System In Pokemon World!

Chapter 7 - Team Rocket and Training!

AN: Honestly, I didn't want to leave team rocket out of the story so now they will be the main villains of my story. They will have their justice served! Question though for current and future readers! Should James and Jessie be forever loyal to team rocket or do something with their lives? I mean their talented at everything except at being bad and all.

Intro-kun: Finally the dumb author remembered me. Hello! Previously on Blea- I mean System in Pokemon World! Our young Zane managed to escape from the clutches of death by a Gardevoir and fought the Pewter Town gym leader Brock! Sadly, he gave up the chance on the badge based on emotions! Who would have guessed! Now what will happen!?

I was honestly depressed that I couldn't win that match easily. I knew bug/flying types were at a disadvantage against rocks but my team was literally destroyed in 1-2 moves each. This wouldn't have happened if I had different pokemons that were naturally strong.

Sadly Professor Oak didn't want to bother himself with me. I sighed thinking back towards that day when I was supposed to get my starter pokemon. I was disappointed in that old man. Shaking my head I focused on what lied ahead.

Having finished my sad walk I smiled and said "Oh well! Just gotta keep training!" I went towards the pokemon center to have my pokemon healed. They did a good job in all honesty. A regular Beedrill or Butterfree would have never stood a chance against Brock and my own were capable of nearly toppling his team and if I didn't surrender what would have happened? Who knows.

Somewhere in the outskirts of Pewter Town.

A blue haired man smiled as he said "I can't wait to commence the plan to capture all the trainers in town pokemon!" A red haired woman laughed and said "I told you guys I was brilliant!" A feline pokemon complained "What are you idiots talking about? I'm the one who made the plan! More importantly once this plan succeeds the Boss will throw away the disgusting Persian and place me on his lap!"

It was team rocket! James laughed as he said "While there is enough reward for me and a promotion I don't care where you are placed." Jessie nodded saying "James is right! All that matters is our promotion! I bet he would be so grateful to us that he will reward us with our own private mansion and a week vacation!"

They became imagining relaxing on the beach in front of a large mansion. Shaking their heads James said with determination "Then it is decided! In the next few days we will launch the plan before swooping in and taking all their pokemon!" They all cheered towards their unknown scheme.

Entering the Pokemon Center I handed my pokemon to Nurse Joy who just glared at me. I internally complained as to why they hated me so much. I wasn't some delinquent or something! I sighed and walked to the waiting area and used a computer to call my family.

My mother picked up and shouted "Little guy you are in so much trouble! You didn't call us for so many days! I was so worried!" She began crying a little causing me to feel bad. I quickly apologized and said "Sorry mom, I was just so busy training my pokemon I forgot."

Suddenly a girl appeared on screen shouting "Big brother! You caused mom to worry so much! Make sure to spare some time for us too!" I apologized until they calmed down and began explaining what has been going on in my journey.

My mom was furious when she found out Professor Oak didn't give me a starter pokemon. I wouldn't really care but for some reason I began hallucinating that there was a demon behind her ready to eat an old man alive.

I laughed nervously and said "Don't worry mom I caught my own. Actually my pokemon are great! I almost won my first gym battle too! The battle was so close! I will check if I can get a recording of it for you guys to watch. Would you like that?"

The demon vanished as my mom tried to comfort me "Awe! My cute little boy is finally growing up! Don't worry about that one lost. I'm sure next time you will win for sure! Please send us the video both your sister and me would love to watch it."

I nodded relieved that my mom wouldn't go into a wanted posted due to some small conflict with an old man. Fortunately she dropped the matter. After talking with them a bit more I ended the call and got my pokemon back.

Nurse Joy just sighed in disappointment. I swear if the rest keep doing this I will slap some sense into some of them! I don't care if I'm banned from the pokemon center for the rest of my life but I'm doing it!

Anyway, ignoring the initial two rude nurse joys I had hope the other ones would at least respect me enough to jut give their signature smile and service. Taking my pokemon I decided to rest for the rest of the day since the battle was extremely hard on them.

After the day passed I took them out in my room and said "So how do you feel guys? Are you proud of your current strength?" Beedrill and Butterfree looked at each other and shook their heads. I grinned and said "Of course not! You want to be so strong that you can beat those pokemon like nothing right?"

They quickly nodded their heads with d.e.s.i.r.e in their eyes. I laughed and said "Good! For the next couple of days we will spend them training for our rematch! Remember guys! Cheap tricks will only work once so this time it will be several times harder but we will achieve victory!"

They cheered "Buzzzz!" "Freeee!" I nodded and said "Good! We're going to the Pokemon Training Field and train hard for at least 5 days! Afterwards one day break and the rematch will be one week from now!" They nodded and pumped themselves up in their own ways.

I just shook my head with a loving smile. Honestly I was becoming close to them. Sure people would say 'Why the hell would you catch bug pokemon! Almost all the other pokemon are strong than them!' This was no longer about them being strong or not. I just cared for them and wanted to fight with them.

