System: Inherited

Chapter 117 - Lucas's Plan

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(Nighttime, Outside The Palace)

Right after he saw the text, he knew that executing this plan is going to be a full-time job. Only if they worked around the clock and found a lot of Expert Magicians, will it be possible to execute the plan. 

He quickly packed up the things he had planned and left the place in a hurry. All this time, he thought there was still time, but now it seemed like there was not enough time for him. The sooner his plan was executed, the more citizens they could save.

He was now outside the palace, and this time he didn't want to cause a ruckus as this was something too important for him to play around with. He made his way to the room, and he saw everyone gathered there.

He came in right at the moment Chris began his explanation. He was hiding in the shadows and listening to what he was saying. He was shocked when he heard that there were Tiers above the Demon Tier, and The Mystic Tier Beasts were the ones that were keeping them in check.

When he saw Sam and Kate were about to fall, he stepped out of the shadows and helped them up. And that was how he ended up being discovered.

Right after they jumped on him, a smile crept up his face. He had been away for more than a month, and the feeling of homecoming was heartwarming for him.

Chris cleared his throat and began to continue with his explanation. 

"The Half-Angel Beast I met, isn't just a beast. He was a part of The Guardians, and I placed him as the Shadow Guardian. There were two reasons for that".

"One, I didn't want anyone of them to think that they were inferior to him, as evolving to a Half-Angel has a lot of restrictions. That was the only thing he had told me. And the second reason, was because their existence is to be kept a secret".

"The Association and every other organization know them as the Demon+ Tier. They always avoid these kinds of places, as that would end up in sure death. And since the Humans have created a Half-Angel Tier Beast, it seems like this war is inevitable".

"And I am thinking that if we do not root this organization out from the ground, this beast is going to be a show-off about their product. Or maybe it could be something defective, and they are working on an improved version based on the performance of this war".

Lucas stepped forward. If he let his grandfather talk anymore, everyone in the room would lose their composure, including him. 

"Grandpa, let me take over. I have a plan here that could help in saving a lot of lives in this war. But We do not have much time. Right after this discussion, this plan needs to begin execution", he said as he pulled out a paper in which he had drafted the drawing.

He placed it in front of everyone, and he began to explain. Right as he was about to, a notification popped up.

[Title: Master Tactician has been activated. Will be active until The War ends]

Right before he began his explanation, he saw many loopholes in his plan that he had laid on his way here. The influx of information was in seconds, and Lucas had a smile as he began to explain.

"Now, we have five underground cities. And one of them is here. We begin the evacuation the next morning and initiate Code: Red. We do not know how long it will take for us to restore the Kingdom to normal, thus Code: Red will be the best call".

Everyone nodded their head as what Lucas said did make sense. 

"And for the places that we cannot evacuate, I have marked places on this map to make Underground cities for living. After the evacuation is done, we activate the barriers. This is to prevent anything from the battle to bring damage to the people that are inside".

"If we are facing such a large invasion, I am sure there would be some people who must have infiltrated our ranks or the Kingdom. If this is the case, they would make sure that the excavation is a failure".

"I do not know what is their objective, but I can guess their target is us. It tarnishes our name by making sure the losses are too much and making us wallow in guilt. If they want to play this game, I can play it better than them".

Everyone was confused as to what he was pointing out. 

"We lure them by giving out a fake entrance. And if we have someone in the high positions, I am sure they would attack the main entrance. But if not, we can lure them away and evacuate successfully".

"And if they are extremely careful, we need to defend both the gates. And that is what I am going to do. The disposables will be sent to the fake gate, as they are nothing but pawns. But the real ones will be sent to the main gate".

"We kill them all, and have one alive to extract information. If they do not want to cooperate, then we make them talk. No one messes with our Kingdom and gets away without paying the price".

Everyone nodded their heads when they heard his statement. They were sure about that one thing. No one messes with them and gets away. 

"Now, while the evacuation is happening, we make the Underground Cities in these places. In two days, they need to be done. Or else, there is no way we can save the people. And Father, every group needs to have someone from the family or someone you trust".

"The city's evacuation plan, I am going to need Sam and Kate. Other than them, I can make up for the loss of people with some of the people I have met. They are quite talented, and I am sure they can work under pressure". 

The people he was referring to were none other than his friends. he didn't want to include them in the war, but now was not the time for personal feelings. Every help he could get was one step closer to victory.

"For now, this is the plan. If this is executed well, we can save everyone in the Kingdom. After that, we let all hell loose".

Right after the statement, he released his Aura and everyone felt the growth he had experienced during this past month. Ben had a smile and he released his Aura, which suppressed his instantly. 

Lucas withdrew his Aura, and Ben withdrew his back. Both of them had wide smiles. Ben nodded his head and took the paper from Lucas.

"I will make sure to pass the message. And don't worry about any funny business happening, I have some people around here who are just a call away", he said as he took a seat on his bed. Ben was revising the plan that Lucas had told him, and it seemed solid to him.

After spending a few minutes, Lucas took off from the palace back to his place in the city. Right after he reached home, he went to the Smithy to check on the Mana Channels and the metals. 

The Mana Channels had cooled off and there were no cracks which was a good thing. The metal had taken shape, and it still had to cool off completely. He threw them all into the oil to cool them off quicker.

After that, Lucas went back upstairs to take a nap. He needed rest and needed time to complete the gauntlet. He was sure that if he begins early in the morning, he would be able to finish this right before the announcement.

"The staff is quite easy to make. I just have to make the Mana Channels and find that one Crystal. I forgot to ask about that when I was in the Palace. I am such an idiot", he thought as he facepalmed.

He fell asleep in a few minutes right after he laid down. He was tired from all the planning, and he needed all the energy he could muster the next day as he was smoking out all the people who had infiltrated the Palace Ranks.

"I am sure of it. this plan has been in the works for a long time, and they have finally executed it. Just how patient, is the Mastermind behind this Organisation?', thought Lucas. He was terrified just by the thought of facing against such a person right before he fell asleep.

His alarm woke him up, and he began his workout routine. After that, he was thinking if he should distribute the stat points, but once again stopped from doing it. He went down to the smithy as he was looking at his stats.


[Name: Lucas Heart]

[HP: 350/350] 

[MP: 350/350]

[Level: 24]       

[Job: None]

[Title: Defying The Odds, Master Of Stealth, The Schemer (inactive), Master Tactician (inactive)]

[EXP: 29,620/40,000]

[Accumulated EXP: 0]

[System Level: 3/10]

[Strength: 61]

[Stamina: 55]

[Agility: 61+28]

[Perception: 53]

[Magic: 43]

[Stat points to be used: 70]

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