System: Inherited

Chapter 105 - A New Home

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Lucas was stunned after he heard that from him. He thanked him in advance before asking for the lodging areas. 

Robert took him outside, and there was a staircase that was leading to a house right above the shop. The house was to his liking as well, and he thought about the things he needed to purchase.

A total amount of five thousand gold needed to be spent to make this place comfortable living space. "Nine thousand Gold", he smiled nervously. For now, he began to clean up all the dust that was accumulated.

After cleaning it up, he looked at Robert and smiled. He smiled back and the bot of them shook on the deal.

"How much for the advance and rent?", he asked. A smile was seen on Robert's face as he neared Lucas's ears. "Consider this a gift from me, prince. This property belongs to our family, and for a long time it has been abandoned", he whispered.

Lucas instantly turned around and left the place. He was not hurt by the words he said, but rather the behavior. 

"Trying to curry favor with me will not work. I am no longer a prince", he thought as he stormed away. Everyone was taken aback by his move, even Robert. He thought Lucas would like the present and agreed to it immediately.

"Maybe the princes of this kingdom are truly different after all", he smiled as he ran behind Lucas to catch up with him. After a few minutes of running, and he saw Lucas sitting on a bench on the side of the road. 

he sat next to him and didn't utter anything. Lucas turned his head and looked straight at him. "Why did you say that?", he asked. He was pissed off at first to think straight, but now that he had cleared his head, he saw there was some meaning behind his words.

"One, I just wanted to help my friend out. Two, you will need to make money and for that, you are going to need a source of income. And Three, this is abandoned. Pretty much no one would care what happens to this place", he said.

"Have you discussed this with your family?", he asked in a stern voice. Lucas's voice brought a sense of fright to Robert, and he nodded his head, indicating that he had indeed discussed it with his family.

"Have you disclosed my identity?", he asked again. Robert felt a chill go down his spine as he looked straight into Lucas's eye. Something inside him was telling him that the Lucas from before and the Lucas right now were different.

He once again nodded his head as words wouldn't leave his body. It was on instinct, and Lucas sighed. "That's good. As long as you can keep your mouth shut, everything is going to be okay. But I do not want to stay here for free", he said.

Robert nodded his head, and he quickly began to brainstorm on the spot. An idea popped into his head, and he wanted to implement it.

"After this batch of training swords, you can make other katanas and weapons for our family. You can be an official blacksmith for us, and that will be the payment for the rent", he said. Lucas began to ponder.

"Well, I do get to kill off two birds in one stone. I could practice my techniques more, and I will be able to stay at a cool place like that", he concluded as he looked at Robert. He then felt sorry for getting mad at him as he didn't mean any harm.

"Let's go. Everyone else will be worried about us", he said with a smile. Robert smiled and they went back to the place that Lucas had looked at. "Let's draw up an agreement draft", he said and looked around.

He pulled out his phone and looked around for someone who drafts contracts. Although verbal contracts can be sealed with a magic circle, they can be broken quite easily. But for the Drafters, they draw an unbreakable Magic Seal on the contract, making it a bond between two members.

He then called up a Drafter, and they both agreed to the same terms they had discussed. A Magic Circle was drawn, and the contract had been finalized. "Lucas, I welcome you to your new home", he said with a smile across his face.

Lucas was happy and he wanted to celebrate the fact that he had got a place after he left the palace. He wanted to call everyone from his family, but it was not possible. This made him slightly sad, and he let out a sigh at that point.

He also had the task of going back home to receive the information that his father had for him. He was excited and worried at the same time. He didn't want anything to happen to the kingdom, as he loved it dearly. 

He decided to hear out the information and the counter-attack he had planned. After deep consultation, he will know what to do and how to save the kingdom. That was what he had decided and stuck on for now.

After cleaning up the house, he went and bought some pillows and a mat to rest on for now. He will make the necessary renovations as he earns more money in the future. He took the order from Robert and was told that the materials will come in the next day.

Everyone left after a while, and he forgot to discuss the weapon with Tobias. Emilia stayed back as she wanted to make sure Lucas took care of himself. Lucas began to wonder what kind of past he had with her, and he decided to ask her.

"Emilia, why are you helping me? It has only been a few days since we met, but you have helped me a lot these days. What is your agenda?", he asked her. She flashed him a smile and winked at him.

"Well, if you knew, you wouldn't be asking me. Maybe some other day, Lucas. But for now, let's make sure you take your rest. And hey, you still have to begin to make money too", she said as she looked around the place.

She had begun to envision the place in a new light, and she was placing all types of furniture and things in the place. Lucas sighed once again as he saw the sparkle in her eyes. 

"Aren't you going back home? Or something happened?", he asked. She had a smile playing on her lips, and she quickly placed her face right in front of his. "Take a guess", she said with a wink.

Lucas felt his temperature rise as soon as she saw her face in front of him. He felt an urge to lean forward, but he held it back as he gulped down his saliva. Sweat began to form the more he controlled his impulse to kiss, making Emilia smile and blush at the same time.

"He's cute when he does that", she thought as she looked at him intensely. Her face began to flush as the more the tension between them rose. Lucas cleared his throat to make that awkward tension go away, bringing them back to the present times.

"You were saying?", stuttered Lucas as he still hadn't recovered from the initial shock she had given. Emilia cleared her throat and looked at him. "My family has sent me out to gain experiences from the world, and thus I am not allowed to return home for some time", she said.

Lucas nodded his head as that was the same situation as his. Many families tended to do the same thing which happened to Emilia, thus it wasn't weird for him to hear it. Lucas was about to ask her to stay when he remembered the tension between the two of them a moment ago.

"If I am going to do this, then I will have to clear up this thing that is between us. There are rooms, and separate restrooms as well. This means that each one of us can have one room, and live together", he thought.

"Emilia, since you have no place to return to at the moment, what do you think about staying here. You can use the other room, and I will take this one", he said. She nodded her head.

The house wasn't really big, but it was a comfortable space for the both of them to live under the same roof. It had two bedrooms and three restrooms. A kitchen right next to the living room, and a dining area near the kitchen.

The flooring was steady, but the paint had been peeled off as it had become old. Everything needed to be reinforced once more with Magic, and new paint was needed. Lucas smiled as he thought about the expenses this place was going to give him.

"On the other hand, I can become a Blacksmith, and be an Adventurer at the same time.. After the business picks up, I will need to hire people to work under me", he thought and began to draft a business plan for himself.

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