System In Pokemon World!

Chapter 33 - Training Others!?Part 2

Intro-Kun: Returning to System in Pokemon World! Zane must face the last obstacle to gain an Exp Share! How will he gain their respect!? Find out now!

POV Zane

It was the 2nd day of the training. I have yet to receive the rewards for training them, but I knew the system was waiting until the time limit. Their respect can quickly change from one day to another. I still needed to set the perfect example by giving pointers or advice on how to improve their battling prowess.

Some of my students challenged me again only to be defeated right away. They were still far too green to defeat me. After all, I had quite a bit of experience in battling already. I did not mean watching the show experience. Instead, it was the actual battling experience gained from the Pokemon Arena.

Once I finished, I headed towards the one student that was reluctantly following my instructions. Looking at Nerd Glasses I asked, "How is the training coming along?" The kid scoffed and said, "None of your concern."

I replied back, "I'm your teacher. It is all of my concern until I stop being your teacher." The kid rolled his eyes and said, "My Growlithe is doing perfectly fine." I nodded and asked, "Is that so? Shouldn't you put more effort into your own training?" The kid complained, "What's the point? It is the pokemon that will be doing the battling, not me."

I smiled and said, "Really? Let me give you another lesson. Less-" The kid shouted, "Shut up! You don't know how to train! All you are having us do is waste our time!" This drew quite a bit of attention. I sighed and said, "Alright then, let us battle then." The kid complained, "No way, your pokemon are too strong." I suggested, "What if I use one of your classmates' pokemon. If I manage to defeat you with their pokemon. Then will you start paying more attention?"

The kid nodded and said, "Yeah! There is no way you can beat me with their pokemon!" I smiled and looked around. My eyes landed on a certain Meowth. Walking towards the kid I said, "Hey, mind if I borrow your Meowth for a battle?"

The kid became cautious and said, "Um, I'm not sure. Tray's Growlithe is really strong." I asked confused, "Are you sure? Don't you want to display how your training is going? I have been keeping a close eye on your Meowth and it just about learned Quick Attack. It's quite impressive, to be honest."

The kid smiled and said embarrassed, "I guess your right. Let me ask Mane. Hey Mane, what do you think about battling with him?" I was surprised to hear a nickname for the pokemon. It was only momentarily though as I regained my calm.

Mane let out a determined cry, "Meowth~". I smiled and said, "Great! Let's go." Walking over to Tray aka Nerd Glasses. I said, "Are you ready?" Tray grinned and shouted, "Get ready to lose! Come on Growlithe! Show him why your stronger than everyone else's pokemon!"

Growlithe jumped up with a fierce expression. Mane did not back down though. Just as it was about to enter into battling position I crouched and said, "Mane." Mane turned to me. I lost my smile and said firmly, "Will you trust me to help you battle? I promise that I give it my best to make sure you win or stop right before you get seriously hurt."

Mane looked at me thoughtfully for a few seconds before nodding and purring, "Meowth~!" I grinned and said, "Then let us win!" Mane ran into position. I have kept a close eye on this Meowth and knew its abilities to a certain extend. Agility, Fury Swipes, Quick Attack, and Tail Whip.

I said loudly, "Alright! Let the battle begin!" The kid shouted, "Growlithe use Tackle!" I said calmly, "Mane use Agility and run to the forest!" Mane used Agility and ran towards the forest with me running towards there as well. Everyone's jaws dropped. Tray shouted angrily, "Where are you going coward!" I shouted back, "I'm no coward! We are battling but who said we were battling in one place? The battle is… the whole Pokemon Training Field!"

Many jaws hit the floor while Tray looked dumbstruck. I laughed and said, "Come on! Hurry up or don't tell me you are giving up already." Tray grit his teeth with his face becoming red. He shouted, "Growlithe after it!"

I chuckled as we ran to the forest. Entering, I had Mane hide inside a shrub. Tray arrived at the forest breathing heavily. I smiled and asked, "Already out of breath? How are you expecting to become a trainer if you can't even run for a minute?" Tray shouted, "Shut it! Where is Mane!?" I teased, "Are you telling me to give away my pokemon weakness? Are you really aspiring to become a Trainer?"

Tay grew irritated and said, "Growlithe! Find it!" Growlithe barked as it began sniffing around. I waited patiently until it neared Mane's location. I said, "Quick Attack!" Mane burst out of the bush and slammed its head onto Growlithe sending back howling in pain." Tray shouted angrily, "Growlithe! Quickly get up and use bite!" Growlithe jumped back onto its feet and rushed towards Mane.

I said, "Mane use agility and circle it." Mane gaining a burst of speed began circling Growlithe as a blur. Well, I could somewhat keep an eye on it, but it was quite hard. This was its second Agility after all. Tray shouted, "Growlithe use Ember all around you!" I said, "Mane jump over Growlithe and use Fury Swipes." Mane jumped over the Ember and used Fury Swipes on Growlithe.

