifted up and left.

Waking Pidgeotto by rubbing its head it crooned softly before standing up and gliding off the bed. Finally, it was Beedrill turn which I rubbed its back. Fluttering its wings, it quickly took off. The next 10 minutes were spent doing our daily ritual.

Author Note: Take this time to brush your teeth and stretch a little. The chapter is not going anywhere.

Finishing our ritual, we left for the Pokemon Training Field. Arriving there, I saw Lena smiling playfully as she said, "You sure got a crowd." Confused I asked, "Did I get fans when I won the competition?" Lena did not answer and said, "Follow me." I frowned having a bad feeling about this.

Arriving at a grassy area of the Training Field I met something that made me want to cry tears of blood. Officer Jenny grinned and said, "Finally you're here! We have been waiting for you. From now on you will have to train these trainers to the best of your ability in three days."

I pointed at the crowd and asked, "This is a joke right? Where are the trainers? This is nothing but…" I reconsidered my words since they were not all too different from me. Officer Jenny shook her head and said happily, "It's no joke. From now on, you are in charge of training students from Class Trainer."

I g.r.o.a.n.e.d as in front of me stood a bunch of kids that ranged from 8 to 11-year-old. There were around 33 of them! Although a few were older than me. That did not make much of a difference in the pokemon world. Heck! A kid could win the championship!

For me though, it was quite annoying having to deal with such a wide age group. "Officer Jenny, are you sure he can teach us? He doesn't look that impressive." A kid with a jacket and nerdy sunglasses said. I wanted to just slap that kid although he appeared to be my own age.

-Teach these Students! Reward: (5k Poke Dollars & 250 Poke Points) per Student that respect your methods of teaching!

-Earn the Entire Class Respect! Reward: Exp Share!

I sighed and said with a stern voice and as loud as I could, "For those of you that want to train! Listen to all my instructions! Those that do not care or do not want to listen to me! Go back to classes and get a real career!"

I took out a Pokeball and tossed it into the air. Butterfree came out from it and let out a loud cry, "Free~!" I grinned and said, "Officer Jenny, leave this ki- I mean Trainers to me. I will straighten up in 3 days."

Officer Jenny was surprised by my sudden change causing her to laugh and say, "I thought I would have to buy you some food before you agreed. Well, it's better for me this way. I have many things to take care of so I will leave it to you."

My eye twitched thinking, 'You were going to leave it to me regardless.' Once Officer Jenny left I began getting complaints, "Are you really a pokemon trainer? You don't look any older than me?" Student 3. Student 16 complained, "That Butterfree doesn't look that strong. I bet I can beat it with my Doduo."

Student 19, "Ah, that Butterfree is very pretty! Sadly, Bug pokemon aren't that strong. Maybe learning from you wouldn't help me with my Meowth." I sighed and with a loud clap of my hand, I silenced them. Walking over to a boulder I sat down on top and said, "Well class. I will immediately start teaching you the most important lesson. Do not underestimate any pokemon! They are all great and powerful! Far more powerful than you can ever imagine! There are no weak pokemon! There are only bad trainers!"

The reaction was divided into 3. With two of the large groups being the Smug and the Dagger eyes. The last group being the smallest. The admiration group which I was happy even existed. I continued, "Now then, to make sure this lesson sticks better than String Shot. All of you can bring out your pokemon and fight my Butterfree. You can go one by one or even… all at once."

Everyone's eyes widened hearing that. I chuckled and said, "There are quite a few of you that do not seem to understand my first lesson. So I need to beat it into them. For those that do not want to participate, you can feel free to observe. That doesn't mean you will be free of responsibility. 20 minutes after the battle ends. I will call on each one of you and ask you wall what you learned. I highly recommend to not be part of that group unless you have really good eyes and don't think too highly of yourself as the know it all."

