System: Inherited

Chapter 108 - Making The Katanas (Part Two)

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He shrugged it off as a coincidence and just began to draw the formation on the ground. One thing he was sure of was that Valentine will be adding in some of his insights to complete the formation and that he did after Lucas finished drawing it from the notebook.

He wanted to make sure that he was doing everything right, so he picked up the material and the old sample, and began to follow the steps that were given in the notebook. On the first try, he had failed and the quality of the product was much poorer than the sample he had got. 

He didn't lose his hope, but instead, it fuelled him to do even more. He did it again and again repeatedly. A whole day had passed, and there was no sign of Robert. He sighed as he packed up for the day.

He was thinking about what to say to Robert when he sees the waste of materials. After reaching home, he was welcomed to a new sight of the place. The place was cleaned up, and although painting was due, it was not all that shabby now.

He turned his head and saw Emilia remove a hanky which she had tied to her face to prevent the dust, and she was using Wind magic to suck all the dust into a single place. Something funny and fuzzy was happening to him, and once more his charming smile popped out.

"I think with this woman here, I might just go nuts. I think it is best if she looks for a place to stay by herself. Although this is nice, I cannot endanger her to the problems I will entangled in", he thought.

She brought out some food she had made, and Lucas took a bite from it. After finishing up, he heard a knock on his door. Lucas went to see who it was, and it was Robert and his father.

"Robert, I am sorry about today. I was trying out a new method of forging, and the materials you gave me have been wasted. I am sure that I will succeed tomorrow, and I would like to know where to procure the materials", he said in a humble tone. 

Robert laughed out loud, but his father had a stern face. He cleared his throat and introduced Lucas to his father. His father looked at him skeptically. 

"Are you sure he is the one that made the Katana? He looks... young", he said in his skeptic voice. Robert has a smile on his face, and he motioned for his father to follow behind him. Lucas followed close behind them.

After entering the house, he pulled Lucas away from his father and began whispering.

"Father can be stubborn at times, just make sure that you handle his temper good. I will take care of the rest. And bring out your sword, the one you made whilst in the Portal", and he took off to go next to his father. 

Lucas smiled nervously. He was never good when dealing with someone troublesome, as he would let his temper get the better of him. He was also thinking as to why his father was having so much skepticism towards him.

"Maybe it's because he understands the techniques behind the making? If he does, then will that make him a potential threat in the future? I must know everything about him, and quick", he thought as he looked at Robert's father. 

Lucas's head was now in a dilemma as he brought out his Exploding Ice Blade as a sample. Deep inside, he was chuckling.

"To use my items as a base to market myself off. Well, I must begin somewhere, might as well use my equipment", and began to show it to his father. He inspected every nook and cranny, and he swung it quite a several times.

"It's heavier than a normal Katana, and it is not one. But my son here tells me that was able to use the Third Form of our school?", he asked as he raised an eyebrow. Lucas's heart began to beat fast as he couldn't find a satisfactory answer to that.

"It was a dire situation, And I had one style on me. I do not have anything that I respectively follow at the moment, and if I do use the technique which I am following, my body will not be able to handle the backlash right now. Thus, I apologize if I may have offended you in any way", he said as he bowed his body in apology.

A hoarse laugh was heard, and it was none other than Robert's father. Lucas looked up in confusion and saw Robert smiling right next to him. He had a thumbs up on his hand, indicating that his father was impressed.

"Kid, you may be the first person to have successfully copied our style in an instant. And it seems like it just isn't for our style. Just what kind of mental training have you done, kid?", he asked and his eyes were sparkling with curiosity.

"Mr. Van Hueston. They say that curiosity kills the cat", he replied with a playful smile. Robert's father laughed again as his voice echoed through the empty house.

"Indeed it does, but I guess not this one. This old cat has lived for quite a long time, and yet has to be killed. And I think no one is capable of killing this old cat for now", he said with a challenging smirk.

He didn't want to admit it, but Robert's father was beginning to get under his skin. He wanted to show him who his boss was, as he needed the orders for his name to spread for now. And from the interaction he had just now, it seemed to him that Mr. Van Hueston was a man who valued honesty.

"Sir, I think you are mistaken. You have yet to see the depth of the ocean, and yet you claim to have bested Death. Maybe once you reach the bottom, will I reveal my identity", he said with the same smirk. 

Lucas was challenging his authority by making such a statement. He looked him in the eye, and he saw a playfulness in it. "Glad thing I noticed it earlier and played along", he thought as he looked at him.

The smirk on his face vanished, and he pulled out his katana. It was instantly on Lucas's neck, but he was feeling something on the back of his neck. The tip of the Exploding Ice blade was at his occipital bone, threatening to end his life in a flash.

"A truly marvelous warrior, and an excellent blacksmith. Just who are you, kid?", he asked in awe. The reaction time that was shown by him was present in very few people, and that was why he was stunned.

"My name is Lucas Smith, and I am the blacksmith that will be making your training katanas and all the other weapons for your family from now", he said with a smile. Van Hueston and he shook hands and began to discuss the matters that had to be discussed. 

After a few more minutes, the weight of the Katana was discussed. Van Hueston felt like the weight was too light for him, and he wanted Lucas to give it a few swings so that He could which person's adaptability weight suited him the most.

Lucas gave some swings and returned them. Right after he received it, a smile was formed on his face. He was happy with the weight, and he didn't swing it so that its weight wouldn't change.

"This is perfect. If this is to be implemented, then the muscle growth of the training students will increase in growth. But too much is also going to be harmful to them. I will send more materials to you tomorrow. I want one just like this, and the other one made suited to Robert here", he said. Lucas jotted it down and nodded his head. 

"Anything else I must have to note down?", he asked as it was a crucial question. And he wanted to be extra careful as Van Hueston was his first customer. He wanted to do something splendid on his debut so that it would leave a good impression not just on him, but the people that will frequent his store in the future.

He thought for a little while and nodded his head sideways, indicating that there was nothing else worthy to note down. He and Robert left the place and disappeared into the night in an instant.

"Wind Magic sure is convenient", he thought as he watched both of them vanish off into the horizon. Right after that, he went into the room and took out the documents that he had taken from his father.

He was expecting a huge ruckus to be made by the end of today, but there was none made. To Lucas, this didn't make any sense.

"Unless the problem that we are facing is a high-level threat, news as such must have spread around like wildfire", he thought as he began to study the documents.. He pulled out all the papers that were compiled and began to read them patiently.

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