System: Inherited

Chapter 109 - Heading Towards The Beginner's Dungeon

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Each page was filled with such content that if any common man had read it, they would have lost their minds. As he went through the report, sweat was formed, and his heartbeat was in disarray. 

After reading everything, he made sure of one thing. He needed to get stronger, and fast. And the best way to do that was to grind through monsters and beasts endlessly. A place that would spawn monsters infinitely. 

He looked at the key he had in his inventory. He clenched his fist and was deep in thought. Looking out the window, and seeing the peaceful place he was living, he wanted to preserve it. 

"Seems like I will have to clear this dungeon as soon as I can. And the faster I clear it, the more rewards I can have. And breaking through has become more essential now", he thought as he looked back at the papers and files he had taken. 

After the night had passed, he went back to the smithy to do the same thing he was doing yesterday. This time, his success rate was increased due to his understanding of the process and the elements. After a few more tries, the first product came out.

"It's the same as the one that he had given for a sample. Now, let me try and recreate the same thing with my piece. This is going to be harder than I initially thought", he wiped the sweat on his sleeve.

It was evening by the time he had got a hang of the technique. He was disappointed in himself as he saw that it was getting harder for him to grasp the techniques now. He was beginning to have second thoughts of the path he had chosen for himself.

"Kid, you're the only person to have done this at such speed. The person before you, who I had watched when he was pursuing the path of this, took much longer. Cheer up, and your hard work does always pay off", said Valentine to cheer him up.

Lucas didn't know if what he said was true, as he had never met an Inscriptor Blacksmith. But if he did meet one in this vast world, he was willing to go to the ends of every corner of the world to meet them.

After he made the version he was satisfied with, he began his mass production. And by the end of the night, he was done with it. The sun was peeking as he finished the final piece of the training Katana was made.

He smiled in satisfaction as he found something that he didn't expect. And it was the thing that he didn't need to bind every weapon to a user, and the weight was default to the weight it was when placed. And the output was followed in the same way.

He was elated as he found that out, and his technique would stay secret. He didn't need to fear anyone coming after him for the techniques, and he could leave this place in peace and head towards the Beginner Dungeon key that he had.

He pulled the key out and used the [Inspect] on it.

[Item: Beginner's Dungeon Key]

[This key opens a portal to a Beginner Dungeon filled with monsters. You may use it only at Brighton Railway Station]

Lucas was then confused about the specific place for the activation of the key. He knew the Brighton railway station, but to reach there, he would need to go on a train to that place and then activate the key, which he found a bit troublesome. 

He was exhausted due to overworking himself, and he was asleep in a chair that was in the smithy. Robert entered and to0ok the goods and began to inspect them, and he was satisfied with the quality. After a few more swings, he was about to leave when he heard a yawn behind him.

"Hey, Robert. I presume you have checked out the katanas. Then, I will be leaving for Brighton and I won't be back for a few days. If there are any orders in the meantime, you just keep them on pending", he said as he got up from the chair.

Robert was sure that he didn't make any noise and was silent so that he would not disturb his friend who had worked all night for his sake. But it seemed to him that Lucas was waiting for him just to let him know about this before he left.

"Let me come along", he said as he watched Lucas leave the place. Lucas smiled and waved his hand at him. "You won't have to. I am going to attend some personal affairs of mine", he said as he left the place.

Robert came outside quickly and saw him missing. Lucas was gone by the time he had reached the door, which was a meager amount of time. He was astonished by his speed and began to wonder if he can catch up to it.

"No use worrying now. I'll let Emilia know about it, and just go back home to deliver these to father", he thought as he packed the katanas into a wooden round box he had brought for it. He informed Emilia of the development and left the place.

Lucas was now waiting for his train on a platform, and there were plenty of people who were waiting for the same train as him. An announcement began to play right above his head, and the sound startled him slightly.

"The train towards Brighton has arrived on Platform 2. Please stay away from the doors. Thank you", said a female announcer. Lucas quickly looked up and saw the train arriving, and he quickly boarded it.

After a journey of an hour, he reached the desired location. He was standing right inside Brighton station, and he was looking for a safe place to activate the key and enter the portal. He didn't want to alert any of the authorities and cause panic among the citizens that were commuting.

He took a seat and began to wait for the time at which there will be fewer people, and when that time comes, he will make his move and enter the dungeon. As he was resting, he was infusing his Aura into his bones.

"Alright, we have reached 80% integration already. Are you going to move forward bone by bone, or the whole body now kid?", asked Valentine as he sensed Lucas beginning to channel his Aura into his bones.

"For now, bone by bone and pushing it to a hundred. Let's begin from the skull", he replied as he began to infuse his Aura into his skull. Valentine was now keeping a close watch, as overloading a bone with Aura would make it burst open. In the case of the skull, it's instant death. 

The progress was slow, but Lucas was feeling fatigued take over him. He was about to stop and take some rest when Valentine pushed him forward.

"You stop now, you will lose all the progress that you have made till now", he said and urged Lucas not to rest. Lucas then gritted his teeth and pushed through, bringing the integration to 100%.

As soon as he heard that he had reached a hundred, he stopped and panted. Sweat was evident all over his face, and the impurities were out of his skull. The sweat he had was black, and everyone that was near him moved away from him due to the smell that he gave off.

"Young man, you should go and clean your face quickly. If not, those impurities will get back inside", came the voice of an elderly from behind him. Lucas nodded his head and ran off to wash his face, thinking who that person might be.

"We do not know much about the ways of the cultivators. If you do meet one on your journey, absorb as much knowledge as you can", he remembered his Master's words as he looked into the mirror after washing his face.

He quickly ran back to his place to meet up with the person who had told him that piece of advice, but he was missing. He looked around the station, but he still couldn't find him. 

"That's strange. I was sure I heard an elderly call out to me before I went inside. I even saw a hunchbacked figure when I ran past him. Is it my imagination?", he thought as he took the seat again.

He was about to continue when he remembered that he didn't have a spare set of clothing it changed into if this one gets filled with the impurities. He didn't move forward with the plan and began to wait for the people to leave.

After an hour of waiting, nightfall came and the station was beginning to get empty. People were now off to their homes, and the trains that were coming in had very few people. Lucas pulled out the key and activated it.

A dark shadowy portal opened in front of him, and he entered it.. Right after he entered, the portal closed on its own, and Lucas was trapped inside the Beginner's Dungeon Portal. 

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