System: Inherited

Chapter 134 - Attack On The Palace (Part Two)

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There was a small figure on top of a building far away, and he was looking at the said person. Their face was covered, but with his vision, he was able to make out that the person was a woman.

A glint and he was quick on his feet. Ben was standing in place, and Jason jumped in front of him as he caught all three of the arrows. 

"Your vision has improved too", he said in response. He was testing out Jason and until now his performance worthy of a Guardian. 

More arrows were coming towards them, but he felt another threat come from the sides. He jumped as he lifted his legs towards his chest. He caught the arrows and narrowly avoided a sword that was about to cut his legs. 

He landed on the ground, and he punched the swordsman straight at his chest. He was pushed back, and the strength behind the punch was astonishing for him. 

Jason looked around, and he heightened his senses. He threw a briefcase at Ben and repeated what Bradley had told him.

"If I go berserk, inject me with that. I know you are strong and that is why I ask this of you", he said as he looked at the swordsman.

Ben nodded his head and held it in his hands. He didn't open it and Jason now took his stance to fight against the swordsman. The man who was opposite him laughed out loud.

"You think you can fight me with just your bare hands?", he mocked Jason. Jason kept his cool, and he had his fists ready and his eyes were darting around, anticipating any attacks from around him.

He was wary of the archer, and he was sure that there was an assassin hiding somewhere around him. He was up against masters, and he was sure he would not fare against all of them.

But taking one of them with him, he was sure he could do that. He couldn't reach the archer as he didn't have that amount of exploding speed, and the nearest one to him was the swordsman. He stepped back and another man appeared.

"Head of the Military. Also a Master of Martial Arts", said Ben from behind. Jason nodded his head and put his fists up, and was moving his feet differently than a normal fighter would. The man clicked his tongue, as he could not recognize the style in which his opponent was fighting.

Jason had a smirk across his face, as he remembered something he had learned back at the Tower. "Only a very few know the different styles we Beastmen use", he remembered Bradley telling him.

He was sure that the man before him must have not seen his style, but if he is a master then he will test and feel him. He did a forward kick, and the man slid to the side. Jason didn't study many styles while he was at the Tower, and thus he couldn't identify them.

Just like how he was feeling around, the man was waiting for him to initiate the attack. When he dodged the attack, he was sure about one thing. "One attack from him, and I will end up with broken bones", he thought.

The wind he felt as he dodged was something he had never felt before. Jason was now getting frustrated, but he had his fair share of battles like these in the Tower to understand that any hasty movements will end up disadvantageous for him.

He was using Kitty style, which was a swift and nimble Beastmen Martial Art. This Martial Art depended on speed and precision. The attacks are always aimed at vital spots. 

But as he was merged with the Ape and Minotaur DNA, he had the advantage of the power in the said Martial Art. Even amongst the Beastmen, there aren't many who use the Kitty Style.

The footwork he was using was also a part of the same Martial Art, as cats have the habit of circling their prey, and confusing them from which direction their attack will be coming. 

The Kitty Style was founded on that said basis, and the attacks had a lot of Feints and luring traps in them. The Military Head took a step forward, and he had his fists right in front of his face.

He took the stance of a boxer, and he inched closer to Jason. Just when he was inches away from him, he gave a quick left jab.

Jason avoided it narrowly, and it was all thanks to his Beastman DNA. He was sure that if he was a normal human, there was no way he would have been able to dodge that punch. 

He followed it up with a right uppercut, and Jason moved his head slightly to the side. The fist grazed right past his cheek, and he felt the place turn numb just from it.

He was now on high alert, as the distance between the both of them was closed. He quickly used his knees and did a straight drive, pushing his knee towards his stomach.

Just when he thought he had connected, he felt his momentum stop. He looked down and saw both hands blocking his knee, and he was unable to push past it.

Jason immediately twisted his body and wrapped both of his arms around his neck. He pulled him down as he slammed the bridge of his nose against his shoulder as he pulled him to the floor.

There was a crack, and blood was flowing down the nose. The military head's lower face was now gushing blood, and he just blew his nose and cleared of the blood. But the thing he didn't expect was a broken nose. 

Jason, who was on the ground, quickly used his legs and wrapped them around his opponent's legs, pulling him into an ankle lock. He pulled him down to the floor, as he twisted his ankle. 

The military head was now deep in the lock, and he knew the only way to get out of this was to make him feel the same pain. He did the same, and the both of them were now on the same lock. 

The move that Jason was using was used mostly in Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. This Martial Art is composed of grapples, locks, and submission. And cats do have the same tendency too.

Since he had the DNA of a Lion, he had a very flexible body. And what the Military head was doing to him felt like nothing but a pat.

He was smiling while the opponent was losing his wits against Jason's combat prowess. he began to reassess his opponent.

"I thought he was some amateur, but it seems like he has several Martial Arts under him", he thought and decided to tap out.

"Did you forget this was a death match?", was the response he got for tapping. That was when he understood he made the mistake of taking him as a naive kid.

Jason changed his hold on him.

He was now one leg wrapped, and the other was pushing the chin upwards, making him have a steadier grip onto his oesophagus. The Military Head was choking, and his vision was fading. 

That was when he felt something around him. He quickly let go of him and shot away from the place. 

There was a blast in front of him, and smoke covered his vision. He was looking past it, and he saw six figures appear from it.

All six were standing next to each other, and they had their hands together. A pink hue was surrounding them, and they began to chant something. 

"ARES WILL BE BACK!", said the six of them, and they vanished from the place. Right when he thought that the crisis was over, he heard a transmission from Bradley. 

"You are not to leave the King and Queen and to stay by their times at all times. We have a crisis, and a plethora of enemies will come from any side at any time. Be prepared for anything", he commanded.

Jason was confused about what he was talking about, but his duties were meant to be here in the Palace. If that was what he was to do then that was what he will do. He smiled and acknowledged the orders he had received. 

He stood beside Ben and had his hands in his pockets. He was looking at Ben like he was expecting something from him. Ben just smiled and nodded his head.

He didn't have to say anything to him to make him work hard. All he needed was a single nod, and Jason was over the moon. He was now on cloud nine, and he was walking with a skip.

"I protected the King!", he thought. But when he began to think deeply about it, it dawned on him that the King wanted this to happen, and he was just watching if he should intervene when the fight got too dangerous. 

"This is going to be a long night", he muttered as he looked up to the sky.. Just as he was about to say something to Jason, he felt a vibration in his pocket. 

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