System In Pokemon World!

Chapter 4 - Pokemon Community!

Entering the forest we began our battle for survival. It wasn't really for survival but you guys get what I mean. Caterpie entered the forest like a boss and completely wrecked those of its own kind. It took less than 1 day for it to evolve.

Caterpie knew where to search out a bunch of other Caterpies and using strategy we wiped the floor with them. It was at first small with Caterpie fighting a few of its kind and Metapods for extra experience points. Afterwards Caterpie decided to lead me to one of its fellow nests.

I quickly devised a plan of using wide range string shot to trap them all then Caterpie goes in using Tackle sending them all flying. This was how we quickly gained enough levels to evolved Caterpie within a few hours.

We still had a few moments when we ran since guardian of the nest which was a single or 2 Butterfrees went attacking us. Caterpie and me swore revenge against the heinous one. Either way, we kept away from Weedle since we don't want one calling their parents and becoming a real survival challenge.

In the way I was challenged by other trainers but I refused since Caterpie wasn't ready yet. After hitting the 3rd nest Caterpie evolved into Metapod which led to me taking it and finding a good place to camp out. Metapod slept beside me since it was just there.

I took care of it for the next two days until it finally evolved/hatched becoming a Butterfree. Grinning I said "Great job Butterfree but you cans still become even stronger. This is only a small pond. We will go into the bigger world and face even strong opponents!" Butterfree cheered letting out an excited cry. Nodding I said "Good. Let me see what new moves you have."

I took out my pokedex but stopped midway since I realized I had the system. I didn't use it much though. Checking the system I chose the pokemon option and got a simplified answer.

-Butterfree: lvl 12 / Medium Potential / Moves: String Shot, Tackle, Harden, Confusion / Abilities: Compound Eyes / Hidden Abilities: Tinted Lens

Nodding I said "Not bad but you are still lacking. You need to learn different attacks which are status based. This way you can have more variation when fighting. Let's work hard and get you to learn them."

Butterfree nodded ready for another session of destruction. Taking Butterfree we began traveling deeper into the forest and beating up the common Caterpies. In the first wave of destruction we faced a single parental Butterfree which was angry after what we did.

Butterfree refused to leave thus I said "Alright! We will fight! Butterfree waive through the trees! While using strategy Web!" Butterfree nodded and flew between the trees while being chased. Turning around it dodged trees while shooting string shot between trees causing the parental Butterfree to slow down and have more difficulty catching it. I grinned as I said "A little more!"

Once I saw that the parental Butterfree was having difficulty flying I said "Use Confusion and finish it off with a Tackle!" Butterfree shot a pinkish beam at the parental Butterfree causing it to scream in pain then it quickly flre towards it Tackling it against a tree before distancing itself. The parental Butterfree was unconscious.

Smiling I said "Great job Butterfree! Let's go deeper!" Butterfree pumped a fist into the air ready to continue battle.

Fortunately no such accident happened and we found ourselves staring at something that gave me the shivers from both excitement and fear. We stumbled across a small pokemon colony where different pokemons were living together.

There were Oddish, Bellsprout, Weepinbell, Rattata, Caterpie and Weedle. What was more shocking was that there were also pokemon from Johto here. I looked around carefully to find Ledyba, Spinarak and Pineco Shaking my head I knew it would be best to not disturb this small community of pokemon.

It was not that I was scared. Well partially because I was but mainly because it was a 'community'. We can handle a small group but fighting a community of pokemon was a dangerous affair which I wanted to not have any part of.

Butterfree had other thoughts as it flew inside releasing string shot at several pokemon. I regretted not putting it inside its pokeball when I had the chance. Sighing I said "Butterfree you idiot!" I turned around and walked out of the bushes and said "Butterfree use wide spread field String Shot!" Butterfree obeyed as it flew up and began releasing a bunch of string shot onto the ground.

The pokemon who were confused what was happening started their counter attack. I noticed and said "Butterfree dodge and use confusion on the Spinarak! The spider like pokemon!" Butterfree stopped and dodged different String Shots that were shot at it and send a Confusion attack at the several Spinarak that were climbing the trees.

I nodded and said "Now use Tackle on that tree and knock them off!" It flew down dodging more string shots while hitting the tree causing several Spinaraks to fall but they reacted quickly and caught themselves with a string shot to the branch which they fell from.

Smiling I said "Tackle them!" Butterfree turned around and tackled the Spinaraks that hung on the tree. I kept a constant eye on its status since this would be the deciding point of Butterfree victory or loss. It's level was slowly increasing and finally it reached level 13 and it gained 3 moves.

Smiling I said "Now use sleep powder on the ones trapped in your Web Terrain!" Butterfree flew over them releasing a bluish powder over the pokemon causing them to fall asleep. Suddenly it was tackled by several Ledyba causing it to crash onto a tree but continued to stay on air with its will power.

