System In Pokemon World!

Chapter 8 - Pokemon Riot!

Leaving the Pokemon Training Field we went to relax at the pokemon center. My pokemon were quite tired considering what we been through thus they will relax for two days. Well, one and a half. Butterfree was currently resting on my head while I was holding Beedrill.

I had a smile on my head thinking how these guys worked so hard. Of course, I also did my part and trained with them to notice smaller details and think on the consequences of the moves I could use. Arriving at the pokemon center I just went to my room and slept for the rest of the day.

Next morning we went out to take a relaxing walk. Butterfree and Beedrill would take turns lying on my head but I didn't mind. I thought it was going to be a peaceful day until I heard a loud explosions occurring from the distance. I frowned and said "Guys lets go check it out!"

They nodded and began flying beside me towards the explosions.

A few minutes ago in the Viridian Forest…

Meowth spoke "This idea is genius! Through the supersonic waves of this device the pokemon will be forced out of the forest. At that time they will be furious and they will attack the town haha!"

James nodded eagerly adding "Then the trainers will come out trying to act the heroes and fight the pokemon off!"

Jessie continued "Once they have beaten each other we will just fly in and take all their pokemon! Not only will we catch a bunch of wild pokemon but also a bunch of other trainers pokemon! Meowth you have really outdone yourself this time!"

Meowth laughed and wore a wise man costume with a robe and beard. He rubbed his beard saying "Indeed, I'm a brilliant strategist that surpasses all others. If I dare claim second no one will dare to claim first haha!"

James annoyed said "Alright enough guys! Let's get this started up! I can't wait to receive my promotion from the boss! He will be so grateful!"

They all said "And once we capture their pokemon we shall be rich haha!"

Running towards the location of the explosion many people were running away shouting about the pokemon losing their mind. Arriving I saw several burning buildings and others that were totally trashed. The culprit of the attack were the pokemon from the forest.

I frowned and said "Beedrill go help out the people in danger. Butterfree take down the flying pokemon and put to sleep the ones on the ground." Obeying my order they flew off. I ran forward shouting "Is there anyone trapped inside!"

There was a small voice that said "Here! Please help me! Waah!" Running inside a burning house a piece of the ceiling fell down. I dodged it barely but the exit was now blocked. I frowned and covered my noise saying "Where are you!?"

"Upstairs! Please hurry!" I cursed internally how it is always upstairs! Why can't it be simply downstairs!? Running up the stairs they made a lot of creaking sound. I knew the stability of the house was being compromised each second giving me no time to hesitate.

Arriving upstairs I saw a 7 or so year old girl lying on the ground with a wooden beam trapping her left leg. What was worse was the fact the log was already on fire!" She looked at me allowing me to see her pain and desperation. Running forward I slid on the floor and said "I will lift it and you get out alright!?"

She nodded as I began moving the beam. I gritted my teeth trying to move it but couldn't. Thinking of how my failure may end up causing this girl her life I put more strength into it trying to exert every single muscle in my body I could.

Fortunately that was enough to slightly lift it up and for her to pull out her leg. Letting go I took heavy breaths which didn't help much as the burning building was consuming the oxygen quickly. Looking at her I said "Ready?" She looked at her leg and said "I can't get up."

I g.r.o.a.n.e.d and thought 'Again!?' It took me a few seconds to move and pick her up allowing her to lean on her good leg. Walking towards the stairs I despaired. They had already caught fire. Not giving up I opened a random door and saw a window. Entering I placed her on a chair and said "Alright, you will go out the window and climb down as fast as possible."

While speaking I took off the bed sheets and made a crude rope while tying it to whatever else I can to extend it. She nodded and opening the window I helped her out and said "Hold on tight." She nodded again though nervous this time. She was clearly scared that the crude rope I made would undo itself.

Fortunately that didn't happen and she landed safely. Sighing in relieve I also got out the window and shut it on my crude rope and began climbing down just in time as the building began caving in. Thank you plot amour!

Once that was done I sighed and look at my hands and her leg. They were quite badly burned. She was fortunate the fire did not spread underneath the wooden beam and so was I. This could have been much worse if it had. Looking around the situation was only partially in control. Trainers were now fighting the forest pokemon while my own were probably elsewhere helping out.

I knew that this world wasn't as safe as I wanted it to be. Picking up the girl I stopped a random trainer and said "Can you help her? She can't walk and my hands are burned." The trainer was a full grown man that nodded and said "Leave her to me. I will take her to the hospitable right away."

I sighed in relieve as he began going to the hospital. With that out of the way I began searching for my own pokemon which I found were already somewhat battered. The pokemon of the forest outnumbered them and some trainers thought they were the ones attacking.