The 'bully' or the 'talented'. I wonder which one it is. Considering that he actually used a strategy I guess he is somewhat talented." 3 Students took the observation choice. There were several different pokemon from Pikachu, Rattata, Mankey, Meowth, Sandshrew, Doduo, Weepinbell, Machop, Nidoran, and finally a Growlithe from the Nerd Glasses kid.

I distinct lack of bug pokemon. Well, at least they had grass with Weepinbell. I looked at Butterfree and asked, "Hey Butterfree, do you want to battle on your own? Or do you want me to give you instructions?"

Butterfree nodded saying, "Free~" I grinned and said, "Thanks Butterfree. Good luck beating those guys. Don't be afraid to show off a bit. Just don't severely injure them." Butterfree nodded before turning to face the opposing trainers' pokemon. I said with a calm but loud voice, "Let the battle… Begin!"

Nerd Glasses shouted, "Growlithe use Ember!" The other students gave different commands. Well, not like it will help them. I was pretty confident in my Butterfree ability. A barrage of attacks rushed towards Butterfree who eyes narrowed disappeared.

Butterfree used Agility. Dodging the attacks, it appeared behind another pokemon before slamming it away. The students were startled as they ordered to attack it quickly. Glasses noticing something shouted, "No! Don't!" It was too late. Butterfree disappeared as a bunch of pokemon threw attacks at their own teammates.

Afterward, Butterfree used Whirlwind disrupting their lines even more. The pokemon entered an extremely chaotic state as Butterfree began using Supersonic, Confusion, and Psychic to defeat the remaining 20+ pokemon left.

5 minutes later, the battle was over with my Butterfree gently landing on my head to relax while I praised it, "You did incredibly well Butterfree. Remind me to get you some honey later." Butterfree nodded its head vigorously.

The trainers were looking defeated or caring for their pokemon. Fortunately, none of them were severely injured. Looking over them I asked, "Raise your hands if you thought this was going to be an easy battle?"

There were many hesitant faces, but one boy raised it and muttered, "I thought… it was going to be easy." It was the kid with Doduo. I smiled and said, "There is nothing bad in making mistakes. It was actually important for you to raise your hand. You have acknowledged your mistake and now you can strive to improve it."

"Considering that your pokemon was Doduo. It was quite understandable that you thought you could win easily. After all, bug pokemon are weak to Flying pokemon. Now then, it is a good time for lesson 2. There is no such thing as type makes right! Bug pokemon can overcome their weaknesses and so can fire, ice, and every other type of pokemon. All that is required to overcome it is… a good trainer. That is why you are here. You came to be trainers, but I am not satisfied with that. I will make you all good trainers in 3 days!"

Many of the smug kids lost their smugness and most of the dagger eyes lost their dislike for me. Good, I'm making great progress. Sadly, Nerd Glasses has yet to come to terms with me. He looked quite angry at his lost and even glared at his own 'friends'.

He must be thinking that he only lost because of them. Quite foolish and imm.a.t.u.r.e. He should have just accepted that he did not plan for everything and his Growlithe is not all-powerful. He should eventually acknowledge that he is not some destined trainer. Heck, even though I have a remaining wish it never got to my head. I did not think I was the strongest or some sort of special being.

I knew that I was just another trainer in the Pokemon world but with a system. Even then, the system was incredibly demanding for it to be used even once. Getting something good out of it was similar to scaling a mountain. Slow and hard. Sure, you can grind it out but what good would relying on a system be?

It won't make me a better trainer and it will not grant me the respect of the pokemon around me. Friendly Aura made pokemon lose their aggressiveness on the first encounter and eased the friendship between Trainer and Pokemon.

Yet, if the trainer was a complete idiot, cold-hearted, and foolish person. Then no matter what tire the friendly aura is. There is no way in hell they would gain the respect of their pokemon. Shaking my head, I said calmly, "Now then! Take a 10 minutes break. I will be back in 15 minutes. During the 5 minutes that I'm gone, I want each one of you to familiarize yourselves better with your pokemon. What food they like. If they are playful or serious. Learn anything and everything. They are your friends and companions."

