System: Inherited

Chapter 100 - The Uniting Past (Part One)

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(11 years ago, Burnheart Estate)

A little girl was seen walking around the house, and she skipping in joy. "Dad, is the King coming here?", she asked. She was thrilled with joy to know that the king was coming over to their estate.

She didn't know the reason, but for the King to come over to them meant that they were someone important to the Kingdom. And that was what made her skip in joy. She wanted to meet the King. 

"Now, when you see the King, you must bow and show him respect. Understood?", came a lady's voice from behind her. Emilia nodded her head and stood rigid. "Not that much", she said once again with a sigh.  Emilia began to chuckle as she jumped up towards the woman with her hands spread wide.

"Mother, carry me", she said in her cute voice. The woman was tall, and she had a beautiful complexion. She flashed a smile at her as she placed her onto her shoulders, and Emilia began to laugh.

"I see a car coming", she said to her and her mother quickly placed her down. The gate opened and in came a black car. She was expecting a limousine, but what came was a normal-looking car. "Does the king use a normal car?", she thought as she looked at her parents.

Her parents had a smile on their faces, and they were ready to open the door of the car as soon as it stopped. She just stood rooted to the spot, and the smile on her face never faded. Before her parents reached the door, it opened up and a small boy was seen coming out of it.

The boy was slightly taller than her, and his eyes were clear. His hair was trimmed on the sides, and the top was combed neatly. After he got down, he ran his hand through his hair and ruffled it. Behind him came out the King, Benjamin Heart.

"No need for the formalities. I need some help in a specific project of mine", he said as soon as he got down. Emilia's father motioned for Ben to follow behind him and led him to a room to speak privately. 

"Emilia, can you take the prince around the estate?", asked her mother. Emilia had a slight frown as soon as she heard that. "I am not some entertainer", she pouted as she saw her mother run towards the room Ben was lead to.

She then turned her head towards the boy that was standing there, and something about him was alluring to her. She was about to talk with him when he made the first move. "The name's Lucas. Lucas Heart", he said as he extended his hand. She shook his hand and he flashed a smile at her. 

"I would like to have a tour around this place. This is my first time out of the palace, so please take care of me", he said as he kept his hands back into his pockets. She nodded her head, and the two of them began to walk around the garden that was at the front of the estate. 

She was skipping around the place, and her voice was slightly high-pitched due to the excitement of showing the prince around. Just as she was about to move to the next place, a voice came out from behind her.

"Look who is there. It's the weakling", said the voice. It was a boy, the same age as Lucas. He had blonde hair and had an arrogant air around him. Lucas had a frown on his face as soon as he saw the face.

"I hate arrogant pricks like them", he muttered, and Emilia heard what he said. It was her problem, and she wanted to be the one to deal with this. She didn't want to bring in the prince in her personal affairs.

"I can only warn you once. Today isn't the day. Don't tell me I didn't warn you", she said in a stern voice. Lucas had an eyebrow cocked up as he looked at her. He then looked at the kid and took a step back. 

The boy who was at the opposite side, had a grin on his face as he took a step forward. Emilia shuddered, but today she had to keep out of any hustles. She took a deep breath and calmed her heartbeat.

"He is just trying to scare you. Don't let it get to you", came Lucas's voice as she felt his hand on her shoulder. Newfound confidence was formed within her, and she puffed her chest out. The boy came towards her, and he was about to slap her across her face.

She brought her hand to block it, and she felt the hand pass right past her hand. She knew this was it, and she shut her eyes tight. She waited for some time but she never felt a palm on her face.

She opened her eyes, and she saw Lucas holding the hand right before it had made contact with her face. "If you are weak, and someone has the advantage, remember to use the situation to your advantage", he said as he pushed her out of the way.

He let go of the hand that he was holding, and he looked the boy straight into the eye. "And you, are not supposed to hit a young little girl. Where are your ethics?", he asked as he pulled out his hands from his pockets.

"If you want a fight, I will give you one", he said as he cracked his knuckles and jumped on the spot he was standing. he was loosening his shoulder, and his eyes were filled with something Emilia found quite different.

Just as he was about to make his move, a maid came running towards them. "Young Prince, I am sorry for this inconvenience. I will solve this right away", she said as she did a bow at a right angle. Lucas clicked his tongue in frustration.

The boy who was in the opposite had his jaws wide as soon as he heard the honorific she called him. "Prince? He came with the king?", he asked Emilia. Emilia didn't answer as she just humphed. 

Emilia then pulled Lucas's sleeve. "Let's go. I don't want to make any more trouble for the family", she said in a timid voice. Lucas flashed a smile at her, and he began to follow behind her. The both of them left the place, and she headed towards a swing under a tree.

She hopped on a swing and began to swing on it. A sad expression was seen on her face, and the more she was swinging, the more she felt her worries leave. She saw Lucas climb into the next swing, and he was swinging it slightly. 

"What's on your mind?", he asked as he looked at her. She sighed out loud, as she didn't want anything to ruin her mood right now. She jumped down from the swing and took a seat in the shade of the tree. Lucas sat next to her, and she was looking at the sky. 

"To be honest, I have been a weak child ever since I was born. So, the people around have made fun of me all the time. Some others, like the boy you met, are one of the many people that harass me. Well, it isn't my fault that I was born weak, is it?', she said as she smiled. 

She saw Lucas look at him with his eyes filled with determination. He stood up and took two steps forward. "I don't know how long I will stay here, but as long as I am here, allow me to protect you", he said.

His voice felt warm to her, and his back made her want to take shelter under him. She sighed out loud, as she knew that this meeting was a brief one. And thus, she wanted this memory to be a happy one.

She began to guide him around the estate, and Lucas was seeming to enjoy his time with her. He was smiling, and his hands were in his pockets most of the time. "Although he is a prince, I can't sense that air of arrogance around him like the other nobles", she thought as she was showing around.

The night came, and the both of them headed off to their respective bedrooms. She showed him to the guest bedroom, and she was trotting along back to her room when she tripped on something.

She turned and saw a leg sticking out from the side. The moment she saw the shoe, she knew who it was that instant. She wanted to go back to the room Lucas was in, but she pulled p her courage to stand up for once.

"I know it's you, Tony", she said as she dusted off.. The boy who was seen in the morning had a smile on his face as he stepped out from the darkness, and a grin was across his face.

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