Growlithe howled again as it stumbled over itself falling down. Tray face paled as he shouted, "Growlithe get up!" Growlithe mustered some strength from who knows where to get back up. I sighed and said, "The battle is over." Tray shouted angrily, "It's not over! We haven't won!" I shook my head and said, "Look at Growlithe. It is barely standing. Do you want it to suffer a serious injury just because you can't accept defeat? Do you enjoy seeing Growlithe push itself past its limits for you?"

Tears started to appear on Tray's eyes as he clutched his fists and said, "I- Gro- Growlithe… stop…" Growlithe gently fell on the ground. I nodded and walked over to Growlithe. I calmly spoke to Mane, "You did excellent work Mane. Feel free to grab yourself a snack from the food stock. Mane let out a happy purr before leaving "Meowth~!"

Pulling out a potion, I began to administer it to Growlithe, "Hold still. This will help you recover, but it stings a little." Growlithe let me treat it while Tray walked over and kneeled beside me asking worriedly, "Is Growlithe going to be alright?" I nodded and said, "Yes. What you did right now was right. A trainer must be able to judge whether a pokemon can continue to fight or not. Think of how they feel when they are so overwhelmed. They get scared and endure pain to continue. Most importantly, this Growlithe really cares for you. Getting up after that Fury Swipe must have been a great challenge for it. A challenge Growlithe took head-on for you."

Tray began crying silently as he said, "He is my first friend. I'm sorry Growlithe. I shouldn't have forced you to continue." Growlithe seeing its trainer cry got on its four feet and licked his cheek causing him to laugh and say, "Stop it Growlithe. That tickles." I smiled and said, "It's good to see you have a good bond with your Growlithe. Remember when I said to take 5 minutes to learn all you can about your pokemon?"

Tray nodded confused, "Yeah, why?" I grinned and said, "What matters most when being a trainer is your bond with them. This bond can take many forms. Those that are warm and careful to their pokemon. To those that are reckless but overly kind. There are even those that have a cold bond with them. Some trainers seek only strength from their pokemon that they can watch their pokemon endure an extreme amount of training without blinking an eye. They may never even praise them. Yet, they stay together. What about you? What kind of bond do you want with your Pokemon?"

Tray looked at his Growlithe before smiling and saying, "I want to be his friend." I grinned and said, "The exact same bond with my pokemon. Look, I know you want to be a strong trainer, but everyone starts somewhere at the bottom. Maybe they get a super-strong pokemon but can't order them to go the extra length in a battle. This bond is what makes impossible battles possible. Alright? As for the training. I ask you to do it because of situations like this. You could barely catch your breath while I was completely fine? What if one day your Growlithe has to battle on a giant battlefield and you need to follow it to give instructions? Do you think you can do it without training yourself?"

His eyes shone in enlightenment before dimming as he said depressed, "No… I probably fall down after running for a while." I grinned and said, "Then train now. Let's get going." Tray nodded with a new goal in mind. To become a stronger trainer and battle me again.

Thus, another day passed. On the final day, the training was coming to a close and it was time to end the training. Packing my stuff, I looked at everyone and said, "I'm proud of each one of you. Some of you had your pokemon learn new attacks. Others grew closer to their pokemon and understand them better. You all grew today and will continue to grow even more. Our training ends here. If I have to leave any last words… then… Come and fight me in the future! I will not lie! I might forget all of you, but I want to see you all again! Tell me about the training and how you grew! Show me how strong you and your pokemon can become! Class… is dismissed!"

No one tried to stop me or even let out a sound for me. Not that I cared too deeply about it. This was a short encounter and I barely learned two names. Tray and Mane. I might forget soon enough though. Traveling was fun and battling was even more fun. I'm not a person with a perfect memory. I had flaws but I'm happy with myself. Each one was a great student even if 1 was especially troublesome.

Behind me, many students gripped their fists and tried not to cry. It was a short encounter, but they understood one thing. They met a good teacher that was now leaving them for his own journey.

-Teach these Students! Reward: 165k Poke Dollars! 8250 Poke Points!

-Quest Expenses: 52k Poke Dollars.

-Total Gain: 113k Poke Dollars and 8250 Poke Points!

-Earn Entire Class Respect! Reward: Exp Share! (Stored in Inventory)

I grinned thinking with drool reaching my chin, 'Finally! I made it big! I should train more people! Ah! If only they were real trainers instead of students! I could have asked them all to challenge me once a day! I would have been rich! I would be swimming in money and points!

Shaking my head quickly, I wiped my mouth and said, "Cool it! Remember! Points don't make the man! Wait, do they? Argh! My mantra! Get yourself together Zane! You have a long day ahead of you! You need to travel to the next city! But I have so many points and money! Maybe I should splurge a little. Buy myself a bike hehe. Crap! I will decide this later!"

Thus, the day ended with a major profit from this annoying quest.

Cliff-Kun: Zane has finally finished training his students for the future! What will happen now!? Where is he headed next!? Find out in the next episode of System in Pokemon World!

Just checked my ranking in the Pokemon Fanfic section of the Search option of . This story is top 18 in Popularity and 44 in Collection. I'm quite surprised but happy. I won't check for chapter length since... I want to reach 50 chapters first so I can join the top 25-26 pokemon fanfics in chapter-length here. My other goal is to reach 100 chapters to change this story from short story to novel.

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