System In Pokemon World!

Chapter 5 - Leaving Viridian Forest

My eyes stared at her red eyes which were glaring at me. I gulped and smiled saying "Ah- um- Hello! How are you?" Getting up I shook the hand of Gardevoir and said "It was a p.l.e.a.s.u.r.e to meet you but I better get going." Letting go I tried to run again but was slammed against a tree through an unknown force.

I knew it was Gardevoir using her psychic powers. I gritted my teeth as Gardevoir spoke into my mind "That was a nice attempt there."

I chuckled and said "You're a bit too arrogant little lady." Gardevoir walked forward with a smug smile while my mind was busy discarding escape plans and finding the perfect one. She said inside my head "You're just a human. You aren't special in the slightest way."

I laughed and said "Maybe so but you are lying. Being a psychic pokemon you may feel it or it may be too weak to be noticed." It laughed quietly and said "I noticed your little aura. It's pathetic. I seen other trainers with better auras."

I shook my head and said "Arrogant! You're practically standing in front of me. Are you not scared? Humans are dangerous after all." She shook her head and grabbed my chin raising it. Inside of her eyes was a lot of pride and it clearly looked down on me.

Making a nasty grin I said "Oh really?" It nodded and said "You will die here." I frowned and sighed as I said "I won't but since you want me dead. I swear if I escape here I will come back and spank you to show you who is in control!"

It became furious as it glared at me with blue glowing eyes. More pressure was added on my body forcing it against the tree and some bones to let out cracking sounds. Fortunately she didn't outright kill me as I took this opportunity to do the one unexpected thing to a pokemon in this world.

I leaned my head and landed a kiss. Gardevoir instantly lost control of her powers letting me fall while I shouted and rolled away "Now!" Suddenly a blue powder began raining down upon Gardevoir who was still in a state and shock.

Seeing the blue powder it snapped out of it but it was too late. It slowly fell to its knees and collapsed falling asleep. I grinned and said "Risky gamble. If Gardevoir kept her distance and been less arrogant due to pride I would have been killed. There was also the shock of a human and pokemon having relationsh.i.p.s which also helped me.

Coming from Earth Gardevoir was a Waifu so I took this chance to land a quick kiss before escaping. The final piece that made it all possible was the Poke Space. It technically allowed me to put in and take out pokemon within 5 meters.

These were the main reasons my plan succeeded. Walking over to her I shook my head and said "I can't leave her like this. Butterfree, go taunt the other pokemon. They are in that direction. After they have come near enough to us we will escape. I don't want to put Gardevoir in danger even if I can just leave like this."

Butterfree nodded and flew away. I sighed and said "What a pain. I find a perfect Pokemon Community and the leader wants to kill me. What a pain. Fortunately, I'm not easy to kill. These guys are also fortunate that I don't have and ill intentions and would have kept it a secret either way. That dumb professor is too arrogant for me to tell him anything after all. I also don't trust others too easily… I'm thirsty! Water!"

I began looking through my bag until I found my canteen and gulped it down. Looking at Gardevoir I shook my head with lingering fear and disappointment. It was a truly impressive pokemon but it was too arrogant.

Adjust her body so she can be more comfortable on my l.a.p I said "Hey, you are asleep right?" I didn't receive an answer causing me to smile. I shook my head and said "I'm bored and excited. I'm having the best time of my life in this journey with my pokemon. Sadly, I'm finding it difficult to find other humans to travel with. They are like you. Arrogant or worse. Naïve and childish. I don't mind those traits but humans tend to have problems keeping them in check. Oh! Butterfree is coming! Better get ready! I may come and do what I said one day or maybe never haha."

I gently placed Gardevoir head on the ground while Butterfree quickly flew towards me while being chased by a bunch of Pokemon. Grinning I had Butterfree return to its pokeball as I said "Time to use my secret technique! Sprinting like your life depends on it haha!" I sprinted away at a surprising speed.

She also learned that she may have overreacted a bit and that she was indeed too arrogant. She knew she would wake up soon and decided to change. She previously looked down on other pokemon but after what I said she did not want to be alone.

She noticed that I was actually quite lonely traveling with only my pokemon. She sensed it with her horns which were s.e.n.s.i.t.i.v.e to emotions that even the person who is supposedly feeling them might not realize.

She also thought about my last words of returning. She didn't know if she wanted me to return or not.

(AN: The audience will decide I guess. I also couldn't see MC escaping if it was any other pokemon.)

Anyway! I made my grand escape by sprinting away like a madman even though I pissed off a few Beedrills but they couldn't keep up and just gave up from the start.

After escaping I returned to my days of training. Of course, I kept a fair distance from the small pokemon community since Gardevoir could kill me if I was careful.

With that in mind I continued my plan of catch a Weedle and raising it. The capture was easy since I used Butterfree Stun Powder then tackled it. It quickly lost barely able to put up a fight. This Weedle turned out to be quite timid since it tend to keep away from Butterfree even though Butterfree actively tried to befriend it and show off.

Poor Weedle had to suffer being taken between a fight of Butterfree vs another Butterfree just because it wanted to show off. I could only shake my head with a bitter smile. Fortunately, Butterfree also cared for the little guy and helped it fight Caterpies as moral support.

I of course did my job and used its abilities to the fullest. I taught it the same way as I did Butterfree only that this time its Poison Sting scared the hell out of me since I didn't want to be poisoned. I lived through it once but that didn't mean I wanted to try it a second time.

Anyway, Weedle began getting friendlier with us as it saw us with respect. Butterfree was like the older brother and I was the master who gave orders and trained them. I of course took care of them but that didn't need to be mentioned. Weedle evolved into Kakuna on the 2nd day.

It was slower compared to Caterpie since it was more timid and didn't like fighting as much. Fortunately Butterfree did an excellent job giving it encouragement. What a great bond between pokemon. Another day was spent waiting for Kakuna to evolve with me and Butterfree watching over it while continuing our training.

Finally once it evolved we began having Beedrill join up with Butterfree and do most of the work. Beedrill was also quite friendly with us even though they were known for their aggressive nature. I was so proud of it seeing my little child still care for me after reaching such heights.

I nearly shed a dear as it rubbed its head against my arm. Personally it was both scary and adorable! I don't have anything against bugs but still. What could I say? Humans are naturally scared of being stung regardless. I still loved it though.

Another 2 days were spent like that until I decided it was time to leave. Beedrill and Butterfree were both really excited about leaving since they wanted new challenges. Beedrill and Butterfree had practically dominated the Caterpie society while being able to fend off Beedrill hordes when they worked together thanks to my strategies.

I used sleep powder to put the enemy Beedrills to sleep while having my own going down and defeating them quickly then have Butterfree join in after all the enemies fell asleep. Looking at their stats I was amazed how quickly they leveled up.

-Butterfree: lvl 18 / Medium Potential / Moves: String Shot, Tackle, Harden, Confusion, Sleep or Poison Powder, Stun spore, Psybeam

-Beedrill: lvl 17 / Medium Potential / Moves: String shot, Poison Sting, Bug Bite, Harden, Peck, Twineedle, Rage, Fury Attack

Overall, it was quite impressive and seeing that they were ready I didn't delay and left the Viridian Forest arriving at the entrance of Pewter city with a smile as I now had 2 strong pokemon with me.

AN: Where is Cliff-kun! Noooo! He died!

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