System: Inherited

Chapter 106 - The Infiltration

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Emilia was brewing a herbal medicine which the doctor had prescribed for him to recover faster. She was humming a tune to herself as she had a smile across her face. After the medicine was ready, she took it to Lucas and helped him drink it.

Lucas then felt himself get drowsy, and he fell asleep. Emilia placed him on the mat and gave him a peck on his cheek. "Maybe I will get to do this every day", she chuckled as she went back to the kitchen.

She then began to reinforce the shop below, so that Lucas will be able to work the next day. She remembered the type of workplace he desired vividly. The place seemed to have the same structure, and she was relieved she didn't need to change anything.

In about an hour, the Smithy was ready and reinforced. She was exhausted, and night had fallen. She went back upstairs and laid down on a mat she had bought for herself. In a few moments, she fell asleep. 

Lucas was standing right in front of her, and he had a complicated emotion in his eyes. When he was kissed before, he wasn't in a deep sleep and he felt it. He didn't understand why, but he knew that this was not the time.

"I now know that you are someone that has been in love with me. I am not sure if I should reciprocate the same feelings back to you, as I do not understand it quite myself. And this may not be the right time for me to give in to my feelings. But I do have the urge to do what you did to me, and thus I shall give you something", he muttered as he saw her beautiful face under the moonlight.

He bent down to her, cupped her face in his hands, and kissed her forehead. The feeling in his heart was heavy, but yet a smile was playing on his lips. He then jumped out the window, ready to go and retrieve the information from his father. 

Emilia had a smile on her face right after he had left. She looked at the moon that was shining outside and placed a hand on her cheek. Her heartbeat was running wild, and her face was flushed thinking about the kiss Lucas gave her.

"I wish I could tell him everything, from the moment he left an impression on me, and to the time I began to develop feelings for him. I didn't expect them to be the same people at first, but the way he fought and the way behaved made me figure out it was him all along. Just come back safe", she smiled.

Lucas was walking through the streets, and as soon as he reached the outer walls of the castle, he began to use his stealth techniques to sneak in. He remembered the routine of every guard that as in the palace, and he was sure that this was the best time to sneak in.

He quickly crossed the wall, and ran past a guard, knocking him out cold. He wanted to raise a ruckus too, as a very successful sneak-in operation will do nothing. He placed the guard in a direction to mislead the others, and he scaled to his father's room in the tower.

"Father", he said calmly. Ben, who was looking at his papers intently, jumped after he heard his voice. His instincts took better of him, and he pulled out his sword. He placed it on Lucas's neck, and he felt a tip at his neck.

"You've improved", he said with a smirk. Lucas nodded his head and placed the blade back inside. The both of them laughed out loud, but Lucas knew he didn't have much time as he had to misdirect the guards below. Anytime and they will be up here.

"Information", he said with his hands outstretched. Ben smiled as he knew the more time he spent here, the more danger he is subject to be. He still wanted to test out Lucas's strength, and thus he began to stall for time. 

"Well, the information you need is right here, on this desk. I dare you to take it", he said. Lucas frowned as he knew what he was trying to do. He jumped, and went right past Ben, and was about to reach the papers when he saw Ben in front of him.

"Not strong enough. If you want to defend this kingdom, this is peanuts", he scoffed at Lucas. His approach this time was aggressive, and Lucas understood why. Time was of the essence right now, and he couldn't afford to lose this war that was coming uninvited.

"Just who are we facing?", he asked as he huffed. He had just recovered from a broken rib, and he still felt pain at the place where he was hurt. He didn't want to admit it, but he knew he was weak.

He needed to put in extra hours to become strong enough if he wanted to safeguard the kingdom and its people. His effort wasn't enough, and that was what ben was trying to teach him at the moment.

Lucas smiled as he pulled out his Exploding Ice Blade, and looked at Ben. His eyes were wide as he saw the craftsmanship in it. He smiled as he looked at the word, and pulled out his own.

"There were only two times that I have lost when I got serious, and it was to my father. Come, let me show you the real difference in our strengths", he said as he made his move. Lucas was astonished as soon as he made his move.

Ben disappeared and reappeared right next to him. He was moving at such high speed that even his eyes couldn't perceive it. He activated both [Eyes Of Prediction] and [Mana Vision] at the same time, and he barely blocked the attack that was made.

A loud clang was heard, and Lucas was pushed back by several meters. His hands were shaking and he felt numb in his left hand. He looked back up, only to see a sword tip right in front of his face trusting at high speed. 

He tilted his face, and the sword grazed his cheek. Blood was drawn, and he had never seen Ben this serious in any spar he had with him. There was also something else on his mind, and Lucas could guess what it was.

"Is that all you could do, father? I'm disappointed in you. I thought you were much stronger than this", he taunted. He could see some tension and worry on his face, and it seemed to have built up. And the only way his father knew to destress was to have a sword battle.

Lucas's eyes were on the documents that were packed neatly on the table. As soon as the guards reached the room, he had decided to flee from the palace. Until then, he would spar with his father. 

A vein popped on his father's forehead, and anger was evident on his face. He looked like someone who wanted to beat the hell out of Lucas, but the love he had for his son made him hold back.

"A twenty percent would do?", he thought as he exerted his strength. Lucas could feel the fear inside him increase, but he also knew that ben would not do anything that would either cripple or kill him.

He readied his sword, ready to block any attacks from his father. Ben looked back at him, and he could see the determination in Lucas's eyes. A smirk appeared on his face as he thought, "My son indeed".

Ben made his move, and clashes were heard as the both of them were exchanging their moves. Lucas was only parrying Ben's moves, and it was all thanks to his [Eye Of Prediction].

Just as he was about to go and grab the information to make a run for it, he heard a noise in the corridor. He now had very little time to get it, and was parrying strikes from Ben. He parried a strike and went past him.

He laid his hands on the information that was needed and grabbed it swiftly. He felt a sense of dread from behind him and ducked. Ben's sword went past the place his head was at and made a sound of slicing the air.

He slid across the floor and quickly climbed the window ledge. "See you later, father", he said as he jumped out of the tower. Ben had a smile on his face as he saw Lucas jump out. "Cheeky brat, you've improved quite considerably", he thought as he saw Lucas reach the bottom of the floor.

The door to his room was opened, and there were guards ready to secure him.. Ben smiled and followed behind the guards as per the protocol, with his hands in his pockets and a whistle to show taht he was not in the least scared at the moment.

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