System: Inherited

Chapter 116 - Enemy Presence

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(In the evening, The Guardian's Tower)

Bradley was watching the screens, as usual, keeping an eye out over the Kingdom. There were multiple screens, and a program was running in the background which would help in identifying any threats that are heading towards the Kingdom. 

The surveillance expanded to a 100 Kilometers radius outside the Kingdom so that they could prepare for any unforeseen events. Any person visiting the Kingdom will be registered here, and the algorithm will run a check on their records.

This was how the Kingdom had always been safe. But sometimes, to be on the safe side, Bradley and Leon go through the records twice every week. They were doing the same today when one of the screens went red.

Leon pulled it up and saw a horde of beasts heading towards them. Just as he was about to take action, all of the screens began to glow red.

"What in the world? So many beasts and the coordination is impeccable. Where is the Mastermind behind this?", looked Leon quickly. He and Bradley got down to business and began to sift through.

This was something that even Leon didn't expect. He heard a warning from Ben before he left, and if he saw a horde or anything to let him know. But for something of this scale to appear, he was wondering if Ben foresaw this.

He responded quickly and sent the word to the palace. The warning had reached Ben, and Leon estimated that the arrival will be in five days. That was the speed the horde was progressing. And along with them were some balls that were floating in the air.

The balls had the symbol of 'The Omega'. Right at that second, Leon's blood began to boil. He balled his fist up and banged the table which was nearest to him and broke it into pieces.

"Calm down brother. You need to keep your anger in check. We have a better place to use that in five days. Let's just hope that we can evacuate the people within the time limit. We have to activate Code Red now", he said and Leon nodded his head.

He began to type in some commands, and a barrier was erected around the whole Kingdom. The barrier was unbreakable by a small force, but by a force that large, he wasn't sure how long it would hold out. 

He was looking at the places to which the people could retreat, and he saw that there was not enough space to accommodate all of the people inside. And there were very few. 

"How I wish Lucas was with me here this moment. He would have some plan and it would help in reducing the casualties", he thought. He ran a scan through the entire kingdom when something unprecedented popped up.

"I am sure these two places are not meant to be here. The plan doesn't have them. Have we been infiltrated?", he thought as he jotted down the location of the places. He also saw a tunnel connecting both the underground towns.

He loaded the location on his device, and picked up his sword, and left the tower. He was heading towards one of the places that he had seen.

"Let's just hope they are not with 'The Omega'. Even if they are, I think wiping them out of existence is something that I can do quite easily", he said as he looked at his sword.

"Santa Maria. Let's go on a journey like old times", he said as he stroked the sword. He went into the basement and got onto a motorcycle.

It was a bike designed like a Harley, but also had a sense of comfort in it. The engine was modified to have three modes, cruise, sport, and stealth. Each mode had its pros and cons, and they always came in handy in all types of situations. 

He left the tower towards the place that he had marked, and it was a long journey. He breathed in the fresh air as he revved the engine, fading into the horizon.

(In The Heart's Palace)

Ben was pacing up and down as soon as he heard the news. He was expecting an attack from 'The Omega', but he thought it would be a small-scale war. He didn't think that they would plan to surround the Kingdom from all sides, boxing them in.

He was thinking about it when the door was opened and he saw Sam and Kate enter. He had called for them, as he needed some advice as to what to do right now. 

"We are getting boxed in as we speak. I don't want the people to get caught in the crossfire of something from my past. And if I could, I would have told you to hide. But you do remember our duties, don't you?", he said in a solemn voice.

Sam and Kate did a salute with their fists on their hearts. "Your order will be our command", they said in unison.

Ben smiled as he saw them do that. Something inside him was stirred, and he looked at them with worry. "They are willing to lay their lives for the Kingdom. I just hope that it doesn't come to the situation", he thought as he took his seat back at the throne.

"I want every member of the family to meet me at this same place tonight. Any ideas and plans are welcome. And if push comes to shove, we fight. We protect the people and save as many we could. That shall be our aim in this war", he said in a loud voice.

Sam and Kate left the room quickly. They relayed the message quickly to everyone in the Palace, and they began to discuss what to suggest tonight.

"I do not know how much time we have. But if we have an ample amount of time, then we could begin to evacuate the citizens in the square. I also heard that some people are willing to raise a ruckus here", said Sam with a clenched fist.

Kate looked at him in confusion. She didn't understand what he was saying, but she could catch the gist of what he was trying to say.

"You mean there are spies among our ranks? But who would work with someone against the Kingdom? You cannot go and raise a ruckus because of your suspicion", she replied. 

The both of them were standing on a balcony that overlooked the kingdom. They were taking in the peaceful atmosphere that was around the kingdom right now.

"In a few days, there is going to be bloodshed here. I am sure of it. I smell traitors amongst us", he said as his eyes were filling with rage. Kate placed her hand on his shoulder and squeezed it.

"And if we find them, we will slaughter them. You need to have a calm head to analyze what's going on right now, and how to save our people", she said in a calm and soothing voice.

Sam looked into the horizon and began to think. "I just wish he was here. With his brain, he would have found a way already", he muttered. Kate heard it and just nodded her head.

Night came and everyone was gathered in the room. Everyone saw a smile on Ben's face when they entered, and they thought he had a solution.

"Now, the army we are talking about is made up of all kinds of Beasts. There are several Demi-God Tiers and a handful of Demon Tiers. And if the Demon Tiers are following something, it means they are a Tier above them", he said.

Everyone gulped right after they heard the analytics. Everyone thought this was the doing of a Demon Tier, but if it's a tier above them, no one knew how to face it. This was the first time they had even heard about something above the Demon Tier.

"The Half-Angel Tier", came Chris's voice. Everyone turned their heads towards him, expecting an explanation. He came forward and began to explain.

"We all know the Tiers up to Demon. Which goes from Basic, Intermediate, Advanced, Legendary, King, Emperor, Demi-God, and Demon. But what you all don't know is that there are Beasts above the Demon Tier".

"They are Half-Angel, Angel, Ascended Angel, God or what we better know as, Mystic Tiers. There are quite a few Mystic Tiers that are in hiding on Earth, and they are the ones that have kept these Tiers in check".

Everyone was in awe of the information they were hearing. No one knew about the Tiers that existed above Demon Tier.

"The reason is that we as humans, cannot face against these Tiers. But what if humans found a way to recreate these Tiers? Is it even possible, you might ask. But it is indeed possible".

"When I was King, there was a threat that was coming towards us. I had averted them using The Guardians at that time but seems like it has come back after quite a long time. And if you guys are wondering if I have ever met a Half-Angel Tier, I have".

Sam and Kate felt their heads spinning. They were about to fall to the floor when they felt a hand support them. This was too much information for them. They turned and saw a familiar face. 

"Lucas!", they exclaimed as they both embraced him.

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