I shouted "Idiots! Those are my Butterfree and Beedrill!" The trainers were surprised hearing my shouting. Suddenly a giant boulder came defeating dozens of forest pokemon instantly. I looked more carefully and realized it was Brock's Graveler that was using Rollout.

Brock shouted "Everyone focus on defending the town! We can't allow them to go further in!" The trainers recovered from my interruption and began ordering their pokemon to continue defending. Brock was currently on his Onix which quickly moved towards me and my pokemon also went towards me looking exhausted.

Brock got off and said "Kid I need your help." I nodded and said "Yeah what is it?" He said "I have been living here with my siblings for years but this hasn't happened before. I need you to go and investigate the forest and destroy whatever is causing it. Can you do it?"

I looked at my pokemon and said "Yeah we can. Are you ready to end this?" Beedrill and Butterfree nodded even though they were tired they knew that it must end. Brock nodded and said "Alright then go! I will open a path for you." I began running towards the forest with my Beedrill and Butterfree close behind.

The pokemon noticing my presence weren't exactly happy. I wasn't sure if it was due to the fact that I beat a bunch of them up in the past or they just hated me at the moment. Brock ordered his become to support me by having Graveler use rollout to clear out a straight line and his Onix and Geodude used Rock Throw to give me cover in the passage.

Getting through I ran into the forest. I thought things were going to be fine until Beedrill and Butterfree became agitated and tried covering their ears. I frowned and said "You guys return. If I need you I will call for you." I didn't give them an option as I just had them return.

"Oh my! I knew someone would come so we stayed just in case." Surprised by the familiar tone I looked at the top of the speaker to see 3 figures. They began their Team Rocket intro which I ignored and kept searching for a way to stop it.

Finding nothing I frowned as Meowth shouted "Hey pay attention! You ain't going to find a way to turn it off! It is controlled by this remote after all haha!" Throwing out Beedrill I shouted "Agility and take the remote!" Beedrill though fell to the ground causing me to panic. I quickly had it return to its pokeball while Meowth laughed saying "Nice try kid but no pokemon can get near it."

James laughed as he said "That's right kid. You should just hand us over your pokemon and leave." Jessie smiled as she said "This dwerb must have been insane coming this deep into the forest." I closed my eyes and thought of a solution.

There was no pokemon that could get near but there was one that was standing right in front of me. I grinned and said "Is that so? I was looking for a Persian and who would have guessed all I got for my work was an ugly Meowth."

Meowth became angry as he said "You brat! I'm the most handsome Meowth there is!" I poked my ear and said "What a nasty screech. This Meowth must be ill. It feels like my ears are bleeding just listening to it. No wonder the big bosses around the world throw them away and keep Persians. They are so much better. It never stood a chance."

Hitting a soft spot Meowth jumped shouting "You will pay kid! Die!" I laughed and dodged Meowth saying "What ugly nails. This Meowth can't even take care of itself." Meowth shouted "Oh yeah!? Fury Swipes!" I who backed onto the speaker rolled aside as Meowth began clawing the Speaker from inside ignoring the fact that James and Jessie were telling him to calm down.

Their luck only became worse as the speaker suddenly shone in bright light causing them to pale. Jessie shouted angrily "Meowth what have you done!?" Meowth spoke fearfully "I think I may have over-scratched the speaker!"

The speaker blew up sending them flying. James cried bitterly "My money!" Meowth followed "My lap!" Jessie cried "My jewelry shop!" Together they shouted "We're are blasting off!" I laughed and said "Those guys sure are dreamers. Fortunately Meowth had its ears plugs to be able to handle the noise.

Running back to Pewter Town I noticed many pokemon were running back into the forest now that the problem was dealt with. Arriving back I found Brock ordering around the citizens to bring the injured pokemon to the pokemon center while having others instruct putting out the fire and checking if anyone else was injured.

Walking towards him I said "I did it." He smiled and said "I noticed. Thank you about that. What is your name?" I answered "Zane." Brock nodded and said "Good name. Here, I wanted to give you this before." He took out the Boulder badge but I shook my head and said "I can't take it."

He gestured saying "Come on. You know you would have won and you did a great help to us. It is the least I can do." I shook my head and said "I can't take it since my pokemon want a rematch once this is all sorted. Can you give it to them?" Seeing my serious expression he sighed and said "Alright then! We will have a rematch in three days. First we need to clean up this mess."

I nodded understanding the situation couldn't be forced at the moment. Fortunately those three days passed quickly and we managed to train a bit more. Entering the Gym the field was already set and Brock was waiting. I took my position and said "I'm ready."

Brock smiled and said "Alright Zane. Let us have a rematch!"

Cliff-Kun: Our young Zane is finally going to get his rematch against Brock! Who will come out victorious!? What kind of new strategies does our young Zane have!? Find out next time in System in Pokemon World!

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