System: Inherited

Chapter 101 - The Uniting Past (Part Two)

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Emilia stood her ground this time, and she knew what advantage she had over him. There was only one, and that was Magic. She was training her Magic since she had a good aptitude for it, but she was also not allowed to use it as she didn't have control over it.

She was determined to defend herself this time, and if she was to get into any problems about that, she was ready to face it. Tony walked towards her, and each of his steps was making a deep-rooted fear rise inside her. 

Her breath was beginning to get erratic, and she shut her eyes to control it. She took a deep breath, and she felt her heartbeat beginning to slow down. As soon as she opened her eyes, she once again saw the hand right next to her cheek. 

She quickly used a small wind spell to push the palm away, and change its trajectory so that it would miss her face. She then stepped out of the range of his hand, and she smiled at him at her small victory. 

Tony was pissed off at her, and the smile he had grew wider. He began to move towards her, and Emilia used a small movement spell to make her move faster than him. She began to run back towards her room, but she then bumped into someone. 

She looked up and saw Lucas's face. She felt embarrassed, but at the same time, she was glad that he was here. She then stood up and turned around to face him once again, but the next thing she saw was his hand towards her face.

"What in the..", she thought but felt nothing as Lucas blocked the palm for her. He pulled out his hand from his pocket, and let go of Tony's hand. "Seems like you need a good lesson", he said as he looked at him.

Emilia saw the look in his eyes, and this time there was a hint of anger hidden deep in his eyes. She was confused as to why Lucas would get mad as they had only met but looking at his back that protected her gave a sense of comfort to the Young Emilia.

"How shall I punish you?", asked Lucas as he looked around. He looked at Emilia and smiled at her. "Don't worry. Remember what I said in the afternoon? I meant every word of what I said", he smiled.

Emilia's body shuddered when she heard the tone in his voice. There was a wave of evident anger in it, and he was masking it with a smile. "Is he smiling just so that I would not worry about what would happen?", she thought as she began to think back to the experiences they had during the day.

Lucas balled his fists as he looked at Tony. "Just because you're the prince doesn't mean that you are invincible", he said as he turned around to walk away. Lucas placed his hand on his shoulder and pulled him back to the place he was standing before.

"I never said that I was invincible now, did I?", he asked in a menacing tone. Tony felt shivers down his spine as he looked deep into Lucas's eyes, and it was evident to Emilia who was standing at the back.

Lucas then let go of his hand on his shoulder, and he placed both of his fists close to his face. His legs were shifting places, and it was keeping Tony confused. "You think you're all that big now, prince?", he scoffed at Lucas's attempt to scare him.

Tony then assumed a stance for boxing, thinking what Lucas was doing was similar to boxing. He did a jab to test Lucas, and he dodged it effortlessly. Lucas brought his knee straight to Tony's face and smashed his nose in.

Tony began to bleed, and he looked at Lucas with his eyes filled with hatred. He didn't let go of his stance, and he spoke with a broken nose. "I thought there was no kicking in boxing", he said. Lucas smiled and hissed back at him. 

"Who said I was using Boxing? Did I say that, or was it your fault to assume your opponent like so?", he asked. Everything he was doing, he did with a smile on his face. Tony lunged forwards in his madness and wanted to twist that smug right off Lucas's face.

Emilia saw the smile on his face slowly fading away, and a sense of worry had begun to take over him. "What is he thinking?", she thought as she looked at his face. She wanted to know what was running in that little head of his.

Right after a few more dodges, Lucas smiled once again. "Let's finish this", he said as he caught Tony's punch in his hand. 

"It's too weak. I have face against stronger punches than these", he said as he held his fist in his hand, and began to apply force to it. Tony began to feel an inexplicable amount of pain, and his face contorted weirdly.

He wanted to scream, but his pride didn't allow him to. "I want you to apologize to this young lady, and I do not want to see you ever in my sights again. At least until I leave this place", he said as he let go of the hand. 

Tony scurried away back into the place from where he appeared, and Lucas extended his hand to Emilia. She took his hand, and the both of them began to walk back towards Emilia's bedroom. 

Lucas stood outside the room as he watched her enter the room. She was about to close the door when she heard him call out to her. He had his hand extended towards her.

"Can we be friends?", he asked as his hand was outstretched. She gave him a sweet smile and shook his hand. "I thought we were, with all the defending and roaming around for the whole day", she replied as shook the hand.

Lucas's smile widened as he looked at her. "Indeed. I didn't think of that part", he said as he chuckled slightly. The both of them went towards the window on the corridor and looked at the moon. "She is beautiful, isn't she?", asked Lucas.

"Yeah, she is. And maybe something happened out of this", she said as she looked at him. His face lit up by the moonlight made her heartbeat rise slightly. She felt something inside her stir, but she didn't understand the feeling she felt.

"Is this what it's like to have a genuine friend?", she thought as she looked at the moon once again. Lucas then bid her good night as he left the place and went back to his bedroom to rest for the day.

She jumped into the bed and covered herself with her quilt. It was unexpectantly warm for her, and she fell asleep with a smile across her face. The next day arrived, and she ran outside quickly to spend her day with Lucas once again.

The day went by smoothly as Tony was nowhere to be seen. She shrugged it off, and they spent the day by not just touring the house. They climbed trees, plucked fruit, and ate them. Ran around the house playing tag. Though she could never catch up with Lucas with her frail body.

When evening arrived, Lucas waved her goodbye and left the estate. "Maybe we shall meet again one in the future. You might remember me, or maybe not. Until next time", she muttered as she looked at the sky. She then went back inside, ready to spend her day thinking about Lucas.

(Back to the present time)


An alarm was blaring right next to Lucas's ears. He woke up quickly, and he looked around the room. After freshening himself, he pulled up the system tab.

[System Upgrade is Complete]

Lucas had a smile across his face as this was the thing he wanted to see early in the morning. He wanted to check his stats and pulled it up. 


[Name: Lucas Heart]

[HP: 350/350] 

[MP: 350/350]

[Level: 16]       

[Job: None]

[Title: Defying The Odds, Master Of Stealth]

[EXP: 29,620/40,000]

[System Level: 3/10]

[Strength: 49]

[Stamina: 47]

[Agility: 49+19]

[Perception: 45]

[Magic: 43]

[Stat points to be used: 70]

He looked at the abundance of stat points, and he was tempted to use it right away. But he remembered Valentine's words. He also remembered the first thing he told him when he was awakened.

"I wish to right the wrongs of my descendants", were his exact words.

Lucas then checked the Daily tasks, to see what changes were made to them. "If I remember correctly, the last upgrade did change the tasks by a whopping 50. But since I was doing them regularly, it felt normal after a few days", he thought as he pulled it up.

[Daily Task Updated]

[Do 200 push-ups    0/200

Do 200 sit-ups        0/200

Do 200 pull-ups      0/200

Run for 7 Km        0/7 Km

Meditate for 2.0Hrs    0/2.0Hrs]

[Rewards - +3 Strength, +3 Agility, +2 Perception, +2 Stamina]

[Shop has been unlocked]

Lucas was thrilled after he saw the final notification.. "Now, let's explore the store", he thought as he pulled it up. 

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