I frowned as Ledyba surrounded Butterfree. Running towards it while avoiding the Web Terrain I withdrew Butterfree into its pokeball gathering the attention of all the pokemon. I shrugged and said "Well that is my luck." I raised my hands with a smile. I had no way out to be honest.

The pokemon surrounded me and wrap me up with string shot while I secretly kept Butterfree in my hand. I didn't want to let my first and only current pokemon to be taken. My hands were soon webbed to my back and most of my body was put into a cocoon which was hung on a tree.

I frowned since normal pokemon that wanted revenge would have attacked me but this were more procedural than that. This meant there was a leader in the community. Sighing I regretted taking part in the battle also but I didn't care. If push comes to shove I will try to bite my way free and summon Butterfree again to do a wide scale sleep powder attack.

For the next 3 hours I just hung in a tree until I heard a feminine voice "So you are the one to attack us?" I opened my eyes and looked around to see the place empty. I frowned before smiling saying "Yeah, that is something I did."

The voice questioned "Where is your Butterfree pet? I heard it did quite a bit of harm to my friends." I shrugged and said "Who knows. It probably ran away so let us forget about that fella. Better question, where are you?"

She didn't answer but asked another question "Why did you come here? No human has dared journey this deep into the forest." I laughed and said "No human huh? You got something wrong young lady. I'm a human and I dare journey here. That means only I dared to do so. The reason…"

I thought for a bit and said "I was curious. I wanted to find out what lies behind the initial forest and look at what I found. A incredible community of pokemon that lived in harmony. During these hours I was tied I noticed that there are berries which Pokemon feed on meaning they don't prey on each other."

The voice said curiously "Continue."

I shrugged and said "Honestly I want to 'hang' around for a while longer to see what this place holds. What beauty it hides from the common eye. Sadly I wasn't a good guest and caused trouble. I don't regret anything though so now what? Are you going to kill me or take a limb as punishment? I doubt I will get out of this alive."

There was silence until it responded "We shall see. I will grant your wish. You shall hang on that tree for a few days before we punish you." I smiled and said "It will be my honor to stay then." I closed my eyes and hoped the words in my heart could transmit to Butterfree 'Stay safe pal. I'm sending you somewhere to not starve or die."

Using the system I send Butterfree to the Poke Space. The pokemon began appearing again. It appeared that they aren't allowed to be too close to their leader or they feared her. Either way, it was not my problem.

Fruit too high? Not to worry since Spinarak can use climb the tree and cut the fruit down. Need renovations in your underground home? Rattata is the pokemon for the job! Need shade? Don't worry! Ledyba and Caterpie got you covered!

Need to break something? Weedle got the horn to do it! They worked so well together that I was astounded. Night came and the place began glowing with an otherworld beauty. I sighed in admiration as Pokemon went to their home or huddled together. I was left in the cold but I didn't mind. Each pokemon had their own purpose and they lived their lives happily.

I was saddened at the fact that humans couldn't be this well functioning. We are greedy and want more but is that really our issue? Humans have countless of ideas and have so much to offer. We have a reason for our greedy nature and if this pokemon even face the same dilemma what actions would they take? Would they turn out like us?

I didn't have the answer but I worried for them. There was no way something can be pure of heart in its entirety. Pokemon are not naturally evil and neither are humans. We just take actions which benefit us like how these pokemon work together and live in harmony. They are a prospering society in a way.

3 days passed like this. Currently I wasn't feeling too well. The pokemon so far have ignored me and I was really thirsty. It was fortunate the cocoon protected me from the environment even if it was uncomfortable. My stomach rumbled in hunger but my stomach request was left unanswered.

Finally the pokemon stopped and hid again. Focusing on reality again I heard her voice "Are you satisfied?" I nodded and said "I am." The voice let out a humph of approval before saying "I've been watching you. You clearly don't hold have the capacity to attack us. Who send you?"

I smiled and said "You are dreaming. I indeed attacked you and no one send me. Everything has its reasons. Mine are just less fortunate than others." The voice questioned "Then why!?" I froze for a moment before recovering.

I could only shake my head and said "I answered you before. I'm a pokemon trainer and while training my pokemon it was a little hasty and wanted to become stronger. It attacked and I being its trainer couldn't abandon it. I took part hoping to achieve victory but here I am."

There was silence for a while as it spoke again "You're not lying but you can't leave either. You have seen too much." I nodded and said "I expected that." For the 3 days which I was trapped I knew my punishment wouldn't be light so I prepared my escape by straining the string on my arms until it snapped then slowly weakening the cocoon.

After losing them I fell on the ground breathing heavily. It was an insane escape. Grinning I turned over only to stiffen in fear.

Cliffkun-Kun: I shall live forever! Who is this mysterious pokemon?! What will happen to Zane!? Stay tune my loyal subjects to be tortured by the wait!

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