Having them enter their pokeball I headed towards the Pokemon Training Field nearby. Arriving there I was met by a cute green haired girl who smiled saying "Hello there! You must be the guy my sister spoke about. You took your time getting here huh?"

Confused I asked "Why do you look familiar? Oh wait! Didn't I see you outside the pokemon center in Viridian city? Who are you?" She giggled and said "Well, not many know of us sister so I will explain it to you."

I nodded as she explained "My sisters and I take care of the maintenance of the Pokemon Field Training facility. You are the first trainer in years that has actually used them so we decided to help you out in anyway possible."

I frowned and said "You guys are just bored right?" She laughed and said "Yeah pretty much. My sister was impressed by your training though but she is the lazy on in the family. She wouldn't go out of her room unless needed but the rest of us will have a blast with you around!"

I sighed and said "Whatever but can you guide me to the rock field?" She grinned and said with a smile "Follow me cutie." I ignored her teasing and followed her. I was still only 10 years old so it was too early for me to think of a romantic relationship but if I liked a girl a lot I wouldn't mind getting her even if I was underage.

I'm sure the system can fix the issues after all. It was meant for everything and for the age problem. We have a Saint watching over us that can fix that with the snap of his fingers.

AN: Oh my! I wonder who this saint is hehe. I have no limits like I mentioned. It's a work of fiction and anything is possible.

Arriving at the field I nodded and said "Quite similar to Brocks field." She was surprised as she asked "You already fought him?" I nodded and said "Yeah… I lost but I'm here to train. I won't lose so easily next time."

She sighed somewhat disappointed since she expected me to do better. What she didn't realize was that I was being humble since I was really close to winning compared to how I made it sound." She ended up quickly losing interesting and said "Oh, I remembered I had something to do. I won't guide you out." I nodded and said "I don't mind. Good luck." I took out Beedrill and Butterfree who were ready for a new intense training regime.

Being left alone I said "Alright, the web field is now useless. Brock won't fall for that this time around. We need something new!" They nodded knowing full well their situation. I closed my eyes and thought of the possible combination of moves I could use. I frowned as they were lacking moves causing me to shake my head.

Looking at the ground I grabbed a few pebbles. Suddenly a new idea appeared in my mind causing me to grin. "Alright! Butterfree! You will need to learn a new move!" Butterfree was surprised but nodded excitedly knowing what that meant.

Grabbing a few rocks I took out my lunch box and placed the food aside and put in the rocks. Placing it in front I said "In order to learn the move you need to master you Psychic abilities. The move is literally called Psychic after all haha. This move will be vital and you must master using it in different size objects. Understood?"

Butterfree nodded as I gave my final instruction to it "Good! Now make this rocks levitate without confusion or other psychic moves. Use your natural Psychic ability. I expect great results in three days Butterfree so don't disappoint me."

Hearing me possibly becoming disappointed it nodded quickly and said "Freee!" For some reason I felt that it shouted "Yes Master!" I might be hallucinating but moving on.

Looking at Beedrill I began thinking again. Beedrill move set involved mostly close combat. It needed to be able to use different moves to increase stats right away or attack from a distance. Closing my eyes I wondered what moves it should learn and quickly came to a decision.

"Alright Beedrill! Are you ready for your instructions!?" Beedrill said "Buzzzz!" I wasn't sure why it didn't say its name but I could care less about that at the moment. Nodding I said "Good! From now on you will be doing l.a.p.s around this field and next you will master a new attack called Pin Missile! In order to use that move you must gather energy into your stingers before shooting it out like a gun or blasting it out in other words. As for the l.a.p.s, I want you to learn Agility that will help increase your speed but if not then continue to do l.a.p.s and train your endurance and burst of speed. Previously we failed to react since the net was too big but this time around we will be fast enough to outrun it all! This should take you all five days."

It nodded and began training. I nodded and too began training by doing regular exercises. I couldn't be the only person slacking off. I also took breaks too as I meditated to think of new ideas and calm myself. Previously I failed to notice the downside of Web Field which caused me a heavy lost.

My pokemon seeing me train with them were also further motivated to increase their strength. The five days passed and we succeeded in learning all the moves! This time we won't lose!

AN: Plot amour haha.

Cliff-Kun: I'm back baby! What is Team Rocket scheme!? What will happen to the pokemon!? Will Zane be able to destroy their plans or will the succeed!? Find out next time in System in Pokemon World!

Author Thoughts: Due to word limit I'm doing this.

Another chapter for the clutch! Hey guys! Feel free to comment and just leave opinions. Feedback is appreciated. Anyway, I might post less often after the next day since College will start getting annoying afterwards or I might still post as much if I feel like it. It all depends whether I feel like it or not really. College is just a side problem to me while I'm writing as a hobby.

I hope you enjoyed! I already have 78 people with this in their library which is amazing in my opinion. I didn't expect it to do so good. Thanks for the support. I will try a bit harder on this experiment from now on and it might become an actual project which I will continue for a long time.

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