System: Inherited

Chapter 118 - Assembling The Gauntlet

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Right after he reached the Smithy, he continued from where he had left off. He picked up the pieces he had left for cooling and began to reheat them. Right after that, he picked up a pair of tweezers and held the small parts, and began to make a hole in the middle.

After that, he did the same to the other pieces. He was slowly making each piece fit into each other, and the gauntlet had now begun to take shape. After he was sure that he could assemble them, he brought out a leather cloth and began to cut.

He then began to weave it and made a base. And attached each piece above the leather, to make the wearing it comfortable. He thought of this part yesterday when he thought about the war and the duration that this would last. 

After deep thinking, he thought of adding a piece of leather to make it more comfortable. After he cut and made the necessary stitches, he began to assemble the pieces. The pieces began to take the shape of a gauntlet.

He then pulled out the paints he had bought and began to paint the gauntlet. The part on the forearm had the place where the pellet would be inserted, and it began from the wrist in the shape of a semi-oval. 

He painted that potion white and carved his signature. The parts that extended around it were painted blue. There was a streak of silver in between the blue in the ends of the gauntlet.

He picked up the hexagon-shaped pieces and placed them each at a knuckle, and there was a line of hexagons. It was slightly protruding outside, making it a sharp thing that could pierce through when punched.

Lucas then picked them up and wore them, testing out their effectiveness. He knew that Tobias used the Kyokushin Karate, which involved a lot of punching and kicking. He was sure that these hexagons would come in handy for him quite a bit.

He then placed the small pieces and assembled the fingers, and painted the nail-like attachments blue, while the rest of them was painted white. The wrist was painted silver, and the attachments to the thumb were incomplete blue.

After the completion of the process, he tested out the effectiveness as he made a few punches in succession. He smiled with satisfaction as he packed it up, and he began to think about the plan that needed to be executed today.

"If only the staff could be made today. There is the Portal where time flows differently, but I don't know if anyone could make a Portal just like that", he thought. The time was nearing, and the announcement would be made anytime soon.

He quickly packed his things and made his way to the Palace again, and he used the shadows to his advantage. Right after he reached the Palace, he jumped into his father's room. 

"Father, you do remember the plan, don't you?", he asked as he saw his father nod his head in reply. "A small change. Announce the movement will be made tonight and not in broad daylight. It would help in smoking out everyone", he said.

Ben nodded his head as he had the same thoughts. Lucas was about to leave as he remembered the main reason he was here. 

"I need two things. One, a Pure Elemental Energy Crystal. Two, a place where time flows ten times faster than here. If I have these two, I can make one more piece of equipment and prep up my squad for the night raid", he said.

Ben's face began to sweat when he heard that Lucas wanted to go into a place where time flowed ten times faster. It meant that every 2 hours 24 minutes ended up making a day. The more time he spent inside, the faster he will age.

The worry was clear on his face, and a reassuring smile spread across Lucas's face. Ben was still worried, and Lucas explained.

"I am making a piece of equipment with Mana Channels, and it needs to be cooled down for 24 hours. So, if I can make it in the portal, I can save up a lot of time. And I am sure that the productivity will also increase in the portal", he said as he looked at Ben in the eye. 

He sighed out loud and shrugged. He motioned for Lucas to follow behind him, and he took him to The Treasury. Right after he entered, he entered a code and a lot of crystals were in front of him.

"You see the one with a prismatic color? Those are the Pure Elemental Energy Crystals. There isn't much to be found in the first place, and thus we have them in cases of emergencies. If this weapon needs this, I am sure this is of great quality", he said.

"If I am not wrong, it must be something of the Elven Origin. Those are the only weapons which use these crystals", he took a guess. Lucas's jaw dropped at the accurate guess he had made.

He quickly picked up three crystals, as he didn't know the properties and things he could do with them. He wanted to experiment with it but now was not the time. There was still a considerable amount of crystals left for the kingdom, and he smiled as he placed them in his inventory.

He was lead to the end of the place, and another door was here and it was shut tight. Ben began to scan his fingerprints and retina, and a voice activation was required. After all the checks, the door hissed open.

A Royal Magician was called forth, and he did as he was instructed, creating his Smithy in the place. He was left alone, and he pulled out his plans from his inventory. Right as he was about to begin, he felt a stare at his back.

"What are you doing here Father? You have an announcement to make!", exclaimed Lucas. Ben didn't budge from the place as he kept smiling at him. 

"There are still two days according to this portal. And I can get to see an Elven weapon being made", he said with a cheeky smile. Lucas sighed out loud as he turned back to light and set everything up.

Right after that, he began to melt one of the Pure Elemental Crystals. He did the same process and completed each Channel with a great amount of precision. Whilst he left them to cool down, he began to think of the best material that would suit them.

The original material needed was a branch from a 1000-year-old tree that was imbued with Magic for the whole time. Lucas was sure finding something like that is going to be very hard, and he was thinking about a replacement that would bring out the potential.

He racked his brain and he couldn't find any solution. He wanted to ask his dad, as he was the only person who had made an accurate guess to the nature of the weapon.

"Father, what would you say is a good replacement for a 1000-Year-Old Branch imbued with Magic for the said amount of time?", he asked. Ben laughed out loud as he rubbed his belly in delight. 

"Are you sure that is an ingredient for your weapon? Because if it is, I suggest you give up. Bending and making a shape out of a branch of that caliber is something impossible for you. At least for now", he said.

He knew of the said ingredient, as a weapon was crafted for the Kingdom from an Old Elf that resided in a place that was inaccessible to the humans. Ben had to make a deal with them to make the weapon, and it was only taken out in case of emergencies.

Lucas smiled wide. He loved a challenge, and the harder it was, the more he will hard work. And with the notebook with him, he was sure there should be a technique to break it down. 

He nodded his head and took out the notebook. He began to sift through the notebook, and at the ending was a complicated formation. Lucas couldn't make heads or tails of it, and he began to study in earnest.

After about an hour, he was still confused and he wanted to ask Valentine about it. A laugh was heard as he asked his question. 

"You see the words near the outer circle? It is of the Elven Language. And the circle with four small circles which has the X, Square, Triangle, and Circle symbols? They are the commands for the circle", he said.

"And the circle within which has two trapeziums opposite each other with triangles hanging above and below? They help in breaking down the ingredient that you have given it. This is how the Elves make their weapons from the bark of the tress", he said.

"And if you are worried about them losing the Magic properties, they won't. They tend to stick into the branch and can be maneuvered around quite easily. I am not a Blacksmith, and that part must be done on your own.. I have only witnessed this once before", he said with a tinge of pride in his voice.

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