Getting up, I looked at the observation group and said, "I expect a good analysis of the battle. You can discuss it within yourselves." Leaving the Pokemon Training Field, I headed straight towards a nearby Market with Butterfree still on my head for the journey.

It attracted quite a few gazes causing me to smile happily at how popular Butterfree was. Anyway, purchasing a bunch of fruits, pokemon food, bandages, and some potions. I began taking it back to the Pokemon Training Field.

It was quite important to take care of pokemon. This also increased the chance of me gaining the respect of each one of them. There was only a small loss of money, but that was fine.

Arriving at the PTF, I walked in and began distributing the food around. The potions and bandages were in case any pokemon or trainer got hurt. Once things settled, I began listening to the students that observed while planning the training.

After finishing hearing them out, I began giving instructions to all the students. Their training varied depending on their 'specialty' as well as their pokemon. For example, I had a certain student Meowth train to gain Quick Attack. I also had the student themselves training by running l.a.p.s.

Another student with Weepinbell had to train Poison Jab by first watching a video of the attack and instructing it a bit, and then having it practice doing the attack. Each time the Weepinbell struck, the student had to throw a punch as hard as possible.

Each one had specialized training and although I received quite a few complaints especially from Nerd Glasses. I shut them up by showing them my own training. They just stared in awe as I resisted a giant fan, ran through the trees at shocking speed, did some parkour, and other stuff.

Thus, our training continued with only 1 student remaining that still lacked respect for me.

Misty POV

Misty was enjoying a day of shopping instead of watching a certain Zane train. She first began her day with a relaxing massage before shopping for new clothes. Nothing too expensive since even if she was a gym leader previously. The pay was not all too high. It was decent living though.

After finishing her morning shopping, she headed towards the beach. Taking out her Staryu and Goldeen she said, "Let's train again!" Misty was no slacking off even when she did watch Zane train from time to time.

Misty's goal was to become a Water Pokemon Master. She knew this journey was not going to easy, but her love for water pokemon kept her going strong. Sure, she was not all too dedicated to training before she met Zane. She spent her days battling trainers that came to the gym instead.

She enjoyed swimming in the pool or fishing at nearby lakes. Sure, the usual Magikarp did not make her all too happy, but she did catch different water type pokemon. She still remembered how she encountered Staryu at the lake. Shaking her head, she muttered, "It's no time to reminiscent the past."

Straightening up she said firmly, "Staryu do 30 meters l.a.p.s and train your speed. Goldeen, attack that boulder with your Horn Attack on that boulder! In the future, we will be able to use Horn Drill if we train hard enough now." Goldeen and Staryu went to their training. They were accustomed to training with Misty after the first few sessions. They did not want to disappoint Misty even though they were not previously accustomed to it before.

To them, Misty was a caring and respectable trainer. As well as a close friend which has looked after them and played with them nearly every day. Seeing them train, Misty went to the changing room and entered a swimsuit.

She herself was going to train with them. She wanted to set an example like Zane. Although at first, she found him weird and funny. It did not take long for her to begin to see his training methods were admirable, to say the least. She had no doubt that Zane would train the students that Officer Jenny had for him quite well.

She did not want to interfere in that or be a burden on the journey. She was still waiting until she felt ready to fight Zane again. She had her pride as a 'future' Water Pokemon Master and was not going to accept the loss without giving him her best.

For the next 3 days, Misty continued to train at the beach while getting a massage.

Cliff-Kun: Our young Zane has finally gained the respect from most of his students, but one still remains! Will he manage to gain their respect!? How will he do it!? Find out next time in System in Pokemon World!

Author Note: I hope you enjoyed that small part of Misty. I felt like this was a great opportunity to develop her character a bit more. Let you in on what she was doing while spending time in the city and with Zane. Honestly, I'm somewhat satisfied with this for now. Hopefully, I can flesh her character out more throughout the Kanto and Johto Arc. (If I ever get there DX)

Also, I worked on 17 hours of homework just to get 4 hours to write haha.

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